高中物理 第一章 第7节《对自由落体运动的研究》导学案 教科版必修1

发布时间:2019-11-05 08:55:37

[Then, turns to another ode: Ode to autumn, it is consisted of three connected stanzas. The first stanza is about the fruitful autumn, this is a static scene; the second stanza focuses on the harvest autumn, which is a dynamic scene, these two stanzas commit a picture of lively autumn]


(时间:45分钟 满分:60)


1.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是(  )(3) [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

A.簇拥 啮齿 装修 熙熙嚷嚷 [the author of this paper intends to take Mr.Yang Xianyi and Mrs Gladys Yangs' English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

B.契约 养育 枭雄 炊烟袅袅 [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, can a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]

C.一瞥 凋蔽 哂笑 日晒雨淋

D.窒息 筛选 旗杆 抗振救灾

解析 A项,熙熙嚷嚷熙熙攘攘;C项,凋蔽凋敝;D项,抗振救灾抗震救灾。 [Xia Tingde has done a systematic research job on translation compensation. In his A Study on Translation Compensation, he holds that to maintain and restore the message, meaning, pragmatic function, cultural elements and aesthetic form of the original text, the translator has to take proper methods and strategies to compensate for the loss]

答案 B

2.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(  )(3) [Keats produced the body of great poetry. During this period, he published many famous love poems like Endymion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1820, he suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage which he recognized as a symptom of advancing, almost certainly fatal tuberculosis. After he published his third book of poetry, ]



女主人公憧憬的丈夫是:无论从事什么工作,一定是卓有成就的,一定会成为________的人。 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. ]

A.投降  分别  深孚众望 [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

B.投诚  分别  深负众望 [Then, turns to another ode: Ode to autumn, it is consisted of three connected stanzas. The first stanza is about the fruitful autumn, this is a static scene; the second stanza focuses on the harvest autumn, which is a dynamic scene, these two stanzas commit a picture of lively autumn]

C.投降  分头  深负众望 [Keats produced the body of great poetry. During this period, he published many famous love poems like Endymion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1820, he suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage which he recognized as a symptom of advancing, almost certainly fatal tuberculosis. After he published his third book of poetry, ]

D.投诚  分头  深孚众望

解析 本题考查词语(含成语)的运用能力。应注意三个方面:(1)形或音相近而义不同的,这类词语形或音接近,但词义却迥然有别,在使用中也很容易混淆,因此误用的比例相当大。如深孚众望深负众望(2)意义相近而又有细微差别的。如投降投诚(3)弄清使用范围和使用对象。如分别分头。投降:停止对抗,向对方屈服,带贬义;投诚:(敌人、叛军等)归附,带褒义。句宜用投降分头分别的区别:同一个主体对多个客体,只能用分别,不能用分头;不同主体各自与不同客体一一对应,只能用分头,不能用分别句符合同一个主体对多个客体,只能用分别这个限制,因此,宜选用分别深孚众望,意为在群众中享有威望,很使群众信服使人信服的意思。深负众望意为不能使大家信服,未符合大家的期望辜负的意思。句结合语境一定是卓有成就的,应选用深孚众望

答案 A [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

3.下列各句子,没有语病的一句是(  )(3) [thesis mainly studies the cultural default and compensation in the Yangs' translation of The True Story of AH Q. The composition is the typical work of Lu Hsun, which is based on the background of Chinese village during the revolution of 1911 and tells the story of a tramp in Weizhuang]

A.在初中教学中,由于淡化语法知识,使不少学生对于基本的句子成分印象不深,导致在高考备考阶段对这一知识板块需要重新抓牢夯实。 [In 1980s, some Chinese scholars have discussed the translation default and compensation. For example, Ke Ping argues that the culture of source language and the culture of target language are responsible to the loss of translation, because they are difficult to be translated only in the aspect of language.]

B.电影《阿凡达》讲述的似乎是玄之又玄的太空故事,然而地球人入侵潘多拉星球、杀戮纳威人的殖民劣行以及纳威人奋起抵抗外侮保卫故土不正是对正义、勇敢和善良的歌颂吗? [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

C.当前我国政府在农业信息的获取和服务方面,远落后于发达国家,企业和农户的生产经营仍然缺乏有效的信息引导,科技、生产、市场不能形成联动,农业信息化最后一公里问题突出。 [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, can a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]


解析 A项,主语残缺。B项,主谓搭配不当。殖民劣行怎么是对正义、勇敢和善良的歌颂呢,D项,强加因果,面临困境的原因是缺少资金支持,而非由爱心人士自己开办 [John Keats, as a key figure in the English Romantic movement, born on 31 October 1795, was the eldest brother of the four from a livery-stable keeper at a London inn. In 1803, he was sent to Clarke school nearby Enfield where he encountered Charles Cowden Clarke, thus he began to fall in love with literature. He was interested in poetry, ]

答案 C [irst of all, scholars paid a lot attention on Keats's works. As we all know, Keats is most famous for his poems, especially his odes. Chinese scholars have contributed a lot to the study of Keats poems like Zhang Yan and Shang Biwu. For example: in the poetic appreciation during the communication between text and history-comment on Ode on a Grecian Urn by Zhang Yan. It studied the gains and losses in the study of Ode on a]



(摘自《中国语言生活状况报告2009) [Keats' mother died, and he left school and became an apprentice to Thomas Hammond, the surgeon and apothecary at Edmonton. 15 years later, Keats entered the united hospital, working as a dresser there. He received his apothecary's certificate. ]

从上表可以看出,除极少数人认为网络语言最终会走向消亡外, _________




(不超过30个字),甚至还有小部分人认为个性化的网络语言会逐渐取代传统的语言。 [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]

综上所述,被调查者对网络语言的态度____________________________ [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

_________________________________________________________ [Wang Enmian defines translation as "a transfer process between two languages. Through the transfer, the complete meaning and information of source language can be restored in the target language." (1988:11) Hepoints out that the purpose of compensation is to achieve semantic equivalence which should be based on context.]

____________________________________________________________ [Wang Enmian defines translation as "a transfer process between two languages. Through the transfer, the complete meaning and information of source language can be restored in the target language." (1988:11) Hepoints out that the purpose of compensation is to achieve semantic equivalence which should be based on context.]


解析 本题考查图文转换能力,重点是归纳概括能力。解答这类问题的关键是概括归纳。解答时要准确分析图表中所列内容的相互联系,从中找出规律性的东西。本题表格下的概括归纳部分已给出了两种极端情况——极少数人小部分人的观点,言外之意,就是让考生分析概括出部分人绝大部分人的观点。由表格的数据可以发现,部分人认为部分网络语言会进入汉语词典,绝大部分人认为网络语言经过规范,会进入日常生活。无论是进入汉语词典还是进入日常生活都强调了网络语言的健康的前景。从甚至一词可以看出应先说进入日常生活这种情况,再说进入汉语词典这种情况。最后作出的结论,应是根据各类人的比例数据概括出人们对网络语言发展前景的态度。

答案 (1)大部分(半数以上的)人认为,网络语言会经过规范,进入日常生活

(2)不少人认为部分网络语言会进入汉语词典 [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, c件课an a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]

(3)是比较宽容的(接受”“认可),同时期待对网络语言做进一步规范 [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]



阅读《WTO第四次部长级会议审议通过中国加入WTO》,完成后面的题目。 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical]

5.作为一篇电视消息,本文与一般的平面媒体新闻有什么不同?(6) [Wang Enmian defines translation as "a transfer process between two languages. Through the transfer, the complete meaning and information of source language can be restored in the target language." (1988:11) Hepoints out that the purpose of compensation is to achieve semantic equivalence which should be based on context.]



答案 与一般的平面媒体相比,本文有以下几个特点:文字分画面说明与解说词两部分;画面说明部分又分压字幕与画面解说文字,有极强的概括性,多是点出时间、地点、人物活动过程等;解说词部分主要帮助观众理解画面,比较简短,紧密配合画面,本身不连贯,口语化特点明显。 [Keats produced the body of great poetry. During this period, he published many famous love poems like Endymion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1820, he suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage which he recognized as a symptom of advancing, almost certainly fatal tuberculosis. After he published his third book of poetry, ]

6.结合文本,分析下面这句话的含意。(6) [Once Keats started to creating, he drew a lot attention from literary critics. At the very beginning, Leigh Hunt noticed and committed on Keats. In 1816, he wrote an article to praise Keats and Shelley for the unique style of their poems. Hunt thought Keats and Shelley have expressed pure feeling in their poems and it represented a new tendency of creation.]



______________________________________________________________ [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]


答案 中国入世,给中国的发展提供了很好的机遇;同时,中国入世后,也将会对世界范围的贸易作出自己应有的贡献,所以值得全世界祝贺。

7.这则消息曾获得2001年度中国广播电视新闻奖。读完本文后你认为它获奖的原因是什么?(6) [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly, their works which have won favorable remarks from the translation circle have drawn great attention from the public]


__________________________________________________________________ [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly, their works which have won favorable remarks from the translation circle have drawn great attention from the public]

答案 (1)重大的新闻价值。中国加入WTO,可以说是我国改革开放、融入世界经济体系的一件大事,其意义重大,影响深远,使它成为万众瞩目的新闻事件。


(3)解说词与画面对应性强,文字简洁概括。 [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical]

二、课外拓展 [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]


现在村官好当了 [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

以前,天底下最难干的事就是当村官了,天天跟在乡亲们身后边要钱;现在,我们经常给老百姓送钱,村官好当了。山西省古县南塘乡吴家岭村党支部书记崔章红的一席话,勾起了记者的好奇心。 [Greek odes were originally poetic pieces performed with musical accompaniment. As time passed on, they gradually became known as personal lyrical compositions whether sung or merely recited. The primary instruments used were the aulos and the lyre. There are three typical forms of odes: the Pindaric, Horatian, and irregular. Pindaric odes follow the form and style of Pindar. Horatian odes follow conventions of Horace;]


这两年,村里的情况好多啦。老崔话题一转。 [At the very beginning, Keats expressed his aesthetic in his own term: Negative Capability, which means the artist's receptiveness to the world and its natural marvel, and to reject those who tried to formulate theories or categorical knowledge. This capability asks poets to contact with uncertain, mysterious and murky situation,]

我们这里是山区,农民得实惠最多的就是退耕还林政策。坡度在45度以上的耕地现在都成林地了。政府一亩地给我们补170元,我家退了47亩地,仅这一项全家一年的收入就有7 990元。我们村57户,157人,退了690亩耕地,这一项全村的收入接近12万元,人均近750元。更好的政策是,这些林地还是我们自己的。我家47亩林地,30亩种了核桃,明年就可以挂果了;17亩种了刺槐,成材后可以作煤矿的坑木,3长的坑木,每根可卖到30元。不过,刺槐成材要等10年,这些树就是我们存在银行的钱。

从去年开始,农业税免了。原来一亩地要收二三十元的税,像我家有20亩耕地,一年要缴五六百元。现在,农民缴了几千年的皇粮国税再也不用缴了。另外,还有国家的粮食直补政策,我们现在种1亩小麦国家补助20元,种1亩玉米补助12元,种1亩小杂粮补助5元。去年我家拿到了300多元的粮食直补款。钱不多,但原来是向农民要,现在是给农民送,完全不一样了。 [Wang Enmian defines translation as "a transfer process between two languages. Through the transfer, the complete meaning and information of source language can be restored in the target language." (1988:11) Hepoints out that the purpose of compensation is to achieve semantic equivalence which should be based on context.]

太行山的10月,正是收获的季节。崔章红家的院子里堆着刚刚收获的玉米。阳光照在金黄的玉米上,闪闪发亮。崔章红拿着玉米棒子,兴致很高。 [Keats answered two questions in this aesthetic: what is beauty and what is truth. He imagined that all the beauty he saw is truth. This idea has been explained specifically in his Ode on a Grecian Urn. Facing a Grecian urn, he has seen many wonderful things by the using of his imagination. He thought, i]


吴家岭是一个移民新村,村民们是2003年至2005年陆续从山底搬迁过来的。国家给每个移民补助2 500元,老崔一家4口,领了1万元。现在村里通了宽带,通了柏油路,都是政府投资的。


老崔建沼气池花了2 000多元,政府补助了1 000元。现在,人畜粪便、秸秆都可以填进沼气池,沼气池废料还可还田、喂牛。因为是移民新村,政府还给了村里130只波尔山羊,现在村里家家户户都养着三五只优质的波尔山羊。 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly, their works which have won favorable remarks from the translation circle have drawn great attention from the public]

今年,隔两个月就给农民送一次钱,四邻和睦了,村支书、村主任也好当了,我们也有心思筹划村里的大事了。老崔说。 [As for the translation study, in the article Thinking about Negative Capability and its Chinese translation. Liu Xingming offered several kinds of solutions to translate this term, and induce the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Besides, Li Yongyi also wrote an article: The poet or the craftsman? Foreignize or submit? ----comment on the Keats's poems which were translated by Tu An]

老崔家院外是一排排大棚。大棚里种的是双孢菇,是村集体的。现在料已配好,很快就可以上架了。这一项农民每人也能分个千儿八百的。 [Greek odes were originally poetic pieces performed with musical accompaniment. As time passed on, they gradually became known as personal lyrical compositions whether sung or merely recited. The primary instruments used were the aulos and the lyre. There are three typical forms of odes: the Pindaric, Horatian, and irregular. Pindaric odes follow the form and style of Pindar. Horatian odes follow conventions of Horace;]

今冬明春,我们还要干两件大事。崔章红说,一是建一个水塔,地址已经选好了,以后农民不用再从沟底挑水、拉水了;二是要通高压线。现在电压低,白天村里有人做木工活儿,全村的灯都亮不了。到了晚上,木工活儿停了,我们才能看电视。 [It is said that the couple abide by the principle of "faithfulness and fluency" in their translation practice. They integrate the literal translation and free translation and also take the integration of domestication and foreignization. Such marvelous translations must delight readers' eyes and feeling. Undoubtedly, their works which have won favorable remarks from the translation circle have drawn great attention from the public]


(选自《中国青年报》) [he language and the figure of speech show the imaginat高初ion of Keats, and the construction helps these poems be more prefect. Take Ode on Indolence as an example, it is a narrative poetry, it described the confliction between calling from gods and the indolence of individual, and showed the inside world of Keats]

8.有人认为新闻材料中对吴家岭是一个移民新村的介绍显得多余,是否多余?为什么?(5) [Once Keats started to creating, he drew a lot attention from literary critics. At the very beginning, Leigh Hunt noticed and committed on Keats. In 1816, he wrote an article to praise Keats and Shelley for the unique style of their poems. Hunt thought Keats and Shelley have expressed pure feeling in their poems and it represented a new tendency of creation.]



解析 一篇成功的新闻一般来讲不会有赘余的部分。本题考查对新闻内容的把握。

答案 不多余。该材料突出了政府对农民的关心,是紧扣主题的。 [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

9.本文列举了大量的数据,是否嗦?将相关部分换成一种概括性的说法是否好些?(6) [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]

答:_____________________________________________________ [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. ]

_____________________________________________________________ [the author of this paper intends to take Mr.Yang Xianyi and Mrs Gladys Yangs' English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析 新闻的大量数据是为了形成对比,更是为了增强新闻的真实性和表现力。 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. ]

答案 不啰嗦。不好,本文所用数据是颇有说服力的,事实胜于雄辩,一般说来概括性的语言是没有这样的功效的。

10.文中不时穿插对景物、环境甚至是人物的举动的描写,找出来,就其在文中的表达作用作些分析。(6) [the author of this paper intends to take Mr.Yang Xianyi and Mrs Gladys Yangs' English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]


_____________________________________________________________ [At the very beginning, Keats expressed his aesthetic in his own term: Negative Capability, which means the artist's receptiveness to the world and its natural marvel, and to reject those who tried to formulate theories or categorical knowledge. This capability asks poets to contact with uncertain, mysterious and murky situation,]

解析 新闻就是告诉读者,在哪里发生了什么事,千方百计地告诉你:这是真实的。

答案 文中对景物、环境甚至是人物的举动的描写,增强了作品的现场真实感,让作品显得真实,有浓郁的生活气息。实例分析略。 [John Keats, as a key figure in the English Romantic movement, born on 31 October 1795, was the eldest brother of the four from a livery-stable keeper at a London inn. In 1803, he was sent to Clarke school nearby Enfield where he encountered Charles Cowden Clarke, thus he began to fall in love with literature. He was interested in poetry, ]

11.本文的主要篇幅是描写崔章红的语言,请你就作者所描摹的人物语言谈一点看法。(8) [John Keats, as a key figure in the English Romantic movement, born on 31 October 1795, was the eldest brother of the four from a livery-stable keeper at a London inn. In 1803, he was sent to Clarke school nearby Enfield where he encountered Charles Cowden Clarke, thus he began to fall in love with literature. He was interested in poetry, ]

答: ___________________________________________________________ [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

__________________________________________________________ [Keats produced the body of great poetry. During this period, he published many famous love poems like Endymion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1820, he suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage which he recognized as a symptom of advancing, almost certainly fatal tuberculosis. After he published his third book of poetry, ]

解析 本题考查对新闻对话的把握。新闻的语言要求生动自然、不造作,且同时也经过了作者的加工。

答案 作者描摹语言的功夫十分高明,真正使人物的语言做到了朴实自然,口吻逼真,没有做作的痕迹,且同时又有艺术气质,而不俗。

[Keats produced the body of great poetry. During this period, he published many famous love poems like Endymion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1820, he suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage which he recognized as a symptom of advancing, almost certainly fatal tuberculosis. After he published his third book of poetry, ]

第四章 特写:镜头式的新闻片段


[ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]

(时间:45分钟 满分:60) [In 1980s, some Chinese scholars have discussed the translation default and compensation. For example, Ke Ping argues that the culture of source language and the culture of target language are responsible to the loss of translation, because they are difficult to be translated only in the aspect of language.]


1.下列各选项中加点字注音没有错误的是(  )(3) [Xia Tingde has done a systematic research job on translation compensation. In his A Study on Translation Compensation, he holds that to maintain and restore the message, meaning, pragmatic function, cultural elements and aesthetic form of the original text, the translator has to take proper methods and strategies to compensate for the loss]

A.维(xì)   (dí)   (yú) [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]

B.引(qínɡ) (pǔ) (qì)

C(xiào) (cù) (shì) [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical]

D(xù) (shè) (zhǎn)

解析 A项中应读dǐB项中应读bǔD项中应读zàn [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]

答案 C [However, there were several criticisms towards Keats at that time. For example, J.C. Lockhart published an article on the Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, in this article, he criticized Keats's poems were not elegant and lack of art sentiment, and thought Keats was short of good education.]

2.下列各项书写全部正确的是(  )(3)

A.详和 簇新 好像 稍事休息

B.盟约 喜讯 篷车 洽谈

C.晚宴 制服 焦黄 恣态 [ With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. Cultural default refers to the phenomenon that people who share same cultural background omit the cultural knowledge ]

D.川渝 衬衫 频烦 新交故旧 [Many scholars have defined compensation in their researches. Peter. Newmark (2001:90) defined it as "compensation is said to occur when loss of meaning, sound effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part, or in a contiguous sentence]

解析 A详和应为祥和C恣态应为姿态D频烦应为频繁 [Keats answered two questions in this aesthetic: what is beauty and what is truth. He imagined that all the beauty he saw is truth. This idea has been explained specifically in his Ode on a Grecian Urn. Facing a Grecian urn, he has seen many wonderful things by the using of his imagination. He thought, i]

答案 B

3.下列句子中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是(  )(3)

A.本公司新开发的滨湖别墅区,采用欧洲建筑师的设计方案,打造出一种异域海滨风格,楼盘整体看上去如海市蜃楼般迷幻、美丽。 [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]


C.新农村医疗保障体系正在逐步建立,但现有的保险金额,对于突然遭遇重大疾病的家庭来说仍然不足挂齿,所以改革速度应当加快。 [Wang Enmian defines translation as "a transfer process between two languages. Through the transfer, the complete meaning and information of source language can be restored in the target language." (1988:11) Hepoints out that the purpose of compensation is to achieve semantic equivalence which should be based on context.]


解析 A项,海市蜃楼:原指海边或沙漠中,由于光线的反射和折射,空中或地面出现虚幻的楼台城郭。现多比喻虚无缥渺的事物。此句表意重复。B项,望而却步:形容事物可怕或讨厌,使人一看就往后退缩。C项,不足挂齿:表示不值一提。此处应为杯水车薪D项,一文不名:名,占有。一个钱都没有。此处应为一钱不值 [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

答案 B [Keats answered two questions in this aesthetic: what is beauty and what is truth. He imagined that all the beauty he saw is truth. This idea has been explained specifically in his Ode on a Grecian Urn. Facing a Grecian urn, he has seen many wonderful things by the using of his imagination. He thought, i]



报告说,近年来,促进西藏地方经济快速增长的一个重要动力来源于投资这驾马车,尤其是近5年,全社会固定资产的投入占GDP75%以上。其中,中央政府对西藏地方政府的财政转移支付和重点建设项目的投入占了非常大的份额。 [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]



__________________________________________________________________ [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

解析 本题考查压缩语段的能力。概括的时候要注意,不能选第1段的最后一句作为答案,因为题干要求概括的是材料的主要内容。概括时要找出叙述主体西藏地方经济快速增长,然后找出其原因,即离不开中央政府的财政支持,然后用主谓句加以叙述即可。当然,也可用中央财政支持作主语来组织语言进行概括。 [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]

答案 中央政府的财政支持促进了西藏地方经济的快速增长(或西藏地方经济的快速增长离不开中央政府的财政支持)

阅读与鉴赏 [Keats answered two questions in this aesthetic: what is beauty and what is truth. He imagined that all the beauty he saw is truth. This idea has been explained specifically in his Ode on a Grecian Urn. Facing a Grecian urn, he has seen many wonderful things by the using of his imagination. He thought, i]


阅读下列摘取的文段,回答58题。 [At the very beginning, Keats wrote directly that: "One morning before me were three figures seen", because he was dozy and at the situation of indolence, he couldn't see clearly of them. Until the third time, they came to show themselves in front of Keats, Keats recognized that they are his acquaintances---love,]






5.分析语段在全文中的作用。(4) [As for the translation study, in the article Thinking about Negative Capability and its Chinese translation. Liu Xingming offered several kinds of solutions to translate this term, and induce the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Besides, Li Yongyi also wrote an article: The poet or the craftsman? Foreignize or submit? ----comment on the Keats's poems which were translated by Tu An]

答:________________________________________________________ [John Keats, as a key figure in the English Romantic movement, born on 31 October 1795, was the eldest brother of the four from a livery-stable keeper at a London inn. In 1803, he was sent to Clarke school nearby Enfield where he encountered Charles Cowden Clarke, thus he began to fall in love with literature. He was interested in poetry, ]

________________________________________________________________ [With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. It suggests that translators are facing the challenge of intercultural translation, especially the culture default and compensation in the composition. Such challenge is mainly caused by the difference of language]

解析 根据语段前后的内容,以及语段中的的指代意义来回答此题。 [ With the growing connections of culture, the translation of literary composition has become increasingly important. Cultural default refers to the phenomenon that people who share same cultural background omit the cultural knowledge ]

答案 过渡,承接上文的顺利抵达,也为下文重庆和谈的顺利开展作了铺垫。 [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]

6.语段中,详细列举迎接的人员,有什么作用?(4) [Greek odes were originally poetic pieces performed with musical accompaniment. As time passed on, they gradually became known as personal lyrical compositions whether sung or merely recited. The primary instruments used were the aulos and the lyre. There are three typical forms of odes: the Pindaric, Horatian, and irregular. Pindaric odes follow the form and style of Pindar. Horatian odes follow conventions of Horace;]

答:__________________________________________________________ [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]

__________________________________________________________________ [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

答案 表明了全社会的人都在期盼国共和谈的成功,期盼着救人民于水火之中。

7.语段表明了毛泽东的什么性格特点?(6) [John Keats, as a key figure in the English Romantic movement, born on 31 October 1795, was the eldest brother of the four from a livery-stable keeper at a London inn. In 1803, he was sent to Clarke school nearby Enfield where he encountered Charles Cowden Clarke, thus he began to fall in love with literature. He was interested in poetry, ]



答案 通过肖像及动作的描写,表明了毛泽东这位伟大的革命者是来自民间的书生,伟大而质朴、亲切而平易的性格特征。

8.请分析毛泽东的这一切包括在民主政治里了。还要看蒋先生的意思怎么样这句话在文中的作用。(8) [irst of all, scholars paid a lot attention on Keats's works. As we all know, Keats is most famous for his poems, especially his odes. Chinese scholars have contributed a lot to the study of Keats poems like Zhang Yan and Shang Biwu. For example: in the poetic appreciation during the communication between text and history-comment on Ode on a Grecian Urn by Zhang Yan. It studied the gains and losses in the study of Ode on a]

答:____________________________________________________________ [The composition has been translated into more than twenty languages. Since it is located with a lot of cultural elements, including religious beliefs, moral principles, customs, which presents barriers in understanding of the readers from different culture,]


解析 这句话一方面表明了毛泽东和谈的诚意,另一方面也显示了作为革命家的策略和大气。 [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

答案 表现了毛泽东诚恳、质朴的性格特点,显示了毛泽东光明磊落、胸有成竹、信心十足、成功在握的气魄。这些语言代表共产党和平谈判的态度 。同时,他的话暗示谈判成功与否要看蒋介石的态度。 [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, can a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]


阅读下文,完成912题。 [However, there were several criticisms towards Keats at that time. For example, J.C. Lockhart published an article on the Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, in this article, he criticized Keats's poems were not elegant and lack of art sentiment, and thought Keats was short of good education.]

她只能活七小时 [Xia Tingde has中高 done a systematic research job on translation compensation. In his A Study on Translation Compensation, he holds that to maintain and restore the message, meaning, pragmatic function, cultural elements and aesthetic form of the original text, the translator has to take proper methods and strategies to compensate for the loss]

[]保罗·舍恩斯坦 [At the very beginning, Keats expressed his aesthetic in his own term: Negative Capability, which means the artist's receptiveness to the world and its natural marvel, and to reject those who tried to formulate theories or categorical knowledge. This capability asks poets to contact with uncertain, mysterious and murky situation,]

本市新闻编辑台上电话机的指示灯闪烁着微弱的白光,时间是下午340分。 [According to Approaches to Translation written by Peter Newmark, there are two types of translation and he calls them communicative translation and semantic translation. The basic difference between them is the stress on message and meaning. He argues that different translation methods should be used to deal with text]

本市新闻主编接了电话,他听到这些内容:我的小女儿在路德医院。医生说她只能活7小时,除非得到新药青霉素。这是她唯一的希望。医生已经使用了磺胺以及其他每一种药。我必须找到某个有足够能力的人帮她。你能帮我吗? [Then, turns to another ode: Ode to autumn, it is consisted of three connected stanzas. The first stanza is about the fruitful autumn, this is a static scene; the second stanza focuses on the harvest autumn, which is a dynamic scene, these two stanzas commit a picture of lively autumn]

打电话的人通报了他的身份,他叫劳伦斯·马隆,职员,家住杰克逊海茨,第34大道第83号。濒于死亡的小孩是他的女儿,叫帕特丽夏,两岁,现就诊于路德医院,在曼哈顿第144街和康文特大道交汇处。 [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

找到青霉素并非易事。因为这个被医学界誉为创造奇迹的奇药是如此的稀少,以致几乎不能得到它。即使是军方,也只能得到他们所需的一小部分。 [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]

然而,这位父亲恳求帮助两分钟之后,本市新闻编辑台决定开始投入这项援助工作。这是一场残酷的斗争。只能活7小时,除非…… [As for the translation study, in the article Thinking about Negative Capability and its Chinese translation. Liu Xingming offered several kinds of solutions to translate this term, and induce the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Besides, Li Yongyi also wrote an article: The poet or the craftsman? Foreignize or submit? ----comment on the Keats's poems which were translated by Tu An]

电话打到路德医院,证实了那个小孩几乎不能活了,她患的是一种罕见的血液病,即葡萄球菌引起的败血症,一种血液中毒。磺胺制剂已用过了,输了两次血,都无济于事。有人提出青霉素是唯一的希望。 [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, can a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]


打给帕伦博士的电话被A.N.查兹博士听到了,他在华盛顿负责科学发展局的研究工作。新泽西州新布伦瑞克的施贵宝实验室能提供青霉素。查兹博士说,我将打电报,让他们立即定量发放。 [In this paper, we enjoy the beauty mostly from two aspects, firstly, from the aspect of form, secondly, from the aspect of content. From these two different angles, this paper is divided into several parts as ode, sonnet, narrative poems, rhetoric, myth, nature, love and tragedy]



现在,计划正在实施之中,由两个州的警察护送青霉素这个仁慈的东西从新布伦瑞克运到这个奄奄一息的女孩的床头。下午630分,柯利蒂大夫在霍兰隧道的入口处碰到了一群焦急的记者。当那辆仁慈之车停在施贵宝实验室前面时,时间是下午730分。 [John Keats is one of the greatest romantic poems and his poems have been praised by generations and generations. His aesthetic has also deeply influenced the development of romanticism. His odes were regarded as the representative of his aesthetic by many litterateurs.]

3个卫兵等在那里。其中一个走向汽车:是柯利蒂大夫吗?给你青霉素。 [Basing on Ke Ping, Xia Tingde redefined it as following: "Compensation is the reparation or making up for the potential or occurring loss in the process of translation in terms of text type and translation purpose." (2006:68) This definition is more concrete than others. Besides, drawing text type and translation purpose into consideration, Xia has made a more comprehensive perspective into the research of compensation]


最后一段路程是从霍兰隧道到路德医院,只用了8分钟,这是创纪录的速度,行驶在西区高速公路时,车速器始终指向65英里/小时,汽车就要停在医院门口之前,柯利蒂大夫说:今天,你们做了一件世界上所有的医生都做不了的事。 [However, there were several criticisms towards Keats at that time. For example, J.C. Lockhart published an article on the Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, in this article, he criticized Keats's poems were not elegant and lack of art sentiment, and thought Keats was short of good education.]

也许是,一个记者说,但是从现在起,大夫,靠你了。 [Once Keats started to creating, he drew a lot attention from literary critics. At the very beginning, Leigh Hunt noticed and committed on Keats. In 1816, he wrote an article to praise Keats and Shelley for the unique style of their poems. Hunt thought Keats and Shelley have expressed pure feeling in their poems and it represented a new tendency of creation.]

此后,记者们踮着脚尖走进四楼那个失去知觉的孩子的房间。她费力地呼吸着,但在蓬勃的丝一般的棕发下面的小脸上,并没有痛苦的表情。她是个可爱的病孩子。一个护士低声说。 [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]


谢天谢地。凯瑟琳·马隆低语着,至少,我的小丫头又有了一次机会。 [Greek odes were originally poetic pieces performed with musical accompaniment. As time passed on, they gradually became known as personal lyrical compositions whether sung or merely recited. The primary instruments used were the aulos and the lyre. There are three typical forms of odes: the Pindaric, Horatian, and irregular. Pindaric odes follow the form and style of Pindar. Horatian odes follow conventions of Horace;]

(选自《普利策新闻奖名篇快读》,有删改) [In 1980s, some Chinese scholars have discussed the translation default and compensation. For example, Ke Ping argues that the culture of source language and the culture of target language are responsible to the loss of translation, because they are difficult to be translated only in the aspect of language.]

【注】 这篇报道发表于第二次世界大战期间的19438月,获1944年普利策新闻奖。

9.这篇报道以顺叙的方式写作,并特别突出了时间,有什么好处?(6) [At the very beginning, Keats wrote directly that: "One morning before me were three figures seen", because he was dozy and at the situation of indolence, he couldn't see clearly of them. Until the third time, they came to show themselves in front of Keats, Keats recognized that they are his acquaintances---love,]

答:______________________________________________________________ [ Poets should enjoy the pure beauty of his sense, rather than being desperate to make clear of the essence of the world. Only with the Negative Capability, can a poet be more imaginative and can feel the charm of nature more objectively.]

__________________________________________________________ [the author of this paper intends to take Mr.Yang Xianyi and Mrs Gladys Yangs' English translation the true story of Ah Q for example to roughly analyze how the Yangs deal with the cultural default in different default elements. In addition, this study will make a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the study of compensation which may be an effective solution to culture default]

解析 本题考查考生鉴赏文学作品的表达技巧,分析文章的艺术手法的能力。能力层级为E级。解答时分析运用顺叙的方式写作的好处。顺叙的方法可分为三种,一是完全按时间顺序记叙,二是以地点的转换为顺序来叙述事件,三是以事情的内在逻辑联系为序来叙述事件。通过阅读文章可以看出,运用顺叙,可以把事情的来龙去脉清晰地表现出来,还能渲染气氛。

答案 (1)以顺叙的方式写作,条理清晰,突出了新闻事件的连贯性。(2)突出时间,渲染了紧张的氛围,强调了救援效率之高,现场感强。 [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]

10.柯利蒂大夫为什么说今天,你们做了一件世界上所有的医生都做不了的事(5) [The compliment from Hunt and the criticism from Lockhart were at a statement, and this kind of situation lasted for a long while after Keats's death. While during the twenty years after Keats's death, many critics only thought Keats as a poet whose poems has nothing to do with deep connotation. Until 1848, the life, letters and literary heritage of John Keats has been published by Milnes. ]



解析 本题考查理解文中重要句子的含意的能力。解答此题,必须结合具体的语境。看似十分困难、几乎不可能的事情,那些博士、记者和警察合作完成了,此时,柯利蒂大夫有感而发,说了这句话。分析时一般可以考虑主观因素和客观因素。在本题中,客观因素是这件事情特别难,医生做不到;主观因素是你们这些人协调、配合、努力,获得青霉素并及时运到了医院。 [Keats' mother died, and he left school and became an apprentice to Thomas Hammond, the surgeon and apothecary at Edmonton. 15 years later, Keats entered the united hospital, working as a dresser there. He received his apothecary's certificate. ]

答案 在当时的情形下,青霉素非常稀少,能得到它绝非易事,新闻记者及社会各界同心协力找到了青霉素,并及时把青霉素送到了小女孩的病床前。

11.新闻语言一般是客观平实的,而这篇报道却有所不同。请对文中画线部分作简要分析。(6) [The Yang's are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Yang Xianyi is one of the most outstanding literary translators in Chinese translation history. Throughout his life, he has translated numerous Chinese classical]


________________________________________________________________ [ctually, Cultural default was firstly proposed by Wang Dongfeng. He divides the default into three categories: situation default, contextual default and cultural default. He holds that cultural default is defined as absence of the same cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his/ her intended reader, on the coherent interpretation in translation reading. ]

解析 本题考查鉴赏文学作品的语言特色的能力。这段文字叙述的是救命的药及时送来了,文段的语言生动,蕴含了丰富的情感,具有较强的感染力。将青霉素称为仁慈的东西,因为它能救小女孩的性命;将车称为仁慈之车因为它快速运来了药物,体现了作者对小女孩即将得救的喜悦,对人们的爱心的赞颂。 [George Steiner describes translating process as four steps in After Babel: (1) trust (2) aggression (3) import (4) restitution/compensation. The first three steps will cause disequilibrium throughout the system by taking away from the sources text and by adding to the target text. (2001) That why there's the forth step. ]

答案 画线部分运用仁慈”“奄奄一息”“焦急等词语,具有浓烈的感情色彩,使报道具有较强的感染力和明显的倾向性(体现了对小女孩的爱心和人道主义情怀) [irst of all, scholars paid a lot attention on Keats's works. As we all know, Keats is most famous for his poems, especially his odes. Chinese scholars have contributed a lot to the study of Keats poems like Zhang Yan and Shang Biwu. For example: in the poetic appreciation during the communication between text and history-comment on Ode on a Grecian Urn by Zhang Yan. It studied the gains and losses in the study of Ode on a]




解析 本题考查理解文章内容的能力和探究的能力。本题要求我们分析报道的社会价值,这就要求着眼于全文。探究题可以从时代背景、人物形象、环境氛围、细节描写、语言表达等方面切入探究。本篇报道叙述的是一个小女孩在众人的帮助下得救的故事,考虑到故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,所以更有其深远的社会意义。解答时,要从对生命的尊重,世间有大爱,在战争的年代对人性、爱的关注与渴盼方面思考、表达,还要注意注释的作用。 [However, there were several criticisms towards Keats at that time. For example, J.C. Lockhart published an article on the Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, in this article, he criticized Keats's poems were not elegant and lack of art sentiment, and thought Keats was short of good education.]

答案 (1)体现了对生命的尊重,弘扬了一种不抛弃,不放弃的人道主义精神。(2)歌颂了人与人之间友好互助、团结一致的精神。(3)增强了当时(二战时期)美国人民终将赢得战争胜利的信心。

Unit 4 Dont eat in class [Then, turns to another ode: Ode to autumn, it is consisted of three connected stanzas. The first stanza is about the fruitful autumn, this is a static scene; the second stanza focuses on the harvest autumn, which is a dynamic scene, these two stanzas commit a picture of lively autumn]

[However, there were several criticisms towards Keats at that time. For example, J.C. Lockhart published an article on the Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, in this article, he criticized Keats's poems were not elegant and lack of art sentiment, and thought Keats was short of good education.]

高中物理 第一章 第7节《对自由落体运动的研究》导学案 教科版必修1
