
发布时间:2015-08-10 14:19:07



81. 请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

If you logged on to weibo, chances are that there is lots of news about the Ice Bucket Challenge videos. Many celebrities, including US President Barack Obama and Chinese actress Zhang Ziyihave already taken the challenge.

The Ice Bucket Challenge-dump ice water on your head, post and tag yourself on social media and challenge others to do the same.Its initial objective was fundraising and bringing awareness to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Association in the US.

But has it achieved anything?

The figures say it did. During the month of August, 2014, in America alone, ALS received over $98 million—a big jump compared to the $2.7 million donated during the same period last year.

But the Ice Bucket Challenge has its critics. It’s been very-celebrity-orientated(名人导向) and it plays into our culture of putting everything about ourselves out there on social media. Some people have obviously done it to raise their profile(关注度). Charity has become big business. Pity they can't let the cause speak for itself.













The Ice Bucket Challenge, intended to help ALS patients, is simple: One pours a bucket of icy water over his or her head and then challenge others to do so. It leaves room for debate.

There is no denying that the challenge has raised people's awareness to contribute to the ASL Association. But I’m not for this kind of practice in that it has turned from a charitable activity into a show. Some celebrities just do it to gain popularity; some others participate in it just to follow the trend. On top of that, they ignore how bad the ALS patients will feel when they watch those videos. Besides, it is a great waste of water since the world is facing another challenge—the water crisis.

In summary, it is not a wise choice to show our caring for the ALS patients that way. Instead, we should take action in some other practical ways. (154 words)


81. 请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

When should I begin to acquire good habits?a young boy asked his teacher.

How old are you?” asked the teacher.

Eight years old, sir.answered the boy.

Then you have just lost eight years,the teacher replied.

There is no doubt that habits are formed at a very early age. When one is young, it is easy to acquire good habits.

Good habits are practices that help us in our daily life. The habit of brushing one’s teeth in the morning, for instance, keeps one’s teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others. Bad habits such as sticking one’s tongue out, biting one’s fingernails and picking one’s nose, are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others. If we want people to enjoy being with us, we should try to develop habits that are pleasant.

It is said, “We sow an act; we reap a habit. We sow a habit and we reap a character.” The habits we formed at an early age shape our character. Habits are like tributaries(支流) which flow into a river. The river is made up of all its tributaries; a person’s character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired over the years.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就文明出游谈谈你的看法,内容包括:







2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



The author tells us that habits are formed when we are young and we should try to develop good habits, for they benefit us in our daily life and help us shape our character.

I can’t agree more with the author. Cultivating a good habit can not only shape our character, increase our inner beauty but also influence those people around you. Therefore, I think it is of great significance to form a good habit.

As for me, I benefit a lot from my good habits like getting up early to speak English aloud, reviewing and previewing lessons before going to bed every day. In the past, I didn’t dare to speak English before others because of my poor pronunciation and I also did badly in my English tests. Thanks to my good habits, however, I have been making progress in my English study. Now I am proud of my speaking and writing in English.

Then how can we form a good habit? First of all, you should be determined to fight against your laziness. Once you make up your mind to do something, never give up easily. Then, you have to be confident, believing that you can become a better person. Last but not least, keep pushing yourself. It may take a long period for you to form a good habit but remember it is perseverance that makes you successful!


81. 请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

I am currently on my year abroad in Germany as part of my high school course. From the beginning of my time here, I’ve had the chance to meet new people and make lots of new friends. As a girl, I have been open and friendly and have made some great friends in this country. Friends are so important to me that I can’t imagine a life without them.

Next week my best friend is moving to Spain with his parents. He doesn't want to leave but has to. All his friends, especially me, dont want him to leave and I feel so bad inside. I just can’t stop myself from feeling this way.

We have to say goodbye no matter how we feel, and my group of friends and I will have a farewell party for him. We’ve made him an album with photos and memories of his time here so that he could take it with him and wouldn’t forget us! We wish that he would have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends after settling into his new home.












The writer enjoys friendship in Germany but has to say goodbye to her best friend since he’s moving to Spain, which makes her sad. However, she can only give him best wishes.

This reminds me of a similar experience of leaving my best friend Jane when we finished our study at a junior school in another province. I would move to this city with my parents and continue my study in high school here. Unwillingly, I had to say goodbye to her, who I wouldn’t see for a long time.

After the graduation ceremony, we hugged each other, exchanged small gifts, and finally said goodbye. But we decided that we would go to the same university after leaving high school.

Life is full of meetings and partings and there are moments when good friends have to part, so we should take it easy while parting friends. After all, there are many ways for us to keep in contact and we have chances to meet again in the future.


81. 下图描绘的是某家心理诊疗所医生正向病人介绍治病良方的漫画。请你根据对这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,并发表你的看法。


注意:1. 陈述所给要点,可适度发挥;

   2. 词数150 左右;

   3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。


81. 请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods. And two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs didn't listen and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs heard what the other frogs were saying and gave up, so he died.

The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could. Once again, the other frogs cried at him and told him to stop and just allow himself to die. He jumped even harder and finally made himself out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Didn't you hear us?" The frog explained to them that something was wrong with his hearing. He thought they were encouraging him the whole time.

There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift him or her up and help them make it through the day. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words—anyone can speak bad words that rob another of the spirit to go on in difficult times. But an encouraging word can go such a long way.











After two frogs fell into a deep pit, one died because of his companions' discouraging words while the other that mistook them for encouraging ones got out. So words have powerful effects on people's attitude towards life.

We use words every day but not all of us realize their powerful influence. A student will spare no efforts to study because of others' inspiring words. On the contrary, if he is told that there is no possibility for him to succeed, he may really give up and end up as a failure totally.

My friend Mary had a traffic accident and got severely hurt. Though the chances for her recovery were little, her mother decided to tell a lie in order to cheer her up. It was the power of words that actually helped her stand up and walk again.

In conclusion, when faced with negative and discouraging remarks, we ought to turn a deaf ear to them as they will destroy our hope and faith. What matters more to us are those positive words that make us highly inspired and motivated. In the meantime, give our positive words to people around us because they will give us theirs in return.

81. 请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

Big or small, rejection affects us all. Harry Potter was rejected. So was The Twilight Saga. If authors J. K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer hadn’t kept trying with publisher after publisher, we’d all have missed out on some great adventures.

Rejection doesn’t have to be about the big thing like not getting into your top college, not making the team, or not getting asked to the prom (舞会). Everyday situations can lead to the feeling of rejection, too, like if your joke doesn’t get a laugh, if no one remembers to save you a seat at the lunch table, or if the person you really like talks to everyone but you.

Feeling rejected is the opposite of feeling accepted. But being rejected (and we will all be at times) doesn’t mean someone isn’t liked, valued, or important. It just means that one time, in one situation, with one person, things didn’t work out.

Rejection hurts. But it’s impossible to avoid it altogether. In fact, you don’t want to— people who become too afraid of rejection might hold back from going after something they want. Sure, they avoid rejection, but they’re also 100% guaranteed to miss out on what they want but won’t try for.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就“How to deal with rejection”这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 讲述一次你被拒绝的经历;

(2) 你当时的感受;

(3) 你认为应该如何正确面对拒绝。





Everyone has experiences of being rejected. Although rejection makes us feel hurt, we can never avoid it, or we’ll certainly miss out on things we want.

Three years ago, I competed with my classmates for an important role in an English show to be held in my school. I was so eager to participate in it that I practiced hard in my spare time. However, I was turned down in the last round. I felt really disappointed and deeply hurt because my friends made it but I failed.

Personally, if we can deal with rejection well, it will have a minimal effect on us. First, we should have a positive attitude toward rejection; that is to say, we ought to acknowledge it and keep reminding ourselves that rejection is always a possibility. Second, we can tell our family or friends what happened and how we feel about it or even cry if we want to — it’s a natural way to release our emotions. Last but not least, we should consider rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement and try our best to get accepted next time.

