Unit8 Reading Why dont you learn to sing English songs教学设计

发布时间:2015-04-13 18:28:56


Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?

Reading: Why dont you learn to sing English songs?






为突出重点,突破难点,达到教学目标,教学设计我遵循学生的认知规律,由易到难,由浅入深,循序渐进地深化教学内容。同时针对八年级学生的特点,以及他们学习英语存在一定困难的实际情况, 遵循“教为主导,学为主体,练为主线”的教育思想,因人而导,对不同能力水平的学生给予不同的要求,从而达到英语学习的目标。




1. 知识目标:这一课的知识目标很明确,就是围绕“Why dont you learn to sing English songs?”这一话题,继续学习和巩固如何给建议和意见,懂得谈论和比较不同的东西和事物以及现在完成时态的用法,利用本课所学习的话题,把功能与语法教学紧密结合一起。

Word: enter, nearly, sang, clearly, stage, native, winner, modest, encourage, progress, suggest, besides, mention, statement...

Phrases: hear of, make progress, make friends with, In different ways, on stage, native speaker, as well as, take an interest in...

2. 能力目标:本课利用what who where why等疑问词进行提问,使学生掌握文章的主要意思,吸取信息,掌握新的知识,丰富经验,从而达到独立阅读的能力。

3. 情感目标:树立学好英语的自信心。


1. 教学重点:掌握阅读策略,达到独立阅读的能力。

2. 教学难点:如何掌握正确的阅读策略。





StepRevision and lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Listen to an English song and tell me something about yourself.

1 Do you like listening to English songs?

2 Do you like singing English songs?

3) How can singing English songs help your English?

通过一首梁静茹( Love is everything) 英语歌曲引入本课教学,起到一个热身的作用,调动学生的学习兴趣,为学习新课打下伏笔。

Step Pre-reading

Look at the title and picture, predict what well read about.

T: How many English songs can you think of? Which are your favorite songs? Can you hum it?  Make a list of your answers.

I know many students like English songs. But why do you like them? How can English songs help your English? Students will give their answers.


Step III While-reading

[Task1] Skimming

Students read by themselves. Find out the main idea of the article.

A. The singing contest.

B. The goal of the contest.

C. The fun ways to learn English.

D. The Beijing Speaking English Program.


[Task2] Scanning reading

Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Paragraph1: Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.

Paragraph2:The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.

Paragraph3:This kind of contest encourage people in China to speak English.

Paragraph4:There are many fun ways to learn English.


[Task3] Detail reading

1. Read paragraph 1,4 carefully. Find out the fun ways to learn English.

(1) Singing English songs.

(2) Watching English movies.

(3) Reading English books.

(4) Making friends with a native speaker of English.

2. Read the text and judge if the statements in 3a are true, false or not mentioned.


Step IV Post-reading

[Task4] Discussing

1.Have you ever tried improving your English using any of the ways mentioned in the reading?

Why dont you learn to sing English songs?

What about watching English movies?

How about reading English books?

You could make friends with a native speaker of English.

2.What other ways can you think of to improve your English?

Make a list in groups.


[Task5] Doing exercise

Many Chinese people are trying to ________their English in different ways. ______ English songs is one way. Singers from _______China entered a contest by singing English songs. Some of them were able to sing English songs just as well as _______ speakers. A winner said singing English songs made her more ___________in learning English. So this kind of contest ___________ people in China to speak English. And it is a good idea to have ___ with English. _______ singing English songs, there are many other fun ways to learn English, like __________ English movies and _________English books.


Step V Summary

Can you summarize? Lets have a try. Use no more than 100 words.


Step VI Homework

1. Read the text.

2. Write a summary of the reading using no more than 100 words.

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Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?

Reading: Why dont you learn to sing English songs?




Unit8 Reading Why dont you learn to sing English songs教学设计
