
发布时间:2020-09-20 10:03:31





【摘要】Many peOple wiIl walk in and Oul Of yOur Iife,But Only lrue friends wIeaVe fOOlprinls in yOur heart. TO handIe yOu rself,use yOur head, TO handIe Others,use VOu r heat. Anger is OnIy One letter shOrt Of danger’. If sOmeOne belrays yOu Once,it is his fauIt: lf he belrays yOu lwice,jt is yOu r faun. G reaf mjnds discuss ideas: AVerage minds discuss eVents; SmalI minds discuss peOpIe. He whO lOseS mOney,IOses much; He wh0 lOses a friend.IOses much mOre: He whO IOses faith.10ses aI J. BeaufifuI yOung peOpIe ...








1.没有"朋友"的朋友圈——陌生人语境下微信朋友圈的社交悖论 [J], 陆伟晶

2.微信朋友圈隐私保护问题的探究——"允许朋友查看朋友圈范围"设置功能合理性分析 [J], 徐爽; 刘丽丽

3.朋友圈成传谣圈,拿什么拯救长辈的朋友圈 [J],

4.大国朋友圈——“近者悦,远者来:一带一路上的朋友圈势力 [J],

