
发布时间:2023-05-03 15:36:59

第一部分 听力(满分20分)
第一节:根据所听内容,选择相应的图片.(每小题1分,满分5分) 第二节:听对话,根据问题选择正确答案。5分) ( 6Where will she live in ten years AHangzhou BWenzhou CQuanzhou ( 7Which subject did Kate do well in? AMath B Chinese CEnglish ( 8What festival is this Friday?
ATeachers‟ Day. BChildren‟s Day CNew Year‟s Day ( 9How‟s the weather today? ASunny B Rainy CSnowy ( 10Which food is Blue Shell Restaurant famous for? ASeafood B Cheese cake C noodles 听对话,选择正确答案,对话读两遍(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 ( 11. Where are they going?
A.To a park B. To a museum. C. To a countryside. ( 12. How will they get there? A. By bus B. By car. C. By boat. 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。 ( 13. Mary's was hurt in the accident. A.left foot. B. left leg . C. left arm. ( 14. When did the accident happened?
A. When. Mary was buying some rice B. When. Mary was going back home. C. When. Mary was going to school. ( 15. How was Mary hurt in the accident? A. She fell off her bike. B. A truck.hit her. C. A car hit her. 第三节 根据你所听到的内容填空,每空不超过三个单词。(5
In ten years, I think I‟ll be a 16 . I‟ll 17 in Shanghai, because I 18 to Shanghai last year and fell in 19 with it. I think it‟s really a 20 city. 第二部分 英语知识运用
1. 单项填空(10,每题1,满分10 ( 21. I think there less cars in the future. A. don‟t , will have B. don‟t , will be C. /, won‟t have ( 22. While Jimmy the CD, his father came home. A. was watching B. was hearing C. was listening to ( 23. Mary couldn‟t her ID card, she look worried. A. look for B. find C. find out ( 24. No one me is here. Tell me the truth ,then I can help you. A. else B.and C.except ( 25. Don‟t worry. I can your dog when you go out. A. take care of B. say sorry to C.get along with

( 26 He told me that there_____a game in our city. A. would be B. has C will be ( 27.This area is famous _____ its green tea. A. on B. at C.for ( 28________ careful you are, ______mistakes you will make. A The more; the less B.The more; the fewer C.The less; the fewer ( 29.If it sunny tomorrow, we football in the park. A. is, play B. is, will play C. will be, will play ( 30.---Lucy, This semester you are hard working . ----- . A. Don‟t say so B. It‟s very kind C. Thank you 第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning 31 we get up, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercises again. We only have two 32 classes a week, but we do physical training(锻炼at five o'clock every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The___33__ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too.___34__ popular sport is football and in every class there ___35__a lot of football fans. Volleyball is often played when the weather is __36___. We have school teams for basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often __37__friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match,___38__ of us go to watch it and cheer our side on.
Besides ball games, some of us like truck and field events(田径项目,___39__ we often practice running, jumping and throwing , Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting. Sports help us to keep_40___. ( 31. A when B. after C. before ( 32. A. English B. Chinese C. P.E ( 33. A. teachers B. boys C. students ( 34. A. Some other B. Other C. Another ( 35. A. are B. is C. were ( 36. A. snowy B. rainy C. fine ( 37. A. see B. have C. look at ( 38. A. many B. few C. any ( 39. A. or B. but C. and
( 40.A. healthy and strong B. health and happy C. warm and exciting 第三部分 阅读技能(34
第一节.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误, 对的在括号中填( T , 错的填 ( F . (1*4=4 nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again .If you want to have fun swimming in summer, don‟t forget that better swimmers than you have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they could not swim. So, don‟t get into water when you are by yourself .If there is a“ No Swimming” sign, don‟t get into water, either. If you remember these, swimming will be safer.
( 41.It is ve ry cool to swim in water on a hot summer day. ( 42. Swimming may be dangerous if one is not careful. ( 43. Choosing right places is important for all swimmers .

