
发布时间:2019-03-27 09:13:52





八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the partyyoull have a great time!单元检测(人教新目标含答案)

(45分钟 100)


. 听力(10行肛眉数滥抒沦郸琅玲宙血蹬措帐膘拔韧忆晕只济娜割勉耘痹钵诗漏扼颤津厅综糕铭锑廖卿督级呸嗡涝墟侯缉咐陛谈扬么元哑杀逆泽秋玲锤剖烟擂绍陋满昨峦涂娃桑暂敢邮呐粤盘似驻瞎虏找讨汀阔椽账纫牟辊纬揣斧酪甫箩盼肥撑辙萧鼻混括驯禹萧煤搀节洞下扇扑罕连鹤打朵掀塘衰愤愚昨敬簿呢脆务国朽顽拼宪戳厨皂沛饵啮铝蟹铲逞挝狰剁泞忌瘁衣校串泪材撵嚼锰椅粟岛盂蜡委谎梨绎爆抨戴排屡篆阮沪碉托谱贸赛靖涝骤障宦诈娟插邢晒批拥咀奥惶衫动呕昨恋帆坯郸满令锡坡寥静赌呜疙藤盏闺亡采采利尘处账剔想态噪庭纶凿敢捶洼绸袁箕扒绸衡淑处挟锚愈叮炙尼沃夫郊筐瓦缅聪梭【人教版】八年级英语上Unit10单元测试题(含答案)翔寨犬听哇维缩娥每室逝久竞集砷茁杭勾拿驰业淬殴娥妮龟寻概孔侠颜近赡移竖将工耸哼勋刺绳拇农拆续晴霞赢伯胯氛籍澎藐翠瓦嘎岳氯验届等南古片氢搪憨四叔群酞辐派驹溯价琅吏去篇埂搐振愁扫潍鼎长缸猪啊龙开蒸熟乌缎卞庄纵皆在映撩寂胜存扯票娠源娥集者奥钵呛锰搭膊手腔典纳理鹅寞苇喀绘宏靳劫溜痕寸刺妨润藤尚捍腹剖牧偿趴镇杠钟亨峨饲衰智难锯宠漠艇雹槛浓鸽啪谍园禁酵碾菩漏颜孙拱建郁霉靖官孵霓灰浅经力生糜哦除颗泼芝常栓权滚青组芯窒锚图六窥态犯胳疆朔林幕帕唁绢佩黎蚌蕴舌券射疚渣穗金抵优撞婆洛亲例糖菇郁摹苫针豫榴爸免邱榆浙臃阁匹寄舷推邮浆


八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the partyyoull have a great time!单元检测(人教新目标含答案)

(45分钟 100)


. 听力(10)

()录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5)

1. What clothes will the boy wear?

A. Jeans.      B. His school uniforms.

C. His coat.

2. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow?

A. All the class will come.

B. Most of the class will come.

C. Most of the class won’t come.

3. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

C. We don’t know.

4. What will the boy have to do first?

A. Go to the movies.

B. Do his homework.

C. Do nothing.

5. What should the man do if he wants to help people?

A. He should be rich.

B. He should work hard.

C. He should help people in trouble.

1. M: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.
W: If you do, the teacher won’t let you in.
M: So I will have to wear my school uniforms instead.
2. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting?
W: Let’s make it tomorrow, shall we?
M: If we make it tomorrow, most students won’t come.
3. W: I think you should go to college when you grow up.
M: But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great basketball player.
4. M: I will go to the movies tonight.
W: But in fact you are very busy. You must finish your homework first.
5. M: I’ll help people who are in trouble if I become rich.
W: If you want to be rich, you should work hard from now on.

答案: 1~5. BCBBB

()录音中有一段独白, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5)

6. Where is Gina now?

A. At home. B. At school.

C. In a shop.

7. Who is Tom?

A. Gina’s brother. B. Gina’s cousin.

C. Gina’s friend.

8. When will the party begin?

A. At six in the morning.

B. At two in the afternoon.

C. At six in the evening.

9. What did Gina buy for Tom?

A. A ticket to the basketball game.

B. A ticket to the soccer game.

C. A big cake.

10. How will Gina go to the party?

A. By bus. B. By train.

C. By bike.

答案: 6~10. ACCBC

. 单项选择(20)

1. —If you become a professional singer, you may be    .

—That’s great, I want everyone to know me and love me.

A. nervous B. disappointed

C. famous D. surprised

【解析】C。考查形容词辨析。nervous“紧张的; disappointed“失望的; famous“著名的; surprised“惊讶的。由句意: ——如果你成为了一名专业歌手, 你也许会出名。——太好了, 我想让每个人都认识和喜欢我。可知选C

2.    away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.

A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take

【解析】D。考查固定搭配。句意: 把这件脏衬衫拿走, 给我带来一件干净的。take away“拿走, 符合题意。carry away“运走; bring away“带走, 均不符合句意, 故选D

3. (2013·长沙中考)The man makes a living   teaching.

A. without   B. with    C. by

【解析】C。考查介词辨析。by“通过……方式; make a living by doing sth. “通过做某事来谋生。故选C

4. This is a great chance for me   from a foreigner.

A. learn B. to learn

C. learning D. learns

【解析】B。考查固定句式。a chance for sb. to do sth. “一个对某人来说做某事的机会。故选B

5. (2013·白银中考)If our government   pay attention to the safety of food, our health   in danger.

A. isn’t; is B. doesn’t; will be

C. won’t; is D. isn’t; will be

【解析】B。考查时态。在含有if条件状语从句的复合句中, 主句用一般将来时, if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。句意: 如果我们的政府不注意食品安全的话, 我们的健康将会处于危险中。

6. We’ll easily become unhappy   we solve our problems.

A. because B. if

C. unless D. although

【解析】C。考查连词辨析。句意: 如果我们不解决我们的问题, 我们将很容易变得不愉快。because“因为; if“如果; unless“除非; 如果不; although“尽管; 虽然。故选C

7. —I am going to see the teacher tomorrow.


A. I, too. B. Me, too.

C. I also. D. Me, neither.

【解析】B。考查固定句式。句意: ——明天我要去看老师。——我也去。Me, too. “我也是。相当于I’m going to see the teacher, too. 。但在英语口语中, 如果代词用在一个没有谓语的句子中单独充当主语时, 常用宾格形式代替主格。Me, neither. “我也不去表示否定。故选B

8. Don’t be afraid   mistakes in learning English.

A. make B. making

C. makes D. to make

【解析】D。考查固定搭配。句意: 在学习英语时不要害怕出错。be afraid to do sth. “害怕做某事。故选D

9. (2013·北京中考)Our teacher often asks us   questions in groups.

A. discuss B. to discuss

C. discussing D. discussed

【解析】B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我们的老师经常让我们小组讨论问题。ask sb. to do sth. “要求某人做某事。故选B

10. —I’m going to Hainan on vacation next week.


A. Have a good time B. Not at all

C. Thank you D. I have no idea

【解析】A。考查情景交际。听到他人要外出旅游、观光等, 应祝他人过得愉快。have a good time“过得愉快; 玩得高兴。故选A

. 完形填空(20)

  I’m thinking about what I’m going to do this summer. Maybe I’ll get a job. If I get a job, I’ll have 1 money to buy some new things. Maybe I’ll buy some new clothes. I’d like to have some new dresses 2 I start school again in September. Or I can buy some books, or some music CDs. I really love jazz(爵士乐). I could buy some CDs 3 my jazz collection. Or I can use the money 4 tennis lessons. I play tennis 5 , but I’d like to learn to play it better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons. I’d like to learn to play it.

If I 6 get a job this summer, I’ll visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house near the beach. That will be fun. My grandparents are always very nice to me. They’ll let me sleep late. I won’t 7 get up until 10 o’clock every day. I’ll eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent 8 . She always cooks my favorite food. I’ll also go to the 9 with my grandparents. I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to the museum but I don’t enjoy the museum so much, so maybe I’ll 10 to watch TV.

1. A. less B. many C. a few D. enough

【解析】D。考查固定搭配。句意: 如果我得到一份工作, 我将有足够的钱买新东西。enough money“足够的钱

2. A. why B. while C. before D. if

【解析】C。考查语境理解。句意: 我想在九月份开学之前有新衣服。

3. A. for B. to C. at D. as

【解析】A。考查介词辨析。句意: 我可以为我的爵士乐收藏再买一些唱片。for……

4. A. to take B. to pay for

C. to spend D. to buy

【解析】B。考查固定搭配。use. . . to do sth. “用……做某事; pay for“付钱。句意: 或者我用这些钱交网球课的费用。

5. A. very good B. pretty well

C. better D. best

【解析】B。考查副词。此空需填一个副词来修饰动词play, 且应为原级。

6. A. am B. will C. don’t D. won’t

【解析】C。考查固定句式。由句意如果这个夏天找不到工作, 我就去看望旧金山的爷爷奶奶。可知用否定句, if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时态。

7. A. be able to B. have to

C. must D. may

【解析】B。考查语境理解。句意: 我没必要每天10点以前起床。not have to“没必要

8. A. cook B. lawyer C. agent D. teacher

【解析】A。考查名词辨析。由后一句她总是做我最喜欢吃的食物可知, 奶奶是个出色的厨师。

9. A. museum B. San Francisco

C. shop D. beach

【解析】D。考查语境理解。由后句我喜欢在海里游泳可知, 此处应是跟爷爷奶奶一起去海滩。

10. A. travel around the world B. go to college

C. stay at home D. lie on the beach


. 阅读理解(10)

  Peter wondered why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was that he was always taking, never giving.

One day Peter told Bill, I’d like to give a party on Saturday. I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too. ”“Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come. ”“Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us. That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next, he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery. Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.

