
发布时间:2018-07-31 23:35:17


原创: 维克多英语 维克多英语 57


话题一 外貌特征

1. 我的同桌是个衣服从不合身的古怪男孩。(定语从句;odd) (13 湖北书面表达改)

My deskmate is an odd boy whose clothes never fit him.

2. 萨莉 (Sally) 是个二十岁出头,长发及腰的女孩。(with复合结构)

Sally is a girl in her early twenties with long hair reaching the waist.

3. 我想知道这么多年玛丽是怎样保持身材的。(宾语从句(15 福建单选改)

I wonder how Mary has kept her figure all these years.

4. 他脸上流露着如此严肃的表情,我很害怕。(so ... that ...; wear)

He was wearing so serious an expression / such a serious expression on his face that I was quite frightened / scared.

5. 一个人能靠外表吃饭,却 (偏偏) 要靠才华。(live off, appearance)

One could live off his appearance, but instead lives off his talent.

话题二 性格与行为特征

1. 他就是这么一个总是挑别人毛病的人。(定语从句;fault)

He is such a man who is always finding fault with other people.

2. 正是苦干、决心以及温和的天性使她进入了医学院。(强调句;as well as) (人教④U1)

It was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.

3. 他不但展现出了勇气,还证明了自己是个可以信赖的人。(倒装句;display)

Not only has he displayed courage, but also he has proved himself to be a reliable person.

4. 不要在意别人说什么,只要我们对自己做过的事充满信心。(宾语从句(12 北京书面表达改)

Dont mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done.

5. (Joe) 既骄傲又固执,从不认错且总是找他人担责。(现在分词作状语;admit, blame) (14 浙江单选改)

Joe is proud and stubborn, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.

话题三 兴趣与爱好

1. 这种硬币品质高,值得收藏。(of + n; worth) (13 福建阅读)

The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.

2. 养宠物是她的爱好,这极大地抚慰了她孤独的心灵。(非限制性定语从句;comfort)

Raising / Keeping pets is her hobby, which comforts her lonely heart greatly.

3. 身为一个活跃的年轻人,我喜欢体育和户外活动。(being, fond) (11 辽宁书面表达改)

Being an active young person, Im fond of sports and outdoor activities.

4. 为了保持健康,退休后他开始把骑自行车作为经常性的锻炼形式。(不定式作目的状语;take up)

To keep healthy, he took up cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired / his retirement.

5. 体育运动不但对身体有益还有助于使你的头脑更敏锐。(benefit v, sharp)

Sports not only benefit the body, but also help make your mind sharper.

话题四 人体与动作

1. 在漆黑的房间里他摸索着走到了床边,寻找开关。(feel ones way)

He felt his way to the bed in the dark room in search of the switch.

2. 约翰正在房间学习突然听到了一声尖叫。(when) (人教⑤U5)

John was studying in his room when he heard a scream.

3. 我抬头看她的眼睛时,她朝我微笑并伸出双手抓住了我的手。(look up, reach) (14 重庆阅读改)

When I looked up into her eyes, she smiled at me and reached out her hands to grasp mine.

4. 她紧紧地拥抱着丈夫,眼睛里噙满了感激 (gratitude n) 的泪水。(并列句(10 湖北完形改)

She hugged her husband tightly and her eyes (were) filled with tears of gratitude.

5. 我不知道小说里到底是什么使他放声痛哭。(强调句(12 湖北完成句子)

I dont know what it was in the novel that made him burst into tears / burst out crying.

话题五 生活起居

1. 电话又坏了,我得找人把它修好。(have sth done)

The phone is out of order / not working again and I have to have it repaired.

2. 大部分青少年比较喜欢晚上熬夜,早上睡懒觉。 (08 浙江阅读)

Most teenagers prefer to stay up late at night and sleep late in the morning.

3. 尽管我很累,但是能帮助父母做家务我很开心。(as)

Tired as I was, I was happy that I could help my parents with the housework / do the housework.

4. 家具齐全的公寓,91起可供出租。

Fully furnished flats are available to rent from 1st September.

5. 他们想看到自己的女儿安顿下来,结婚生子。 (17 天津单选改)

Theyd like to see their daughter settle down, get married, and have kids.


