高中英语译林版模块六Unit2 What is happiness to you《Project(1)Making a happiness handbook》省级比赛

发布时间:2019-03-30 09:58:43

高中英语译林版模块六Unit2 What is happiness to you?《Project(1):Making a happiness handbook》优质课教案省级比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案【名师授课教案】1新设计在新课程改革的指导下,着重英语的交际运用功能。通过引导学生发现自身获得的小小幸福并用英语表达出来,让其获得成就感,并学会感恩。2教学目标After reading the article, students are expected to1)get a clear understanding of handbook;2)share their happy memories with others3)collect information about happiness to form a handbook.3学情分析本课时以“my future happiness”为阅读导入,启发学生讨论什么是幸福,话题贴近学生生活。在教学过程中,小组分工合作,共同完成幸福手册的制作,需要老师适当掌控局面。4重点难点Important points: By creating situations,1)we can help students understand the passage better.2)we can help the students learn how to collect information to form a happiness handbook .Difficult point: How to help students work in groups to make a happiness handbook .5教学过程5.1第一学时5.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】课前预习Task1 Free talkingWhat is happiness to you?Happiness means___________________________________

高中英语译林版模块六Unit2 What is happiness to you《Project(1)Making a happiness handbook》省级比赛
