二年级上学期Module2 Unit1 I dont like meat.课堂纪实与评析

发布时间:2019-04-02 21:26:17

外研版二年级上册Module2 Unit1 I don’t like meat.课堂纪实与评析




1、本节课的话题是谈论对食物的喜好。基本句型:I like... I don’t like... I like...在一年级已经有雪学习,那么本节课的重点就是I don’t like...,可涉及 What do \ don’t you like ?\ Do you like...?的句型,但不易过深,可当课堂交际用语。

2、课文情景:Daming LinglingSamAmy家做客,SamAmy轮流给小弟弟Tom 喂饭,可Tom不好好吃饭,吵着要糖果。Tom说的是“不喜欢吃”,而不是“不吃”。Tom的妈妈Ms Smart告诉他:好孩子才能吃糖果。引导Tom不要偏食。于是Tom乖乖地吃饭了。孩子们都把饭吃得干干净净,Ms Smart 非常高兴,于是拿出糖果来给他们吃。这里Tom的话是表达喜好和厌恶常用的一种方式。


1、知识目标: 全体学生能够听、说、读并运用单词:meat, noodles, rice, sweets. 90%已上的学生能够听、说、读并运用单词children

2、能力目标: 全体学生能理解并运用 I don’t like ...\ I like...表达对食物的喜好。



重点: Noodles for you. I don’t like.... I like....句型的使用



1 认知食物,掌握单词。

2 多开口表达,运用句型。

3 多操练,从机械操练到半有意义的操练再到有意义的操练。






I Warming up


T: Good morningboys and girls.

Ss: Good morning.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you,too.

2、Sing a song.

T: I prepare a song for you . Let’s sing together. Okay?

Ss: Okay.

T: Let’s clap hands.

师生齐唱歌曲 We are swimming.

【评析】:锻炼了孩子们与新老师打招呼的日常用语,由歌曲We are swimming 热身,即复习了一年级下学期学习的I like football, 又激发了孩子们的积极性。

II Leading in

T: Wow, you are so great. Good boys. Good girls . You are good children .

T: children

Ss: children

T: children, children

Ss: children, children

T: children , good children

Ss: children, good children.

T: Now children , today we are going to learn M2U1 I don’t like meat. We have two groups. Hello G1. Hello G2. If you can do a good job, you can get some food.

【评析】 出示课题,呈现评价方式。

T: Now look,can you guess what’s this? Is it...?

S1: Is it meatball?

T: Yes, it is. Clever boy\girl. Okay follow me meat-ball, meatball.

Ss: meat -ball, meatball.

T: Now look, what’s this? Is it...?

S2: Is it meat?

T: Yes, it’s meat. Now follow me meat meat.

Ss: meat meat

T: You please.


T: I like meat. Who likes meat.

S3: I like meat.

S4: I like meat.

【评析】由上学期学过的meatball引出meat再到引出句型I like meat.层层递进,符合孩子的认知规律。


T :Now childrenlook, I have two little cute dogs. Look, what’s this ?

Ss: Meat

T: Yes. Now Let’s look at what are they talking about?


T: What did you hear?

S5: I like meat . I like meat too.

T: Great. Let's listen and repeat.

Ss: Listen and repeat.

T: Who can read A and B .

S6: I like meat. S7: I like meat,too.

T: Now look . What’s this ?

Ss: noodles

T: Can you guess What are they talking about?

S8: I like noodles. I like noodles, too.

Now let’s listen and repeat.

Ss: Listen and repeat.

T: What do you like ? Meat or noodles.

S9: I like...

S10: I like...

【评析】看文本获取信息,听音获取信息,由看到听到读到说,循序渐进。为后面学习I don’t like ...做好了铺垫。

IV Text learning

T: Nowyou like meat and noodles. What about Tom ?Let’s look at it together. Oh , who are they ?

Ss: Lingling, Amy , Daming, Sam and baby Tom.

T : Look what are these ? Ss: noodles

T: Is Tom happy?

Ss: No

T: What’s this ? Ss: rice. 师教授rice,生分组朗读。Is Tom happy?

Ss: No

T: what’s this ? Ss: Meat.

T: Is Tom happy?

Ss: No.

T: These? Ss: Sweets. 师教授sweets,生单个朗读。Is Tom happy?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now we learnt four kinds of food. Look they are Yummy. Now let’s listen and repeat the new words. (听到新单词的时候要重复所听到的单词。)

Ss 听音重复单词。

T: Why isn’t Tom happy ? Why is Tom happy? Now listen and repeat ,and try to find the answer. Now take out your pencils and point to your book.(分段播放录音,跟读)

Ss: Listen ,repeat and find the answer.

T: Why isn't Tom happy?

S11 I don't like noodles.

S12: I don’t like noodles.

T: Great. 板书 I don’t like noodles.


相同方式呈现I don’t like rice. I don’t like meat. I like sweets.

T: Can we do as Tom? 能像Tom一样吗?只喜欢糖果,不喜欢饭菜?

Ss: No.

T: So let’s look at what does mum say?

Ss: Sweets are for good children .

T: Are you a good boy\girl?

S13: Yes.

T: Sweets for you.

S14: Thank you.


T: Look, we learnt the four sentences. Can you read ?


T: Do you want to read the story ? Now let’s listen and repeat. Pay attention to the crying Tom and happy Tom.

Ss: 跟读课文,注意语音语调的模仿。

T:Now let’s act.

Ss: 四人一组练习课文,并展示。师期间进行辅导。


IV. Practise

T: Now children ,you are a little tired, let’s have a chant to relax.

Ss: Chant together .

T: I like meat . I don’t like sweets. Because my teeth are not good . What about you ? Discuss in your group.

Ss: 两组展示。

T: Lookso many delicious food. Do you know them?

Ss: ...

T: Now give you one minute , try to remember the food.

Then we’ll play a game.


T: The name is 击鼓传箱。

Ss: Play the game and say I like ... I don’t like...

【评析】 chant ,机械操练做一个小总结,到学生表达自己的喜好,半有意义的机械操练,最后到击鼓传花有意义的操练,由浅入深,由易及难。

V. Consolidation

T: What have we learnt today?


T: Have a summary.

VI . Homework.

Draw the food you like and don't like and tell your friend or your parents using I like... \ I don't like..."


I like...\ I don't like...告诉你的朋友或父母。

二年级上学期Module2 Unit1 I dont like meat.课堂纪实与评析
