
发布时间:2017-06-22 00:45:52


Multiple choice (15)

1. He _A___ that poor dog, he never takes him for walks.

A neglects B refuses C denies overlooks

2. Words play a great __D__ in your every day life.

A rock B roll C cell D role

3. Don’t ask me; follow your __B__ and do what you think is right.

A attention B instinct C tend D intention

4. There was only one man __D__ of lending him so much money.

A desirable B able C unable D capable

5. Only with adequate evidences _D___ that Bob robbed the bank.

A I believe B I did believe C believe I D did I believe

6. Could you give me something to help me to __A__ this pain.

A cope with B go through C adjust to D do with

7. People who are __C__ in their work behave in a forceful way.

A impressive B attractive C aggressive D progressive

8. It’s either a(n) __C__ diamond or a very good fake.

A real B true C actual D genuine

9. The house looked familiar __C__ her, though she’d never been there before.

A with B of C to D at

10. It took them nearly one month to __B__ out how to start the machine.

A seek B figure C count D turn

11. After staying for one month he began to become __A__ to the new life.

A accustomed B developed C guaranteed D like

12. English __B__ greatly from Chinese in many ways.

A refers B differs C transfer D infers

13. He bought that house, __A__ that he would inherit money under his uncle’s will.

A assuming B allowing C counting D estimating

14. The ability to use a language can be ___D_ only by the act of using the language.

A required B inquired C requested D acquired

15. An ounce of prevention is _A___ a pound of cure.

A worth B worthwhile C worthy D worth while

.Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word of phrase in the box. Change the form when necessary. ( 10 )

Minor indifferent adjust symbol complain about

Concern account for fascinate create react

1. Great invention often involve __created__ minds.

2. Don’t worry. It’s only a _ Minor___ operation.

3. What is his __reaction__ to your proposal?

4. Paul seemed _indifferent__ about his health and went on working day and night.

5. The man failed to __account for __ the fact that the money was found in his house.

6. The book offers a __fascinated__ glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous in that region in the late 30s.

7. You can’t see through the telescope unless it is _adjusted___ correctly to your sight.

8. The accident happened because of the workers’ __Concern __ to the safety regulations.

9. Almost immediately he began to __ complain about__ the weather.

10. The lighting of the Olympic torch is a _symbol ___ of peace and friendship among the nations of the world.

.Choose the answer that best completes each of the following sentences. ( 20 )

1. You had better keep it dry __C__ it will get rotten.

A and B but C or D yet

2. Have dinner with me, _A___?

A would you B shall you C won’t you D aren’t you

3. It never slept a wink all night, ___C_?

A didn’t it B did not it C did it D never it

4. Let’s talk about it, ___C_?

A do we B shall we C will we D don’t we

5. __C__ every word of his were true, what action would the committee wish to take?

A As if B Since C Suppose D When

6. Is Alan a careful driver? Of course not._A___ he wouldn’t have had that accident.

A Nevertheless B However C Otherwise D Even though

7. The day breaks, __A__ the birds are singing.

A for B because C so that D so

8. The oil must be used up,___A_ the light went out.

A for B because C since D as

9. My brother is a pilot __A__ my sister is a teacher.

A and B but C when D while

10. I’d like to buy a new car, _B___, I don’t think I can afford one.

A and B but C or D however

11. We were both pleased __B__honored to be guests of the president.

A also B and C alike D as

12 The boy works as hard as an adult __D__ sick.

A as if B if C when D unless

13. When a child makes a mistake, we should show him the correct way ___C_ punish him.

A or rather B other than C rather than D sooner than

14. You ought to make a rule and read on serious book a week, __D__?

A ought you B should you C do you D shouldn’t you

15. Nobody had the right to question her doings, __B__?

A did she B did they C didn’t he D didn’t they

16. What a lovely day, _B___?

A doesn’t it B isn’t it C shan’t it D hasn’t it

17. Pass me the butter, __C__?

A shall you B aren’t you C will you D don’t you

18. You had a picture postcard from her last year, __C__?

A had you B hadn’t you C didn’t you D did you

19. Mary had seen him at least ten days, __B__?

A didn’t she B hadn’t she C did she D had not she

20. If you want help___A_ let me know, ____?

A will you B shall you C do you D don’t you

四.Reading comprehension (30 )

With the invention and development of television, entertainment has grown much more visual in character and is demanding less and less use of the imagination, considered by many to be man’s greatest faculty; but its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercise just those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in the pursuit of a worthwhile hobby. This lack is not serious while a man is still fully employed in his day-to-day work which itself often gives him opportunities to create either with his hands or with his mind. At this time he seeks only some form of relaxation in his leisure. There comes a time, however, when he must retire from his occupation on account of age, and it is then that these shallower pastimes, useful enough as a form of relaxation, might cease to satisfy the hitherto active man. Today, many elderly people are finding this to be true, and seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustration after retirement, which reveals itself in a short temper and slow degeneration of health, the two most common symptoms.

1. The writer criticizes visual entertainment because ____b____.

a. it does not require men’s creative powers

b. it cannot improve our intelligence and skill

c. it demands too much of our imagination

d. it leads men to slow degeneration in health

2. What is regarded as men’s greatest faculty? d

a. Entertainment. b. Character. c. Hobbies. d. Imagination.

3. While fully employed, men look for _____c___.

a. visual entertainment that requires imagination in their leisure

b. opportunities to create either with their hands or with their minds in their leisure

c. something that will help them relax in their leisure

d. creative hobbies in their leisure

4. The elderly people find ______a__.

a. that shallower pastimes can no longer satisfy them

b. it unnecessary to cultivate creative hobbies in their younger days

c. retirement unnecessary

d. relaxation most suitable for their age

5. It can be inferred from the passage that ____b____.

a. hobbies are more important to the youth than to the elderly people

b. we should develop worthwhile hobbies when we are young

c. in ancient time entertainment was more visual in character

d. hobbies are not important in the health of modern men

Daniel Defoe wrote the story of Robinson Crusoe suggested by the experience of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor who quarreled with his captain and at his own request was set on an island 300 miles off the coast of Chile. There he managed to survive for five years. Rescued and brought back to England, he became a nine day’s wonder, and Defoe went to Bristol to talk with the man. He thought over the story for seven years. By that time Selkirk, the brutish, rude sailor, had become the resourceful, courageous Robinson Crusoe. Thousands of imagined details gave the tale the illusion of reality. Defoe was the first author to use this method, and none since has ever used it more masterfully.

6. Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe ___b_____.

a. according to his own experience

b. according to the experience of Alexander Selkirk

c. out of his imagination

d. at the request of Alexander Selkirk

7. By “a nine days’ wonder” the author means ____a____.

a. a person of wonderful power

b. a person whose interest lasts only for a short time

c. a person who arouses great interest for a short time

d. a person who arouses great interest for a long time

8. Defoe began to write Robinson Crusoe ____b____.

a. seven years after he had talked with Selkirk

b. as soon as he heard of Selkirk’s adventure

c. when he was seventy years old

d. on an uninhabited island

9. Which of the following statements is true according to this passage? a

a. Alexander Selkirk suggested Defoe to write the story of Robinson Crusoe.

b. Alexander Selkirk was forced to live on an uninhabited island for a long time.

c. Defoe took a great interest in Alexander Selkirk’s adventure.

d. Alexander Selkirk became a resourceful, courageous sailor after he came back to England.

10. The details of the story of Robinson Crusoe are ________b.

a. omitted b. based on Selkirk’s real life story

c. written entirely under the guidance of the sailor d.

d. written as if they had really happened

五.Composition ( 25 )

It’s important for you to get diploma as well as bachelor degree. You have altogether five to six times to challenge, How will you improve your English in order to pass the final exam, therefore gain your bachelor degree? You should write at least 200 words.




A 生理需要 B安全需要 C尊重需要 D爱与被爱需要 E自我实现需要

2.以下不属于心身疾病范围的是A瘙痒症 B糖尿病 C支气管哮喘 D颈椎病 E偏头痛 

3.经常生病打针的儿童对穿白大褂的人感到害怕,属于A联想 B泛化 C强化 D恐惧 E阻抗

4.支持疗法不包括A解释 B疏导 C保证 D指导 E改善环境

5.下列属于个性心理特征的成分有A能力 B需要 C动机 D信念 E兴趣

6.某人聪明、好动、热情,反应敏捷,容易兴奋和激动,但缺乏耐心和毅力。这种气质类型属于A黏液质 B多血质 C胆汁质 D抑郁质 E以上都不是


A感觉 B知觉 C感受性 D感觉阈限 E差别感受性

8.心理护理的最终目的是A使病人家属协助心理维护 B使社区协助心理维护 C使护理人员协助心理维护 D使病人自我心理维护 E使护理人员对病人心理维护全面负责

9.心理护理最常用的方式是A心理支持B音乐疗法C心理疏导法D系统脱敏疗法 E精神分析法

10.考试时考概念型选择题,考核的记忆活动是A识记 B保持 C回忆 D再认 E遗忘


1.知觉 2.气质 3.心理护理 4.will 5.绝对感觉阈限



2.心理过程有                 三个方面构成。

3.心理过程有                  三个方面构成。









A12 B34 C45 D56 E67

2.急救医疗服务体系的主要作用:A及时有效的院前救治 B科学地管理急诊科工作,组织急救技术培训C对突发性的重大事故,组织及时抢救 D战地救护 E以上都是。

3.对急危重症病人进行现场快速评估,以下哪项不对?A对婴儿可轻拍面颊观察有无哭泣反应以判断意识 B通过一看二听三感觉的方法判断病人有无自主呼吸 C触摸脉搏以了解病人的循环情况 D观察气道是否畅通,有无梗阻现象 E触摸肢体皮肤以了解有无发热、湿冷。

4正常人昼夜尿量比为:A.121 B.231 C.341 D.451 E.以上都不对

5.某人血气结果如下:pH7.32HCO3 15mmol/L PaCO230mmHg,他可能发生了:

A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.呼吸性碱中毒 C.代谢性酸中毒 D.代谢性碱中毒 E.混合性酸碱中毒

6.血容量正常时休克指数为:A.0.3 B.0.4 C.0.5 D.0.6 E.1.0

7.成人胸外心脏按压的频率应以多少为宜?A.80/ B.100/ C.120/

D.120140/ E.140160/

8.心搏骤停后临床表现以哪两个系统的表现最明显?A.循环 呼吸 B.消化 神经 C.神经 循环 D.呼吸 神经 E.以上都不对


A.510 B.46 C.510分钟 D.46分钟 E.68分钟


A.血容量绝对不足 B.血容量相对不足 C.心功能不全

D.容量血管过度收缩 E.容量血管过度扩张


1. 急诊医疗服务体系2. 进一步生命支持 3. 急性中毒4. 复合伤5. 心脏电复律


1.判断呼吸是否停止看( ),听( ),感( )。

2.心肺复苏有效的标志有(              )(             )(               )(          )。

3.常用开放气道的方法有( )( )。 

4.心率监测的临床意义:判断( )求算( )估计( )。

5.清除胃肠道内尚未吸收的毒物,常用( )( )( )法

6.成人生存链是指早期( )早期( )早期( )早期( )综合的( )


1. 心搏骤停的临床表现有哪些?如何诊断?

2. 多发伤的VIPCO抢救程序有哪些?

3. 简述灾难现场检伤分类标志的种类及其意义?




A有机磷中毒 B尿毒症 C糖尿病酮症酸中毒 D肝昏迷 E酒精中毒


A昏迷B消瘦C惊厥 D 脱水E 呕吐


A足底 B前额 C手掌 D巩膜和口腔粘膜 E鼻部和双颊部


A心率大于脉率 B奔马律 C杂音 D心动过缓 E有第四心音


A 乳房切除术患者 B截瘫患者 C烧伤患者 D高热患者 E退休人员


A手掌皮肤和睑结膜 B 颈部皮肤和舌面 C 耳廓皮肤和上腭粘膜

D面颊皮肤及上腭粘膜 E手背皮肤及鼻腔粘膜


A急性胃炎 B急性肠炎 C急性胆囊炎 D溃疡病穿孔 E结核性腹膜炎


A P波消失,代之以大小、形态不一的f B P波增宽≥0.12s,呈双峰型

C P波高尖,电压≥0.25mv D QRS波群提前出现,宽大畸形 E S-T段下移


A全面的护理体检 B详细询问病史 C做血、尿、便常规检查

D仔细阅读门诊病历 E先进的医疗仪器检查


A胸骨右缘第四肋间 B胸骨左缘第四肋间 C左锁骨中线平第五肋间

D左腋前线平第五肋间 E左腋中线平第五肋间


1. 颈静脉怒张 2. 腹膜刺激征 3. 核左移: 4. 心电轴:5. 血红蛋白尿


1.二尖瓣狭窄面容的特点是,口唇( ),面色 ( ),双颊( )

2.成年人的体型可分为 ( ) ( ) ( )

3.干啰音可分为( )( ),肺水肿时可以听到( )

4.扁桃体肿大分度,I ( )II( ) III( )

5.匙状甲,是指甲中央 ( ),常见于( )

6.正常瞳孔的直径为( ),对光反射( ),昏迷时瞳孔对光反射( )

7.血液的标本分为( )( )( )



2. 心、肝、肾性水肿病因及特点?

3. 简述红细胞及血红蛋白减少造成的疾病及原因?



1. 左心功能不全病人出现呼吸困难的主要原因是 A.痰液堵塞气道 B.支气管痉挛

C.左肺受到扩大的心脏的压迫 D.肺循环瘀血 E.神经反应

2.类风湿性关节炎最主要的表现A.四肢小关节呈梭形肿胀 B.淋巴结肿大 C.大关节肿痛

D.发热、关节痛 E.椎关节肿大

3.女性40. 风心病心悸气促已数年,近来心悸气促加重并伴双下肢浮肿,是风心病合并

A.风湿活动 B.肺部感染 C.上呼吸道感染 D.周围循环衰竭 E.充血性心力衰竭


A.吸氧 B.心电监护 C.肌注安定 D.开放静脉 E.立即降低血压


A.三多一少 B.呕吐、腹泻 C.深大呼吸 D.呼气有烂苹果气味 E脱水

6.肝癌早期的诊断方法是A.γ-谷氨酰转肽酶同工酶 B.超声检查 CCT 检查

D甲胎蛋白测定 E肝穿刺活检

7.癫痫病人出院时,健康教育错误的是   A.保持情绪稳定       B.避免疲劳烟酒   C.定期查血象及肝、肾功能            D.不可随意增减药物剂量   E.自我感觉良好及时停药 


A.室性早搏每分钟3 B.窦性心律不齐 C.心房颤动

D.一度房室传导阻滞 E.室性早搏出现在前一搏动的T波上

9.肝硬化伴门脉高压症的临床表现是 A.黄疸,腹水,脾肿大 B.腹水,脾肿大,肾功能衰竭 C.黄疸,腹水,侧支循环的 建立开放 D.腹水,脾肿大,侧支循环的建立开放


10.缺铁性贫血时细胞形态学分类是属于A.正常细胞正常色素贫血 B.小细胞低色素性贫血C.大细胞低色素性贫血 D.小细胞正常色素贫血 E.小细胞正色素性贫血


1. 糖尿病 2. 短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)3. 功能性肾衰竭: 4. 心源性晕厥:5. 呼吸衰竭



2. 急性胰腺炎的病理类型一般为___________ ____________

3. 鞘内注射化疗药物者宜取去枕平卧位____________小时。

4. 脑出血是指非外伤性 的出血。

5. 肺结核的化疗原则_________________________________规律和足疗程。


1. 简述左心衰的临床症状

2. 简述去除和避免肝性脑病诱发因素的措施:

3. 急性白血病化疗时应如何保护静脉?


