
发布时间:2015-05-25 14:07:20


PS:括号内为一些动作与神态 希望大家能尽力表现出来 :)

Scene 1


Charactersthe Emperor Soldier-A and Soldier-B(人物:皇帝,士兵AB, 士兵 CD)

NarratorMany years ago there lived an emperor. He was very fond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only wish was to always be well dressed. One day, the Emperor said (to Soldiers):

EmperorAre there any new things about clothes today?

Soldier-AToday two man came to our city.

Soldier-B:They said they were the best weavers in the world.

Soldier-CAnd that they could produce the finest cloth, which was not only beautiful, but the clothes couldn’t be seen to any man who’s stupid.

Soldier-D Would you like to call them in ,your majesty.

EmperorThat must be wonderful cloth, if I dress in a suit made of this cloth, I can find out which men are unfit for their places or stupid. I must ask them to weave for me right now.

Emperor(to soldier-A/B) Find them and ask them to make clothes for me.

Soldier-A/BYes, right away.

Emperor(to soldier-C/D) Set up two rooms for them.

Soldier-C/DYes, right away.


Scene 2


CharactersNarrator, Weaver A, Weaver B

NarratorThe two weavers were asked to work in the two new rooms. They pretended work very hard, but they did nothing in the rooms. They asked for the finest silk and precious gold-cloth, and worked in the empty rooms till late at night.



Scene 3

场景3:皇宫(与场景1 同)

Characters: the Emperor Old MinisterA/B (皇帝,老大臣)

Emperor(几天后皇帝在皇宫里走来走去) I would like to know how they are getting on with the cloth. But if I can not see it,it means I am stupid. I must send somebody else to have a look.

Emperor( to the old minister A/B)You two honest men. I want you to have a look at my new cloth and report back to me.

Old MinisterA/BYes, right away.



Scene 4


CharactersMinisterWeaver-A, Weaver-B

Old Minister A(老大臣来到那两间新房子。边看、边想着……看了看,走到台的一侧,对观众说) Oh!my god! I cannot see anything at all.

Weaver-AHello! Mr. Minister, come closer and you'll see.

Weaver-B:Oh, Mr. Minister, did you see these beautiful colors. How wonderful it is!

NarratorThe poor minister tried his very best, but he could see nothing, for there was nothing to be seen.He thought,

Old Minister BOh dear, can I be so stupid? Is it possible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I should never have thought so, and nobody must know it!

Weaver-ADid you have anything to say?

Old Minister AOh, it is very pretty. Very very beautiful! What beautiful patterns! What bright colors! I will tell the Emperor this is the best cloth in the world.

Weaver-A and Weaver-BWe are so happy to hear that. 

NarratorThe weavers told the cloth to them. The old ministers listened carefully, so that they could relate it back to the Emperor. Then the weavers asked for more money, silk and gold. They kept everything for themselves, and pretended to work hard.


Scene 4


Characters: the Emperor, Young Minister

Emperor (to the Young Minister A/B)I always thought you two were more honest than the old ministers. So go and see how they were getting on, and whether the cloth is nearly finished or not.

Young Minister A/BThank you for your praise.



Scene 5


Characters: Young MinisterWeaver-A Weaver-B

NarratorLike the old ministers,they looked and looked but could see nothing, as there was nothing to be seen.


WeaversIs it a beautiful piece of cloth?

Young Minister A(想一想,走到一侧,对观众说) I am not stupid, maybe im not fit this good appointment, but I must not let any one know.

Young Minister BIt is excellent!


WeaversThank you very much. You are a very clever man. Please ask the king to come and review our products.

Young Minister A/BI will tell the king.

NarratorThe weavers described to them the colors and explained the curious pattern. The Official listened attentively, so that he might relate to the Emperor what they said.


Scene 6


Characters: the EmperorOfficial-A , Official-B,

NarratorIn the end, the Emperor decided to see the cloth by himself. He came to the rooms with all his staff. 

Emperor( 看了看,走到台侧惊讶地对着观众说)What is this? I don’t see anything at all. Am I stupid? Am I unfit to be emperor? How terrible it is!

(转向两个骗子,说)Really, your cloth has my most gracious approval.

Official-A, Official-BIt is so gorgeous(装作赞美的样子)

Official-BIt is the most beautiful cloth that I have ever seen in my life.

Official-AYou can wear the new clothes at the procession which will soon take place.

Emperor(对骗子)I will appoint you two as the Imperial Court weavers.


Scene 7


Characters: the EmperorOfficial-A, Official-B, Weaver-A and Weaver-B

NarratorThe whole night before the procession, the weavers pretended to work. Everyone saw that they were busy to finish the emperor's new suit.

Weaver-A and Weaver-BThe emperor's new suit is ready now.


Weaver-AThese are the trousers! (裤子)

Weaver-BThis is the coat!

Weaver-AHere is the cloak! (斗篷)

Weaver-BTry on your new clothes. You will find them as light as the air.

All the OfficialsIndeed!

Weaver-A /BPlease your Majesty now to take off your dress, and put on these new suits before the large mirror.


Official-AHow wonderful they look!

Official-BHow well they fit!

Young Minister A/BWhat a beautiful colours!How nice the cloth is!


Scene 8


Characters: the EmperorOfficial-A, Official-Bresident-A resident-B, the father and a little boy

NarratorThe emperor marched in the procession under a beautiful canopy. People on the street exclaimed in surprise.(群众欢呼)

Soilder ABCD :The emperor is coming !

Resident-AIndeed, the emperor's new suit is so nice!

Resident-B Yes,of course I saw it . It is very wonderful.

NarratorNobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid.

Little boyBut he wears nothing at all.


FatherGod heavens! Listen to the voice of an innocent child.


Resident-ABut he has nothing on at all.

Resident-BBut he has nothing on at all.(声音提高)

NarratorAt last all the people cried out.


The emperor thought they may be right, but he must finish the parade. 

And the officials walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train which did not exist.


