高中物理 第2章 第3节 欧姆定律练习 新人教版选修31

发布时间:2019-11-04 16:52:34

3节 欧 [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

1.电阻是一个只跟导体本身性质有关而跟通过的电流无关的物理量.它反映了导体对电流的阻碍作用.定义式为R,其单位是欧姆,简称.符号是Ω.常用单位还有千欧和兆欧. [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

2.欧姆定律的内容是:导体中的电流跟导体两端的电压U成正比,跟导体的电阻R成反比,公式为I [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

3.欧姆定律是个实验定律,实验表明该定律适用于金属导电和电解质溶液导电,对气体导电半导体导电并不适用. [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

4.导体的伏安特性曲线:用横轴表示电压U,纵轴表示电流I,画出的IU关系图线叫做导体的伏安特性曲线,伏安特性曲线直观地反映出导体中的电压电流的关系.金属导体的伏安特性曲线是一过原点的直线,直线的斜率为金属导体电阻的倒数 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

基础巩固 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

1.在物理学中,我们常用比值法来定义物理量,用此方法反映的是物质或运动的某一属性,与定义式中的各物理量无关,例如电阻R请你根据已经学过的中学物理知识再写出两个用比值法定义的物理量:______________________________ [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

解析:高中阶段的用比值来定义的物理量比较多.有速度、加速度、功率、电场强度、电势、电流强度(电流)等.从里面选出4个即可. [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

答案:电场强度E [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

电势差UAB [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

2(多选)欧姆定律不适用于(CD) [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

A.金属导电 B.电解液导电 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

C.稀薄气体导电 D.气体导电 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

3.关于导体的电阻,下列说法中正确的是(B) [Translation defau高中lt and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

A.由R知道,一段导体的电阻跟它两端的电压成正比,跟通过它的电流成反比 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

B.由I知道,通过一段导体的电流跟加在它两端的电压成正比,跟导体的电阻成反比 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

C.比较几只电阻的IU图线可知,电流变化相同时,电压变化较小的图线对应电阻的阻值较大 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

D.导体中的电流越大,电阻就越小 [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

4(多选)已知两个导体的电阻之比R1R221,那么(BC) [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

A.若两导体两端电压相等,则I1I221 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

B.若两导体两端电压相等,则I1I212 [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

C.若导体中电流相等,则U1U221 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

D.若导体中电流相等,则U1U212 [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

5.在描绘小灯泡的伏安特性曲线时,采用如图所示电路,实验中发现移动滑动变阻器的滑片时,电流表的示数变化而电压表的指针不动,下列原因可能的是(C) [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

[With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

A.灯泡中灯丝已烧断 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

B.滑片接触不良 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

C.灯泡内部短路 [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

D.滑动变阻器A端接触不良 [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

解析:由题图知若电压表的电阻无穷大移动滑片时因电流表示数有变化故和电流表串联的回路中不存在断点A错.若滑片接触不良电路中不可能有电流B错.若滑动变阻器A端接触不良滑片移动时电流表和电压表读数均变化D错.若灯泡内短路则灯泡两端电压为零电压表指针不变移动滑片时只有电流表指针变化故选C. [Studies on the psychological androgyny has a long h教高istory in the West. The most famous psychological experts are Freud and Jung. Through numerous researches on real people, Freud drew into a conclusion that it was tough to find a pure masculine man or a pure feminine woman in the world. On the contrary,]

能力提升 [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

6(多选)某导体中的电流随其两端电压的变化情况如右图所示,则下列说法中正确的是(AD) [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

[in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

A.加5 V电压时,导体的电阻约是5 Ω [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

B.加11 V电压时,导体的电阻约是1.4 Ω [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

C.由图可知,随着电压的增大,导体的电阻不断减小 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

D.由图可知,随着电压的减小,导体的电阻不断减小 [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

解析:对某些导体,其伏安特性曲线不是直线,但曲线上某一点的值仍表示该点所对应的电阻值.本题中给出的导体在加5 V电压时值为5所以此时电阻约为5 Ω;当电压增大时值增大即电阻增大综合判断可知AD正确. [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

7某同学对四只电阻各进行一次测量,把每一个电阻两端的电压和通过它的电流在UI坐标系中描点,得到了如图中abcd四个点,其中阻值最大的是(A) [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

[Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

Aa Bb [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

Cc Dd [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

解析:由题意知将图中abcd四个点分别于O点相连可得四只电阻的UI图象如图所示又因UI图象的斜率表示电阻可得a的阻值最大所以A正确. [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

[In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

8.已知灯丝的电阻不是一个固定的值,它随温度的升高而逐渐变大.现有一只标有220 V60 W”的白炽灯泡,加上的电压U0逐渐增大到220 V.在此过程中,电压U和电流I的关系可用图线表示.在如图所示的四个图线中,符合实际的是(B) [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

[Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

解析:由电阻的定义式R知:在UI图线上某一点的纵坐标U和该点的横坐标I的比值就对应着电阻值R.由于白炽灯泡钨丝的电阻会随温度的升高而增大当白炽灯上加的电压从零逐渐增大到220 V钨丝由红变到白炽灯丝的温度不断升高电阻将不断增大A图线表示为一定值,说明电阻不变,不符合要求;C图线上各点的值随U的增大而减小也不符合实际;D图线中的的值开始随U的增大而增大后来随U的增大而减小也不符合实际;只有B图线中的值随U的增大而变大符合实际. [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

9以下是描绘小灯泡的伏安特性曲线实验的操作步骤: [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

A.闭合开关,记下电流表、电压表的一组示数(IU),移动滑动变阻器的滑动触头位置,每移动一次记下一组(IU)值,共测出12组左右的数据 [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

[ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

B.将电流表、电压表、滑动变阻器、小灯泡、电源、开关正确连接成电路.电流表外接,滑动变阻器采用分压式,如图所示 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

C.调节触头位置,使闭合开关前触头处于滑动变阻器的左端 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

D.按所测数据,在坐标纸上描点并将各点用直线段连接起来,得出小灯泡的伏安特性曲线 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

(1)以上各步骤中存在错误或不妥之处的是________,应如何改正________________________________________________________________________ [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

(2)将各步骤纠正后,按实验先后顺序排列起来________ [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

解析:(1)错误或不妥的步骤是ACD.A步骤:测量不同电压下的电流值I应先预设各组数据中的电压U或电流I而不是随意测随意测时会使描点疏密不均匀画图线时出现较大误差甚至无法画出IU图线.C步骤:闭合开关前应使小灯泡两端电压为零即触头应置于滑动变阻器最右端.D步骤:应将各点用平滑的曲线连接起来. [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

答案:(1)见解析 (2)BCAD [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

7节 静电现象的应用 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

1.通过对静电场中导体的自由电荷运动情况的讨论,了解静电平衡的概念,知道处于静电平衡的导体的特征. [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

2.通过实验了解静电平衡时带电导体上电荷的分布特点. [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

3.了解尖端放电和静电屏蔽现象,关注生活、生产中的静电现象. [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

[The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

1.静电平衡状态. [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

处于电场中的导体内外电场相互叠加,使导体内部电场减弱,直至为零,导体内部自由电子不再发生定向移动的状态. [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

2.处于静电平衡状态下导体的特点. [The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Hsun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922 and was later embodied in his first short story collection Call to Arms in 1923.]

(1)处于静电平衡状态下的导体,内部场强处处为零 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

(2)处于静电平衡状态的整个导体是个等势体,它的表面是个等势面,地球是一个等势体 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

[L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

1.导体内部没有静电荷,静电荷分布在导体的外表面 [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

2.在导体表面,越尖锐的位置,电荷的密度越大,凹陷的位置几乎没有电荷 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

[Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

1.空气的电离:导体尖端电荷密度很大,电场很强,带电粒子在强电场的作用下剧烈运动撞击空气分子,从而使分子的正负电荷分离的现象. [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

2.尖端放电:所带电荷与导体尖端的电荷符号相反的粒子,由于被吸引而奔向尖端,与尖端上的电荷中和,相当于导体从尖端失去电荷的现象. [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

[English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

1.定义:把一个电学仪器放在封闭的金属壳里,即使壳外有电场,由于壳内场强保持为零,外电场对壳内的仪器也不会产生影响的现象. [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

2.实现静电屏蔽不一定要用密封的金属容器,金属网也能起到屏蔽作用. [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

3.应用. [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule 考案(1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

(1)避雷针是利用尖端放电避免雷击的一种设施. [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

(2)电学仪器和电子设备外面套有金属罩;通信电缆表面包一层铅皮;高压带电作业人员穿金属网衣;通讯工具在钢筋结构房屋中接收信号较弱. [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

基础巩固 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

1.一个带电金属球,当它带的电荷量增加后(稳定),其内部场强(D) [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

A.一定增强    B.一定减弱 [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledge教,conventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

C.可能增强也可能减弱 D.不变 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析:当带电的金属球处于静电平衡状态时不论其电荷量怎样变化,它的内部场强永远为零,即E0不变所以ABC均错D是正确的. [The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Hsun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922 and was later embodied in his first short story collection Call to Arms in 1923.]

2.请用学过的电学知识判断下列说法,其中正确的是(B) [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

A.电工穿绝缘衣比穿金属衣安全 [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

B.制作汽油桶的材料用金属比用塑料好 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

C.小鸟停在单根高压输电线上会被电死 [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

D.打雷时,待在汽车里比待在木屋里要危险 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

解析:电工穿金属衣和雨天待在汽车里金属衣和汽车能起到静电屏蔽作用所以更安全AD项均错误;运载汽油时如果用塑料桶,塑料和油摩擦生电,电荷积累到一定程度就会产生火花,严重时会引起火灾,而用金属桶运送,能把产生的静电荷及时导走,所以B项正确;小鸟停在同一根高压线上由于两爪之间的距离很小故两爪之间的电压很小所以会很安全C项错误. [According to Approaches to T高中ranslation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

3专门用来运输柴油、汽油的油罐车,在它的尾部都装有一条拖在地上的铁链,对它的作用下列说法正确的是 (C) [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

A.让铁链与路面摩擦产生静电,使油罐车积累一定的静电荷 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

B.让铁链发出声音,以引起其他车辆的注意 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

C.由于罐体与油摩擦产生了静电,罐体上的静电被铁链导入大地,从而避免了火花放电 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

D.由于罐体与油摩擦产生了静电,铁链将油的静电导入大地,从而避免了火花放电 [Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

解析:在运输柴油、汽油时由于上下左右颠簸摇摆造成油和油罐摩擦而产生静电所以在油罐车尾部装一条拖在地上的铁链就能避免静电的积累. [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

4(多选)在下列措施中,哪些能将产生的静电尽快导走 (AB) [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

A.飞机轮子上搭地线 B.印染车间保持湿度 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

C.复印图片 D.电工钳柄装有绝缘套 [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

解析:飞机在飞行中与空气摩擦时飞机外表面聚集了大量静电荷降落时会对地面人员带来危害及火灾隐患因此飞机降落时要及时导走机身聚集的静电采取的措施是在轮胎上安装地线或用导电橡胶制造轮胎;在印染工作车间也同样容易产生静电静电给车间带来火灾隐患为防止火灾发生其中安全措施之一就是车间保持湿度从而通过湿润的空气及时导走静电;在复印图片环节中则需要应用静电;电工钳柄装有绝缘套是防止导电,保护电工的安全. [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

能力提升 [Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

5(多选)如图所示,在玻璃管中心轴上安装一根直导线,玻璃管外绕有线圈,直导线的一端和线圈的一端分别跟感应圈的两放电柱相连.开始,感应圈未接通电源,点燃蚊香,让烟通过玻璃管冒出.当感应圈电源接通时,玻璃管中的导线和管外线圈间就会加上高电压,立即可以看到不再有烟从玻璃管中冒出来了.过一会儿还可以看到管壁吸附了一层烟尘,这是因为(AC) [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

[Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

A.烟尘在高压电场作用下带上了负电 [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

B.烟尘在高压电场作用下带上了正电 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

C.带负电的烟尘吸附在线圈上,因此看不到有烟冒出 [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida a考高bout translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

D.带正电的烟尘吸附在直导线上,因此看不到有烟冒出 [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

解析:烟尘在直导线和管外线圈形成的高压电场作用下带上了负电带负电的烟尘颗粒被吸附到了带正电的线圈上因此看不到有烟冒出.AC项正确. [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

6(多选)图为静电除尘机理的示意图,尘埃在电场中通过某种机制带电,在电场力的作用下向集尘极迁移并沉积,以达到除尘目的,下列表述正确的是(BD) [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

[When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

A.到达集尘极的尘埃带正电荷 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

B.电场方向由集尘极指向放电极 [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

C.带电尘埃所受电场力的方向与电场方向相同 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

D.同一位置带电荷量越多的尘埃所受电场力越大 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

解析:电场由电容的正极指向负极B正确;由电荷从电容的负极到正极可知尘埃带负电电场力的方向与电场方向相反AC错误FqE及匀强电场可知D正确. [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

7(多选)根据所学知识分析,人在进行高压带电作业操作前必须做的准备工作和操作过程可能发生的情况是(BD) [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

A.人不需要做什么准备,只要操作时注意就可以保证安全 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

B.人在操作前必须要戴上用金属丝网制成的手套、帽子,穿上屏蔽服 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

C.手在接触电线的瞬间,也会放电发生危险 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

D.手在接触电线的瞬间,也会放电,但没有危险 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

解析:当人在操作前戴上用金属丝网制成的手套、帽子,穿上屏蔽服时,接触电线的瞬间,也会放电,但电荷只分布在丝网的外表面,形成静电屏蔽,丝网内部无电场,人不会有危险. [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

8为防止静电的危害,应尽快把产生的静电导走,下面措施中不属于防止静电危害的是(B) [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

A.采用导电橡胶做飞机轮胎 [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

B.电工钳柄上套有绝缘胶套 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

C.纺织厂车间内空气保持适当湿度 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

D.在地毯中夹一些导电纤维 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

解析:防止静电危害是不让其产生火花、高压而钳柄上的绝缘胶套是防止操作时漏电,而不是防静电的,其余几个均是防止静电危害的,因此应选B. [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

9某一静电实验装置如图所示,验电器A不带电,验电器B的上面安装一个几乎封闭的金属圆筒C.已知B内的金属箔片是张开的,现手持一个带绝缘柄的金属小球D,使D接触C的内壁,再移出与A的金属小球接触,无论操作多少次,都不能使A带电.这个实验说明了(B) [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

AC是一个等势体(电势处处相等) [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

BC的内部是不带电的 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

CC的内部电势为零 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

DC的内部场强为零 [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

解析:处于静电平衡状态的导体电荷分布在导体的外表面所以A不张开同时也说明了C的内部是不带电的选项B正确. [The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Hsun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922 and was later embodied in his first short story collection Call to Arms in 1923.]

10如图所示为一空腔球形导体(不带电),现将一个带正电的小金属球A放入腔中,当静电平衡时,图中abc三点的场强E和电势φ的关系是(D) [The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Hsun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922 and was later embodied in his first short story collection Call to Arms in 1923.]

[In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

AEaEbEc,φaφbφc [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

BEaEbEc,φaφbφc [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

CEaEbEc,φaφbφc [Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of th案高eir theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

DEaEcEb,φaφbφc [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

分析:将带正电的小金属球A放入腔中当静电平衡时空腔球形导体内壁感应出负电荷外表面感应出正电荷.整个空腔球形导体是一个等势体表面是一个等势面.画出电场线的分布根据电场线越密场强越大顺着电场线电势降低判断场强和电势的大小. [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

解析:当静电平衡时空腔球形导体内壁感应出负电荷外表面感应出正电荷画出电场线的分布如图.由于a处电场线较密c处电场线较疏b处场强为零EaEcEb.根据顺着电场线方向电势降低整个空腔球形导体是一个等势体表面是一个等势面分析可知电势关系是φa>φb>φc. 故选D. [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

点评:本题抓住处于静电平衡导体的特点是关键.比较场强大小和电势高低常常画电场线,形象直观地判断. [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

2节 电 [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

1.在外电路中,正电荷由电源的极流向极.在电源的内部靠非静电力把正电荷从极搬运到极. [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

2.电源是通过非静电力做功把其他形式的能转化为电势能的装置. [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

3.电动势用来表示电源把其他形式的能转化为电能本领的物理量.用E来表示.定义式为E.其单位是伏特 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

4.电动势由电源中非静电力的特性决定,跟电源的体积无关,跟外电路无关 [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

5.电源的重要参数有电动势内阻容量等. [Studies on the psychological androgyny has a long history in the West. The most famous psychological experts are Freud and Jung. Through numerous researches on real people, Freud drew into a conclusion that it was tough to find a pure masculine man or a pure feminine woman in the world. On the contrary,]

基础巩固 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

1.描述电源能量转化本领大小的物理量是(B) [including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs and so on. Such elements may puzzle the readers from different culture. In order to smooth the way to the further discussion about cultural default and compensation, the thesis will roughly analyze how the Yangs' ]

A.电源的总功率 B.电源的电动势 [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

C.路端电压  D.电源的输出功率 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

解析:电动势是描述电源把其他形式的能转化为电能本领的物理量电源电动势越大它把其他形式的能量转化为电能的本领越大ACD错误B正确;故选B. [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

2(多选)铅蓄电池的电动势为2 V,这表示(AD) [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

A.电路中每通过1 C电荷量,电源把2 J的化学能转变为电能 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

B.蓄电池两极间的电压为2 V [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

C.蓄电池在1 s内将2 J的化学能转变成电能 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

D.蓄电池将化学能转变为电能的本领比一节干电池(电动势为1.5 V)的大 [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

3.单位电荷量的正电荷沿闭合电路移动一周,在内外电路中释放的总能量决定于 (A) [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

A.电源的电动势 B.通过电源的电流 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

C.电源两端电压的大小 D.电路的电阻 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

解析:由EWEq故单位电荷量的正电荷移动一周电路中释放的总能量决定于电源电动势E. [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

4(多选)太阳能电池已经越来越多地应用于我们生活中,有些太阳帽前安装的小风扇就是靠太阳能电池供电的.可以测得某太阳能电池可产生0.6 V的电动势,这表示(AD) [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-relian考高ce and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

A.电路中每通过1 C电荷量,太阳能电池把0.6 J的太阳能转变为电能 [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

B.无论接不接入外电路,太阳能电池两极间的电压都为0.6 V [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

C.太阳能电池在1 s内将0.6 J的太阳能转变为电能 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

D.太阳能电池将太阳能转化为电能的本领比一节干电池(电动势为1.5 V)将化学能转化为电能的本领小 [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

解析:电动势在数值上等于非静电力把1 C的正电荷从电源内部的负极移到正极所做的功即把太阳能转化为电能的多少而不是在1 s内转变的电能.电动势越大将其他形式的能转化为电能的本领越大.故ADC错;电源在不接入电路时两极间的电压大小为电动势B错. [those who have案教 different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

5电池容量就是电池放电时输出的总电荷量,某蓄电池标有15 A·h”的字样,则表示(C) [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

A.该电池在工作1 h后达到的电流为15 A [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

B.该电池在工作15 h后达到的电流为15 A [Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and co教高mpensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

C.电池以1.5 A的电流工作,可用10 h [When talking about cultural default, we should firstly talk about default. Brown and Yule (1983:96) argue: Knowledge of the world is a basis for the interpretation of a discourse. In representation of this knowledgeconventional aspects of a situation can be treated as default elements]

D.电池以15 A的电流工作,可用15 h [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

解析:蓄电池标有15 A·h”的字样表示电池的蓄存电荷量的情况.即电池工作时放电电流为1.5 A工作时间为10 hC正确. [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

6以下说法中正确的是(D) [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

A.在外电路中和电源内部,正电荷都受静电力作用,所以能不断定向移动形成电流 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

B.静电力与非静电力都可以使电荷移动,所以本质上都是使电荷的电势能减少 [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

C.在电源内部正电荷能从负极移到正极是因为电源内部只存在非静电力而不存在静电力 [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

D.静电力移动电荷做功电势能减少,非静电力移动电荷做功电势能增加 [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

解析:本题主要考查关于电动势的基本概念的理解.电源内部非静电力做功使电荷的电势能增加引出了电动势的概念来描述非静电力的做功本领而静电力移动电荷做正功的过程使电势能减少D项对. [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

7(多选)下列关于电动势的说法,正确的有(BD) [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

A.电源的电动势越大,非静电力将正电荷从负极移送到正极做的功一定越多 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

B.电源的电动势越大,非静电力将单位正电荷从负极移送到正极做的功一定越多 [Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

C.电源的电动势越大,非静电力将正电荷从负极移送到正极的电荷量一定越多 [Alice Walker is an American novel案教ist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

D.电源的电动势越大,非静电力移动相同电荷量转化的电能一定越多 [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

解析:非静电力移送电荷做的功WEq当电动势越大时1 C正电荷从负极移送到正极做的功一定多A选项错误B选项正确.在电源内部非静电力移送电荷量为qIt电动势大的移送的电荷量不一定多C选项错.由WEq电动势越大非静电力移动相同电荷量做的功越多产生的电能也越多D选项正确. [Studies on the psychological androgyny has a long history in the West. The most famous psychological experts are Freud and Jung. Through numerous researches on real people, Freud drew into a conclusion that it was tough to find a pure masculine man or a pure feminine woman in the world. On the contrary,]

能力提升 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. His compensation theory can be described in the following items: first, the translating loss occurs throughout the process of translation; second, ]

8.硅光电池作为电源已广泛应用于人造卫星、灯塔和无人气象站等,高速公路上安装的电子眼通常也采用硅光电池供电.硅光电池的原理如图所示,ab是硅光电池的两个电极,PN是两块硅半导体,E区是两块半导体自发形成的匀强电场区,P的上表面镀有一层增透膜.光照射到半导体P上,使P内受原子束缚的电子成为自由电子,自由电子经E区电场加速到达半导体N,从而产生电动势,形成电流.以下说法中正确的是(C) [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

[Chapter two reviews the study of the cultural default and compensation in intercultural translation and gives brief introduction of their theories. What's more, through the studies of these scholars, the author discusses the necessity of compensation in this chapter]

AE区匀强电场的方向由P指向N [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

B.电源内部的电流方向由P指向N [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

Ca电极为电池的正极 [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

D.硅光电池是一种把化学能转化为电能的装置 [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

解析:根据题意E区电场能使P逸出的自由电子向N运动因负电荷受到的电场力与电场方向相反,所以电场方向由N指向P由于电流的方向与负电荷的运动方向相反所以电源内部的电流方向由N指向PAB错误;根据以上对电流方向的分析可知a为电源正极该电池是将光能转化为电能的装置C正确D错误.故选C. [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

9如下图所示的是两个电池外壳的说明文字.图中所述进口电池的电动势是________V;所述国产电池最多可放出________mAh的电荷量,若电池平均工作电流为0.03 A,则最多可使用________h图中还提供了哪些信息:________________________________________________________________________. [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

[According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

解析:进口电池的电动势是1.2 V国产电池最多可放出600 mAh的电荷量.由t20 h即最多可使用20 h.图中还提供了充电时间和充电电流等. [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

答案:1.2 600 20 充电时间及充电电流等 [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

1节 磁现象和磁场 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

1.磁场是一种物质吗? [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

磁场是磁体周围客观存在的一种物质,磁场和电场一样都属于场类物质,尽管人眼看不见,但它是自然界物质存在的一种形式. [The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Hsun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922 and was later embodied in his first short story collection Call to Arms in 1923.]

2.磁场的基本特性是什么? [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

磁场的基本特性是对放入磁场中的磁体电流以及运动电荷有力的作用. [those who have different culture background can't comprehend the text smoothly because of the lack of the same culture background. Therefore, a translation without compensation of such cultural elements won't bring "a response very close to what the original readers experienced" (Nida, 1993:118) to the target language readers]

3.哪些物质产生磁场? [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

产生磁场的地方有磁体的周围、电流的周围及变化电场的周围(我们以后将学到) [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

4.磁极间的相互作用规律:同名磁极相互排斥,异名磁极相互吸引 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

5.地磁场的分布大致上就像一个条形磁体的磁场;地球表面上磁场的方向大致是从 [including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs and so on. Such elements may puzzle the readers from different culture. In order to smooth the way to the further discussion about cultural default and compensation, the thesis will roughly analyze how the Yangs' ]

基础巩固 [including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs and so on. Such elements may puzzle the readers from different culture. In order to smooth the way to the further discussion about cultural default and compensation, the thesis will roughly analyze how the Yangs' ]

1(多选)关于磁场的下列说法正确的是(BD) [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

A.磁场和电场一样,是同一种物质 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

B.磁场最基本的性质是对处于磁场里的磁体或电流有磁场力的作用 [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

C.磁体与通电导体之间的相互作用不遵循牛顿第三定律 [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

D.电流与电流之间的相互作用是通过磁场进行的 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

解析:磁场是客观存在的一种特殊物质其性质就是对放入其中的磁体或电流产生力的作用.磁场力也是一种性质力当然遵循牛顿运动定律电流具有磁效应通过各自产生的磁场发生相互作用所以答案选BD. [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

2磁铁吸引小铁钉与摩擦过的塑料尺吸引毛发碎纸屑两现象比较,下列说法正确的是(D) [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

A.两者都是电现象 [Translation default and compensation has been discussed preliminarily in western countries. According to The Theory and practice of Translation, Nida thinks that it is the content that must be conserved at any cost in transferring a text from one language to another. He also holds that if by chance it was possible to convey the same content in the target language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, ]

B.两者都是磁现象 [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

C.前者是电现象,后者是磁现象 [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

D.前者是磁现象,后者是电现象 [Studies on the psychological androgyny has a long history in the West. The most famous psychological experts are Freud and Jung. Through numerous researches on real people, Freud drew into a conclusion that it was tough to find a pure masculine man or a pure feminine woman in the world. On the contrary,]

解析:磁铁吸引小铁钉是靠磁铁的磁场把铁钉磁化而作用的是磁现象;摩擦过的塑料上带电荷是周围产生电场而吸引毛发碎纸屑的是电现象. [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

3奥斯特实验说明了(C) [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

A.磁场的存在 B.磁场的方向性 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

C.电流可以产生磁场 D.磁体间有相互作用 [Celie is confined to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

解析:本题考查奥斯特实验奥斯特实验中电流能使静止的小磁针发生偏转说明电流周围能产生磁场.故正确选项为C. [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

4磁性水雷是用一个可绕轴转动的小磁针来控制起爆电路的,军舰被地磁场磁化后就变成了一个浮动的磁体,当军舰接近磁性水雷时,就会引起水雷的爆炸,其依据是(B) [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

A.磁体的吸铁性 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

B.磁极间的相互作用规律 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical,]

C.电荷间的相互作用规律 [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

D.磁场对电流的作用原理 [in each of us two power preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the manColeridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. ]

解析:同名磁极相互排斥、异名磁极相互吸引.当军舰接近磁性水雷时磁体间的相互作用引起小磁针的转动与铁制引芯相吸引接通电路引起爆炸. [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

5如图四个实验现象中,不能表明电流能产生磁场的是(B) [National Book Award and the Association of American Book Review Award since its publication that causes the sensation at home and abroad. It has been turned into a movie, an instant success in the Hollywood. Rarely can an African-American novel acquire such a great popularity and fame in American literary history.]

[ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

A.甲图中,导线通电小磁针发生偏转 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

B.乙图中,通电导线在磁场中受到力的作用 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

C.丙图中,当电流方向相同时,导线相互靠近 [With the notion of sex equality, Woolf observed gender distinctions in the patriarchal society as well as the specialty of female. She also initialized the term androgyny as feminism's values, which presents her ideal of realizing a perfect "person" by eliminating gender bias and its binary oppression, ]

D.丁图中,当电流方向相反时,导线相互远离 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析:磁场对小磁针、通电导体有作用力图甲中的小磁针发生了偏转图丙、丁中的通电导体发生了吸引和排斥都说明了电流周围存在磁场.乙图不能说明电流能产生磁场.所以答案为B. [In The Color Purple, Walker portrays several typical characters with the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in order to show how people grow up for becoming a perfect "human being" and how a harmonious ]

6判断一段导线中是否有直流电流通过,手边若有几组器材,其中最为可用的是(A) [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

A.被磁化的缝衣针及细棉线 [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

B.带电的小纸球及细棉线 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

C.小灯泡及导线 [Ke Ping defined compensation as "the making up for the loss meaning of the original text due to literal translation". (1991:23) But such definition is so indistinct that we can only see compensation in meaning perspective.]

D.蹄形磁铁及细棉线 [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析: 被磁化的缝衣针相当于小磁针用细棉线吊起后放在直线电流周围能摆动说明导线中有电流流过. [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

7地球是一个大磁体,它的磁场分布情况与一个条形磁铁的磁场分布的情况相似,下列说法正确的是(D) [L. S. Barkhudarov has similar theory to Nida about translation compensation in his Language and Translation. In his opinion, the translation can be achieved equivalently to the original text by compensating, which should be on the premise that it obeys the rules of grammar, words and rhetoric of the target language. I]

A.地磁场的方向是沿地球上的经线方向 [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

B.地磁场的方向是与地面平行的 [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

C.地磁场的方向是从北向南的方向 [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

D.在地磁南极上空,地磁场的方向是竖直向下的 [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

解析:地理南北极与地磁南北极不重合所以地磁场方向与经线有夹角即磁偏角地磁场方向不与地面平行它们之间的夹角称为磁倾角在地磁南北极附近磁场方向是与地面垂直的. [Alice Walker is an American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel, The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1983. Alice Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terrorism, and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,]

能力提升 [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

8.《新民晚报》曾报道一则消息:上海信鸽从内蒙古放飞后,历经20余天,返回上海市鸽巢,信鸽的这种惊人的远距离辨认方向的本领,实在令人称奇.人们对信鸽有高超的认路本领的原因提出了如下猜想: [modern and contemporary literary works to western readers with his wife Gladys Yang, who is also a noted translator. They make great contributions to the progress of China's translation cause and they also have influenced foreign readers. Their monumental work A Dream of Red Mansions is the one that is the most discussed. Also, their translations of Lu Hsun's works are well-known in the field of translation and literature]

A.信鸽对地形地貌有极强的记忆力 [ Finally he is forgiven by Celie and becomes her physical and spiritual mate. Another black woman Shug, a beautiful lady, is also the ideal embodiment of androgyny. "That when I notice how Shug talk and act sometimes like a man. Men say stuff like that to women, Girl, you look like a good time." (]

B.信鸽能发射并接收某种超声波 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

C.信鸽能发射并接收某种次声波 [Celie is confined考高 to her family due to her submission and she suffers a lot. With the help of Shug, she revolts doggedly for her liberation, and finally realizes her self-reliance and equality. Her self-recognition journey illustrates androgyny completely]

D.信鸽体内有某种磁性物质,它能借助地磁场辨别方向 [Alice Walker devotes herself to the racial and sexual liberation of black women in white male-dominated society by producing at length on issues of race, gender and nature, three necessary ingredients of her works. Her most successful novel The Color Purple is honored the Pulitzer Prize,]

那么信鸽究竟靠什么辨别方向呢?科学家们曾做过这样一个实验:把几百只训练有素的信鸽分成两组,在一组信鸽的翅膀下各缚一块小磁铁,而在另一组信鸽的翅膀下各缚一块大小相同的铜块,然后把它们带到离鸽舍一定距离的地方放飞,结果绝大部分缚铜块的信鸽飞回鸽舍,而缚磁铁的信鸽全部飞散了.科学家的实验支持了上述哪种猜想(D) [English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析: 也许同学们还不明白超声波、次声波的含义,但是,题目中给出的实验情景会帮助我们理解题意,并作出正确判断.信鸽缚铜块不影响其辨别方位但缚磁铁就会迷失方向.可以判断选项D正确. [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

9如图所示为一电磁选矿机的示意图,其中M为矿石漏斗,D为电磁铁. 在开矿中,所开采出的矿石有含铁矿石和非含铁矿石,那么矿石经过选矿机后,落入B槽中的矿石是________,落入A槽中的矿石是________ [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly]

[including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs and so on. Such elements may puzzle the r教高eaders from different culture. In order to smooth the way to the further discussion about cultural default and compensation, the thesis will roughly analyze how the Yangs' ]

解析:含铁矿石被电磁铁D磁化吸引故落入B槽;非含铁矿石不受D 的作用故落入A槽. [Alice Walker is one of the American's most influential and talented writers whose masterpiece The Color Purple brought her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award in 1984. In this novel, a variety of roles with femininity and masculinity are characterized by Walker in accordance with the theory of androgyny.]

答案:含铁矿石 非含铁矿石 [In the eighty to ninety centuries, some words in The True Story of Ah Q had long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary. By means of self-talk and self-deception, Lu Hsun not only traced a story of a tramp from the peasant class with little education, but also created the cultural term of "spiritual victories" in the story, ]

高中物理 第2章 第3节 欧姆定律练习 新人教版选修31
