
发布时间:2012-04-17 05:50:29


南开大学生命科学学院干细胞发育生物学实验室刘林教授现招聘博士后研究人员2-3名。研究方向: 1 )特定多能干细胞重编程和转基因研究; 2 端粒功能与哺乳动物早期发育多能性机制。具体要求如下:

1 最近年获得相关专业博士学位或将获得博士学位。有用较强的英语交流的能力;

2 在国际 SCI 刊物上发表 ( 或接受 ) 论文 1 篇以上;有发育或细胞生物学基础知识,熟练掌握分子生物学技术;


有意者请将个人简历 ( 含学历、工作经历、发表论文目录等 ) 、推荐人通讯方式、联系电话和 E-mail 发至以下信箱: liulin@nankai.edu.cn or liutelom@yahoo.com




1. Li C, Chen Z, Liu Z, Huang J, Zhang W, Zhou L, Keefe DL, Liu L*. Correlation of expression and methylation of imprinted genes with pluripotency of parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells. Human Molecular Genetics 18:2177-2187. (2009).

2. Chen Z, Liu Z, Huang J, Amano T, Li C, Cao S, Wu C, Liu B, Zhou L, Carter MG, Keefe DL, Yang X, Liu L*. Birth of Parthenote Mice Directly from Parthenogenetic Embryonic Stem Cells.

Stem Cells. 2009 Jun 19. [Epub ahead of print]

3. Huang J, Deng K, Wu H, Liu Z, Chen Z, Cao S, Zhou L, Ye X, Keefe DL, Liu L*. Efficient production of mice from embryonic stem cells injected into four- or eight-cell embryos by piezo micromanipulation. Stem Cells 26:1883-1890 (2008).

4. Liu, L.,* S. M. Bailey, M. Okuka, P. Muñoz, C. Li, L. Zhou, C. Wu, E. Czerwiec, L. Sandler, A. Seyfang, M. A. Blasco and Keefe. D. L. Telomere lengthening early in development. Nature Cell Biology 9: 1436-1441 (2007).

5. Liu Y, Wu C, Lyu Q, Yang D, Albertini DF, Keefe DL, Liu L.* Germline stem cells and neo-oogenesis in the adult human ovary. Developmental Biology 306(1):112-120 (2007).

6. Liu, L., Franco, S., Spyropoulos, B., Moens, P.B., Blasco, M.A., and Keefe, D.L. Irregular telomeres impair meiotic synapsis and recombination in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101: 6496-6501 (2004).

7. Liu, L.*, C.M. DiGirolamo, P.A.A.S. Navarro, M.A. Blasco and D. L. Keefe. Telomerase deficiency impairs differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Experimental Cell Research 294: 1-8 (2004).

8. Liu, L., M.A. Blasco and D.L. Keefe. Requirement of functional telomeres for metaphase chromosome alignments and integrity of meiotic spindles. EMBO Reports 3:230-234 (2002).

9. Liu, L., J.R. Trimarchi, P. Smith and D.L. Keefe. Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to telomere attrition and genomic instability. Aging Cell 1:40-46 (2002).

10. Liu, L., Oldenbourg, R., Trimarchi, J.R., and Keefe, D.L. A reliable, noninvasive technique for spindle imaging and enucleation of mammalian oocytes. Nature Biotechnology 18: 223 – 225 (2000).

