第二十组 1阅读理解+1语法填空+1应用文写作+1读后续写

发布时间:2020-02-11 14:52:11

第二十组 1阅读理解+1语法填空+1应用文写作+1读后续写



Much of the islandBorneois the tropical rainforest.It’s the world’s third largest island.

I once lived on Borneo for a while with my family and it was joyful to see many wild animals visit my backyard.ActuallyI should say that it was I who was the visitor.

During the first weekI found a clutch of eggs under our bamboo trees.I was told they were the eggs of a black spitting cobra(射毒眼镜蛇)The snake is common in the area.Poison from its bite can kill a person in one to six hours.

My husband and I and our three children thought of many ways to be on the lookoutespecially when we stepped into the yard.We even made up a songwhich wentCobracobraare you there? Please don’t fall onto my hair.

One afternoonwe saw the cobra the first time.Our friends and our family had just finished our lunchand a few of us were chatting when one of the guests saw the cobra.She was on a branch of a palm treeless than ten feet from where we were chatting.Everyone came out to see herand chairs were arranged as if for a concert.The cobra lay still.Only through a pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜) could we see her breathing.She seemed to enjoy all the attention.We were surprised by her beauty.

LaterI realized that a cobra would naturally stay near the palm tree.Its coconuts(椰子) are a rich source of food for mice and squirrelsand therefore the tree was a great place for a cobra.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者在婆罗洲居住期间,院子里有一条射毒眼镜蛇和它的一窝蛇蛋,他们能和平相处吗?

1What did the author mean by saying she was the visitor?

AShe was amazed at the number of wild animals.

BShe was not familiar with the wild animals.

CShe was frightened of the animals.

DShe was not a local person.

答案 A [细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,作者在院子里能邂逅许多野生动物,那里好像是它们的家,自己反而像访客。]

2Why did the author’s family create a song?

ATo amuse the cobra.

BTo remind themselves.

CTo prepare for a concert.

DTo entertain their friends.

答案 B [细节理解题。根据文章第四段的My husband and I..we stepped into the yard.可知,因为射毒眼镜蛇有剧毒,作者一家想出各种办法来提醒家人要小心,后来甚至还编了一首歌来互相提醒。]

3Why does a cobra like staying near a palm tree?

AThe tree gives cool shade.

BIt’s a perfect place to hide.

CIt’s a good hunting ground.

DThe tree offers it coconuts.

答案 C [推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,椰子能吸引来老鼠、松鼠等小动物,这样方便射毒眼镜蛇捕食。]


(2019·杭二中高三质检)As kids reach adolescencethey often face increasing workloads and responsibilities but school still starts early.As a resultit 1.________(report) that 80 to 90 percent of teens don’t get enough sleep.This sleep 2.________(lose) causes kids to suffer mentally and physically.But too much sleep also has its problems.According to Andrew Fulignia sleep doctor in a famous hospital3.________ studies the mental health of adolescentssleeping less than eight hours 4.________ more than ten can make teenagers feel worse the next day.

5________(help) teens get enough sleepsome schools have already made school start later.They have found that the later times let kids sleep more.They also have seen 6.________(high) test scores and better graduation rates.Howeverthis isn’t enough.Meanwhileteenagers have to help 7.________(they)Fuligni suggests teens sleep 8.________ 10 hours each night for a week or two.This will help them figure out how much sleep they need.Howeversleeping more on weekends 9.________(be) not a good idea to compensate for missing sleep during the week.Fuligni warns that getting different 10.________(amount) of sleep each night can be bad for mental health.

【语篇解读】 本文为科普文。本文讲述的是关于青少年的睡眠问题。睡眠在青少年的成长中很重要。随着孩子们进入青春期,他们经常面临越来越多的工作负担和责任,但学校仍然很早就开始上课。结果是,有80%90%的青少年没有得到足够的睡眠。

1is reported [句意:结果是,据报道有80%90%的青少年没有得到足够的睡眠。固定句式:It is reported that...据报道……,故答案为is reported]

2loss [句意:这种睡眠不足会让孩子们在精神上和身体上遭受痛苦。句子缺少主语,所以此处应该用名词形式作主语,故填loss]

3who [本句中的a sleep doctor是先行词,指人,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,所以要用关系代词who]

4or [句意:睡眠时间少于8小时或超过10小时可能会让青少年第二天的情况变得更糟。根据语意可知填or]

5To help [句意:为了帮助青少年获得充足的睡眠,一些学校已经开始了晚点上学。此处是动词不定式作目的状语。故答案为To help]

6higher [句意:他们也看到了考试成绩更高了和毕业率更理想了。根据后面的better,可知此空用比较级,故答案为higher]

7themselves [句意:与此同时,青少年不得不帮助他们自己。结合句意,可知答案为themselves]

8for [句意:Fuligni建议青少年每晚睡眠10小时,持续一两周。介词for后跟一段时间,故填for]

9is [句意:然而,为了弥补一周的睡眠不足在周末睡得更多不是一个好主意。此处是动名词短语作主语,文章讲的是日常情况,所以句子用一般现在时态,故答案为is]

10amounts [句意:Fuligni警告说,每晚睡眠时间长短不一可能会对心理健康有害。amounts of为固定用法,意为大量的。故答案为amounts]


假如你是李华,是红旗中学的一名国际班学生。你已通过电子邮件成功发送了外教布置的实验汇报作业,经过再次检查,你发现在已提交的实验报告中误将一个数据输错。请给外教Richard写一封邮件说明情况。 内容包括:







Dear Richard




Yours sincerely

Li Hua



I am your student in an international class in Hongqi Middle School.I’m writing to extend my sincere apology for my careless mistake in my assignment.

As requiredI successfully performed the experiment and promptly finished my report.I emailed it to you without a thorough check thinking that you must be satisfied with my efficiency.HoweverI was surprised to find a data error while reading it later.How careless and hasty I am! Now I have corrected the dataand the new report is attached as an appendix of this email.

Hope for your forgiveness.





Waking up to the ringing phoneI looked at my clock.Midnight.Panicky thoughts filled my sleepy mind as I grabbed the receiver.

Hello My heart pounded.

Mama The voice answered.My thoughts immediately went to my daughter.

When I heard the sound of a young crying voiceI grabbed my husband.

MamaI know it’s late.But don’t say anything until I finish.And before you askyesI’ve been drinking.I nearly ran off the road a few miles back and...

I took a sharp breathreleased my husbandand pressed my hand against my forehead(额头).Something wasn’t right.

“And I got so scared.I want to come home.I know running away was wrong.I should have called you days ago but I was afraid...”

I tried to talk“I think... ”

No! Please let me finish She saiddesperately.Before I could go onshe continued.I’m pregnant(怀孕的)Mama.I know I shouldn’t be drinking...but I’m scaredMama.

I bit into my lip(嘴唇)feeling my eyes filled with tears.My husband left the roomand returned seconds later with a cell phone against his ear.

She askedAre you still there? Please don’t hang up on me! I feel so lonely.

I held the phone.I’m here.I wouldn’t hang up I said.

I should have told youMama.But when we talkyou just keep telling me what I should do.You read all those pamphlets(手册) on how to talk to kidsbut all you do is talk.You don’t listen to me.Because you’re my motheryou think you have all the answers.But sometimes I don’t need answers.I just want someone to listen.

I stared at the how-to-talk-to-your-kids pamphlets on my nightstand(床头柜).I’m listening I whispered.

Then she said she had called a taxi.When the taxi arrivedshe hung up.

Paragraph 1

I went to my 16-year-old daughter’s room.                                    



Paragraph 2

I looked at our sleeping daughter.                                    




Paragraph 1

I went to my 16-year-old daughter’s room.My husband came from behind.My daughter was sleeping quietly.I looked at my husbandand he was also looking at me.We have to learn to listen I said to him.He studied me for a secondand then askedDo you think she will ever know that she dialed the wrong number

Paragraph 2

I looked at our sleeping daughter.She was sleeping with a smile on her face.Maybe she was dreaming a nice dream.She didn’t know what was happening.She didn’t know her mother had learned something important just now.It’s necessary to tell children what to dobut it’s more important to listen to them.I stood there for a whilethinking about the whole thing.Then I looked back at my husband and said to himMaybe it wasn’t such a wrong number.

第二十组 1阅读理解+1语法填空+1应用文写作+1读后续写
