

The Flying Turtle飞行的乌龟
One bright sunny morning. Mr.Turtle gets bored in the water. He plans to go out on the shore
I am tired of swimming all day . I ' II go out on the shore today .我已经厌烦整日彷字泳 T。我今天要到岸上去。
Good morning , Mr.Yurtle . Where are you going so early ?早上好,乌龟先生 ° 这么早你
Well , Tm going out of the water .1 plan to walk along the shore 我要离幵水里。我要一
On the shore ? ! I envy the shore , Mr.Turtle岸上?我好羡慕你呀,乌龟先生°
Why is that ? 为什么?
Well , if I go out of the water, I ' II die So you are very lucky Please tell me about the outside world.what is out there?
哦,如果我离开水的话,会死掉。所以你的命真好。请告诉我尖于外面世界 的事,外面有 么?
Well,Mrs.Fish,there is so much to see. I don't know where to begin. First,there are trees and mountains. Second , there are houses and people . Third , there is the sky
鱼太太,外面有很多好看的东西,我不知道要从哪里说起。第一,有树木有 高』。第二,有房子和人类。第三,有天空。
But you must fly Tell me about sky ! 告诉我尖于天空的事。
It is blue and beautiful. It is also bigger than the sea You can see everything from there ,
它又蓝又美。它也比大海还要广大。从哪里你可以看到所有的东西,但是你 必须会飞 翔。
You are lucky , Mr.Turtle , But can you fly , too ?你好幸运,乌龟先生,但是你也会飞
Well , oh of course I Its easy , I'll taech you someday
Really ? You promise ? 真的?你发誓?
I must go now I ' m a little busy today I ' II talk to you later 我得走了
Okay , T m sorry ,please go now I' II see you later, Have a nice day 好的,我彳艮抱

Thank you 5 You too Bye , Bye •谢谢,你也是再见。
Mrs. Fish and Mr.Turtle part. Mr. Turtle is out on the shore , He walks around .鱼太太禾口
Look at all those trees , It's so beautiful here Hey ,what*s that ? Ifs a bird Look at it fly , Birds are so lucky .1 wish I wes a bird .1 wish I could fly , too
看看这些树'这里是多忙美丽呀。嘿,那是什么?是一只小鸟。看他飞翔的 样子,鸟儿 是的幸运。我希望我是只鸟,我希望我也能飞。
Just then ,a litter butterfly lands on a flower for a moment. Then it flies away again . 这时候,有只蝴蝶停在花朵上一会儿。然后又再度飞走。
It s so unfair, Even that little butterfly can fly . Why can 4 I ? I want to fly , too .真不公
Hello there , Mr.Turtle , what did you just say ?你好,乌龟先生,你刚刚说什么? Oh , it s you , Mrs.Eagle .1 said I said t want to fly Hey ! Perhaps 5 you can teach me
Ha ,ha ha , You must be joking How can a Turtle fly ?哈!哈!哈!你在幵玩笑吧!乌
Why ? You can teach me .为什么不能呢?你可以教我呀。
That's nonsence You don' t even have wrings, And you are too heavy .无稽之谈。你
Why do I need wrings ?为什么我要有翅膀? You need wrings to fly

Oh 5 no , Boo-hoo , Then lean t fly ?哦,不,呜,呜,呜,那么我不能飞吗?
1No , But you can swim , I can *t, so cheer up .

How about this , Mrs.eagle !那这样好不好,老鹰太太? What ?什么? Can you take me up ?你可以带我上去吗? It s too dangerous
Oh , please ! Just this once .1 want to see the land and the sea from the sky 'III do any thing for you . 哦,拜托!只要这一次。我很想从天空看看陆地和海洋。我会为你做任何事 情的。
Well , I dont know .It's dangeroue up there 5 What if you fall ?嗯,我不知道呀 ° 那上面
Don t worry I Tl hold on tight, I JI be careful.别担心。我会抓紧 我会小心的。
5The Turtle keeps beggi ng . The Eagle cannot say take the Turtle up into the sky ..
nd' any Ion ger She a 乌龟不断地恳求。老鹰再也无法说“不”。她答应带乌龟到天空。
Okay , Mr,Turtle . Juat this once , Never again .好吧乌龟先生。就这一次‘下不为例 ° Oh , thank you so much
Okay 5 now hold on tight, Let * s go up One ,two ,three , whee

The Eagle takes the Turtle up into the sky
Oh my goodness !lt *s scary up here •我的天啊!上面好恐怖呀! Are you okay ? Do you want to go back down ?你还好吗?你要回到下面吗?
No ,no , I 'm fine now , look below .It *s so beautiful , I feel like I m flying .不,不,
Okay , lets go down now好哇,我们现在下去吧
No ,No! I want to go up higher.不,不要我还要到更高的地方° It s too dangerous . 1那太危险了。
The Turtle insists . So the Eagle takes him up even higher.乌龟坚持着。所以老鹰带他
It is so wonderful up here . I think I can fly by myself now .这里实在是太棒了。我想现在
What ?! Are you crazy ? You can 4 fly by yourself !什么? !你疯了吗?你自己无法飞 Yes , I canI Tl show you , Please , Let me go •不,我可以。我飞给你看请放幵我。 Are you please , But I warned you , Good luck •遵命,不过我可是警告过你了。祝好运。
The Eagle lets go and the Turtle starts to go down . The Fish sees the Turtle falling down .
What' s happening ? Why am I not flying ? Oh , no !!! I should have stayed on the land . 发生什么事了 ?为什么我没有飞起来呢?哦,不! !我应该待在陆地上的。
Hey , why isn ' t Mr.Turtle flying ? He is coming down really fast Be careful , Mr.Turtle ! There * s a big rock below (splash and crack
嘿,为什么乌龟先生不飞呢?他掉落的好快,小心,乌龟先生。下面有颗大 石头。(吭 ' 眶啷)
The Turtle lands on a big rock and his back breaks into a thousand pieces .乌龟坠落在
Poor Mr.Turtle ,1 don ' t envy him any more
MORAL: Know your limits

