普通高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module FileModule5 A Trip Along the Thr

发布时间:2019-03-21 09:19:26

Period 5Cultural CornerModule File

The General Idea of This Period

In this part,we will enjoy a story of a tourist,who will send himself a postcard wherever he goes.This passage can be used as an extensive reading material.After leading in,the students may read through the text to get the main idea of the passage and the answers to the questions.(Five questions are designed.And show them on the screen.) In this text,there are some useful expressions,just as mentioned in Everyday English,such as rip off,be around,get a kick out of.The students can get their meanings in the context.At last,imagine you are visiting a country,and write a short postcard to yourself like Mr.McCorquodale.Module File is a summary of what the students have learned in this module.Give the students some time to check whether they have mastered knowledge in this module.If time permits,the teacher may have a short revision of the words,expressions,Language Points,grammar and other points.b5E2RGbCAP

Teaching Important Points

Make sure the students know the main idea of the passage in cultural corner.p1EanqFDPw

Teaching Difficult Points

Try to write a postcard to yourself.

Teaching Methods

Fast reading and revision

Teaching Aids

Multimedia,a blackboard & a tape-recorder.

Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

Knowledge and Skills

Make the students master some new words and expressions.DXDiTa9E3d

Enjoy the passage titled Postcards to Myself.

Try to do the similar thing,that is,write a short postcard to yourself.RTCrpUDGiT

Process and Strategies

Encourage the students to check what they have learned often.5PCzVD7HxA

Feelings and Value

Appreciate the passage as an extensive reading material,and to get as much information as you can.jLBHrnAILg

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

(Greet the students as usual.)

Check up their homework exercises.

Say something about their compositions last class,pointing out their common mistakes and ask the students to correct them.xHAQX74J0X

Step 2 Cultural corner

T:Everybody,do you like traveling?

Ss:Yes,we like it very much.

T:Where have you been?

Ss:Beijing,Shanghai.(The students may give various answers.)LDAYtRyKfE

T:What do you usually do when traveling?

Sa:Enjoy the view and take some photos.

Sb:Make friends.

T:Good job!Today,well learn something about a tourist,who likes doing an interesting but unusual thing.Lets see whats that.Zzz6ZB2Ltk

Now read this passage quickly to catch the main idea.Meanwhile,answer the following questions:dvzfvkwMI1

(Write the following on the blackboard.)

1.What does Mr.McCorquodale like doing when he travels?

2.What does he take with him when he travels?

3.On what conditions is he allowed to stick a pin in the map?

4.How does he evaluate China?

5.Why does Mr McCorquodale like traveling?

Ask the students to finish them individually and then call back their answers from the whole class.(minutes later)rqyn14ZNXI

T:Whod like to tell us the answer to No.1.Any volunteer?EmxvxOtOco

Sa:Let me have a try.The writer likes sending himself a postcard wherever he goes.SixE2yXPq5

T:Youve got it.Good try!How about No.2?Are you well prepared for that?6ewMyirQFL

Sb:Ive got the answer in Paragraph 4.Wherever he goes,he takes with him a photo of his wife,a candle,a torch,a shirt with a secret pocket,and a pen for writing his postcards.kavU42VRUs

(Deal with all the questions in turn.)

Suggested answers:

1.He likes sending himself a postcard of with a beautiful view and with an interesting stamp stuck on it.y6v3ALoS89

2.Wherever he goes,he takes with him a photo of his wife,a candle,a torch,a shirt with a secret pocket,and a pen for writing his postcards.M2ub6vSTnP

3.He has been in a place for more than 24 hours.

4.It is one country in the world which is completely different.There is no European influence.Its been around for 6000 years,yet its a country of the future.0YujCfmUCw

5.Because he gets a kick out of travelling.

Listen to the tape,paying attention to some important words and expressions,like read,rip off,be around,get a kick out of,etc.eUts8ZQVRd

T:Weve leaned the story of Mr.McCorquodale.Now,imagine you are traveling in some countries,write a short passage to yourself.Five minutes later,Ill ask some of you to share your passage.sQsAEJkW5T

(The answer can be open.)

Step 4 Module file

This part can be used for the students to check their understanding of this module by themselves,or the teacher may revise what we have taught and learnt with the help of this file.GMsIasNXkA

T:This module we have learned some new words and useful expressions.We revised modal verbs as well.We also learned how to express our obligation,permission and prohibition and some useful everyday English.Lets do some exercises to check up our knowledge.TIrRGchYzg

(Show the following on the screen.)

exploitforbid narrowin the distance remoteat the edge of surround at leastdownstream trade distantvariedspotviewget a kick out of

1.I have been told that well have our picnic lunch__________the river.

2.__________by the enemy,we decided to break through in the evening.

3.They rode their raft __________along the river.

4.Our country now __________in industrial and agricultural products with many countries.

5.In the not too __________future,man can go on holidays in space.

6.It is said that the workers who are __________the oil field are invited from abroad.

7.The regulations __________smoking in this room.

8.The river __________to four meters at this point.

9.One can see the ancient ruins__________.

10.The connection between the two ideas is very__________.

11.I am not fond of leading a __________life.

12.Spain is our favorite vacation__________.

13.You can __________communicating with that foreigner.

14.There is no __________from my bedroom window except of some factory chimneys.

15.The food wasnt good,but __________it was cheap.

Suggested answers:

1.at the edge of在……地边缘








9.in the distance远处地




13.get a kick out of道歉


15.at least至少

Step 6 Summary and homework

T:In this period we learn something about a passage in cultural corner and go over what we learned in this module.All of you did very good jobs.Your homework today is to finish exercises on your Workbook.This is the end of this module.Class is over.7EqZcWLZNX

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges

The fifth period

Cultural Corner

Postcards to Myself

Module File

Record after Teaching




Activities and Research

1.Try to write more postcards to yourself and share them with your classmates.1nowfTG4KI

2.Consolidate what we learned in this module.

Reference for Teaching

Language Points

1.read vi.(文章等)内容是vt.理解

The full text reads as follows:


How do you read this passage?


2.send vt.,,发送,派遣,打发;使……陷入;使处于(某种状态)

It is now being sent to his home by train.


This noise will send me mad.


send for派人去请;send in 使递送,使陷入

send up 使上升,使升高;send out 发出,放出

send away 让走开;send after 派人去追


1.If it were not for the fact that she __________sing,I would invite her to the party.fjnFLDa5Zo

A.couldntB.shouldntC.cantD.might not



2.—Whats the name?

—Khulaifi.__________I spell that for you?




3.Theres no light on—they__________be at home.



解析:”cant + 动词原形表示对现在情况地猜测或判断,意为不可能”.根据所提供地情景Theres no light on可判断出他们不可能在家.mustnt后接动词原形表示禁止,不准”,不用于表示猜测、推测或判断.neednt意为没必要”,表示没有必要做某事.shouldnt意为不应该”,表示不应该做.V7l4jRB8Hs

4.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I __________the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.83lcPA59W9

A.should have taken

B.could have taken

C.neednt have taken

D,mustnt have taken


解析:句意是天气转晴了,所以就不用带伞了”.neednt have taken不必要 意思,故选C.should have taken本来应该做而没做地意思.could have taken可能”;mustnt have taken无此种表达法,都与题意不符.mZkklkzaaP

5.We__________ have proved great adventurers,but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.AVktR43bpw

A.needntB.may not



解析:”may not + have + 动词 +-ed形式”,意为不可能”,用于对过去或已经发生地事进行猜测.”neednt have + 动词+-ed形式表示不需要”,表示过去不需要做某事.”shouldnt + have + 动词+-ed形式表示本来不应该做而做了某事.mustnt不与have+动词+-ed形式连用,只与动词原形连用,表示禁止,不要”.ORjBnOwcEd

6.—I think Ill give Bob a ring.

—You__________.You havent been in touch with him for ages.2MiJTy0dTT

A.willB.mayC.have toD.should


解析:should意为应该”,多表示某事宜做、应当做或必须做,强调主观方面,用得多一些.根据所提供地情景You havent been in touch with him for ages.可判断出由于多年没有联系,应该给Bob打电话.will意为”.may意为可以”.have to意为不得不”,表示因客观原因不得不做某事.gIiSpiue7A

7.We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter,__________uEh0U1Yfmh

A.do youB.can weC.will youD.shall we


解析:祈使句地反意疑问句分为两种:当祈使句中含有lets,shall we;当不含有lets,要用will you.因为这个句子中不含有lets,所以要用will you.IAg9qLsgBX

8.__________ fired,your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.WwghWvVhPE

A.Would you beB.Should you be

C.Could you beD.Might you be


解析:这道题是虚拟条件句地倒装.虚拟条件句地从句部分含有were,should,had,可省略if,再把were,shouldhad 移到从句地句首,进行倒装.意思是即使你被解雇了,医疗保障和其他福利也不会受到影响”.asfpsfpi4k

9.—May I smoke here?

—If you__________,choose a seat in the smoking section.ooeyYZTjj1




10.—Could I have a word with you,mum?

—Oh dear,if you__________.




11. —Must he come to sign this paper himself?





12. —Is Jack on duty today?

—It__________be him.Its his turn tomorrow.



解析:cant表猜测,意为不可能”.根据所提供地情景Its his turn tomorrow.可判断出Jack明天值日,所以今天不可能是Jack值日.neednt表示不必”;wont表示将来不会”;mustnt表示必须不,禁止”.3cdXwckm15

13. Never in my wildest dreams__________these people are living in such poor conditions.h8c52WOngM

A.I could imagine

B.could I imagine

C.I couldnt imagine

D.couldnt I imagine



14.Some aspects of a pilots job__________be boring,and pilots often__________work at inconvenient hours.J0bm4qMpJ9

A.can;have to


C.have to;may

D.ought to;must


解析:can表示可能性,意为可能”,表示飞行员地工作在一些方面可能是枯燥乏味地.have to意为不得不”,表示由于受客观条件地限制不得不做某事.表示飞行员不得不在不方便地时间进行工作.XVauA9grYP

15.Tom,you__________leave all your clothes on the floor like this!bR9C6TJscw

A.wouldntB.mustntC.needntD.may not


解析:由题干设置地语境可知该句为含有主语地祈使句,全文使用了命令地口吻,故须用 mustnt 表示一定不要”.pN9LBDdtrd

Answers to Workbook Exercises


1 1 should2 cant,have to3 had to4 will5 couldnt6 wont DJ8T7nHuGT

2 1 You cant smoke in here.

2 You have to wait here.

3 You can cross the road here.

4 Foreigners must show their passports.

5 Children could play on the deck.

3 1 2 ×3 4 5 ×

4 2 You can picnic here.

3 You mustnt/arent allowed to take photographs.

4 You must keep your dog on a lead.

You mustnt let your dog run free.

5 You can cross.

6 You cant/mustnt/arent allowed to eat or drink.QF81D7bvUA


5 1 steep2 high3 deep,narrow4 flat,fertile5 remote,fertile,flat 4B7a9QFw9h

6 1 hilly2 coastal3 snowy4 steeply5 remoteness6 hiddenix6iFA8xoX

7 1 peaceful2 fertile3 remote4 peaks5 slopes6 lake7 scenery wt6qbkCyDE


111 A cruise on a traditional felucca.Because they only carry ten people and its the best way to see the river.Kp5zH46zRk

2 Disadvantages:no cabins,no showers

12 1 There are no cabins on a felucca.

2 They booked their four-day trip from Aswan to Luxor.Yl4HdOAA61

3 They stayed in a hotel in Aswan.

4 The writer didnt swim in the Nile because it was dirty.ch4PJx4BlI

5 They visited a market on the second day.

6 You can take photographs of animals but you mustnt take photographs of people without asking them for permission.qd3YfhxCzo

7 They only visited some historical sites.

Listening and speaking

14&15 Tapescritpt

Speaker 1

My best ever holiday was last summer when I went to the mountains.It was my first trip to the mountains and I loved every minute of it.Although it was summer,there was still snow on the mountain peaks.I went with my parents and we stayed in a small hotel for a week.The hotel was in the valley near a small lake and the view from our bedroom was simply wonderful.

Every day we took a picnic lunch and we went for long walks in the mountains.It was hard work on the first day because the slopes were very steep but by the end of the week I was quite fit!

The best thing about this holiday was the scenery.It was a complete change from the city where I live the rest of the year.

Speaker 2

My best ever holiday was when I went to the seaside last June.I have a holiday every year with my parents but this was the first time Ive been away without them.I went with two friends from school and we had a fantastic time.We travelled there by train and we spent five days in a camp site just outside a lovely coastal town.

We went swimming in the sea every day and we went to a disco in the town at night.The thing I enjoyed most about the holiday was a boat trip to a remote island.It took an hour to reach the island and we spent the day there.Nobody lived on the island and the scenery was beautiful.

Speaker 3

My favourite holiday was when I went to Hong Kong last December.I live in the country all year so it was a real holiday for me go to a big city.Although Ive visited other cities,Ive never spent more than a day in one ,so a whole weeks holiday was really special.I went with my best friend and we stayed with her uncle who lives in an apartment block there.

We visited the city during the day.We spent hours walking around the busy streets and looking at the shops.We also visited an art gallery.In the evenings we went out to discos.

The best thing of all was the journey to Hong Kong.We went by plane from Beijing and it was my very first flight.It was really exciting.

14 Speaker 1

Mountain holiday;In a small hotel;Parents;One week;Went for long walks;The sceneryE836L11DO5

Speaker 2

Seaside holiday;In a camp site;Two friends;Five days;Went swimming,went to a disco;A boat trip to a remote islandS42ehLvE3M

Speaker 3

A city holiday;In the apartment of my friends uncles;Best friend;One week;Visited the city;an art gallery,went to disco;The plane journey501nNvZFis


17 Speaker 1

18 1 She can see snowy mountain peaks.

2 Her father isnt very happy because he cant smoke in the hotel.jW1viftGw9

3 Its safer to go with a guide because you can get lost easily in the mountains.xS0DOYWHLP

4 Because she couldnt see the shore because of the rain.LOZMkIqI0w

5 Because theres nowhere to go.



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普通高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module FileModule5 A Trip Along the Thr
