Theme Parks 教案


Teaching Plan for Unit 5 (Module 4
Theme parks
1. Knowledge goals a. The Ss can use some useful words and expressions in different situations: various, fantastic , amuse,attractions, amusement, preserve, no wonder, be famous for, in advance, get close to, come to life etc;
b. The Ss can describe a theme park. c. The Ss can write a passage about Hong Kong Disneyland. 2. Ability goals
a. The Ss can put the words and phrases into real practice; b. The Ss can write a related passage using what they reviewed today. 3. Moral and attitudinal goals a. The Ss can learn to cooperate with each other; b. The Ss can appreciate and feel the fantasy of theme parks; Teaching key points and difficult points a. How to help the Ss use what they leant in real situations; b. How to help the Ss describe a theme park. Teaching methods

Task-based method, discussion, reading-based writing Teaching aids

Multi-media computer, learning sheet Teaching procedures Step1: Revision of the key words (自主学习
T: (Greetings At the very beginning of this class, let’s play a word game. I will show you a group of words in Unit 5 and you should tell me their related forms as quickly as you can. Give the following words proper forms 1. central (adj. ------ center (n. 2. various (adj. ----- variety (n.
3. fantasy (n. --- fantastic (adj. 4. amusement (n. -- amuse (v.
5. attraction (n. -- attract (v.--- attractive (adj 6. tourism (n. -- tour (v/n.----- tourist (n. 7. advance (v.--- advanced (adj.

8. admit (n. --- admission (n. Fill in the blanks with the proper words (
attract; various; fantasy; educational; amusement; historical; terrifying; advanced
Theme parks are becoming more and more popular. There are __________ kinds of theme parks, ___________the majority of people’s attention.
With the help of _________ technology, most theme parks provide us with a world of ________. With rides and _________ , children and their parents can enjoy a good day out.
From interesting roller-coasters to _________ free-fall drops, people just scream all the way. Not only can theme parks provide us with _____________, they can also be __________. We learn how people in ancient England ran their farms in Camelot Park and Dollywood gets us to know about Ancient’s ___________ southeastern culture.
Dollywood, one of the most _____(独特的)theme park , combines ___________ (amusewith _________ (tradition culture. Here we have ______(variety kinds of ____________(attract, such as the most exciting old _____(wood roller coaster, ___________(fantasycountry music ____________ (perform, the world’s largest bald eagle _________(保护区, the only __________ train(蒸汽火车 and many objects made in the __________(老式的)way. Crazy about it? Then let us know your plan_________(提前地. Step2 Group workEnjoy the sentences from the text and classify them into groups.(小组合作,充分挖掘教材)
Pick out some functional sentences from each paragraph ,and underline the beatiful words , phrases and sentence structures. (para1
1. Which theme park would you like to
visit? 2. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you. (para2
3. The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland. 4.With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 5.
If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland
(para3 6. Dollywood is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. 7. Although Dollywood has rides, the park’s main attraction is its culture. 8. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about …culture! (para4 9.If you want to experience…then it is a place for you.
10. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to…Park!
Introductory Connective 2.4.7 Conclusive
5.8.10 Step3 Consolidation of the usage of words, phrases and sentence structures by talking about Hong Zhou Song Dynasty town(杭州宋城.(师生合作,基于阅读进行写作练习)
1. Located in/ suitated in…, …is designed to…(杭州西湖西南部,示宋城文化 1Located in the southwest of westlake in HangZhou, Song Dynasty town is designed to present people with culture and customs of Song Dynasty. 2Song Dynasty town, which is suitated southwest of westlake in HangZhou, is designed to present people with culture and customs of Song Dynasty. modelled after…life in the days of Song Dynasty Every area of the park is modeled after life in Song Dynasty. The park is designed based on the famous Song Dynasty painting called Qing Ming Shang He Tu
3.游客可以看到宋代人们衣食住行的方式,欣赏各种精彩的民俗表演(folk performances
Visitors can not only see how people in Song Dynasty dressed , worked and lived, but also enjoy wonderful folk performances. 4. Sometimes,people even take part in some of the activities. It will bring you into a different world and help you to realize your dreams.--- Sometimes,people even take part in some of the activities, which will bring you into a different world and make your dreams come true. 5.with…come to life… (It’s no wonder …
1With so many activities , things in the past and the prosperity of Song Dynasty come to life . 2So many activities bring the things in the past and the prosperity
of Song Dynasty back to life . 3With so many attractive attractions, (it’s no wonder Song Dynasty town attracts a great number of tourists at home and abroad every year. 6.最让游客们大开眼界的是大型室内表演——《宋城千古情》 The most popular attraction is…/What can feast your eyes most is…
What can feast your eyes most is the grand indoor performace --- The Romance of Song Dynasty. 7.conclusion 1Come to Song Dynasty town to have fun 2Song Dynasty town lets us get close to the life in the past. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come here!
Step4: Creating a theme park of your own in groups (小组合作、讨论)One possible version:(略) Step5: Homework
1. Finish your composition individually----Your own theme park 2. Read a passage about Hong Kong Ocean Park , divide it into three parts and summarize the main idea of each part. If possible, you can write a summary of it. 教学反思
1. 从教学实践来看,学生乐于在小组中进行合作学习。但是任务设计以及其难度是开展小组合作的重点和难点。任务设计要符合学生的实际水平,难易要适中。而且设计活动时要考虑活动有教学目标是否真正一致,避免活动流于形式,单纯地追求“快乐” 2. 在教学中有效地使用图片能大大提高学生对学习的兴趣。 使用中,要根据实际需要做好筛选工作,用最恰当的表达最多的内容。
3. 不要抛弃优秀的传统教法。在任务型教学中,应考虑融入传统的板书和语言形式的操练,令学生的操练更具目的性、指引性。 4. 在实现一个个任务的过程中,老师应该对学生加以引导,包括必要的简单示范,帮助学生完成学习任务,让学生体现到成功的喜悦。

Theme Parks 教案
