

20. Why is he late for school this time? 2019-2020年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(答案不全) ________________________________________________ . 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。5分)

第二部分 英语知识运用(60分)
. 单项选择。15分)
( 1._____ does your mother usually go to the office? By bus.

A B C D E A. Where B. What C. How D. When 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ ( 2.Hi, Lily. Happy New Year! _____ . 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。5分) A. Thank you. B. Thank you all the same. ( 6. A. She likes watching TV. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he doesn’t. C. Im OK. D. The same to you. ( 7. A. Yes, thanks. B. Of course. C. You’re welcome. ( 3.May I use your bike? ( 8. A. It’s interesting. _____ B. I like science best. A. Of course not. B. Of course. Here you are. C. I don’t like math at all. C. I dont have a bike. D. No, thanks. ( 9. A. A tall building. (
4. Look! The students _____ the classroom. B. A kind of house. A. clean B. are cleaning C. are clean D. cleaning C. A farmhouse with two floors. ( 5. The sign means “ _____”. ( 10. A. Monday. B. February 1st. C. Fine. A. No parking B. No U-turn C. No left turn D. No right turn ( 6.Why not and have a look ? . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。5分) OK. Lets go. ( 11. A. The bookstore. B. The post office. C. The station. A. goes upstairs B. to go upstairs C. go upstairs D. go to upstairs ( 12. A. He is flying a kite. B. He’s taking a photo. C. He’s riding a bike. ( 7._____ do you _____ English? ( 13. A. Turn right twice. I like it very much. B. First turn left and then turn right. A. How; think of B. What; like C. How; like to D. What; think of C. First turn right and then turn left. ( 8.There is a window the wall and there is a picture
the wall. ( 14. A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. A. in ; in B. in ; on C. on ; in D. on ; on ( 15. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. We dont know. ( 9._____ do you have an art lesson? Four times a month. . 听短文,回答下列问题。短文读两遍。5 A. How long B. How many C. How often D. What 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第1 8 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第2 8
16. Is David’s home far from his school? ( 10.Lily, here are your pens. Please _____. ________________________________________________ OK, Mom. 17. How long does it take him to school by bus? A. put away it B. put it away C. put away them D. put them away ________________________________________________ ( 11. There is a police car _____ the bus. The police are watching the traffic. 18. Does he get up early today? A. in front of B. in the front of C. in the front D. the front ________________________________________________ ( 12.How long can I _____ the English workbook? 19. What time does he take a bus to school? For two weeks. ________________________________________________ A. borrow B. to borrow C. keep D. to keep
( 13. —Don’t put your books on the floor, Ellen. Please them . ( 24. A.good B.fine C.nice D.new OK,Mon. ( 25. A.play B.is playing C.are playing
D.plays A.put ; on B. put ; in C.put ; down D. put ; away ( 26. A.running B.are running C.run
D.not run ( 14.Linda often her homework in the evening, but this evening she ( 27. A.flying B.doing C.playing
D.sitting TV now. ( 28. A.also B.or C.and D.too A. does ; watches B. is doing ; watches ( 29. A.the football B.a football C.games D.the games C. does ; is watching D. is doing ; is watching ( 30. A.and B.with C.for
D.to ( 15._____
Go up this road to the end. . 阅读理解。30分) A. Where are we now? (A B. What are we doing at the supermarket? Hi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying in a high school. We are C. How can I get to the supermarket? always wanting the weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of D. Who can get to the supermarket? outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping, playing ball games and so on. We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and . 情景交际。5分) milk with us. Its Saturday today. We are in the park again. Father is fishing in a boat on the (A从方框句子中找出下列句子的正确答句。 lake(. Mother is sitting and reading under the tree. We are flying a kite. Now we are ( 16. What kind of home do you live in? drinking some water. Do you think we are happy? ( 17. Sorry, I don’t know the way to the train station. You can ask that man. ( 18. Could you help me? 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( 19. Oh, your new clothes look very nice! ( 1. Lucy and Lily are ________. ( 20. Why not play games with us? A. students B. teachers C. nurses
D. cousins ( 2. What do Lucy and Lily usually do on Saturdays? A. Good idea! A. Play ball games. B. Go to the park. B. Thank you all the C. Go for a picnic. D. Go shopping. same. ( 3. How many people can we know from the passage? C. Thanks. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. D. I live in a townhouse. ( 4. What are Lucy and Lily doing now? E. Of course.
A. They are fishing.

B. They are reading. . 完形填空。10分)
C. They are flying a kite. Mr. Smith is a good teacher. He teaches English very well. He is 21 to his students, so they like him a lot. There are fifty students in 22 class. Mr. Smith D. They are drinking some water.

七年级英语下(期中)﹡第3 8 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第4 8
( 5. Which of the following is NOT true? always 23 English in class. He and his students are 24 friends, too. A. Lucy and Lily like the weekends. Now some of the students 25 on the playground. Bill and Mike 26
. B. Lucy and Lily often take some food with them. Tom and John are jumping. Mary and Lucy are 27
a kite. Are Lily and Maria flying C. Its Sunday today. a kite, 28 ? No, they are playing 29 . Whats Mr. Smith doing? LookHe is D. Lucy and Lilys father is in the park, too. also playing 30 them. How happy they are!
( 21. A.beautiful B.happy C.friendly D.intreseting
(B ( 22. A.their B.her C.its
D.his ( 23. A.spesk B.speaks C.tell
(C Every year many people lose their lives on the roads. And about one or two hundred thousand people get hurt in road accidents. There are rules to make road safe, but people do not obey the rules. If everybody oheys the rules, the roads will be safer. How can we make the road safe?
Remember the rules. In England, traffic is on the left of the road. Cars, buses and bikes Wanted mast keep on the left side of the road. But in most countries traffic keeps on the right. Looking for a quiet single(单人的)room under
120 a month. Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look right and left. Then, if you are Please call sure that the road is clear, you can cross the road; and if you see little children or old people, Harry at 138-7682-5856.
help them cross the road. We must teach young children to cross the road safely. We must

always give them a good example(榜样. And we must not play on the street. Lost

ID card 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。
NameDick ( 11.Every year
people are hurt in road accidents. Number232324198804125510 A.
one or two hundred thousand Please call (010 8433-9211.
one or two hundred

one or two thousand
Found D.
three thousand
A red bag with some books. ( 12.If you ride a bike in England, you must ride
. Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at (010 6378-3021.
on the right side of the road

on the left side of the road

on both sides of the road 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。
in the middle of of the road (
6. Please call _____ to rent a three-bedroom apartment. (
13.Which of the following is WRONG? A. (010 8838-7166
B. 138-7682-5856 A.
Few people die in road accidents in England. C. (010 8433-9211
D. (010 6378-3021 B.
In England, traffic is on the left of the road. ( 7. You can rent your single room to _____ for
120 a month. C. We shuold teach the children to cross the road safely.
A. Dick B. Harry C. White D. Mr. Zhang D. We should be careful when we cross the road.
8. If you find an ID card, you can call _____ at (010 8433-9211. ( 14.The road is clearhere means
. A. White B. Harry C. Dick D. Mr. Zhang A. 道路干净整洁
( 9. If you cant find your bag, you can _____ to get it back in the evening. B. 能够看得清楚
七年级英语下(期中)﹡第5 8 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第6 8
A. call (010 8433-9211 C. 道路上没有行人
B. go to Room 402 D. 道路上没有车辆
C. call Harry
( 15.The best title (题目 for the passage is

D. go to look for a single room A.
The Road is Safe ( 10. If you want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months, it will cost you B. We Must Help the Old _____. C.
How to Make the Roads Safe A. 650 B. 1,300 C. 1,950 D. 2,600 D. Look Both Ways

For Rent A big apartment for a family of three people. 650 a month. Call Mr. Zhang. Tel(010 8838-7166.

第三部分 写作(20分)
. 词汇部分。10分)
56. I like P. E. best. Because my P. E. teacher is very _____ (friend to us. 57.Where is your bedroom? It’s on the _____ (two floor.
58. Look! The ______childare playing games under the tree. 59. Turn right at the first ______crossand youll see the hospital. 60. Its 6:30 a.m. Some students ______runon the playground.
. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 61. Where is Sally? She is cleaning the blackboard
(在……的后面)the classroom. 62. There is a basketball game Class 3 (在……之间)Class 1 on the playground this afternoon. 63. There is a big supermarket (在右边)of my school. 64. Can I use your bike? Of course. But you must rutern it (准时). 65.Our school is (远离)my home, so I usually take a bus to school.
III. 书面表达。10分)
假如你是Li Mei,请你根据下列提示词写一篇介绍自己的爱好、日常学习、校园生活等情况的作文。
提示词:14 years old, subject, favorite, read English, speak English, in my free tine, like, music, sport, guitar
要求: 1. 所给的提示词应全部使用;语句通顺。
2. 不少于60个词。

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第7 8 七年级英语下(期中)﹡第8 8

. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. Uncle John often goes to Japan by plane. 2. Kangkang is cleaning the room now. 3. They all like English classes very much. 4. There is a picture on the wall. 5. Excuse me, which is the way to the railway station? . 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 6. Does your mother watch TV at night? 7. Would you like me to help you? 8. Which subject do you like best, Mary? 9. What kind of home do you live in? 10. What day is it today? . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 11. W: Excuse me, where is the post office? M: It’s across from the station.
Q: Where does the woman want to go? 12. W: Look at the photo of Jack. M: Oh, it’s a nice photo. What is Jack doing? W: He is flying a kite. Q: What’s Jack doing?
13. W: Excuse me, is there a bus stop near here? M: Yes, there is. Go along this road, turn right and walk on. Turn left at the second crossing, and you can see it in front of you. Q: How can the woman get to the bus stop? 14. W: Are you writing a letter? M: Yes, I’m writing to my parents. W: Do you often write to them? M: About once a month. Q: How often does the boy write to his parents? 15. W: Is there a sofa in your study? M: Yes, there is. It’s near my desk. W: What’s on the desk?
M: There is a lamp, a computer and some books on it. Q: Is there a lamp on the man’s desk? . 听短文,回答下列问题。短文读两遍。
David is an American school boy. His school is not far from his home. It takes him only ten minutes to go to school by bus. But hes often late for school because he cant get up early. Its a fine day today. David gets up early. He has breakfast and goes to school. He walks to the bus station. He takes a bus at seven oclock. His classes begin at half past seven. But today he is also late. Do you know why? Because he takes a wrong
bus! 期中测试 听力答案
. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. C . 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A . 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A . 16. No, it isnt. 17. Ten minutes. /It takes him ten minutes to come to school. 18. Yes, he does. 19. At seven o’clock.
20. Because he takes a wrong bus.

