2020年人教新目标八下英语(120分值)单元测试Unit 1质量评估试卷

发布时间:2020-01-05 10:54:27

Unit 1 质量评估试卷

       [时间:100分钟 分值:120][见学生活页1]




( B )1.What happened to the boy's father?

AHe lost his wallet.

BHe fell and hurt his foot.

CHe lost his way to the hospital.

( B )2.Where does the conversation take place?

AIn the classroom. BOn the road.

CIn a hospital.

( C )3.Why does the boy have a headache?

ABecause he did homework for long.

BBecause he watched TV for long.

CBecause he played computer games for long.

( B )4.What does the man ask the woman to eat?

ANoodles. BBeef.


( A )5.Who does the boy need to see?

AA dentist. BA policeman.

CHis teacher.




( B )6.Where did the accident happen?

AOn the freeway. BOn the highway.

COn the railway.

( B )7.How many people got hurt in the accident?

A10. B17.


( C )8.How did the accident happen?

AThe truck was broken.

BThe driver drove after drinking.

CThe driver kept driving when he was tired.


( C )9.Why does the man go to see the doctor?

ABecause he wants to get an X­ray.

BBecause he wants to get some medicine.

CBecause he wants to have a physical examination.

( A )10.What is the man going to do on Wednesday?

ATo go to work. BTo take a trip.

CTo have a meeting.

( B )11.When is the man going to see the doctor finally?

AOn Thursday. BOn Friday.

COn Saturday.


( C )12.Who was ill yesterday?

AMark's father. BMark's sister.

CMark's uncle.

( A )13.What did Mark buy?

AFruit and flowers. BFruit and fish.

CFlowers and cakes.

( C )14.How did Mark go to the hospital?

ABy car. BBy bike.

CBy bus.

( C )15.Where did Mark find the ticket at last?

AUnder the seat. BIn his wallet.

CIn the flowers.




1. W: Why do you look so unhappyPeter?

M: My father fell off his bike and hurt his left foot.

2W: Be carefulLookThe light is red.We should wait until the light turns green.

M: Thanks for telling me.

3M: I have a headache.

W: What did you do all weekend?

M: I played computer games.

W: That's probably why.

4. W: I always feel weak and tired.

M: Why not eat more hot yang food like beef?

W: Good idea.

5M: I have a toothache.

W: You should see a dentist.




M: What's in the newspaper?

W: There was an accident on the highway.

M: Was that serious?

W: Yesthree men died and seventeen people got hurt badly.

M: I'm sorry to hear that.How did that happen?

W: A truck driver kept driving when he was very tired.


W: Good morningMr.Lee.What can I do for you?

M: Good morning.I'd like to see Doctor Johnson this week.I want to have a physical examination.

W: Doctor Johnson is not free on Monday and Tuesday.Is Wednesday OK with you?

M: I have to go to work on Wednesday.Is Doctor Johnson free on Saturday?

W: I'm sorry.Our office is closed on weekends.

M: Wellwhat about Friday?

W: Let me see.Ohgreat.Doctor Johnson is free on Friday afternoon this week.

M: That's fine.Thank youI'll come then.See you.

W: See you.


Mark's uncle was ill yesterday.Mark went to the hospital to see him after school.He bought some fruit and some flowers in a shop.Then he got on a bus and bought a ticket.Twenty minutes laterthe bus stopped in front of the hospital.The bus driver asked Mark to show his ticket when he was about to get off.But he couldn't find his ticket.He was very worried and saidWhat should I do Don't worryyoung boy.Let me help you find itsaid the driver.At last the boy found the ticket.It was in the flowers.




Alzheimer's disease is an illness of the brain.It causes large numbers of brain cells to die.Doctors don't know what causes the disease.They do know that it usually begins after being aged 60 and nearly half of people aged 85 and older may have Alzheimer's.

The disease often starts slowly.In factmost people don't know they have Alzheimer's disease.They blame(抱怨)their forgetfulness on old age.Howevertheir memory problems get much worse.They lose the ability to drive a carcook a mealor even read a newspaper.They may get lost easily and find even simple things confusing.Some people become worriedangryor violent.

Here are signs of Alzheimer's.

Early signs

Trouble remembering recent events.

Problems remembering names of people and places.

Trouble solving simple math problems.

Later signs

Forget how to brush your teeth or comb your hair.

Cannot remember the names of common things such as deskhouseappleetc.

Wander away from home.

( B )16.This disease can make ______.

Apeople become older

Bmany brain cells die

Cpeople become clever

Dpeople's memory better

( A )17.What does the underlined word confusing mean in Chinese?

A使人困惑的 B.使人难忘的

C.令人高兴的 D.令人失望的

( B )18.Which of the following is NOT true?

AAlzheimer's disease usually begins after being aged 60.

BMost people know when they have Alzheimer's disease.

CPeople may get lost easily when they have Alzheimer's disease.

DPeople with the disease have trouble solving simple math problems.


( C )19.You should ______ first if you get burned.

Ago to the hospital

Bcall the police

Ccheck the burn

Dclean the burned area

( C )20.Which of the following tips is TRUE for dealing with burns?

ATear clothing away from the burn.

BRun cold water over the burn.

CLightly apply a bandage over the burn.

DBreak blisters on the burn.

( D )21.Which of the following tips is NOT mentioned in the article?

APeople should be careful when using candles.

BChildren can easily get burned playing in the kitchen.

CIf the burn is seriousyou should seek emergency medical care.

DIf the burn is mildyou don't need to do anything to the burn.

( C )22.Where might you find these tips?

AA book review.

BA fashion magazine.

CA first aid handbook.

DA local newspaper.


All of us feel down from time to time.Many of us have ways to cheer ourselves up and make ourselves feel better.This is referred to as self­care”.

This idea comes from Japan.It refers to any activity that can calm one's feelingsclear one's mindand comfort a troubled heartaccording to China News Service.It was first used to describe the music of Japanese song writer Ryuichi Sakamoto(坂本龙一)in 1999.

Self­care is now popular in China as well.One of the most popular activities is healing(治愈的)travel”.According to Caissa Touristica Beijing­based travel agencymore Chinese tourists are going on meditation(冥想)or yoga retreats in places like JapanBali and India.

By taking these tripspeople can learn more about local culture and the way people in these countries live.Without a tour guide or detailed planthey allow their bodies and minds to relax.This waythey forget about daily stresses and noisy surroundings(周围事物)back home.

Having a pet can also help.Research has shown that pets and humans can heal each otherNPR reported.Strong human­to­animal bonds(联系)make both pets and their owners happier and healthier.Last yearChinese dog and cat owners spent over 5000 yuan on per pet on average.China's pet industry now has a value of 170 billion yuanXinhua reported.

More people are seeking out self­care activities simply because they can finally afford to(承担得起)With fewer worries on moneythey can slow down and take a closer look at their own inner worldThe Paper noted.

( B )23.What do we know about self­care from the text?

AIt means living by yourself.

BIt started in Japan 20 years ago.

CIt focuses on one's physical health.

DIt refers to activities that you do on your own.

( D )24.People may feel “healed” while going on trips because ______.

Athey can do meditation or yoga during their trips

Bthey don't need to make plans

Cthey get to learn how other people live

Dthey can relax and avoid daily stress

( D )25.According to Xinhuawhich of the following is TRUE?

A“Healing travel” is a popular self­care activity.

BPets can help their owners stay healthy mentally.

CChinese people prefer to raise dogs and cats.

DChinese pet owners spend a lot of money on their pets.

( A )26.What can we infer from the text?

ARyuichi Sakamoto's music can make people feel better.

BPeople who have pets are not necessarily happier or healthier.

CThe middle class experiences more stress and mental health problems than other classes.

DChinese people will spend more money on their pets in 2019.


The headache is defined(定义)as “a pain in the head” in the dictionary.It covers the whole heador one side of itor perhaps the front or the back of it.Almost everyone may get headaches.Some people get headaches often or the headaches usually last for a long time.A lot of different things can cause headaches.Most headaches have something to do with watching TV or playing computer games for a long timelistening to loud musicsmoking(吸烟)drinking too muchbeing__a__lack__of sleepor having a long trip in a car or on a bus.The flu can cause headachestoo.

Howeveryou needn't be afraid of headaches.Most headaches will go away if you have a good rest.When you get a headachelie down in a quiet and comfortable roomclose your eyes and relax.If your headache doesn't go away or it's really badyou need to see a doctor.The doctor may ask you when your headache startshow often it happensor if you are taking any medicine.

There are also some ways to help you avoid(避免)headaches.For exampleget a good sleep every nightdrink enough water every day and eat less cold food.If you can do these thingsyou may have fewer headaches.

( D )27.From the textwe can learn that ______ can get headaches.

Aonly old people Bonly young kids

Conly busy people Dnearly everyone

( C )28.The meaning of the underlined phrase “being__a__lack__of” is close to that of “______”

Abeing tired of

Bbeing interested in

Cnot having enough of something

Dbeing ready to

( B )29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

AHeadaches usually last for a short time.

BA long trip in a car may cause headaches.

CHeadaches always cover the whole head.

DThere is no need to see a doctor if you have a headache.

( D )30.What does the text mainly talk about?

AThe kinds of headaches.

BWhat headaches are on earth.

CHow long headaches usually last each time.

DThe causes of headaches and the ways to stay away from them.



word/media/image3.gifA.Go to the doctor's as soon as possible.

BBut do you know how to deal with this emergency(突发事件)?

CCover the burn area.

DProtect yourself.

EWash and clean the burn area.

FWhat's the matter?



Good health is very important.Everyone should do all he can __36__ healthy.Being in good __37__ means having both body and mind in good orderfree from illness and pain.

Good foodplenty of watercleanness and plenty of __38__ all help in keeping our machines running as they should.__39__ is very important.It gives what we need for keeping good health.It gives us energy for work and play.No food gives __40__ we need.We should eat foods of different kinds.Having enough food is not the same __41__ having the right food.

The water we drink helps wash away wastes forming inside our bodies.It also__42__ for the water we lose when we perspire(流汗)Our bodies are actually more than half water.We must drink enough to replace what we __43__.

We feel __44__ and look better when we are clean.A bath every one or two days is a good __45__ for most of us.Brushing our teeth is a(n)__46__ part of keeping clean.

Sleep is the best kind of rest.Growing children need more __47__than grown­ups.Children's bodies not only have to be repairedbut also have to __48__.No one's body can grow bigger properly while he is working and playing and wearing it out(疲劳)

It has been __49__to work for good health.Millions of years agopeople lived only 20 years.Now people can live about 70 years.It has gone up 20 years just since the __50__ of the present century.

( B )36.A.stay Bto stay

Cstays Dstaying

( A )37.A.health Bsickness

Cbody Dgrades

( A )38.A.rest Bhappiness

Csadness Dfun

( D )39.A.Water BDrink

CVegetables DFood

( C )40.A.something Banything

Ceverything Dnothing

( A )41.A.as Bfor

Cwith Dto

( B )42.A.uses up Bmakes up

Ctakes up Deats up

( B )43.A.have Blose

Cget Dput

( D )44.A.good Bwell

Cfine Dbetter

( C )45.A.night Bday

Crule Devening

( A )46.A.important Beasy

Cdifficult Dsimple

( B )47.A.time Bsleep

Cbreak Dfood

( A )48.A.grow Beat

Cdrink Dplay

( B )49.A.use Buseful

Cuseless Dused

( B )50.A.begin Bbeginning

Cend Dending



If you don't keep yourself warm enoughwinter can be a time to have an illness.During the winter monthspeople 51.__easily__(easy)get colds and flu(流感)Many people think they are the same52.__but__ they are different.

Colds can stay with you for up to a week.You will have a running nosea sore throata headachea cough and a fever.

Flu is 53.__more__(much)serious.You will feel sick very quickly.You will have a fever and a headache.54.__Your__(you)body will hurt and become weak.This could last for up to four 55.__weeks__(week)

Is there any way to keep yourself away from colds or fluStaying clear of(避开)people 56.__with__ colds or flu may work.Try not to touch(触摸)your nose or eyes if you have been close someone who has a cold.Wash your handsespecially after 57.__cleaning__(clean)your nose.Going out with wet hair can also give you a cold!

If you catch a cold or flugo to bed and rest.Doing this will help you get 58.__well/better__(good)Drink lots of water.Stay in 59.__a__ warmwell­aired room.If you have a headacheor your muscles (肌肉) hurtdon't forget 60.__to__take__(take)some medicine.



61I have two k__nives__.I use them to cut watermelons.

62Luckilyhe didn't h__urt__ himself in the accident.

63Please think it over before making an important d__ecision__

64The bad eating habit can increase(增加)the r__isk__ of cancer.

65My mother is a n__urse__.She works in a famous hospital.

66Ben is l__ying__ on the grass and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

67Although the man is oldhe is still in c__ontrol__ of the company.

68The doctor is very patient(有耐心的)with the s__ick__ children.

69Olivia likes to play the piano to relax h__erself__ after doing homework.

70—Can you tell me what's the m__atter__ with you?

—I lost my MP4 player.




2.保持健康的方法: 多吃水果、蔬菜;每天锻炼一个小时;早睡早起;勤洗手;


Boys and girls

It is very important for usstudents to keep healthy.There are many ways to be healthy.Firstwe'd better eat more fruit and vegetables.Secondtake exercise for at least one hour every day.We also need enough sleep and restso it is important for us to go to bed early and get up early.Besideswe should wash our hands as often as possible.In my opinionwe mustn't drink wine or smoke.They are bad for our health.

Thank you.

2020年人教新目标八下英语(120分值)单元测试Unit 1质量评估试卷
