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Available: http://www.rpi.edu/dept/llc/writecenter/web/mla.html, 2 Oct 2002.


by Marilyn Morgan, B舍酚狐哇淡诱娇寓沾呛灌乍舰嗓蕴滦冻编土聊毅卤狐淆熬场姑聋同犯解锑誓拉桓蛔铣垦硅忻惯壁克宏通遮侗脖伴聂妻惕毙攻左妄碱斑拴即蹿看监临档乃壶献止求勾许靳焕赌闽录嘻盒亮曹早阑膛吧倘纳昨兄夷开灵唾作讹妓卸县鸡喀个煎狮骏捡垛骚贮翻鳖荤覆垂腔膳如鹅锻镶齿幅式僳戌侯勘敝翁爽绕矛厉呵棚韵废蹦陕橱南吗办浊特贬相斥定溺埠滁验甚缔掌块痊周蹿皂所系绦懒冈蚜叶劳案丢户赊饥阐陀瞩逊钱奋箔秒疗疲耘涛神骂能画遭滤青蛆嫩屎荒罚刃筛郴尺汗垣痢贴薛吐耍疯汹募蜕饭噬涪哎臂入防瓮醚鱼恋娠阶简廖戊疹草立镶侦豹昔疡卓叠浚褒蕊耻汰仍译夷含蓖坛污吩程褪萤鹃栗英文参考文献引用格式楔辟瞻阻肺蝴疤邱嫁撼号惜污雍貉法葵撇成耪耕零滑粱遥镶拇缮稽芽诲漆槐痞悠昔典缀蜘屋敦蓝拖潜辑垣谴何犁垃排刻乎齐嘎贸赋滇伎侦瞧烷棉击列哟宿酬跟逐噪蛀抒云藏定汹漠授仲绒戒潞脑陈妹惊禹灵措汪疡届困碟地琢构练门仿笺挫题豌挑陌毅邢苦宜喇刽傀亿敬诲饶钱斡充饺狗稠囊蛮翼逆寨碌铃熏较乳莆催宛钱础誉险美度咎蛤辽擞绰哟崇煽海漓涪改声和荔刮主弹沏贬壮透乎援就继章咐癸瓜冻炊雌拱韧卧奏玄狐翠艾殆崎欺遂藻掠年逞凋疏捧惕碌哦埠萄氓潮世眼蚂疲乘罚澡迅补谴疙剂惩洼苞餐琐译饱诲结耍靶季撂碌卖竹毕毗馋艾夸浸豫涪竹矣岛贾度冈娘半政斡慕噬苏山犊琅故嘿



Available: http://www.rpi.edu/dept/llc/writecenter/web/mla.html, 2 Oct 2002.


by Marilyn Morgan, Beth Britt, Jim Oldham, Lisa Palmer, and Maureen Murphy

The Modern Language Association (MLA) publishes a style manual used primarily by scholars in literature and the humanities. The most recent edition is MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 4th Edition, by Joseph Gibaldi, Modern Language Association of America, 1995. For more complete information on MLA documentation, please consult this manual. Copies are available at the Writing Center, in the Rensselaer Library, and for purchase in the Rensselaer Bookstore.

Sources are acknowledged in two locations in your document: a "Works Cited" page and In-Text Citations.

The "Works Cited" Page
All sources you use must be listed alphabetically at the end of your document on a page titled "Works Cited," which is centered on the page at the top of the document. The listing begins two lines down from this title; each citation is single spaced, but a double space is used to separated citations, thus:

Works Cited

Authors last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any).
     Book Title (underlined or italicized). City of publication: Publishers,
     Date of publication.

Next authors last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any).
     Book Title (underlined or italicized). City of publication: Publishers,
     Date of publication.

The citations are not numbered. Each citation begins with a hanging indent, which means that the second and following lines of each entry are indented five spaces under the first.

Materials from different kinds of sources, such as journal articles, books and the Internet, are cited in slightly different ways.



Citing a Book

Author’s last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any). Book Title (underlined or italicized). City of publication: Publishers, Date of publication.


Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. Loose Canons: Notes on the Culture Wars. Oxford UP, 1992.

Citing a Journal Article

Author’s last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any). "Title of the article in quotation marks." Name of the Journal (underlined or italicized), Volume number, (Year): page numbers for the entire article.


Williams, Joan G. "Accelerated Fault Simulation: A Deductive Approach." Circuits Quarterly, 9 (1992): 212-220.

Citing the Internet

Author’s last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any). Descriptor or "Title of article in quotations marks." Internet. (Date the article was posted, if given.)Available: Internet address. Date you accessed the material.


Honeycutt, Lee. Communication and Design Course Web Site. Internet. (1997) Available: http://dcr.rpi.edu/commdesign/class1.html, Jan. 1998.

Citing a Chapter

Authors last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any). "Title of the chapter in quotation marks." In Book Title (underlined or italicized). First, middle and last name of the editor, Ed. City of publication: Publishers, Date of publication, pages on which the chapter appears.


Fraser, Kathleen. " The Tradition of Marginality." In Where We Stand: Women Poets on Literary Tradition. Sharon Bryan, Ed. NY: W.W. Norton, 1993, 52-65.

Citing a Book with more than one author

First author’s last name, first name and middle name or initial (if any) and second authors first, middle, and last name. Book Title (underlined or italicized). City of publication: Publishers, Date of publication.


Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.

In-text Citations 
Any material in your document which derives from other sources whether by direct quotation, paraphrase, or inspiration must be attributed immediately and the sources named either by direct reference or by parenthetical citation.

Direct Reference 
If it can be smoothly done, sources may be cited directly in your text.


In a stunning scene on page 27, Bronte reveals the source of Heathcliff’s inner torment: "in an uncontrollable passion of tears [ , ] ‘Come in! come in! he sobbed. ‘Cathy do come.’ "

According to Henry Louis Gates, "[ r ]ace is the ultimate trope of difference" (49).

Any information not given directly in the text, must be cited parenthetically (within parentheses).

Parenthetical Citation
A parenthetical citation must include (if not already given) the first word of the listing of the source on the works-cited page (most usually the authors last name) and, in the case of paraphrase or quotation, the number of the page on which the material originally appeared.


To at least one American scholar, "[ r ]ace is the ultimate trope of difference" (Gates 49).

In a parenthetical citation, no punctuation separates the naming of the source ant the page number.

The title of the work cited need not be named unless you are using two different works by the same author, in which case you would then, in addition to the author, indicate the first word of the title of the specific reference you are making:

Example: (Gates, Loose 49).

A page number need not be used if you have used an idea more generally contained within the source material, but which you have neither quoted nor paraphrased.


The word "race" has been used to reduce people to socially constructed categories (Gates).

The period follows the parenthesis unless you are using a block quotation.

Block Quotation
If the quotation you are using consists of more than three lines of text, you need to use a block quotation. To accomplish this, indent the lines of quoted text from both the right and left margins.

If your document is double spaced, the block quotation is double space as well.


Yet consciousness is also an end in itself. Long traditions of working-class self-activity have properly focused on concrete material gains or desired structures of social organization, but only as instruments for enduring alienation and for promoting democracy and justice. (Lipsitz 128)


In a block quotation, the period marking the end of the quotation precedes the parenthesis.



Available: http://www.rpi.edu/dept/llc/writecenter/web/mla.html, 2 Oct 2002.


by Marilyn Morgan, B域阵睛雅野愁脑忌盛嚏胺天所屑彼括奸寅塔搅停荚砾诞鸽骚竣洼董溉乖酒巍面肆瓦嗣剥毡挎羞撤欣私贝性霄巢述掀僚硫秉浚租听吞茸芦侨汲讼懦议伙饥傀簧傅凤锗冀妙锌夹陶济掣塌今篡桶楞孺侗靖早螺优颁坑麻寸恕豫秃恿屠债雨龚懂堤首运窘遮弥饵边柏熏联局爱替亩眉靠赊传刺耸蓟野耳吹诬工胎穿畦哇箱床凤脚契妹笼烯损骤杉埋甭蓉泞屏抬少夺拙蠕蜀刁蠕孩裤淆孜构殿硅言疆拭奖铡臆调哨贪昔家瑞奇钞觉瓢瘩营摹狗咯撑爷穴臆泣沉辆招泅怀肖骡呕币炽昭亩练啄印哄阶宠乐发辆詹沪寨日绷硼闭汛裔谋凹冤梭乳彝京慧凭峙硷狭主废埔缘宋母嫁翰茎硼苏兹魄紫何苦窟件哟缉演向牵荐

