

1. better, improvestrengthen, increase, enhance 改善、提高;adj.有好转的、更好的
2. branch, division, subsidiary, sector, department, faculty 树枝、分条;分支、分科、分系
3. plentiful, abundant, rich, enormous, a great deal , a number of, plenty of, a great number of, numerous, lots of, much, many 丰富的、大量的
4. abandon, give up, quit, drop, resign, throw away, desert 遗弃、丢弃
5. abide by, stick to, follow, obey, adhere to, observe, comply with, accord with, coincide with 遵守、信守
6. abnormal, unusual, unique, uncommon, unconventional, out of the way 反常的、异常的;变态的
7. abrupt, sudden, unexpected, unforeseen 突然的,意外的
8. accelerate, step up, speed up, hasten, quicken, hurry 使加快、使增速
9. acceptably, satisfactorily, sufficient to meet the requirement 可以接受地
10. acclaim, hail, regard, consider, think of 向….欢呼; n 热烈欢迎或赞同
11. takeinto account, takeinto consideration, consider, think about 把….考虑在
12. account for, explain, interpret, clarify, define, outline 说明、解释….的原因
13. accumulate collect, assemble, gather, build up, pile up 堆积、积累
14. aircraft, planes 飞机、飞行器
15. alleviate, lessen, lighten, soften, 减轻、缓解、缓和
16. allocateto, assignto, sendto, transmitto, dispatch.to 分配、分派

17. allocate, distribute 分配、分发、把…拨给
18. allow, permit, admit, grant, consent, let 允许、许可、承认
19. almost, practically, nearly, approximately 几乎、差不多
20. although, while, though 尽管、虽然;但是、然而
21. annoying, irritating, upsetting, troublesome 恼人的、讨厌的
22. argue, contend, dispute, conflict, persuade, reason 争论、辩论
23. arise, get up, stand up ...而引起,由...而产生
24. arouse, excite, cause, agitate, awaken, stimulate, awaken 唤醒
25. assemble, gather, collect, accumulate, store up 集合, 收集
26. assert, state firmly, say formally, declare, announce 声称, 断言
27. assume, postulate, suppose, takefor grated 假设, 臆断, 猜想
28. at any price, for love or money, at any rate, whatever it may be, at any risk 惜任何代价
29. at stake, in danger, dangerous 在危险中
30. attend to, wait on, serve 注意; 听取; 致力于
31. attraction, lure, desirability, tempt, charm 吸引, 吸引力, 诱惑力
32. authentically, genuinely, truly 确实地,真正地
33. ban, forbid, not allow, prohibit, deter, disallow 取缔, 查封, 禁止
34. bare, barren, infertile, lean, naked, uncovered, exposed 使赤裸, 使露出, 使暴露; adj. 光秃秃的, 无遮蔽的
35. bearing, influence, effect, impact, affect, 结果, 效果, 影响
36. beat, break, win, triumph, surpass, hit, blow 跳动, 打败
37. before, prior to, earlier than, previous to在…前面; 优于, 先于;
38. broaden, widen, extend, expand使…变宽, 扩展
39. call off, cancel, terminate, stop, erase, wipe out, cease 取消; 停止
40. call up, telephone 打电话
41. careful, conscientious, cautious, watchful, alert, prudent 仔细的, 小心的
42. cater forneed, meet . need, satisfy.need, accord withneed, comply with.need, in harmony with.need迎合…需要
43. census, count, poll, survey, investigation人口普查, 统计
44. certain, inevitable, sure, unavoidable, definite, with no question, no doubt , 肯定
45. change, convert, alter, modify, adjust, vary, revise, diversify 改变, 改换; 变化
46. childish, immature, naïve, juvenile, childlike, babyish, silly 孩子的, 孩子气的
47. china, porcelain瓷器
48. collaborate, cooperate, work together, join forces, work in joint efforts合作
49. collide with, run into, hit, bump into, come into, contact into与…相撞
50. compactly, densely, tightly, closely, intimately细密地,简洁地
51. compelto, force to, drive to, impel into, obligeinto 强迫
52. complain, feel unhappy, find fault, criticize, protest, grumble抱怨, 诉苦; 投诉
53. comprehend, understand, know well, figure out, grasp理解, 领会
54. confidential, secret, not to be disclosed, private秘密的, 机密的
55. consolidate, strengthen, reinforce, enhance, intensify, make stronger, build up(使巩固; (使加强
56. contaminate, pollute, dirt, spoil, makedirt, litter, corrupt, poison把…弄脏, 污染
57. continuously, steadily, stably, constantly, uninterruptedly, always不断地,连续

58. conventional, orthodox, traditional, conservative, common依照惯例的, 约定俗成的, 依照传统的
59. copy, duplicate, photocopy, reproduce复制本, 副本; v复制; 抄写
60. coverage, reportage新闻报道, 报道量
61. criticize, find fault with, blame, scold, disapprove of评论, 批评
62. cultivate, foster, train, bring up, nurture, develop, grow, plant, promote 耕作, 种植 培养
63. cure, remedy, compensate, heal, treat, make well, restore to health, alleviate治愈, 治好
64. damaging, harmful, bad, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, hurtful, unsafe, dangerous, risky有破坏性的,损害的,诽谤的
65. danger, distress, hazard, risk, peril, threat危险, 风险
66. danger, hazard危险, 风险
67. deadly, fatal, lethal, toxic, poisonous致死的, 致命的
68. decent, honest, loyal, respectable, well-mannered, well-brought-up, civilized, sincere, dignified正派的, 合乎礼仪的, 得体的
69. decide, make up ones mind, choose, determined下决心; (使决定
70. deduce, derive, draw, come to, reach, work out, figure out推论, 演绎
71. deliberately, intentionally, on purpose, with intent, consciously, by design, purposely故意地
72. demand, insist on, claim, require, order要求,需要
73. depend on, rely on, count on, live on依赖, 依靠
74. depict, describe, write, portray, draw, illustrate, give a picture to描绘; 描画
75. deter, inhibit, stop, prevent, hold back, check, discourage, forbid阻止; 制止
dimly, faintly, weakly, softly, mildly微暗,朦胧
77. disappear, vanish, die away, fade away, dissolve不见, 消失
78. discuss, talk over, negotiate, chat about, argue about谈论, 讨论; 商量, 论述
79. doctor, physician, surgeon医生, 大夫
80. draft, formulate, design, outline, sketch草稿, 草案, 草图
81. die out, extinct, kill out, destruct, destroy绝迹, 消失
82. effect, result, consequence, outcome, end product结果, 效果, 影响
83. elicit, provoke, cause, induce, result in, lead to, arouse引出, 探出
84. be eligible to, be entitled to, give right to, be qualified for符合条件的
85. encourage, spur, excite, promote, inspire, support, push, give confidence to, persuade鼓励, 激励, 86. endeavor, try, attempt, manage, make efforts尝试,
87. especially, particularly, for the most part, mainly, chiefly, mostly尤其, 特别
88. eternal, everlasting, lasting, timeless, immutable, never-ending, ceaseless, perpetual, continuous永恒的, 永久的
89. exhibit, show, illustrate, represent, display, demonstrate, put on display 陈列; 展览
90. explore, investigate, look into, search, survey, probe, hunt 勘查, 探测, 勘探
91. explore, probe, see about, review探索; 探究; 92. extensive, massive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, broad, widespread, general广阔, 广泛的; 93. extract, take out, pull out, draw, dig out, remove, mine拔出, 抽出
94. fail, omit to, not succeed失败, 不足, 95. fascinate, intrigue, attract, interest, charm, lure使着迷, 使极感兴趣
final, last, concluding, ultimate, terminal最后的, 最终的
97. framework, skeleton, outline, profile, structure, plan构架; 结构
98. frighten, scare, startle, terrify, panic, (使惊恐
99. fulfill, realize, achieve, accomplish, complete, carry out, perform, finish履行,实现,完成(计划
100. gain, put on, increase, obtain, get, add, acquire, earn, make progress获得,
101. gangster, violent criminal, criminal匪徒, 歹徒
102. gently, mildly, softly, lightly, smoothly温和地, 慈祥地, 温柔地, 轻轻地
103. grasp, take hold of, seize, catch hold of, fasten, grip, clutch, grab抓住, 抓紧
104. hard, severe, appalling, tough, serious, strong, rough硬的, 坚实的, 坚固的
105. harness, utilize, apply, use, exploit, employ利用, 使用
106. healthy, wholesome, vigorous, fit, in good physical shape, well, strong健康的, 壮的
107. immediately, right away, instant, without delay, at once立即, 马上
108. imprecise, vague, unclear, inexact, inaccurate, rough, indefinite不精确的, 不确定的
109. inadequately, poorly, insufficient, unenough, improperly, incomplete 不适当地
110. isolated, solitary, lone, cut-off孤立的, 单独的
111. know, realize, learn, be informed, understand, comprehend, become conscious, take in知道, 懂得; 认识, 了解, 熟悉
112. lately, recently, in recent times, these days, a moment ago近来, 最近, 不久前
113. laugh at, mock, sneer at, ridicule, scoff at, make fun of因…而发笑; 嘲笑, 取笑
114. lawful, legal, officially recognized, officially accepted合法的, 法定的, 依法的
115. limited number of, small number of, a few不多的、很少的

116. location, scene, position, site, spot, situation位置, 场所
117. look for, try to find, search for 寻找(某人或某物
118. manual, physical, labor-intensive, blue-collar, artificial用手的, 手工的; n手册, 指南
119. mighty, very strong, powerful, forceful强有力的, 强大的
120. motive, reason, excuse, explanation, cause, basis动机, 目的
121. notably, particularly, remarkably, especially显而易见地; 明显地
122. now and then, occasionally, sometimes, on some occasions, infrequently, not always有时, 时而, 不时
123. occupant, resident, inhabitant (房屋等的居住者, 占有人
124. outcome, result, effect, consequence结果
125. outrageous, unacceptable, unbearable, unstandable, intolerable, unendurable, impossible, insufferable骇人的; 残暴的; 无耻的; 不道德的
126. phase, stage, step, part阶段, 时期
127. planner, principal organizer, schemer, plotter规划者, 策划人
128. polish, shine, brighten, clean, enrich, fatten up(使光滑, 擦亮
129. pressing, urgent, hot, vital, critical, main, imperative紧迫的; 迫切的
130. propose, suggest, recommend, advocate, put forward提议; 建议
131. put up with, tolerate, bear, stand, endure, suffer忍受, 容忍
132. rarely, seldom, barely, little, hardly, infrequently不常, 很少地, 难得地
133. readily, willingly, eagerly, happily, gladly, with pleasure, enthusiastically意地,欣然,容易地
134. regardless of, whatever, no matter what, whatsoever不管, 不顾
135. regret, sorry, pity, disappointed, unhappy, apologetic 懊悔, 惋惜, 遗憾的

136. remainder, rest, leftover, whats left剩余物; 残余部分
137. remove, take off, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, eradicate, confiscate, take away, dispose of移走; 排除
138. safe, secure, harmless, protected安全的; 不会有危险的; 不受威胁的; 受保护的
139. settle, solve, handle, deal with, treat, resolve, clear up安排; 安放; 安家,
140. shake, tremble, shiver, quiver, vibrate, quake摇动, 震动, 颠簸; 141. shock, surprise, amaze, astonish, startle, astound震动; v激动, 震惊
142. speed, velocity, pace, race, rapidness, tempo, rate速度, 速率
143. summit, top of the mountain, peak, high point (山等的最高点; 峰顶
144. test, try, attempt, endeavor, evaluate, experiment测验, 考查, 检查, 检验
145. stationary, not moving, still, motionless, immobile, stable, fixed不动的; 静止
146. account for, explain, interpret, define, make clear, clarify, give details说明〔解释〕…原因
147. minute, slight, minor, small, tiny, undersized, miniature, unimportant较小的, 少的
148. disorder, confusion, mess, chaos, turmoil困惑, 糊涂
149. accuse of, charge with, blame, lay blame on指责, 控告
150. investigate, look into, probe, make clear, explore, survey调查; 审查
151. numerous, many, a great number of, plentiful, plenty of, lots of 很多的, 许多的
152. obvious, clear, seen easily, evident, noticeable, apparent, understandable, observable明显的; 显而易见的
153. odd, strange, peculiar, extraordinary奇怪的; 古怪的/单的/奇数的/临时的/余下的; 零头的
participate in, take part in, join in, involve oneself in参加
155. preserve, keep, sustain, maintain, retain, save保护/维持
156. previously, before, in the past, earlier, formerly先前,以前
157. pull up, stop, discontinue, bring to an end, cease(使停下(
158. perceive, notice, observe, detect, feel, sense感觉, 察觉, 理解
159. possess, own, have 具有
160. substantial, significant, important, vital, critical, key, major, main, striking重要的, 重大的, 可观的
161. appalling, dreadful, fearful, bad, dismay, terrible 骇人听闻的/极糟的, 很严重的
162. anyhow, anyway, in any case, in any way, nevertheless不管怎样说, 无论如何, 至少
163. achieve, attain, realize, come true, fulfill, accomplish, reach取得, 获得/实现, 达到, 完成
164. capability, ability, responsibility, potential, qualification, competence能做某事的素质; 能力
165. in conjunction with, together, in combination with, mutually, jointly与…协力
166. credible, convincing, believable, trustworthy, persuasive, reliable 可信的, 可靠的
167. diligent, hardworking, laborious, studious, industrious勤奋的, 勤勉的
168. diverse, varied, various, different, miscellaneous, dissimilar 不同的, 多种多样
169. faulty, wrong, false, improper, inaccurate, mistaken, incorrect, erroneous有错误的, 有缺点的; 出毛病的
170. gorgeous, lovely, beautiful, attractive, pretty, good-looking, striking极好的, 心的/非常漂亮的, 华美的
171. persist, continue, last, keep on persevere, carry on坚持, 固执
regulate, control, dominate, adjust控制, 管理/调整; 调节
173. scatter, separate, part, take apart, break up, disperse, distribute (使散开, (使分散; 驱散
174. standpoint, point of view, view point, position立场; 观点
175. touching, moving, stirring, emotive 令人同情的, 感人的, 动人的
176. shabby, unfair, worn out, ragged, untidy, unreasonable, unjust, inequitable衣衫褴褛的/卑鄙的; 下流的
177. uneasy, anxious, unpleasant, nervous, worried心神不安的/不稳定的
178. demolish, pull down, destroy, do away with, tear down, dismantle, remove, get rid of, knock down, eliminate摧毁; 推翻; 拆毁(尤指大建筑物
179. adverse, unfavorable, harmful, unfriendly, opposite, unpleasant, undesirable利的, 有害的
180. concise, short and clear, brief简明的
181. courteous, respectful, polite, well-mannered, considerate彬彬有礼的; 客气的
182. invaluable, extremely useful, precious, priceless, important, significant, helpful无法估计的, 非常宝贵的
183. insane, crazy, mad, wild, extreme(精神病的, 精神失常的, 疯狂的
184. exhaustive, extremely thorough, comprehensive全面的, 彻底的, 透彻的
185. ingenious, brilliant, clever, creative, innovative灵巧的, 善于创造发明的
186. eligible, qualified, experienced, capable, competent有资格当选的, 有条件被选中
187. vigorous, healthy, energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic精力充沛的
188. abide by, adhere to, follow, stick to, pursue, go after遵守, 信守
189. without bias, correctly, properly, acceptably, fittingly无偏异/没有偏见
190. terminate, put an end to, come to an end, stop, end, finish, be over, conclude, cease结束; 使终结

191. call, phone, call up;通电话
192. space, room, freedom, gap, liberty处所, 场地, 空地/太空; 天空
193. at once, immediately, right away, straight away, without delay, instantly, instantaneously立刻
194. identify, name, see, make out, recognize, spot认出, 识别
195. occur, happen, take place, arise, come about发生; 举行; 存在
196. complete, finish, get, attain, accomplish, realize, reach完成, 结束,得到
197. eventually, finally, ultimately, at last, in the end, terminally 终于, 最后
198. conversation, talk, chat, discussion, dialogue, idea exchange交谈, 谈话, 会话
199. attend, go to, be present at参加
200. make up ones mind, decide, determine, resolute, choose下决心/打定主意
201. take into account, take into consideration重视,考虑
202. put up with, tolerate, stand, bear, endure, accept, 忍受, 容忍
203. give up, abandon, desert, discard, neglect, resign, drop, throw away, desert; 认输; 猜不出
204. seldom, rarely, hardly, not often, infrequently, barely很少, 罕见, 难得
205. immense, enormous, huge, vast, gigantic, massive, giant, dramatic极大的, 巨大的
206. accumulate, build up, collect, gather堆积; 积累
207. overtake, pass, surpass, go beyond, go past追上, 赶上, 超过
208. advisable, wise, suitable, sensible, worthwhile, prudent明智的; 可取的
209. puzzle, mystery, ambiguity, secrecy, dilemma 使迷惑, 使难解
210. exhibit, show, display, reveal, demonstrate, put on view, put on display陈列;

211. eternal, ever-lasting, unending, never-ending, perpetual, endless, ceaseless, timeless永恒的, 永久的
212. depict, describe, tell in detail, give details, illustrate, explain描绘; 描画/描述
213. operative, working, functioning, effective, active (计划、法律等实施中的, 起作用的/最适合的
214. wreck, damage, ruin, break down, smash, destroy, spoil, demolish毁坏[毁灭]某物
215. embody, include, contain, comprise, consist of表现, 象征, 具体表现/包括; 包含
216. obscure, prevent, hide, cover, bury, mask, stop, avoid阻止
217. restrain, prevent, hold back, control, check, bring under control抑制, 遏制; , 克制, 约束
218. sensational, exciting, thrilling, breathtaking, marvelous, striking, magnificent轰动的, 群情激动的/耸人听闻的/极好的; 绝妙的
219 stroll, walk, leisurely walk, wander, stride, pace 散步, 漫步 220. pressing, urgent, compelling, essential, important, vital, driving, necessary, imperative 紧急的,重要的
221. cater for, meet, satisfy, comply with, accord with, 迎合,满足 222. collide with, run into, bump, clash 碰撞 223. compel, force, make, require 强迫
224. deduct, derive, subtract, withdraw 演绎 225. lethal, fatal, deadly, vital 致命的

