
发布时间:2018-02-05 12:36:46


一、 名词


1. actor

2. address

3. afternoon

4. age

5. alarm clock

6. answer

7. apple

8. art

9. August

10. aunt


1. backpack

2. bag

3. ball

4. banana

5. band

6. baseball

7. basketball

8. bat

9. bed

10. biology

11. birth

12. birthday

13. blank

14. book

15. bookcase

16. boy

17. breakfast

18. bring

19. broccoli

20. brother

21. bus


1. card

2. carrot

3. case

4. CD

5. chair

6. chess

7. chicken

8. China

9. city

10. class

11. clerk

12. clock

13. clothes

14. club

15. collection

16. color

17. comedy

18. computer

19. contest

20. conversation

21. cousin

22. cream


1. dad

2. date

3. daughter

4. day

5. December

6. description

7. desk

8. dessert

9. dictionary

10. dinner

11. documentary

12. dog

13. dollar

14. drawer

15. dresser

16. drum


1. egg

2. e-mail

3. English

4. eraser

5. evening

6. example

7. family

8. father

9. February

10. festival

11. floor

12. food

13. fries

14. Friday

15. friend

16. fruit

17. furniture

18. game

19. girl

20. grandfather

21. grandmother

22. guitar

23. hamburger

24. hat

25. history

26. hobby

27. homework

28. hotel

29. ice

30. ice cream


1. January

2. job

3. June

4. July


1. key

2. kid

3. kind


1. letter

2. life

3. list

4. lunch


1. March

2. math

3. May

4. mom

5. Monday

6. month

7. morning

8. mother

9. movie

10. music


1. name

2. night

3. notebook

4. number

5. November


1. October


1. pants

2. parent

3. partner

4. party

5. pear

6. pen

7. pencil

8. people

9. phone

10. photo

11. pencil case

12. pencil sharpener

13. piano

14. picture

15. ping-pong

16. plant

17. plural

18. price


1. racket

2. ring

3. rock

4. room

5. ruler

6. runner


1. salad

2. sale

3. Saturday

4. school

5. science

6. September

7. shirt

8. shoe

9. shorts

10. show

11. shower

12. singular

13. sister

14. skirt

15. soccer

16. sock

17. sofa

18. son

19. sport

20. speech

21. star

22. store

23. strawberry

24. student

25. subject

26. Sunday

27. survey

28. sweater


1. table

2. tape

3. teacher

4. teeth

5. telephone

6. telephone number

7. tennis

8. thing

9. thriller

10. time

11. today

12. tomato

13. trip

14. trumpet

15. T-shirt

16. Tuesday

17. TV


1. uncle


1. vegetable

2. video

3. video tape

4. violin

5. volleyball

6. volleyball game


1. watch

2. Wednesday

3. weekend

4. wish

5. word

6. work


1. year

二、 形容词


1. best

2. big

3. black

4. blue

5. boring

6. busy


1. dear

2. difficult


1. every

2. exciting


1. favorite

2. first

3. funfunny


1. good

2. great

3. green


1. happy

2. healthy


1. last

2. long


1. many


1. new

2. nice


1. old


1. red

2. relaxing


1. sad

2. scary

3. short

4. small

5. some

6. sorry

7. strict

8. successful


1. that

2. these

3. this

4. tired

5. those



1. welcome

2. white

3. yellow

三、 动词

1. am

2. afford

3. are

4. ask


1. be

2. bring

3. brush

4. buy


1. call

2. come


1. draw

2. dance

3. dose

4. do


1. eat

2. excuse


1. find

2. found


1. go


1. has

2. have

3. help


1. is


1. join


1. know


1. learn

2. let

3. like

4. listen

5. look

6. lost

7. love


1. meet


1. need


1. paint

2. play


1. see

2. sell

3. sing

4. show

5. sound

6. speak

7. spell

8. start

9. swim


1. take

2. tell

3. thank

4. think


1. want

2. watch

3. work

4. write

四、 副词


1. also


1. Best


1. here

2. home

3. how


1. lot


1. next

2. no

3. not


1. oclock

2. often

3. only


1. really


1. soon


1. then

2. today

3. too


1. usually


1. very


1. well

2. when

3. where

4. why


1. yes

五、 冠词

1. a

2. an

3. the

六、 介词

1. about

2. at

3. after

4. before

5. for

6. in

7. of

8. on

9. under

10. with

11. from

12. to

七、 代词

1. all

2. any

3. some

4. anybody

5. anyone

6. both

7. something

8. anything

9. nothing

10. each

11. he

12. himself

13. her

14. hers

15. herself

16. his

17. I

18. it

19. little

20. me

21. more

22. my

23. mine

24. our

25. ours

26. we

27. us

28. other

29. myself

30. ourselves

31. she

32. someone

33. that

34. them

35. these

36. they

37. themselves

38. this

39. those

40. what

41. who

42. you

43. your

44. yours

45. yourself

八、 连词

1. after

2. and

3. because

4. but

5. or



1. 名词


1. accessory

2. activity

3. airport

4. animal

5. apartment

6. article

7. assistant

8. street


1. bank

2. bank clerk

3. beach

4. beard

5. beef

6. beginning

7. belt

8. bird

9. bit

10. bowl

11. box

12. bridge

13. build


1. cabbage

2. camera

3. camp

4. captain

5. cat

6. center

7. children

8. classmate

9. class

10. corner

11. country

12. culture


1. dining

2. direction

3. dislike

4. district

5. doctor

6. dolphin

7. drink

8. dumpling


1. elephant

2. exam


1. fact

2. fashion

3. fish

4. form

5. French

6. front

7. fun


1. garden

2. geography

3. giraffe

4. glasses

5. grass

6. green tea

7. group

8. guide

9. gym


1. hair

2. hall

3. hallway

4. heat

5. height

6. hospital

7. host

8. house


1. idea


1. Japanese

2. joke

3. juice


1. king

2. koala


1. language

2. leaf

3. left

4. library

5. like

6. lion

7. look


1. madam

2. mail

3. mall

4. man

5. map

6. market

7. meat

8. menu

9. money

10. mountain

11. Ms

12. museum

13. mutton


1. neighborhood

2. news

3. newspaper

4. noodle

5. nurse


1. office

2. onion

3. opinion

4. order


1. pal

2. palace

3. panda

4. park

5. pay phone

6. pen pal

7. penguin

8. person

9. place

10. play

11. police

12. police station

13. pool

14. pop

15. porridge

16. post

17. potato


1. reason

2. report

3. reporter

4. restaurant

5. rice

6. right

7. rule


1. scarf

2. sex

3. shop assistant

4. singer

5. sir

6. sitcom

7. situation

8. size

9. skill

10. snow

11. soap

12. soap opera

13. song

14. soup

15. south

16. special

17. sports shoes

18. square

19. station

20. story

21. street

22. suggestion

23. summer

24. summer camp

25. sunglasses

26. supermarket


1. talk

2. taxi

3. tea

4. team

5. test

6. thief

7. tiger

8. tour

9. toy


1. uniform

2. unit


1. vacation

2. verb


1. waiter

2. walk

3. wall

4. wallet

5. water

6. way

7. weather

8. west

9. winter

10. world



2. zoo



1. awful


1. bad

2. beautiful

3. blonde

4. brown


1. central

2. cheap

3. clean

4. clever

5. cloudy

6. cold

7. colorful

8. cool

9. crowded

10. curly

11. cute


1. dangerous

2. delicious

3. dirty


1. expensive

2. else


1. fantastic

2. following

3. friendly


1. good-looking


1. heavy

2. hot

3. humid

4. hungry


1. international

2. irregular


1. large

2. lazy


1. middle

2. medium

3. most


1. no


1. open

2. other


1. past

2. present


1. quiet


1. rainy

2. regular

3. relaxed


1. shy

2. smart

3. sunny


1. tall

2. terrible

3. thin


1. ugly

2. unfriendly


1. warm

2. windy


1. young



1. agree

2. arrive


1. cook

2. cry


1. decide

2. describe

3. did

4. discuss

5. dislike


1. enjoy


1. feel

2. fight


1. get

2. give

3. go for a walk

4. go shopping


1. had

2. have

3. hope


1. improve


1. lay

2. live

3. look for


1. made

2. make

3. mind


1. order


1. pass

2. pay

3. practice

4. put


1. rain

2. read

3. relax

4. remember


1. said

2. sat

3. saw

4. say

5. sit

6. sleep

7. snow

8. spend

9. stand

10. star

11. stay

12. stop

13. study


1. take

2. take a photo

3. take a walk

4. talk

5. talk about

6. teach

7. turn


1. visit


1. wait

2. wait for

3. walk

4. wash

5. wear

6. went

7. were

8. would

9. wrote



1. always

1. back


1. down


1. else


1. hard


1. just


1. late

2. later

3. left

4. loudly


1. never

2. now


1. outside

2. out


1. pretty


1. really

2. right


1. sometimes

2. straight

3. sure


1. across

2. as

3. at

4. behind

5. between

6. by

7. down

8. during

9. in

10. near

11. next

12. on

13. through


1. if





1. according

2. achievement

3. act

4. advice

5. amount

6. aquarium

7. arm

8. artist

9. Asia

10. athlete

11. autograph


1. back

2. balance

3. band

4. bargain

5. bicycle

6. bike

7. blender

8. boat

9. body

10. bread

11. brown bread

12. butter


1. calendar

2. camel

3. car

4. champion

5. championship

6. cheese

7. chemistry

8. chip

9. chocolate

10. chore

11. cinema

12. clothing

13. coffee

14. cola

15. competition

16. concert

17. countryside

18. cow

19. cup

20. curry


1. day off

2. deli

3. dentist

4. diet

5. difference

6. dinner

7. dish

8. distance

9. DJ

10. dream

11. drive

12. duck

13. DVD


1. ear

2. end

3. engineer

4. Europe

5. exchange

6. exercise

7. exhibition


1. fax

2. fever

3. fishing

4. foot

5. friendship

6. future


1. gift

2. gold

3. golfer

4. grade

5. grandpa

6. grandson

7. Greece

8. gymnast


1. habit

2. hand

3. head

4. headache

5. health

6. hen

7. herb

8. honey

9. host family


1. ice skating

2. illness

3. information

4. ingredient

5. instruction

6. instrument

7. interest

8. Internet

9. interview

10. invite

11. Italy


1. jazz

2. jeans

3. junk

4. junk food


1. kilometer


1. lady

2. lakeLakersKobe Bryant

3. laundry

4. leader

5. leg

6. lesson

7. lettuce

8. lifestyle

9. living room

10. Los Angeles洛杉矶


1. management

2. match

3. matter

4. meal

5. means

6. medicine

7. meeting

8. mile

9. milk

10. milk shake

11. minute

12. moment

13. monitor

14. mouth


1. nature

2. neck

3. nose

4. note

5. number


1. octopus


1. pancake

2. part

3. passenger

4. performer

5. physics

6. pianist

7. pilot

8. plan

9. player

10. Poland

11. popcorn

12. popper

13. postcard

14. primary school

15. prize

16. problem

17. program

18. programmer

19. project

20. province


1. quality


1. radio

2. rain

3. raincoat

4. rat

5. reader

6. recipe

7. record

8. relish

9. resolution

10. result

11. river


1. salt

2. sandwich

3. sauce

4. schoolwork

5. screen

6. sea

7. seal

8. service

9. shake

10. shark

11. sightseeing

12. single

13. slice

14. snack

15. souvenir

16. stomach

17. stomachache

18. stop

19. subway

20. success

21. talent

22. teaspoon

23. teen

24. teenager

25. the day after tomorrow

26. theater

27. throat

28. time

29. tofu

30. tomorrow

31. tooth

32. toothache

33. top

34. tourist

35. town

36. train

37. training

38. transportation

39. trash

40. turkey

41. twin


1. umbrella

2. university

3. view

4. violinist

5. visitor


1. watermelon

2. way

3. weekday

4. wheel

5. woman

6. yard

7. yuck



1. a few

2. a lot

3. a lot of

4. active

5. alive

6. America

7. angry

8. another

9. athletic


1. balanced

2. better

3. calm

4. central

5. close

6. comfortable

7. creative


1. different

2. dull

3. early

4. easy

5. enough

6. excited


1. famous

2. far

3. farthest

4. fast

5. few

6. fit

7. foreign

8. funky

9. kind


1. less

2. loud

3. lovely

4. loving

5. more


1. national

2. near

3. necessary

4. negative

5. north

6. northern


1. off

2. opposite

3. outdoor

4. outgoing

5. outstanding


1. part-time

2. positive

3. primary

4. professional


1. rich

2. safe

3. same

4. serious

5. sick

6. southern

7. super


1. talented

2. thirsty

3. traditional

4. trendy

5. twin


1. unhealthy

2. unusual

3. weak

4. well-known

5. western

6. wet

7. whole

8. wild

9. worse

10. worst



1. act

2. add

3. babysit

4. beat

5. become

6. begin

7. believe

8. boil

9. born

10. borrow

11. build

12. call

13. camp

14. care

15. check

16. communicate

17. could

18. cut

19. depend

20. drink

21. exercise

22. feed

23. finish

24. fold

25. forget

26. golf

27. grow

28. hang

29. hate

30. have

31. hear

32. hiccup

33. hike

34. hold

35. hum

36. invite

37. keep

38. laugh

39. lay

40. leave

41. major

42. make

43. mean

44. mix

45. move

46. must

47. peel

48. perform

49. pour

50. rent

51. rest

52. retire

53. ride

54. roll

55. save

56. send

57. send

58. should

59. shower

60. skate

61. skateboard

62. sneeze

63. stay

64. stress

65. surf

66. sweep

67. take

68. tour

69. travel

70. try

71. use

72. win

73. worry



1. about

2. again

3. ago

4. as

5. away

6. early

7. ever

8. finally

9. hardly

10. however

11. luckily

12. maybe

13. much

14. once

15. over

16. seriously

17. so

18. somewhere

19. still

20. though

21. together

22. up


1. for

2. into

3. without

4. although

5. than

6. until



一、 名词


1. accident

2. adult

3. advantage

4. agent

5. album

6. alien

7. amusement

8. area

9. argue

10. Asian

11. attendant

12. attractions

13. Australian

14. autumn


1. baby

2. barber

3. barber shop

4. bathroom

5. bedroom

6. behavior

7. Beijinger

8. bell

9. bench

10. board

11. bookstore

12. border

13. building


1. cakecakedingens_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. capital

3. chance

4. character

5. charity

6. child

7. Chinese Young Pioneer

8. cigarette

9. clean-up

10. coin

11. collector

12. comment

13. company

14. consequence

15. cruise



1. danger

2. dark

3. daytime

4. decision

5. disadvantage

6. door

7. dormitory


1. earth

2. earthquake

3. elevator

4. emperor

5. envelope

6. environment

7. equator

8. Erhu

9. etiquette

10. European

11. experience


1. factory

2. fan

3. fiction

4. film

5. flight

6. flower

7. football

8. foreigner

9. fox

10. freedom


1. globe

2. graduate

3. guide

4. guy


1. haircut

2. hamster

3. hero

4. holiday

5. hometown

6. housework

7. human

8. husband


1. influence

2. interview

3. island




1. kitchen

2. kite


1. lawyer

2. line

3. litter


1. marathon

2. meaning

3. message

4. meter

5. monster

6. moon

7. mouse

8. murder


1. noon

2. note


1. pair

2. paper

3. parrot

4. pet

5. pig

6. plane

7. playground

8. pollution

9. population

10. poster

11. prediction

12. present

13. pressure

14. progress

15. public

16. Putonghua


1. quarter


1. rabbit

2. rating

3. report card

4. requirement

5. review

6. robot

7. rocket

8. roller coaster

9. route

10. Russian


1. scientist

2. season

3. semester

4. shape

5. shell

6. silence

7. skate

8. skater

9. snake

10. solution

11. sound

12. southeast

13. space

14. space station

15. spider

16. spokesperson

17. spring

18. stage

19. stamp

20. start

21. statement

22. strategy

23. style

24. subtitle

25. suit


1. task

2. temperature

3. term

4. terrorist

5. the World Cup

6. theme

7. thousand

8. ticket

9. tonight

10. toothbrush

11. topic

12. traffic

13. train station

14. tree

15. turtle

16. tutor

17. type


1. village

2. voice

3. volunteer


1. waitress

2. window

3. winner

4. writer


1. yard



1. able

2. amazing

3. annoyed

4. Asian

5. asleep

6. awake

7. bored

8. brave

9. bright

10. careful

11. certain

12. common

13. crazy

14. disappointing

15. either

16. electric

17. European

18. excellent

19. extra

20. fat

21. fewer

22. following

23. hard-working

24. huge

25. impossible

26. in style

27. Indian

28. injured

29. instead

30. interested

31. Jewish

32. low

33. lucky

34. mad

35. modern

36. modest

37. native

38. natural

39. neither

40. nervous

41. normal

42. okay

43. organized

44. original

45. own

46. perfect

47. personal

48. polite

49. poor

50. possible

51. pot-bellied

52. pushy

53. recent

54. rural

55. Russian

56. sandy

57. scared

58. several

59. simple

60. special

61. strange

62. such

63. thin

64. true

65. unpleasant

66. upset

67. wonderful

68. wrong



1. allow

2. annoy

3. argue

4. ate

5. bake

6. became

7. been

8. behave

9. bought

10. break

11. brought

12. came

13. choose

14. climb

15. close

16. collect

17. compare

18. complain

19. copy

20. cost

21. cough

22. could

23. criticize

24. cross

25. destroy

26. discover

27. dress

28. drive

29. drop

30. encourage

31. enter

32. explain

33. fail

34. fall

35. fear

36. fell

37. fit

38. flew

39. fly

40. follow

41. gave

42. given

43. got

44. happen

45. heard

46. imagine

47. include

48. jump

49. kid

50. kill

51. land

52. made

53. mention

54. met

55. miss

56. murder

57. organize

58. pick

59. play

60. predict

61. push

62. raise

63. ran

64. rang

65. receive

66. return

67. rode

68. sang

69. seem

70. seen

71. send

72. shout

73. smoke

74. sneeze

75. store

76. suggest

77. suppose

78. surprise

79. thought

80. told

81. took

82. wake

83. will

84. wrote



1. alone

2. already

3. anymore

4. casually

5. clearly

6. either

7. especially

8. even

9. everywhere

10. fortunately

11. instead

12. later

13. nearly

14. neither

15. particularly

16. perhaps

17. politely

18. probably

19. quite

20. simply

21. sincerely


1. against

2. except

3. since

4. until

5. whenever

6. while

Unit 1
my pron. 我的
name n. 名字
is v.
name's = name is 名字是
clock n.
I pron. 我的
am v.
I'm = I am 我是
nice adj. 好的;令人愉快的
to part. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式
meet v. 遇见;相逢
you pron. 你;你们
what pron. & adj. 什么
what's = what is 是什么
your pron. 你的;你们的
hello interj. (表示问候)喂
hi interj. (表示问候)嗨
his pron. 他的
and conj. 和;又;而且
her pron. 她的
question n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问
answer n. 回答;答复;答案
look v. 看;望;看起来
first adj. 第一的
first name 名字
last adj. 最后的;上一个的
last name 姓氏
boy n. 男孩
girl n. 女孩
zero num.
one num.
two num.
three num.
four num.
five num.
six num.
seven num.
eight num.
nine num.
telephone n. 电话
number n. 数;数字
telephone number 电话号码
phone n. 电话
phone number 电话号码
it pron.
it's = it is 它是
card n. 卡;卡片
ID card 身份证
family n. 家;家庭
family name 姓氏 

Unit 2
this pron. & adj. 这;这个
pencil n. 铅笔
pen n. 钢笔
book n.
eraser n. 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦
ruler n. 尺;直尺
case n. 箱;盒;橱
pencil case 铅笔盒;文具盒
backpack n. 双肩背包
pencil sharpener 卷笔刀;铅笔刀
dictionary n. 字典;词典
that pron. & adj. 那;那个
yes adv. (表示肯定)是
no adv. (表示否定)不;不是
not adv. (构成否定形式)不是
isn't = is not 不是
excuse v. 原谅;宽恕
excuse me 请原谅(客套语,用于与陌生人搭话、打断别人说话等场合)
thank v. 感谢
OK interj. 好;不错
in prep. 用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)
English n. 英语;英文
a art. 一个(只,把,台……)
how adv. (指程度)多么;何等;怎样
do v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词
spell v. 拼写
baseball n. 棒球
watch n. 手表
computer n. 电脑;电子计算机
game n. 游戏
computer game 电子游戏
key n. 钥匙
notebook n. 笔记本
ring n. 环;戒指
call v. 打电话
at prep. 在……(里面或附近);在……(点、刻);以
in prep. 在……里面
the art. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体
lost v. 遗失
found v. 找回
lost and found 失物招领
please interj. (祈使句中用作请求的客套话)请
school n. 学校
a set of 一套;一副
of prep. (属于)……r

Unit 3
sister n. 姐;妹
mother n. 妈妈;母亲
father n. 爸爸;父亲
parent n. 父亲或母亲
brother n. 兄;弟
grandmother n. 祖母;外祖母
grandfather n. 祖父;外祖父
friend n. 朋友
grandparent n. 祖父(母);外祖父(母)
those pron. & adj. 那些
are v.
that's 那是
these pron. & adj. 这些
she pron.
he pron.
he's = he is 他是
aunt n. 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;舅母
son n. 儿子
cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
daughter n. 女儿
uncle n. 叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑父
picture n. 照片;图片
dear adj. 亲爱的(冠于信函中的称谓,以示礼貌)
for prep. 为了(表示目的或原因)
thanks for 为……而感谢
photo n. 照片;相片
here adv. 这里;在这里 

Unit 4
where adv. 在哪里(疑问副词)
where's = where is 在哪儿
table n. 桌子
bed n.
dresser n. 梳妆台
bookcase n. 书橱;书柜
sofa n. 沙发
chair n. 椅子
drawer n. 抽屉
plant n. 植物
under prep. 在……下
they pron. 他们
they're = they are 他们是
on prep. 在……上
don't = do not
know v. 知道;了解
bag n. 书包;提包;袋子
math n. 数学
alarm clock 闹钟
CD abbr. 光盘
video n. 录像;视频
tape n. 录音带
video tape 录像带
hat n. 帽子
take v. 拿走;带到
thing n. 东西;物
to prep. 朝;向;至;达
mom n. 妈妈(非正式用语)
can modal v. 能;可以;会
bring v. 拿来;取来;带来
some adj. & pron. 一些;若干
need v. 需要
floor n. 地板;地面
room n. 房间
TV abbr. 电视;电视机
desk n. 书桌;课桌

Unit 5
have v.
soccer n. 英式足球
ball n.
soccer ball 英式足球
tennis n. 网球
racket n. 球拍(网球、羽毛球的)
tennis racket 网球拍
ping-pong n. 乒乓球
volleyball n. 排球
basketball n. 篮球
bat n. 球拍(乒乓球等的)
does v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词(动词do的第三人称单数形式
doesn't = does not
let v. 允许;让
us pron. 我们(we的宾格)
let's = let us 让我们;让咱们
play v. 玩;打(球)
well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个
sound v. 听起来
good adj. 良好的;令人满意的
sport n. 运动
we pron. 我们
many adj. 大量的
club n. 社团;俱乐部
more pron. 更多的;更大的
class n. 班级;(一节)课
interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的
boring adj. 无聊的;令人生厌的
fun adj. 令人愉快的
difficult adj. 困难的
relaxing adj. 轻松的
watch v. 观看;注视
watch TV 看电视
has v. have的第三人单数形式)有
great adj. 美妙的;大的
collection n. 收藏品;收集物
but conj. 但是
play sports 参加体育运动或比赛
only adv. 只;仅仅
them pron. they的宾格)他(她,它)们
every adj. 每一;每个
day n. 天;日间;白天;一日

Unit 6
like v. 喜欢
banana n. 香蕉
hamburger n. 汉堡包
tomato n. 西红柿
broccoli n. 花椰菜
French fries 炸马铃薯条;薯条
orange n. 橙子
ice n.
cream n. 奶油;乳脂
ice cream 冰淇淋
salad n. 沙拉
strawberry n. 草莓
pear n.
have v. 吃;饮
oh interj. 啊;噢;呀(表示惊讶等)
countable noun 可数名词
uncountable noun 不可数名词
food n. 食物
egg n. 蛋;鸡蛋
apple n. 苹果
carrot n. 胡萝卜
chicken n. 鸡;鸡肉
breakfast n. 早餐
lunch n. 午餐
dinner n. 晚餐;正餐
fruit n. 水果
vegetable n. 蔬菜;植物
runner n. 奔跑者
eat v.
well adv. 好;对;满意地
run v. 跑;奔跑
star n. 星星;明星
lot adv. 许多;很多
lots of 大量;许多
healthy adj. 健康的;强健的
dessert n. (饭后的)甜食
list n. 清单 

复习 Unit 1 to 6
furniture n. 家具(总称)
people n. 人;人民
an art. (元音前)一个(只,把,台……)
blank n. 空白
conversation n. 交谈;谈话
other pron. & adj. 另外的人(物);其他的
also adv. 也;亦;并且

Unit 7
how much (价钱)多少
pants n. pl.)裤子
sock n. 短袜
shirt n. 男衬衣;衬衫
T-shirt n. T恤衫
shorts n. pl.)短裤
sweater n. 毛衣
shoe n.
skirt n. 裙子
sale n. 出售;廉价销售
dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$
color n. 色;颜色
black adj. & n. 黑色(的)
white adj. & n. 白色(的)
red adj. & n. 红色(的)
green adj. & n. 绿色(的)
blue adj. & n. 蓝色(的)
yellow adj. & n. 黄色(的)
big adj. 广大的;重大的
small adj. 小的;小号的
short adj. 短的;矮的
long adj. 长的
clerk n. (银行、办公室、商店等的)职员;办事员
help v. 帮助;援助
want v. 需要;想要
Here you are. 给你。
welcome adj. 不必客气的
You're welcome. 不客气。
example n. 例子;实例
ten num.
eleven num. 十一
twelve num. 十二
thirteen num. 十三
fourteen num. 十四
fifteen num. 十五
sixteen num. 十六
seventeen num. 十七
eighteen num. 十八
nineteen num. 十九
twenty num. 二十
thirty num. 三十
clothes n. pl.)衣服;服装
store n. 商店
come v. 来;来到
buy v. 购买;买
very adv. 很;非常;颇
price n. 价格
each pron. 每个
anybody pron. 任何人
afford v. 负担得起;买得起
our pron. 我们的
see v. 看见
yourself pron. 你自己(反身代词)
Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼)
sell v. 卖;销售
from prep. 从;从……起
Zig Zag 文中指服装店名
have a look 看一看;看一眼
on sale 廉价出售;出售
sorry adj. 抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的

Unit 8
when adv. (疑问副词)什么时候;何时
birthday n. 生日
month n. 月;月份
January n. 一月;正月
February n. 二月
March n. 三月
April n. 四月
May n. 五月
June n. 六月
July n. 七月
August n. 八月
Septemper n. 九月
October n. 十月
November n. 十一月
December n. 十二月
tenth num. 第十
fourth num. 第四
fifteenth num. 第十五
second num. 第二
third num. 第三
fifth num. 第五
sixth num. 第六
seventh num. 第七
eighth num. 第八
ninth num. 第九
eleventh num. 第十一
twelfth num. 第十二
thirteenth num. 第十三
fourteenth num. 第十四
sixteenth num. 第十六
seventeenth num. 第十七
eighteenth num. 第十八
nineteenth num. 第十九
twentieth num. 第二十
thirtieth num. 第三十
date n. 日期
happy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的
Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
birth n. 出生;出世;诞生
age n. 年龄;年纪
old adj. 年岁的;年老的;年长的
how old 多大年纪;几岁
speech n. 演说;讲演;说话;言论
contest n. 竞赛;比赛
party n. 聚会;晚会
trip n. 旅途;观光旅行(常指短程)
basketball game 篮球赛
volleyball game 排球赛
School Day 学校庆祝日
art n. 艺术;美术;艺术品
festival n. (音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧性等之)节;节日
Chinese n. & adj. 中文;中国人
music n. 音乐
year n.
year(s) old ……岁(年龄) 

Unit 9
go v.
movie n. 电影
go to a movie 去看电影
action movie 动作片
comedy n. 喜剧
documentary n. 记录片
thriller n. 恐怖电影或小说
kind n. 种类
singular n. & adj. 单数;单数形式;单数的
plural n. & adj. 复数;复数形式;复数的
opera n. 歌剧
Beijing Opera 京剧
find v. 寻找;查找
someone pron. 某人
who pron. ……的人
student n. 学生
scary adj. 可怕的;吓人的
funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的
sad adj. 悲哀的;悲伤的
exciting adj. 令人激动的;振奋人心的
really adv. 事实上;无疑地;真正地
often adv. 时常;常常
think v. 认为;想;思考
learn v. 学习;学会
about prep. 关于;涉及;在……方面
history n. 历史
with prep. 与……一起;和;使用……(工具);有;附有
favorite adj. & n. 最喜爱的
actor n. 演员
new adj. 新的
successful adj. 成功的
weekend n. 周末
too adv. 也;又;太
Rush Hour 《尖峰时刻》(电影名)
Mr Bean 《憨豆先生》(电影名)
Shaolin Temple 《少林寺》(电影名)

Unit 10
guitar n. 吉他
join v. 参加;加入
dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈
swim v. 游泳
sing v. 唱;唱歌
chess n. 国际象棋
paint v. 画画
speak v. 说;说话
can't = can not 不能
kid n. 小孩;年轻人
our pron. 我们的
drum n.
piano n. 钢琴
trumpet n. 喇叭
violin n. 小提琴
or conj. 或者
musician n. 音乐家;擅长音乐的人
then adv. 那时;然后
be v. 是(表存在、状态等)
rock n. 摇滚乐
band n. 乐队
show n. & v. n.演出;表演;v.展示;给……看
Sunday n. 星期日;星期天
pm abbr. (或p.m.)下午
kung fu 中国功夫
may modal v. 可能;可以
draw v.
little pron. 少许;少量
a little 少许;少量
e-mail n. (或email)电子邮件
address n. 通讯处;地址
why adv. (疑问副词)为什么

Unit 11
time n. 时间
what time 几点;什么时候
go to school 去上学
get up 起床
shower n. 淋浴;淋浴器
take a shower 淋浴;洗澡
usually adv. 通常
o'clock adv. (只用于正点)……点钟
work v. & n. 工作
hour n. 小时
brush v.
teeth n. tooth的复数形式)牙齿
after prep. & conj. 在……之后
go to work 去上班
get to 到达
bus n. 公共汽车
hotel n. 旅馆
all pron. 全部;全体
night n. 夜;夜间
love v. 爱;喜欢
listen v.
home adv.
morning n. 早晨;上午
go to bed 上床睡觉
job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位
am abbr. (或a.m.)上午
afternoon n. 下午;午后
evening n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚上
homework n. 家庭作业;课外作业
do homework 做作业
go home 回家
letter n.
around adv. 大约
start v. 开始;出发
write v. 书写;写
tell v. 告诉;讲述
me pron. 我(I的宾格)
soon adv. 不久
best adj. & adv. good,well的最高级)最好的(地)
wish n. 希望;祝愿
Saturday n. 星期六
survey n. 调查;考察

Unit 12
subject n. 学科;科目
science n. 科学
P.E. abbr. =physical education)体育
because conj. 因为
description n 描述;记述
word n. 字;词;话
teacher n. 教师
who pron. (疑问代词)谁
Mrs 夫人;太太(冠于已婚妇女之姓或姓名之前的称呼)
partner n. 伙伴;合作者
city n. 城市
dad n. (非正式用语)爸爸
Tuesday n. 星期二
Thursday n. 星期四
Wednesday n. 星期三
Friday n. 星期五
Monday n. 星期一
biology n. 生物学
busy adj. 忙的;繁忙的;忙碌的
next adv. 然后;接下去
strict adj. 严格的;严厉的
tired adj. 疲倦的;累的
Miss 小姐(冠于未婚妇妇之姓或姓名之前的称呼)
ask v. 询问;问
any pron. 任何一个(或一些)
dog n.
around adv. 在附近;到处

复习 Unit 7 to 12
America n. 美国;美洲
so conj. 因而;所以;那么
China n. 中国
before prep. 在……以前
hobby n. 业余爱好
today n. & adv. 今天;今日
life n. 生活

