
发布时间:2020-04-27 20:21:52


教案Unit 11 Friendship

Reading Making Friends

Step 1 Revision (复习)(需要5分钟)

1) 让大家做一个游戏,一个人描述班里的一个朋友,任意找一个人来猜,描述的内容可以在预习时提前布置,因为我校的学生基础不好,写作能力和口语表达能力较差。学生说完之后要让全体同学鼓掌,鼓励他们的积极参与,增加学生的信心和勇气,为这节课创造一个良好的开头气氛。要练习两组。(Lets play a game.Please describe one friend in class,then ask another one to guess.

2) 复习新单词,用幻灯片。Revise the new words using ppt. 1 把学生分成两大组,一组说英语,另一组说汉语,然后通过手势进行两组交换 I will divide the class into two groups,one group speaks English,the other one speaks Chinese,then change.)2分小组练习,一组一组地站起来读单词。共分六组。Practice in groups.3连锁检测,一个学生提问另一个两个单词,然后第二个人再问第三个……不会的话就找别人来帮忙。 Have a test in chains A student ask another one ,if he can`t ,say pass,find another one.

Step 2 Presentation (讲授新课并练习)(分钟)

word/media/image1.gifThe introduction of the new text导入新课(2分钟)现在让我们听一首音乐,看一些图片(用多媒体).可以问学生谁能听出这首音乐的名字?然后告诉大家这是高山流水,根据图片介绍伯牙子期的友谊,然后在这个音乐的背景下,看其他图片,介绍管仲与鲍叔牙,马克思与恩格斯的友谊,然后引出新课“第十一单元 友谊 ,阅读内容 交朋友”,在幻灯片上呈现标题。(OK,so much for the new words .Boys and girls ,Now lets listen to the music and look at some pictures.Lets learn some famous stories about friendship.Today lets learn a text about friendship.Unit 11 Friendship ,Reading Making Friends。)

word/media/image2.gifPresentation 讲授新课

1 Warming up( 3')把书打到85页。找一个学生当老师,先领读并解释一些描写人的词,然后提问。Please open your books on Page85lets look at Warming up. I will ask a student to act as a teacher.First read and explain some useful words about people,then ask and answer:

(1) Do you want to make new friends?

(2) What should a good friend be like?

2 引入课文。每一个人都想交朋友,现在让我们学习如何交朋友好吗?接下来我们将要学习课文阅读。Lead to Reading: Everyone wants to make friends,now lets learn how to make friends,OK? Next we will learn Reading Making Friends,

1 速读( 5')把书打到86页,快速阅读课文,然后做判断正误的习题,要求各组抢答。回答者先翻译然后说出答案。用ppt.呈现练习题。Have a fast reading .Please open your books on Page 86,read the text quickly, understand the text and decide whether the following statements are T or F .First translate,then answer.These are Quick Response Questions.

(  )1) Friends don't play an important part in our lives.

(2)We may get on well with many people,but we make friends with only a few of them.

( )3) “Best friends”or “close friends” aren’t people who have known each other for a long time.

( )4)Close friends are those who can share joy and sorrow with you .

( )5)A good friend is someone who will do anything for you .

( ) (6) A chess partner is not a friend.

2) 听录音精读课文(15')。要求说出每段的大意。这部分属于抢答题。同时板书。Listen and read the text carefully , tell us the main idea of each paragraph.These are Quick Response Questions. Write them on the blackboard.

(1) Friends play an important part in our lives.

(2) People may have different kinds of friends.

(3) What are best friends or close friends?

(4) Friendship is one of lifes greatest treasures.

3) 深入阅读 Intensive reading

Read the text and complete Required Questions.

Para. 1

(1) Read together.

(2) Find out the important phrases and explain in Chinese. (Group 1)

A student write them on the blackboard and explain.

(3) Retell this passage.

Para. 2

(1) Let a student read this part.

(2) Look at the pictures and match the answers. ( Group 2)

(3) Retell this passage.

Para. 3

(1) I will read the paragraph.

(2) Answer this question: What is a close friend? (Group 3)

I write the answers on the blackboard.

(3) Retell this passage.

Para. 4

(1) Read the paragraph loudly.

(2) Fill in the blanks.(Group 4)

_____________________ is one of lifes greatest ________________.Yet, it would be _________ ___________ to ______________ a friend __________ do everything for you. __________ a French writer said , Don t walk ________ _________ ___________ me-------I may not _____________.Dont walk behind me-----I may not _______________.Just walk beside me------and be my friend.

4)巩固检测 6分钟(10分,每个1分).根据我给出的答案,四组两两之间互相检测,最后得出各组总成绩。成绩由高到低依次在苹果树上画出4,3,2,1几个苹果。Have a test.6 minutes) According to the results, draw the apples on the tree from four to one.

Friends _________an important part in our lives.We may________ on well with a_____of people,but we usually make ________with only a few of them. In fact,people may have different kinds of friends,A person may choose different friends for different ___________.

You may have many good friends but only a few of them are your "close friends".A close friend is someone who is able to________joys and sorrows with you.This is a person you can ___________ on when you need help,and this is the person to whom you are willing to lend a __________hand.

  Friendship is one of life's greatest_________.Yet, it would be too much to ___________ a friend to do everything for you.

Step 3情感教育(分为三步)(11分钟)同时留课下作业。

1小讨论,需要5分钟。刚才我们读了课文,学了一些关于交朋友的知识,每个人都需要友谊。有一句古老的谚语说:“朋友是上帝照顾我们的方式。”友谊是一个人一生当中最宝贵的财富之一,因此我们应该珍视友谊。让我们做一个小组讨论,1)什么类型的朋友是真正的朋友?2)你怎样找到真正的友谊并保持它?各组推举出一个代表发言。Boys and girls , we have just read the text and learned something about making friends. Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, “Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.” friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures.So we should treasure our friendship.Do you agree with me ? Next let’s have a discussion in groups1What kind of friend is a friend indeed? 2How do you find real friendship and keep it ?

讨论完之后,得出结论。1)用一句谚语概括:患难朋友是真正的朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed.2First, you should choose a friendA good friend should be kind and patient(耐心). For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints (抱怨)and do his or her best to help. Second,to make a friendyou cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives. But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around , have an honest talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter.


亲爱的同学们,在我们的日常生活中,朋友起着非常重要的作用。美国作家雪莱说:” 寻找友谊就像栽树,你播下种子,要想使它生长要好好照料它。”你们来到平泉职教中心成为了同学,你们应该彼此互相帮助,共同分享快乐与悲伤。我希望你们能成为好朋友,祝愿你们的友谊地久天长。(Dear children ,in our everyday life , friends play an important part . The American writer Sally Seamans(雪莱) says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed (种子)and take care of it to make it grow.You came to Pingquan Vocational School and became classmates.You should help each other and share joys and sorrows.I hope you can become good friends and your friendship will last forever.

3让同学们一起唱一首英语歌“友谊地久天长”,需要5分钟。do you remember an English song should auld acquaintance be forgot ?Let’s sing this song together .ok?

Step 4小结

看黑板,总结一下这节课学的内容。(Look at the blackboard,then summarize the important knowledge.

Step 5 课后作业

课下以Talk about the friendship为题写一篇作文,要求:字数在80-120。语言通顺流畅,无语法错误。

