皇帝的新装 英语话剧剧本

发布时间:2018-09-21 18:15:05

The Emperor's New Clothes

男生: Oh, what did he like 女生:He liked only new clothes.

Part 1

Aarrived, your Majesty. (您的新衣服到了,陛下。)

皇帝:Great, help me on with it. [仆人帮国王穿衣]……Well, what

do you think? [得意地照镜子]


Bso well(真太合适您了,陛下)

MVery nice, your Majesty.. (真太漂亮了,陛下) NSo cool, your Majesty. (真太酷了,陛下) [大臣们也跟着附和]

Part 2

裁缝1I heard that the Emperor was not content (我听说皇帝陛下对这次的新衣服不太满意) 裁缝2What should we do, then? Who has new

ideas? (那我们接着该怎么办?)

裁缝3Oh, I don’t know. How about you? [用手肘碰了碰旁边的裁缝4并问道……] (噢,我可不知道。咦,你觉得该怎么办呢?) 裁缝

4You know, I would do anything before that. (你们知道的,我宁愿去做任何事情,也不想再做裁缝了)

裁缝5Quiet! Mind your head. (小声点,当心你.的脑袋!)

骗俩:We have something very special to show him. (我们有很特别的东西想要呈上)

XThat's what everyone says. (每个人都是这样说的,可国王不是谁都接见的)

AAh, but this is different from all others. (噢,但这个可是与众不同的,)

BYes, it’s magical. We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.


XReally? Uhum! Wait, wait here. (真的吗?嗯~~那好吧,你们先在这儿等着) 骗俩:Oh, thanks so much. (噢,真太感谢了)

XTwo men have been inquiring for you, your Majesty. (国王陛下,有两个人想要见您)

皇帝:What do they want to see me about? (他们为何事求见我?) [X走到皇帝跟前,冲着皇帝的耳朵窃窃私语了一阵。] 皇帝:Something magical?[瞪大眼睛,难以置信地问道] Oh, I love new things. Ask them in. (我喜欢新奇的玩意儿,快请他们进来) XCome with me, please. (请随我来) 骗俩:Thank you. (谢谢)

Part 4

骗俩:We can make magic cloth. Only clear people can see the magic cloth. Stupid people can’t see it, your Majesty. (我们能织出一种神奇的布。这种布只有聪明的人才看得见,愚蠢的人是看不见的。)

皇帝:How wonderfulIt can show me who was clever and who was stupid.


众臣:Oh, that's a good idea, your Majesty. (噢,这真是个好点子!)——[大臣们纷纷奉承着]

皇帝:Make a suit for me with the magic cloth. I’m going to wear it on New Year’s Day.


骗俩:Oh yes. We’ll make the most beautiful suit for you, my Majesty. (是的,我们将为您做一身最华丽的衣服)

MWow, how (~,真太妙了!) NOh, this is so cool! (噢,真是酷毙了!)

[众臣在私下小声地谈论着,并不时地点着头。 这时,皇帝咳了两声,众臣立刻安静下来,于是皇帝又接着问……]

皇帝:[皇帝咳了两声] Can it be ready in time? (你们能按时完工吗?)

BOf course. (当然没问题) [接着有些迟疑的说] But, but……(但是,但是……)

皇帝:But? But what? (但是什么?)

Ato make…. (只不过,这种神奇布料的制作成本是比较高的。) BYes, yes! (对,对,对!) [一边说,一边猛点着头]


BAnd gold……[悄悄地扯了扯A的衣角,补充道] A

BAnd gold…… [在一旁着急地补充这说]


BAnd gold……[急地都快要叫起来了]

A) [B终于笑了,且满意地点了点头]

皇帝:Don’t worry. Money is no problem(别担心,钱方面不成问题!)

皇帝:At once, make it here in the palace. (你们就留在宫里,马上开始做衣服吧!) 骗俩:Oh yes, my Majesty.

Part 5【音乐、舞蹈】


[皇帝不住地揉着眼睛,两个骗子装模做样] music《突击检查》from《黎明前到达》

皇帝:Where is the magic cloth? (那魔法布匹在哪儿呀?) [皇帝不住地揉着眼睛]

ACome here, you will see more clearly. (这边来,您会看得清楚些)

ALook at the colors, feel the weight. (瞧瞧这颜色,掂掂着重量)

BIs it not beautiful? (这难道不漂亮?)


ANow you can see why it is ’t see it.

BMost people would see 皇帝:Of course.

皇帝:I will ask the (我可以叫内臣去看看那些神奇的布料,这可真是个好点子) [皇帝大声地唤着内臣]

YI’m here, your Majesty. (国王陛下,有何吩咐。)


YEnter! (遵命)

Part 8

YThe Emperor has sent me to(皇帝陛下让我来看看你们的进度如何了。)

ACome here, you will see more (这边来,您会看得清楚些)


ALook at the colors, feel the weight. (瞧瞧这颜色,掂掂着重量)

BIs it not beautiful? (这难道不漂亮?)


ACan’t you see it?

BMost people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our magic cloth.

YOf course. It really is(当然啦!它实在是太美了。)

骗俩:Oh, you are so cute. (您真是个充满智慧的人!)

皇帝:How do you think about the cloth? (你觉得那布料怎么样?) [皇帝迫不及待地问内臣]

YIt’s the most beautiful cloth in the world. (它真是世界上最最最美的布料!)

皇帝:Great (很好!) [皇帝听完了内臣的话后,非常高兴]


AHere it is, your Majesty. (您的衣服,陛下) [侍从为皇帝呈上新衣]

皇帝:Oh, wonderful! help me on with it. (真太棒了!快帮我穿上它。) [侍从们装模作样地帮皇帝穿上新衣]

皇帝:How do I look? (我看上去怎么样呀?)

NHandsomest! (帅呆了!) MHow beautiful(太完美了!)

皇帝:Really? (真的吗?) 众人:Yes, your Majesty. (是的,陛下。)

] 1What a suit! 2Oh. How beautiful. 3What a lovely. 4Wow! How handsome. 男孩:What suit? (什么衣服呀?) [小男孩在人群中张望着]

男孩:Mom! The Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes(妈妈!皇帝根本没穿任何衣服呀?) [小男孩扯了扯妈妈的衣角,不解地问道] 妈妈:Be quiet, Tom. (


男孩:It's true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked! (是真的,真的没穿衣服!国王是赤身裸体的!) [小男孩争辩地说] 群众:The Emperor is naked! (国王是赤身裸体的!) ——The Emperor is naked!—— The Emperor is naked!

皇帝的新装 英语话剧剧本
