
发布时间:2011-10-07 14:55:15

第一讲 音标的识记

[i:] 长元音,前元音,发音方法:发音时,舌面稍靠上,舌尖稍靠下,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起但不摩擦,口型扁平,口腔肌肉紧张。

be me see we she meat beat deed feel clean grief please breeze reason

three weeks, team leaders, green tea,

Seeing is believing.

Jean is as busy as a bee.

[i] 前元音,短元音发音方法:发音时,舌头抵住下齿,舌前部抬起,比发〔i:〕时稍低,口型扁平,口腔肌肉松弛

sit bit big pig pick kick give kiss rich which fish wish

A big ship, bit by bit, little by little

[i:] [i]区别对比sin----seen bit-----beat rich----reach

ship-----sheep sick-----seek

[e]前元音,短元音, 发音方法:发音时,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起,比[i:]低,唇形稍高,牙床比[i]宽,齿间可以容纳一个食指

Egg else dress best again energy

Seven beds, ten desks, the next lesson

Let’s get ready for the text.

All’s well that ends well.(结局好一切都好)


sit-----set rid----red tin-----ten hid----head listen----lesson




and as bag lamp catch happen

a happy man, a happy family, hand in hand, caps and hats

Harry has a happy family in Canada.

The rat is running on a narrow track.


set----sad head----happy get-----gap check------channel

[a:] 后元音,长元音发音方法:发音时,口张大,舌呈平放后舒,舌尖离开下齿,发音时要有一定长度,不要发的太饱

art army star father garden tomato

a large car, half a jar, after the bath

I like to pass through the garden park.

Far from eye, far from heart.

[ɔ] 后元音,短元音发音方法:发音时口张大,双唇收圆,即可发成

on off hot want doctor foreign

cotton socks, borrow a clock, a pocket watch

The coffee is top quality.

When the shop was robbed, everybody was shocked.

[ɔ:] 后元音,长元音


always or law before caused daughter

all in all, more and more, a short story

Paul’s four and can walk and talk.

The storm draws near------we ought to go indoors.

[u] 后元音,短元音


full look wood foot woman sugar

push and pull, good books, by hook or by crook(千方百计)

The cook cooks good food.

The woman stood for as long as she could.

[u:] 后元音,短元音


to who lose group music fruit

a blue balloon, an afternoon in June, huge rooms

The news is good to be true.

That rule is useful once in a blue moon

[ʌ] 中元音,短元音

发音方法:发音时舌后部稍抬起,舌尖抵住下齿,开口程度与 相似。

Up under cut does young enough

Much money, lucky in love, just for fun

Well begun is half done

Mother told the funny story just for fun.

[ə:] 中元音,长元音发音方法:发音时,舌身放平,舌中部稍抬起,牙床开的较展,双唇扁平。

her girl first turn work prefer

a dirty shirt, the third world, the worst person

The German girl prefers a purple shirt.

The early bird catches the worm.

[ə] 中元音,短元音


about polite forget river woman potato

bread and butter, salt and pepper, again and again

The teachers will get together tomorrow.

Do you prefer the theatre or the cinema?



busy kiss begin teacher visit belong back end story begun but do help dream was black with decide Africa part world catch walk sock tall done tongue want earth away plants are office chance learn winter who send

第二节 双元音

[ei] 合口双元音发音方法:发音时口型由[e] [i]滑动,发音过程中,下颚向上合拢,舌位也稍稍抬高

age play rain take labour today

may day, great change, the name of the game

No pains, no gains.

Great changes have taken place in only one day.

[əu] 合口双元音, 发音方法:发音时由[ə] [u]滑动,双唇拢圆,收小

No slow toes road both overcoat

I don’t know, close the window, it’s so cold

The old man lives alone, but he never feel lonely.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.


合口双元音, 发音方法:发音时由[a:][i]滑动

Eye why night bile write July

A nice night, quite right, high in the sky

Time and tide wait for no man.

A stitch in time saves nine.

[au] 合口双元音,发音方法:发音时由[a:] [u]滑动,滑动式双唇拢圆收小

bow mouse shout country around

around the town, a brown cow, a thousand houses

How about going down the south?

She found out how to pronounce the sound.

[ɔi] 合口双元音, 发音方法:发音时部分舌位在[ɔ:] [ɔ]之,间再向[i]滑动

oil boil toy coin choice destroy

make an appointment, toilet paper, a noisy boy

She made her point in a joyful voice.

The boy was annoyed when his toy was destroyed.

[iə] 集中双元音,发音方法:发音时先用扁平口型发[i]然后很快滑向[ə]

ear here real fierce nearly idea

cheerful tears, from ear to ear, mysterious ideas

I fear we can’t hear him clearly.

You are serious but sincere, my dear.



air care therefore various repair prepare

wear and tear, share a pear, a careless bear

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

He rarely stares at the mayor, because he’s scared.

[uə] 集中双元音,发音方法:发音时由[u]很快滑向[ə]

sure poor tour Europe curious endure

fewer and fewer, the curious tourist

Surely the poor patient will be cured.

The European tourist felt insecure.

第三节 辅音

[p] [b] 双唇爆破音

发音方法:发音时双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔, [p] 为清辅音,[b]为浊辅音

Pear park apple simple cap pipe

happy people, pink paper, the top prize

Stop playing the harp, you can practise it after supper.

Peter Peper picked a peck of pickled pepers

Bat bear about rubber cab rob

A bank robber, a shabby boy, a bad job

Bring back my beautiful blue balloon.

Don’t beat about bush.

[t] [d] 舌尖齿龈爆破音

发音方法:发音时舌尖紧贴上齿龈,成阻碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔。[t]清辅音 [d]浊辅音

ten toy attack writer hat seat

Don’t waste time chatting!

Tim hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor.

Deer dark order pudding bed cold

A bad dream, a cold day, to order dinner

Did David dance all day until dark?

The timid rat is scared to death.

[k] [ɡ] 舌后软腭爆破音

发音方法:发音时舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔[k]清辅音 [ɡ]浊辅音

Keep kite echo ankle cake back

Take a look, a sick worker, a Christmas card

Take care crossing the lake!

Chris can’t keep coming back.

Gate gave sugar digging egg bag

A good angle, begin the game, as green as grass

His grandson is as good as gold.

A good beginning makes a good ending

[f] [v] 唇齿摩擦音

发音方法:发音时,上齿轻触下唇, 气流由唇齿间的缝隙通过发出摩擦。 [f]清辅音 [v]浊辅音

Feel fair refuse laughter leaf enough

Five gifts, a fat fish, four and a half

Phil cut half a loaf with a fine knife.

Here’s a photo of me feeding fruit to an elephant

Verb vote novel review save leave

Seven vans, very vain, carving knives

Victor’s van delivers vegetables every day.

I’d invite you to visit, but I have a fever.

[θ] [ð] 舌尖齿背摩擦音

发音方法:发音时双齿轻咬舌尖,气流从齿间冲出,形成摩擦 [θ]清辅音 [ð] 浊辅音

thin thanks method monthly tooth cloth

a thousand thanks, three thieves, a fifth tooth

Arthur went through thick and thin.(不顾艰难)

Something is better than nothing.

This they father clothes breathe

Those mothers, these fathers, that clothing

Those clothes are better than these.

Father is now breathing smoothly.

[s] [z] 齿端齿龈摩擦音

Salt sink lesson listen bus class

A nice song, seven sisters, safe and sound

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

Sam sighed sadly when he passed that place.

Zed sink busy reason buzz flags

Seas and oceans, a closed zone, zigzag roads

Susan is always so busy.

She’d like a dozen magazines, please.

[ʃ] [ʒ] 舌端后部齿龈摩擦音

发音方法:发音时,舌尖和舌端向上齿龈整个舌身抬起,靠近硬颚形成一条窄长的通道,气流由此通过引起摩擦。 [ʃ]清辅音 [ʒ]浊辅音

Shake sharp action precious wash cash

A short vacation, wash the sheep, a fish shop

Surely the sun shall shine soon.

She showed caution at such a commotion.

Usual casual measure pleasure decision television

An unusual occasion, a visual treasure,

The explosion was measured in the usual way.

It was a pleasure to see the fashion show.

[r] 齿间齿龈后部摩擦音


read rat road carry borrow poor

a red ribbon, brown bread, raw materials

Rita reads nursery rhymes to children every Friday.

The bride carried a pretty red rose.

[h] 声门摩擦音


He hot hair ahead perhaps behave

A high hill, behind the house, hold it high

He’s holding a hat in his hand.

Helen hit the nail on the head with a hammer.

[tʃ] [dʒ] 舌端齿龈破擦音

发音方法:发音时,舌端贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,从舌和齿龈的狭缝中析出。 [tʃ]清辅音 [dʒ]浊辅音

chance cheat future rich catch fetch

a rich merchant, a cheap watch, Chinese culture

Charles had chicken and French Fries for lunch.

The children chose to march into the kitchen.

Joke jaw danger enjoy badge large

a German judge, a large college, June and July

John urged Jane to buy a digital watch.

The soldiers crossed the bridge at the edge of the village.

[m] 双唇鼻辅音


me more coming simple room game

a warm home, a small man, something memorable

Jim makes music in my room.

My mother remembers when man first landed on the moon.



Name new any under soon even

A nice tune, wonderful news, a moon-lit night

No news is good news.

Can you name a an American novel?

[ŋ] 舌后软腭鼻辅音


Sing hung finger ink doing drank

An English king, a long finger, a sinking tanker

Is the girl swimming or swinging?

Your singing and dancing are charming.

[l] 舌边音

英语的舌边音有两种:第一种出现在元音之前,叫做清晰舌边音发做:[l] 第二种出现在辅音之前或词尾发成


Long look love colour follow

A lazy lion, a blind elephant, a lovely lady

Like father, like son.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

apple girl meal milk help

a little girl, a middle school, help the child

No mill, no meal.

Tell bill to call his girlfriend.

[w] 半元音


we week away reward persuade language

Who and what, when and where,

Where will we go swimming?

Wait a week and we’ll work it out.

[j] 舌前硬颚半元音


Year yet tune few cure beauty

A new suit, a year in Europe, your unit

You can argue in New York next year.

The yellow yacht is in the shipyard.


双唇收园向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发| r |的姿势,声带不振动

try train trade country strong strength

try the train a strange country a straw track

Trudy tried to stay trim .

Truth will always triumph .


[dr] [tr]发音相似,双唇收园向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发| r |的姿势,声带振动

dry dream drink address hundred

a drop to drink drunk driver drip-dry

He dreamed of driving a hundred miles .

Audrey got drunk and dropped in the street .

