新概念英语第二册笔记第55课 doc

发布时间:2020-05-14 05:45:01

Lesson 55 Nota gold mine 并非金矿


What did the team find?

Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where -- it is said -- pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.


最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。一种叫探宝器 新机器已经发明出来,并被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子。在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。海盗们过去常把金子 埋藏在那个洞里,可后来却没能取走。一支用这种新机器装备起来的探宝队进入了这个岩洞,希望找到埋藏着的金子。当这个队的队长正在检查洞口附近的土壤时, 那台机器显示出它的下面埋有金子。队员们异常激动,就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,但最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。队员们接着又把整个洞彻底搜寻了 一遍,但除了一只空铁皮箱外什么也没找到。尽管如此,很多人仍然相信探宝器很快就会探出值钱的东西来。

New words and expressions

gold n. 金子 mine n.

treasure n. 财宝 revealer n. 探测器

invent v. 发明 detect v. 探测

bury v. 埋藏 cave n. 山洞

seashore n. 海岸 pirate n. 海盗

arm v. 武装 soil n. 泥土

entrance n. 入口 finally adv. 最后

worthless adj. 毫无价值的 thoroughly adv. 彻底地

trunk n. 行李箱 confident adj. 有信心的

value n. 价值

★ gold

同义词precious yellow metal, gold dust 变化形 名复golds 

1n. 金子

pure gold 纯金 a gold medal 金牌

a gold ring a gold necklace

a gold watch a gold mine 金矿 a goldfish 金鱼

pay in gold 以黄金支付

egAll that glitters is not gold . 闪闪发光者并非都是金子。

2)有价之物、高贵 a voice of gold 金嗓子

3 golden adj. 金的、金色的、贵重如金、幸运的、珍贵的

a golden opportunity 良机 golden days(一生中的) 幸福时光

egSpeech is silver silence is golden . 雄辩是银沉默是金。

silver 银子 a silver coin 一枚银币

silvery 银白色 silver gray 银灰色

★ mine

1 我的 egHe is a friend of mine .

2 a coal-mine煤矿 a gold-mine

a mine worker a miner 矿工

3)(知识等的) 丰富的资源

egHe is a mine of information about the political situation of that country.


mineral adj.  [ˈminərəl]矿物,矿石,矿的、矿泉的

mineral water  ['minərəl.wɔ:tə] 矿泉水

a mineral spring 一个矿泉

★ treasure

1 n. 金银财宝、财富(gold , silver , jewel ,etc.

buried treasure 埋藏的珍宝

the treasure of the wrecked ship 遇难的船上的宝物

2n. 贵重物品

a national treasure 国宝 art treasure 艺术珍品

3n.(口) 宝贝的人、宝贝 my dearest treasure 我的宝贝儿

4 v. 珍视、珍爱

cherish sb’s friendship treasure sb’s friendship珍视某人的情谊

treasure sth up in one’s heart 将某事物铭记于心

★ reveal v. 透露、泄露、揭露

reveal sth to sbbring sth to light

reveal secrets 泄露秘密 reveal details 披露详情

reveal methods 透露方法 reveal faults 揭露错误

reveal feelings 流露感情

egShe revealed the secret to her boyfriend. 她把秘密向她的男朋友透露了。

egThe truth will be revealed someday. 总有一天会真相大白的。

reveal that

egResearch revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction.


revealing adj. 揭露(事实真相的);暴露真相

revealing remarks 揭露真相的评论 revealing dress 暴露的连衣裙

revealer n. 探测器

★ invent v. 发明、创造

变化形 动变invented invented inventing 

egWho invented the ball-point pen ?谁发明了圆珠笔?

egBell invented the telephone . 贝尔发明了电话。


invent a new teaching method 发明一种新的教学方法

inventor 发明家 invention n. 发明、创造

discover v. 发现

egI’ve discovered a super restaurant near her .


discovery n. 发现

detect v. 发现 (不好的事物)查出、探测

同义词discover, locate, spy, recognize 反义词conceal, hide

变化形 动变detected detected detecting 

egThe device can detect smoke. 这种装置可用来侦测烟雾。

egA machine was used to detect gold . 一仪器器被用来探测黄金。

egThe police detected the identity of the murder .


detection  [diˈtekʃən] n.察觉,发觉;侦查,探测

detector n. 探测器 detective n. 侦探

★ bury

同义词cover, conceal, hide, cache 反义词dig, excavate, disinter

变化形 动变buried buried burying 

1 (将尸体)v. 埋藏(buried-buried

egThe mean landlord asked to be buried with his treasure.


egHe was buried with his wife. 他和他妻子葬在一起。

2 埋藏于地下 buried treasure 埋在地下的珍宝

egThe house was buried under ten feet of snow.


egShe buried her face in her hands and wept.


bury / hide one’s head in the sand 逃避现实、自欺欺人

bury oneself in sth 埋头于、专心致力于……

egIn the evenings, he buries himself in his books .


★ cave n. 山洞

同义词 lair, shelter, den, cavern 变化形 名复caves 

变化形 动变caved caved caving 

egBears often hibernate in caves. 熊常在山洞里冬眠。

cave dweller(美口)(都市的) 公寓居民

cavity n. 腔、洞(如牙齿中的洞)

hole n. 洞、孔、坑、洞穴、窟窿

★ seashore n.海岸, 海滨[C][the S]

变化形 名复seashores  shore

a small house on the seashore 在海边的小房子

seasick adj. 晕船 get seasick become seasick

carsick adj. 晕车; homesick adj.想家

seaside 1 n. 海边游憩地

egWe will spend the vacation at the seaside .


2 adj. 海岸的 a seaside town 海边的城镇

★ pirate

同义词steal, thieve, rob, pilfer 变化形 名复pirates 

变化形 动变pirated pirated pirating 

1 n. 海盗(可做定语)

a pirate ship / flag 海盗船、的旗志

2 n. 盗印、盗版 (可做定语)

a pirate video / tape 盗版 视频 /磁带

3 非法复制集出售唱片、影片、书籍……

smuggle  [ˈsmʌg(ə)l] vt.走私,非法私运;偷运,偷带

run 走私者在国与国之间运送枪枝,毒品及其他违禁危险品

bootleg  ['bu:tleg] v. 非法制造、运送、销售(酒类), 走私

pirate 非法复制集出售唱片、影片、书籍……


同义词equip, empower, defend, fortify

反义词disarm 变化形动变armed armed arming 

1n. 手臂

arm in arm 臂挽着臂 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩

hand in hand 手拉手

armchair n.(单座) 沙发

egShe threw her arms around his neck. 她伸出双手搂住他的脖子。

egShe held her baby in her arms. 她抱着那个婴儿.

stretch one’s arms 张开双臂 raise one’s arms 高举双臂

swing one’s arms 转动双臂

2 v. 武装、装备

arm sb with equip sb with weapons 用武器装备某人

armed forces 武装力量(指一国的陆、海、空三军)

armed to the teeth 全副武装

egHe armed himself against the cold with a warm coat .


★ soil

变化形 动变soiled soiled soiling  变化形 名复soils 

1 n. 泥土、土壤(近义词 ground earth

plow the soil 耕种土地 rich soil 沃土 ←→ poor soil 瘠土

2 土地、国家 one’s native soil 祖国

egHe died on Irish soil . 他死于爱尔兰。


n. 入口, 门口[C][(+to)] 变化形 名复entrances 

1)入口(反义词 exit

egWhere is the entrance to the park , please ?请问公园的入口在哪里?

the front entrance of a school 一所学校正门

the back entrance of a school 一所学校后门

2 入学

entrance into college entrance to college 进入大学

entrance examination 入学考试

finally adv. 最后地


final adj. 最后的

last →仅表市顺序的最后; final →表一串事情的终了

final preparations before leaving 离开前最后的准备

egWhat’s the final word of this dictionary


final decision 最后判决、决定 final goal 最终目的

the final ballot 决选投票

finals n. 期末考试 take the finals 参加期末考试

final n. 决赛 the World Cup Final 世界杯决赛

finally adj. 最后、终于

worthless adj. 毫无价值的

同义词valueless, bastardly, inadequate

worth adj. 值得的, 值钱的

be worth doing 值得做 ...

egThe film is worth seeing again. 这部影片值得一看再看。

worthless adj. 无价值的,没有用处的 =(valueless

-less 表反义的后缀:

brainless 愚笨的 meaningless 无意义的

homeless无家可归的 harmless 无害处的

helpless 无助的 hopeless 没有希望的

endless 没有尽头的 useless 毫无用处的

priceless 无价的、珍贵的

thoroughly adv. 彻底地、完全的

give the room a thorough cleaning 把房间彻底打扫一番.

thoroughly adv. 彻底地、完全的 completely, every inch

egHe is a thoroughly nice person . 他是个大好人.

egThey searched the cave thoroughly . 他们把整个洞彻底搜寻了一遍。

through prep 穿过

go through the tunnel 穿过隧道


同义词stem, stalk, bole, chest 反义词branch

变化形 名复trunks  变化形 动变trunked trunked trunking 

1 树干、躯干

trunk  [trʌŋk]  n.树干 leafleaves [li:f]n.叶,叶子

twig [twig] n.细枝,嫩枝; bough [bau]   n. 大树枝

branch  [brɑ:ntʃ]n.树枝;分部 root  [ru:t] n.()

2 n. 大行李箱、大衣箱

briefcase 公文包 handbag(美语:purse )手提包

suitcase 手提箱 shoulder bag 有肩带女用包、手提包

knap sack 背包、登山袋 backpack 背包

3 象鼻子

4)(美)(轿车车尾的) 行李箱 (英:boot


adj. 确信的; 有信心的, 自信的[(+of)]...

同义词certain, sure, convinced, believing

反义词doubtful, uncertain, uneasy, unsure

变化形 形变more confident most confident

a confident candidate 一个自信的候选人

in a confident manner 用自信的方法

a confident smile/ speech 自信的微笑/讲话

a confident look 自信的表情 be confident of sth 对某事有信心

be confident that ... 坚信, 肯定

egHe is confident of victory / success. 他有自信成功

egShe is confident that she will win race. 她有自信她会赢得比赛。

confidence n. 信心

confident men 骗子 confident game 骗局

egYou are too shy. You should have more confidence in yourself.


confidential adj.

1 机密的 confidential papers 机密文件

2 极信任的、可以信赖的 confidential secretary 机要秘密

★ value

同义词worth, excellence, usefulness, importance

变化形 名复values  变化形 动变valued valued valuing 

1 n. 价值、效用

egWe must realize the value of humor .

2 价格、价钱 market value 市场价格

the value of land 土地的价格

valuable adj. 有价值的

something is valuable something is of value某事具有价值

something is of great value . 某事具有极大的价值

valueless adj. 无价值的、无效果的 =(worthless

invaluable 极其价值的 priceless  [ˈpraisləs] 极其贵重的

numberless 无数的

innumerable [iˈnju:mərəbəl] 多的数不清的、极多的

numerous  [ˈnju:mərəs] 很多的

二.Key structures

used to would

⑴ used to would 都可用来描述在过去某一段时间内的习惯动作或经常做的事,一般来说,我们用used to 来开始一段故事;used to 可用来表示现在与过去的对比,而 would 不能。

egI used to go work by bus. Now I go by car.

egI have given up smoking. I used to smoke very heavily.

⑵ used to 可用来表示过去的状态和情况; would 只表示过去重复的动作,不能表示状况和情况:

egThis sort of novel used to be very popular .


⑶ would 可用于表是过去很不规则的的习惯,所以常和 often , always , frequently , sometimes 等时间频度副词连用;在非正式文体中 used to 也可以这样用:


When I was young, I used to have a lot more free time than I do now . I used to live near my work and would always get home early. Sometimes I would do a bit of gardening or go for a walk. Now I never have time of anything like that.


1He used to smoke a lot , but now he has give up .

2It is said pirates used to / would hide gold here .

3The pirates would / used to often bury gold in the cave

4The river used to be clean . 这条河曾经是干净的

5’I’ll leave this job for a better one’ . he would say when he was scolded by his boss.

分词用法(现在分词 doing / 过去分词 v. +ed

1. 分词性质

句有形容词或副词性质 可以在句中担任表语 ,定语 、宾补或状语 。其中 ,现在分词表主动的含义,或动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动含意,或动作已完成.



a sleeping baby a baby who is sleeping

a running dog a dog which is running

a broken glass a glass which is broken

a beaten team a team which is beaten

beat  [bi:t] vt.打;战胜 vi.跳动 n.跳动();节拍

beaten  ['bi:tn]  adj. 被击败的, 锤成的, 踩出来的, 筋疲力尽的


egThis is the problem discussed at the last meeting .

This is the problem which was discussed at the last meeting .

egThe problem being discussed is very important .

the problem which is being discussed is very important .


1. 单个分词作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前。分词短语做定语,放在所修饰的名词之后。

2. 分词作定语的句子能改写为定语从句。

3. 区别现在分词作定语和动名词作定语。

a sleeping car 卧铺车箱; a sleeping baby 正在睡觉的婴儿

a reading room a reading girl

a swimming pool a swimming player

动名词作定语 某种功能

现在分词作定语 :动作正在进行着


egThe news sounds exciting.

egThey got very excited.

egHis father seems pleased with his score.

score 得分 、分数

egMy watch is gone. 我的表不见了。

egThe book is interesting.

egHe is interested in the book.

do + ing 令人……

do + ed 感到……


egWhen I woke up, I found my mother sitting beside me.

egI’d like to have this package weighed.

weigh  [wei] vi.称得重量 vt.称,称的重量;权衡

egI hear a bell ringing somewhere. ringing 铃声

egI had a tooth pulled off.

egI found the snake eating the eggs.

egI found the snaketoeat the eggs.


egI found the eggs eaten by the snake .


egHe heard someone calling him.

egHe heard his name called.

egI can’t make myself understood because of my poor English.

egI didn’t make myself heard because a lot of people cried in the hall


1. 后接宾语再接分词作宾补的常用动词

感官动词 hear , see , notice , watch , feel , find ……..

使役性动词 make , let , have , get ……..

2. 动词不定式做宾补 动作全过程

现在分词作宾补 动作正在进行

过去分词做宾补 被动概念

4)作状语 (现在分词表主动,进行;过去分词表被动 ,完成)

egIf you turn to the left, you’ll find the station .

Turning to the left, you’ll find the station .

egAs I didn’t receive her letter, I called her up by telephone .

Not receiving her letter , I called her up by telephone .

egWhile I was walking to school, I met a friend .

Walking to school , I met a friend .

egWhen she was asked if she had any bad habit , she answered that she was a heavy smoker .

Asked if she had any bad habit, she answered that she was a heavy smoker .


1. 分词作状语可以还原为状语从句。

2. 运用此类句型时前后主语要保持一致。

egIf weather permits, I’ll start tomorrow .

weather permitting, I’ll start tomorrow .


发展中国家 developing countries 发达国家 developed countries

(地上的)落叶 fallen leaves (正在飘落的)落叶 falling leaves

(正在沸腾的)开水 boiling water ;(滚开过的)开水 boiled water

落水者 a drowning person 溺水者 a drowned person


★ Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.

最近, 找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实.

※ of + v-ing 介词短语作后置定语

a girl of seventeen a coat of bright color 颜色鲜艳的外衣

a vase of great value a distance of 18 miles

※ come true (预言、期望等)实现,成为事实(不用被动形式)

egHis dream came true .

egHe realized his dream .his dream was realized.

A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.

一种叫探宝器的新机器已经发明出来, 并被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子.

※ be used to do be used for doing 被用作做某事

egThis tool is used for cutting . 这个工具是用来切割

egThis bottle is used to hold the medicine .

※ use up 用完, 耗尽(口) 筋疲力尽

be used up v. 筋疲力尽

egThe soldiers were used up after the long battle .

battle  [ˈbætl] n.战役();斗争,决斗 vi.作战,斗争

※ used to do过去常常做某事 egWe used to live in the city .

※ be used to + n. / pron . / doing习惯于


egHe is used to this kind of job .

※ become used to / get used to 习惯于

egYou’ll soon get used to our way of living .

egI’m used to staying up late . 我习惯熬夜

egI’m used to looking after myself . 我已经习惯了照顾自己

egShe didn’t like this district at first , but she is used to it now .

district  [ˈdistrikt] n.区,地区,行政区

The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where -- it is said -- pirates used to hide gold.

在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里, 这种机器被派上了用场.

※ was used in 被使用

The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it.

海盗们过去常把金子埋藏在那个洞里, 可后来却没能取走.

※ fail to do 未能() ..., 没能() ...

egIf you receive a request like this, you can’t fail to obey it .


Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.

一支用这种新机器装备起来的探宝队进入了这个岩洞, 希望找到埋藏着的金子.

※ armed with 过去分词短语作状语,表是伴随状态。

egThe professor came of the classroom, followed by his students .

egThe lady sat by the fireside, surrounded by her three children.

hoping to find 现再分词短语作状语,表示伴随状态

egThe manager approached us smiling. 经理微笑的走向我们

egSome left the hall still weeping. 有些人离开大厅仍然哭泣

The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.

当这个队的队长正在检查洞口附近的土壤时, 那台机器显示出它的下面埋有金子.

was examining 过去某时正在检查;过去进行时,描述故事发生当时的背景

※ entrance to ... 的入口

Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep.

队员们异常激动, 就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,

Very excited 分词短语位于句首时,多用来说明原因或说明动作发生时主语所处状态

egTired of sleeping on the floor , he decided to buy a real bed .

※ dig vt./ vi.挖,掘;刺;搜寻 n.戳,捅;挖苦(dug

dig a tunnel through the mountain 挖一条贯通山的隧道

dig a person in the ribs 推了他肋骨一下 、触某人的肋部


They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.

但最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币. 队员们接着又把整个洞彻底搜寻了一遍, 但除了一只空铁皮箱外什么也没找到.

In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.

尽管如此, 很多人仍然相信探宝器很快就会探出值钱的东西来.

※ in spite of + n. / pron / doing

be confident that ………be confident of sth. / that 有信心,确信

※ something of value有价值的东西

of value 作后置定语 ,修饰something

something of 在某种意义(或程度)上

egHe spoke with something of a German accent. 他说话带德国口音

accent  [ˈæksənt, ækˈsent] n.口音,腔调;重音(符号) vt.重读

or something 诸如此类的什么

egHe hit a tree or something . 他撞上了一棵树或其他什么东西.

※ fairly 语气最轻的一个还算,勉强

egThe work is fairly hard. 这项工作是还算很难。

quite fairly稍强 相当地在美国英语中,相当于 very

egIt is quite warm today .

rather 最强,表是超出平常或所需要的;一般暗示令人不喜欢的事

egIt’s rather hot today . I can hardly bear it .


egI’ve eaten rather so much . 我吃得太多了

四.Special Difficulties

区别:I use 使用, I am used to 习惯于,I used to …….过去常常

Exercise 选择正确的动词

1. Heis used to)(used towork sixteen hours a day .

2. Iuse to)(used tosee him often .

3. He alwaysuses)(used toscented soap .

scented soap   香皂

4. Heused to)(is used tobuy two bars of chocolate a day .

5. I couldn’t stand the noise at first but Iam used to)(used toit now.

6. Iam used to)(used toswimming in cold water.


1. The search for gold proved that ‘The Revealer’ a .

a. works very well b. doesn’t work well

c. is quite useless d. isn’t very good .

2. How c was the hole?

a. deeply ad.深深地

b. depth  [depθ] n.(),纵深;深切()[ pl.]深处()

c. deep a.(,,,) d.深深地,在深处

d. down ./ ad.向下(),在下面 prep.沿着而下

deeply adv.depth n.deep adj. &adv.down adv.


3. Some people are confident . They b the machine will be useful .

a. confide  [kənˈfaid] vt.吐露(秘密等) b. believe

c. confuse  [kənˈfju:z] vt.使困惑,把弄胡涂;混淆;混乱,搞乱

d. confess  [kənˈfes] v.坦白,供认;承认

4. After the divorce , she d herself in her work .

a. enclosed vt.围住,包住;把装入信封,附入

b. concealed  [kənˈsi:ld] a.隐藏的,隐蔽的

c. devoted  [diˈvəutid] a.献身的,忠实的

d. buried  [ˈberi] vt.埋葬,葬;掩埋,埋藏,掩藏、埋头于


1. Key structures:分词用法以及 used to do / would do

分词:现再分词表是主动、进行 过去分词表示被动、完成

used to do过去经常做某事,暗含现在已经不这样做了;

would do 有明确的过去时间,表示过去这个动作经常重复跟现在不存在比较关系。

egIt is said pirates used to hide gold here .

egThe pirates would often bury gold in the cave .

2. Main Points

egAll that glitters is not gold . 发光的不一定是金子

egSilence is golden . 沉默是金

reveal sth to sb 使(事实等)显露出来;透露;泄漏;揭露、揭露某人….

invent sth 发明某物

Invent sth, esp in order to deceive编造某事物(尤指行骗)

arm sb with …..武装某人 be armed with … 装备有

entrance to…….. 什么的入口 be confident of sth 对某事有信心

be confident that …… 有信心,确信 be used to do 被用来做

used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事

in spite of 不顾,不管 despite prep.不管,尽管


1. Live and let live . 容忍别人、得饶人处且饶人

()给别人留点儿面子(或: 自己活也让别人活;相互宽容)

2. Look before you leap . 三思而后行

新概念英语第二册笔记第55课 doc
