
发布时间:2018-11-21 14:03:35

Unit 1 Art

. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案


1. Can the man give the woman what she wants for her birthday?

A. Yes. B. No. C. Not sure.

2. What would the man’s third wish be?

A. Love. B. Good fortune. C. Three more wishes.

3. Will the woman go to the film?

A. Yes. B. No. C. Not sure.

4. Does the man understand the paintings?

A. Yes. B. No. C. Not sure.

5. What’s the lecture about?

A. Art history of the 20th Century.

B. Art history of the 19th Century.

C. Art history of the 18th Century.


6. Where did ancient Greeks use pillars?

A. In their museums. B. In their houses. C. On their temples.

7. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. The British Museum has the same style as houses in China.

B. The wife bought some clothes for the statues of ladies.

C. The man didn’t know that Greek pillars are still in use.


8. What has just been decided?

A. To make some posters.

B. To help their classmates.

C. To hold a School Art Festival.

9. Who will get together this afternoon to have a discussion?

A. The speakers and other students.

B. The man and woman.

C. Jennifer and her friend.


10. What did Xu Beihong study at university?

A. French. B. Calligraphy. C. Art.

11. Where did Xu Beihong go to study painting?

A. University of France. B. Peking University. C. Japan and other countries.

12. What was Xu Beihong’s last job?

A. Art teacher of sketches.

B. French teacher at a college.

C. Head of the art department at university.


13. Who did the speaker see practising calligraphy in a park?

A. The speaker. B. An old man. C. Mao Zedong.

14. How many styles does Chinese calligraphy have?

A. A lot. B. Few. C. Five or six.

15. What was calligraphy written on originally?

A. Paper. B. Bamboo. C. Stone.

. 单项选择,从ABCD四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子

1. I failed in the exam! If only I ________ your advice.

A. followed B. would follow

C. had followed D. would have followed

2. _________ be sent to the college there?

A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should

C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should

3. So rapid progress has he made that I decide to _________ his method of teaching English.

A. admit B. adopt C. adapt D. assist

4. Happy birthday, Alice. So you have _________ twenty already!

A. become B. turned C. grown D. spent

5. _________ money was spent on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

A. A large number of B. Quite a few

C. A large amount of D. A great many

6. If he _________ in an hour or two, I would wait for him.

A. returns B. should have returned

C. had returned D. were to return

7. _________, I wouldn’t refuse his offer.

A. Were I you B. If I could be you C. If I am you D. If I had been you

8. Tom suggested that Ann _________ the house.

A. buy B. shall buy C. bought D. will buy

9. — Did the young woman standing there _________ the company?

No. The company is _________ her father.

A. have possession of; in possession of B. in possession of; in the possession of

C. take possession of; in the possession of D. have a possession of; in possession of

10. He was found guilty of _________ murder and was sentence to death.

A. attended B. attempted C. admitted D. advised

11. Her name was on the _________ of my tongue but I couldn’t remember it.

A. top B. tip C. edge D. point

12. Only by _________ your attention ___________ what you are reading can you understand it well.

A. focus; in B. pay; to C. focusing; on D. paying; on

13. She accidentally __________ that she had quarreled with her husband and that he had not been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out  B. broke out C. gave out   D. made out

14. — We had thought that our experiment would succeed, but something went wrong at the last minute.

_________, but don’t give up. Try again.

A. It doesn’t matter B. Find out the reason

C. Never mind D. I’m sorry to hear that

15. Ann, ________ university student from America, taught me ________ maths in her spare time last year.

A. an; / B. a; the C. a; / D. an; the

. 根据所给句子的意思完成新句子

1Charlie Brown doesn’t have enough friends. He feels lonely.

If Charlie Brown had enough friends, ___________________________________________ .

2If Pigpen took enough baths, he wouldn’t be so smelly.

We know the fact that ________________________________________________________.

3I wish I were a princess.

The fact is that _____________________________________________________________.

4I didn’t have time to read bedtime stories to my children.

How I wish I _____________________________________________________________!

5― I wonder why I am so tired tonight.

― Well, it’s high time you ___________________________________________________.

. 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语

1.弗兰克曾经试图与他的初中同学取得联系,但是最终没有成功。(attempt, end in)


2你能更具体地说说你在找的东西吗?(be specific about)


3他本人看起来要比照片中高。(in the flesh)






. 完形填空

Disabled painters

It is not so long ago that people assumed that if a person was not able-bodied, then they had no skills or talents. But the 1 of Christy Brown, a painter, poet and writer, and of Lo Pui Yung, a painter and business woman have proved them 2 .

Christy was born with a mental 3 that meant he could only move his left 4 but his mother was determined to help him. 5 he was unable to go to school, she taught him to read and write. He taught 6 to use a paintbrush and a pen so that he was able to both paint and write. In 1970 Christy Brown wrote “My Left Foot” about his life and his battle for recognition both as a painter and writer. It made him very 7 .

In China, too, there are some successful disabled painters. Lo Pui Yung was born without arms but this has not prevented her from 8 a successful life for herself. She 9 with her feet and has 10 her works in three galleries. Lo was 11 than Christy because she became a scholar 12 under a private art teacher, Katie Chan. Ms Chan gave Lo lessons for fourteen years and 13 to get her money from an international 14 that helps disabled painters. Now Lo has her own graphic design company and also paints pictures that sell privately.

Reading these stories of Christy Brown and Lo Pui Yung’s determination and their abilities, it seems ridiculous to classify people’s talents 15 their physical health.

1. A. reputation B. experience C. stories D. events

2. A. right B. wrong C. realistic D. typical

3. A. problem B. question C. faith D. preference

4. A. hand B. head C. leg D. foot

5. A. Although B. Even if C. When D. If

6. A. her B. it C. herself D. himself

7. A. healthy B. excited C. famous D. fragrant

8. A. asking B. making C. displaying D. hoping

9. A. learns B. paints C. uses D. predicts

10. A. aimed B. adopted C. exhibited D. appealed

11. A. luckier B. better C. greater D. healthier

12. A. studying B. attempting C. carving D. relying

13. A. taught B. helped C. asked D. confirmed

14. A. exhibition B. possession C. organization D. civilization

15. A. as for B. in addition to C. rather than D. according to

. 阅读理解


Ever since its completion in 1962, the China National Museum of Fine Art has been the largest and most well-respected gallery of fine art in China. The museum was one of ten key projects that were completed within the first ten years after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

The National Museum today lies on grounds covering 30, 000 square metres; the buildings themselves cover over 17, 000 square metres of that space. The exhibition halls account for more than one third of the buildings’ area, covering about 6, 000 square metres. The museum was built in the style of ancient pavilions, with beautiful corridors and buildings decorated by yellow glazed tiles.

The museum is dedicated to the collection, preservation and display of both modern and contemporary works of art, as well as to art research. It is currently home to a collection of more than 60, 000 works of art, both those on display for public viewing and those in carefully preserved archives. The museum’s archives contain not only works of art but also historical documents. The museum frequently compiles and publishes albums drawn from its vast collections. In addition to its main functions, the museum is also involved in the organization of art exhibitions and academic exchanges, both nationally and abroad.

1. What does the museum focus on?

A. Exhibition. B. Collection. C. Research. D. All of the above.

2. The underlined word archives is closest in meaning to ________.

A. a place B. store C. saved materials D. survive

3. Where would you probably not find this passage?

A. In a newspaper. B. In an advertisement.

C. In a magazine. D. In an art book.

4. What can be inferred from the passage about the museum’s main role?

A. The museum is mostly concerned with preserving traditional Chinese culture.

B. It plays an important role in the preservation and transmission of Chinese culture.

C. It promotes cultural communication between China and other countries.

D. It attracts people who love Chinese art from home and abroad.


Xu Beihong (18951953), most well-known for his Chinese paintings of horses and birds, is considered a pioneer of modern Chinese art by art historians.

The largest exhibition to honour this master painter opened in March 2009 at Yanhuang Art Museum in Beijing and it attracted a great number of visitors of different ages. More than 80 of Xu Beihong’s signature sketches (署名速写)ink and oil paintings were displayed. The most interesting works included Xu’s ink paintings with historical themes like Yu Gong Moves the Mountain and Galloping Horses, his oil works like Lady with a Flute and his early pencil sketches.

Born into an artistic family in 1895, Xu began studying Chinese classic works (古典作品) and calligraphy (书法) with his father Xu Dazhang when he was six and Chinese painting, when he was nine. In 1915, he moved to Shanghai, where he was inspired by the scholar and political reformer Kang Youwei and felt the need to introduce Western practices and ideas into Chinese art. In 1917 he went to Tokyo to study art. Two years later he travelled around Western Europe and studied oil painting and drawing. After five years of study and technical perfection, he completed the works Man and Horse, News from Afar and others. In 1927, nine of his works were selected for an exhibition in France and won high praise. The same year he returned to China and founded the Nanguo Fine Arts Academy to teach young artists. After moving to Nanjing in 1928, he began working on his large oil painting, Tian Heng and His 500 Warriors, which was finished in 1930In 1933, Xu organized an exhibition of modern Chinese painting that travelled to European countries. During World War II, Xu travelled to Southeast Asia, holding exhibitions in Singapore and India. All the proceeds from these exhibitions went to Chinese people who were suffering as a result of the war. After the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Xu became president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and chairman of the Chinese Artists’ Association. After he died in 1953, a Xu Beihong museum was set up at his home in Beijing.

Xu Beihong was a master of both oils and Chinese ink. Most of his works, however, were in the Chinese traditional style. In his efforts to create a new form of national art, he combined Chinese brush and ink techniques with Western perspective and methods of composition. Among all of the painters of the modern era, Xu is often regarded as the one painter most responsible for the direction taken in the modern Chinese art world.

5. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A painter of horses.

B. A pioneer of modern art.

C. A master painter in Chinese art history.

D. Xu Beihong’s artworks.

6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. In 1919 Xu Beihong went abroad to study oil painting.

B. Xu Beihong painted not only animals, but also portraits of people.

C. All of Xu Beihong’s works were painted with Chinese brush and ink.

D. Xu Beihong succeeded in seeking a solution between Western art and Chinese art.

7. What does the italised word proceeds in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. Money. B. Donations. C. Paintings. D. Tickets.

8. The passage is most likely to be found in ________.

A. a news report B. an advertisement

C. an encyclopedia D. a tourist’s guidebook

. 书面表达

You are a Chinese middle school student. An American exchange student named Jack is visiting you over the summer holiday. You invite Jack to visit an exhibition of Chinese paintings in the gallery in your city, but Jack doesn’t want to go. He doesn’t know how to appreciate and understand Chinese paintings, so he doesn’t think he will enjoy them. Write an email to persuade him to go with you. You can use the information above, your knowledge about Chinese paintings and any other reasons you can think of.

















. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案


Text 1

M: Judy, what do you want for your birthday?

W: Hmm... the Mona Lisa!

M: Oh dear, I wish I could afford it.

W: Hey, don’t get serious. I was joking!

Text 2

W: If you could have any three wishes you liked, what would you wish for?

M: That’s a ridiculous question!

W: Come on, tell me ...

M: Well ... I would wish for good fortune, for love, and ...

W: And what?

M: Another three wishes!

Text 3

M: Hi, Jessica. Have you seen the movie The Da Vinci Code?

W: Oh, I’ve heard about it. It’s a controversial movie, but I haven’t seen it yet. The tickets were sold out.

M: Well, I have an extra ticket for the show tonight. Do you want to come?

W: You’re so kind! I really would like to go but I have to prepare my presentation for tomorrow morning, so ... next time?

Text 4

M: I wish I could understand these paintings. What can you get from a mixture of colours and crazy lines?

W: Stop being silly. We are enjoying art.

M: I can see why this is called “abstract”.

W: Hush ...

Text 5

M: Joan, will you go to tomorrow’s lecture?

W: What is it about?

M: Art History of the 18th Century.

W: Hmm ... sounds interesting.

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C


Text 6

W: Did you know that the ancient Greeks invented pillars for their important buildings?

M: I suppose I did. I know they had them on temples and in the city centres.

W: Yes, but did you know that they are still used today?

M: Really? I don’t believe you!

W: Well, important buildings in London such as the British Museum have Greek pillars and I even saw a Chinese family living in a house with pillars and statues.

M: Now you’re pulling my leg! You must be joking.

W: No, it’s true. And what’s more, the wife didn’t like the statues of ladies without clothes on, so she put clothes on them.

M: Well, I never. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.

W: Yes, some true things are really unbelievable.

6. C 7. C


Text 7

M: What are you doing, Jennifer?

W: I’m thinking about how to tell people about our School Art Festival.

M: When’s that? I didn’t know anything about it.

W: It’s only just been decided. How do you think we can help?

M: What about making some posters? You know, some of our classmates are really good at art and design.

W: That’s a great idea. What should we do first?

M: Well, let’s get the others together this afternoon and discuss it further.

W: Good idea. See you then.

8. C 9. A


Text 8

W: Do you think artists are born or made?

M: What do you mean?

W: I mean, are they born with the ability to paint or do they learn it?

M: Well, I know one Chinese painter who was born to paint. His name is Xu Beihong and he didn’t study art till after he left university. He learned painting and calligraphy from his father but he studied French at university.

W: Why did he do that?

M: I don’t know but he certainly never worked using his French. While he was at college he sold paintings and sketches. Then he went abroad to study painting in Japan and Western countries. He only ever worked in the art departments of universities and his last job was as Head of the Art Department at Peking University. I think he was born to paint, don’t you?

W: Yes, I think you are right.

10. A 11. C 12. C


Text 9

I have always been interested in Chinese calligraphy ever since I saw an old man practising it on the stones of a park and using a large brush and water. It seemed a little strange for me. After all, nobody in the West would practise their handwriting on the ground in a park. It just isn’t done!

Once I became interested I tried to find out more about Chinese calligraphy. I found there were many styles and that some were considered better than others. There is even a Chinese saying that your handwriting reveals your character. Mao Zedong wrote in what was considered a very beautiful style. People said it showed that he had a sensitive poetic soul and made wise decisions. Originally calligraphy was written on stone, later on bamboo “books” and later still on paper. So it is clearly important to learn to write well.

13. B 14. A 15. C

. 单项选择,从ABCD四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子

1. C

解析:本题考查的是虚拟语气中if only的用法。意为“如果当时我听你的劝告就好了。”指的是过去的情况因此动词用过去完成时

2. A

解析:本题难度较大。考查了do you suggest作为插入语时的用法。首先,插入语必须放在主语和谓语之间,可排除CD两个选项。其次,插入语去掉以后不影响句子成分。B选项在去掉do you suggest以后变为:Who that should be 明显是错误的句型。而A选项则是省略了should,这是允许的。因此选A

3. B


4. B


5. C


6. D

解析:in an hour or two表明这是一个与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。在这种情况下,if条件句中的谓语动词有三可能的形式:第一为过去式,此题选项中无相关用法;第二为should do,也没有第三则为were to do。因此选D

7. A

解析:该题考查的是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。原句为if I were you本题中无相关选项。而A选项则是省略了if的形式。因此A

8. A

解析:suggest作为建议”讲时,所跟从句的谓语动词需为should do,而should可以省略。

9. C

解析:take possession of意为拥有掌管这里动词take 强调动作,不能由have来取代。而第二个空由于主语为物,因此需在词组中加the,表示在某人的掌管之下。用法同“charge”。

10. B


11. B

解析:题意为“她的名字已经到嘴边了,却仍然想不起来。sth be on the tip of one’s tongue的用法符合此意

12. C


13. A

解析:题意为“她不小心说漏了嘴,说出了之前和丈夫吵架然后几个礼拜没回家的事 情。”四个选项中,只有let out符合句义break out爆发”;give out分发用完”;make out“听认)出来”

14. D


15. C


. 根据所给句子的意思完成新句子

1he wouldn’t feel lonely

2Pigpen doesn’t take enough baths and he is smelly

3I am not a princess

4I had had time to read bedtime stories to my children

5went to bed

. 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语

1Frank once attempted to get in touch with his junior high school classmates, but ended in failure.

2Could you be more specific about what you’re looking for?

3He seems taller in the flesh than he is in the picture.

4Poor as they are, they possess many noble qualities.

5Three score of those people wanted to fly there.

. 完形填空

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. D

本篇完形填空介绍的是两个残疾人的故事,Christy Brown天生只有左脚能动,但是他最后成为画家和作家,所撰写的《我的左脚》描写了他成功的人生。另一个残疾人画家Lo Pui Yung,她出生时就没有手臂,但是学会了用脚作画,并获得巨大成功。本篇文章及选项难度不大,易错题有下面几个:

4. 解析:正确答案为foot此空的答案来自于第二段的倒数第二句话In 1970 wrote My Left Footabout his life ,这是完形填空设题的一种方式:有的答案依据本句话,有的依据上下文,有的则需要看完整个段落或是全文才能获得。因此,在做完形填空试题时,要学会既“瞻前”又“顾后”。

9. 解析:正确答案为paints。在意义上干扰性最强的选项是uses,但是空格之后的with her feet表明此空应为一个不及物动词,再根据后半句的exhibited her works in three galleries可确定最佳选项为 paints

12. 解析:正确答案为studying。本空的答题障碍主要在于是否能理解 scholar 一词,本意为“学者”,但还可表示“学生;学习者”之意,根据空格之后的under a private art teacher可以选定空格的含义应为“学习”studying 动词-ing形式作后置定语,相当于定语从句who studied under a private art teacher

14. 解析:正确答案为organization。根据本空的前半句helped to get her money from an international 以及后半句 that helps disabled painters 中可知此句意为“帮助她从一个专门帮助残疾人画家的……获得了资金”,可以提供资金援助的应该是某种组织或机构,因此可以确定此空应为“国际组织”:international organization

. 阅读理解

1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B

5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A

. 书面表达

One possible version:

Dear Jack,

I just saw an advertisement for a special free exhibition of Chinese art at the Beijing International Exhibition Centre. It’s not far from your hotel, so I suggest that after dinner we could walk there and you could get to know a little about Chinese art. The exhibition has been organized especially for the Olympic Games in Beijing so there are some volunteers to help explain the art to visitors. In front of the centre there is a club where many people from around the world often gather together to talk about art. After we go to the exhibition, we could go there for a cup of coffee, get to know a little more about art around the world and maybe make friends. I hope it will be a special experience for us. I’m looking forward to it, since I really don’t know much about Chinese art myself, except that there are four basic kinds of Chinese paintings: figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, and folklore. So you see you don’t have to worry that you’re not familiar with Chinese art. That doesn’t mean you can’t understand pictures remember, art crosses cultures! I hope you’ll join me at the exhibition and experience some of China’s great art on your last day in China. I’m sure you’ll find it’s worth the time.



