
发布时间:2023-12-22 17:37:00

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology-1 Pandora’s Box 潘多拉的盒子
一个偶尔的机会,搜索发现网络音乐程序酷我音乐中有英文版《Greek Mythology专辑可以收听和下载。本专辑共34集,每集约3-13分钟。全部用最通俗易懂的的英文写成、真人配音,讲述了34个流行的希腊神话故事,引人入胜,特别适合喜欢历史和英语的青少年收听学习。对有一定英语水平的中老年人,也是不错的学习希腊神话典故的素材。
Pandora’s Box
When the gods created the earth, they made it a perfect place for man. Each of the gods gave man a gift, such as strength, intelligence, and skills, and they filled the earth with everything that man needed to live happily.
Fruit tree grew everywhere, and beautiful flowers gave out a delicious drink called nectar that gave people energy. No people needed to work or hunt, and people never grew old or sick or died. The only thing that the gods did not give man was fire. This they kept for themselves. They feared that giving man fire would make him as powerful as the gods and would cause him to destroy the many wonderful things that the gods had put on earth. One day, the Titan named Prometheus stole some fire from heaven and gave it to man.

Though man knew that fire was the possession of the gods, they still accepted Prometheus ‘gift. Zeus was very angry at this and decided to punish man.
He called on Hephaestus, the gods of metal and fire, and asked him to build a woman out of stone. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, modeled for the statue so that it would be beautiful.
When it was finished, Athena breathed life into the cold stone and it came alive. Then each of the gods gave the woman a gift.
Aphrodite taught her how to dance and how to attract any man without even having to look at him. Athena gave her great wisdom. Apollo taught her how to play many musical instruments, and the Muse’s taught her how to sing.
Hermes taught her how to speak wonderful lies that made other people happy. The last gift was given to her by Hera, Zeus’ wife, and this was curiosity.
The gods then named her Pandora, which means, All-gifted” and placed her down on earth with all the common men. Zeus went down to earth with Pandora and gave her one last gift. It was a beautiful box, closed with a heavy lock.
He then gave Pandora the key to box and told her that she must never open it, or let anybody open it for any reason. After a short time, one of Prometheus' brothers, Epimetheus met Pandora and fell deeply in love with her.
She loved him as well and returned with him to his small village.
They lived there together happily because life was easy and there were no troubles.

