

1 Is this ______ head?
Apanda’s Bpanda Ca panda _______________ ______ _______________ _______________
2 - Have an ice cream.
- _________ A. Bye-bye. B. Thank you! C. Good morning! 3 How old are you?
A. 你好吗? B. 你几岁? C. 你在吗? 4 Hello, I’m cat. Aan Ba Cthe 5 长耳朵 _______

A. long ear B. long hand 6 Hello, Mike.
A.我是迈克。 B.你好,迈克。
7 售货员像你推荐橙汁,他会说:

A. A cup of orange juice?
B. An ice cream? 8 Jennysix booksDannytwo booksJennyDanny ),两人的book就一样多了。 A. two books B. three books 9 你看到外面天气晴朗了,你说:_______
A. It's windy. B. It's sunny. 10I see so candles. Amany Bmuch 11.当你询问别人的姓名时,你应该说________ A. Hello. B. What's your name? 12- Green, please! - ________ A. Good night! B. Here you are. C. Good morning! 13How are you?

A.How are you? B.I'm fine,thank you. C.Hi! 14指向门应该说 _____

APoint to the door BPoint to the window 15Look at me. This is my .
Aarm B. leg C foot 1 8


girl boy 1________

17Read and write.请你帮助小鸟找到回家的路。(将下列字母按顺序补充完整)
2 8

18.填写恰当的单词。 1. ten - four = 2. one + three = 3. five + two = 4. eight - seven = 5. six + three = 6. seven - five =
1. j___i___ ___ 2.
c___k___ 3. c___ ___a 4.
___ppl___ 5. b___n___n___ 6.
p___ ___r 3 8

7. h___mb___rg___r 8.
___gg 20.将下列句子排成一段通顺、合理的对话,并将字母编号填写在下面的括号里。 AIt’s a T-shirt. BIt’s yellow. CGood morning, Wei Hua. DWhat’s this? E. What colour? F. Good morning. C )( )( )( )( )( 21Open your________
22.根据图片和给出的句子,补全对话。 AHello. I’m ____1_____. B: ————2————

AMy name’s____3_____.

23.将下列两种颜色放在一起,你会得到什么颜色? 1red blue ________ 2yellow blue ________ 3red yellow ________ Apurple Borange Cgreen 24two × one =________ 25.看图完成对话。
4 8

A: Happy ________ ________, Jack. B: Happy New year. A: This is________ you. B: It's ________. Thank you. I also have one for you. A: Oh,________ ________. 三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)
26.给单词选择相对应的中文连线 birthday A、这个 cake B、九 nine C、蛋糕 twelve D、快乐的 happy E、十二 this F、生日 27.请把与单词相符的图片连起来。

5 8


29.选择与汉语意思想对应的单词连线。 1. Good morning. A 遇见 2. Goodbye. B 早上好。 3. meet C 4. come D 再见 5. I’m E 我是

Who's he?
A. Yes, I am. Are you Mike? B. Good afternoon. Good evening, Miss Li. C. Hi, Mike. Hi, Liu Tao. D. Nice to meet you, Helen. She is my friend, Helen. E. Good evening. Good afternoon. F. Fine, thank you. How are you? G. He's Tim. What's your name? H. I'm Wang Bing.


1.你好,我叫小明。__________________ 2.早上好。你好吗?___________________ 3.我叫梅梅。你叫什么名字? _________________ 4.我叫本。我们做朋友吧!___________________ 5.下午好。我是白雪公主。___________________ 6.你好,美猴王!___________________ 32.写出下列名词的复数形式。
May I have some ________ plum, please? Sure. There are seven ________ boy in the playground. The woman has two ________ baby. How many ________ peach? There is only one. There are two ________ library in our school. 33.英汉互译。
My brother is a policeman. _____________________________________ 2. 他的名字叫Bob
_____________________________________ 3.
My father is a worker. 6 8

_____________________________________ 4. 我姐姐长得很高。
_____________________________________ 34.根据中文提示写出下列单词
1. 苹果 _________ 2. 西瓜 _________ 3. 草莓 _________ 4. _________ 5. 香蕉 _________ 6. 桔子 _________ 7. 葡萄 _________ 35.英汉互译 borrow________ your______ marker_______ 铅笔________ 五、我是小法官(判断题)
36.判断题,正确的在括号内写T, 错误的写F. 1.大写字母U在四线三格中占中上格,两笔写成。 2.字母Uu的前面是Ss,后面是Tt

3. How many apples?这句话的意思是:苹果多少钱? 37.看图圈出正确的数字。


7 8

Name Tim Mike Helen John
1Tim would like a robot.
2Mike would like a ball and a CD.

3Helen would like an ice cream and a robot.

4Tim and John would like a CD.

Hello! My name is Li Ling. I'm a girl. I have a black dog. This is Guo Yang. He is my friend. He is a boy. 1My name is ________.

A. Li Ming B. Li Ling C. Ling Ling 2I'm a________.

A. teacher B. girl C. boy 3I have a________ dog.

A. brown B. black C. white 4Guo Yang is my________.

A. teacher B. friend C. friends 5Guo Yang is a________.

A. boy B. girl C. teacher

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