

It's all about lines:
The finishing line is the end of the residency
waiting in lines for a chance at the operating table
and then there's the most important line the line separating you from the people you work with
It doesn't help to get too familiar to make friends,you need boundaries, between you and the rest of the world.other people are far too messy
It's all about lines: drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses them
End: But there're some lines..
that're way too dangerous to cross.. Here's what I know
If you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is spectacular

所有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围,或是结交朋友,你需要一个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他人都忙的一团糟,一切都是关于“线”的,在沙子上画线...然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们。在某些问题上,你必须作出决定。边界并不能把你和其他人隔开,他们依然会进来生活是杂乱无章的但所有的一切都是我们自己造成的所以你可以用尽一生去画无数的线。你也可以跨越这些线去好好生活可那总有一些线非常危险无法越过的路,如果你愿意去尝试,另一面的风景将令你着迷。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第一季第四集
I wish there were a rule book about intimacy some kind of guide that can tell you when you cross the line
It would be nice if you could see it coming And I don't know how it fit on the map You take it, where you can get it And keep it, as long as you can
And as for rules, maybe there're none
Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define yourself

◆实习医生格蕾”第一季第七集 Maybe we like the pain.
Maybe we're wired that way... ...because without it, I don't know... ...maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying?
"Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer?" "Because it feels so good when I stop."
或许我们喜欢痛苦,或许我们期待那种方式。因为没有。我不知道,我们就不会感受到真实的一面,那什么意思,“那我为什么不一直用锤子敲我的脑袋?”因为停下来感觉很好。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第一季第八集
You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales?

That fantasy of what your life would be -- white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill.
You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith.
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, prince charming -- they were so close, you could taste them.
But eventually you grow up.
One day you open your eyes, and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust.
But the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely. Cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope -- of faith -- that one day they'll open their eyes and it will all come true. 你知道你是小孩的r候,有多少相信童故事,幻想你的生活是,穿著白衣服,等著白R王子把你У缴缴系某潜ぃ晚上]上眼睛在床上的r候,你就ψ约喝鲋e,你有完完全全^Φ男拍睿圣Q老人,牙仙,白R王子,他x你如此之近,你都可以伸手抓住他,但是,最K你是L大了,一早晨,你_眼睛,所有的童故事都消失了,大多等硕奸_始相信他所能蛳嘈诺氖拢但事上是,y完全不相信童故事,每人有那么一cc信念,一天,_眼睛,一切都粝氤烧媪恕

The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free.
Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open... like it or not.
And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore.
The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control......You're not.
They say "practice makes perfect."
Theory is, the more you think like a surgeon, the more you become one...
the better you get at remaining neutral, clinical

cut, suture, close...
and the harder it becomes to learn to turn it off... to stop thinking like a surgeon...
And remember what it means to think like a human being.
有人f“熟能生巧”,原理是,你像外科大夫那铀伎迹你就能更像外科大...你自己越中立,熟,切_p合,P...你越碓诫y[...停止像外科大夫那铀伎...e忘了像人那铀伎家馕吨什么。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第二季第二集 There's something to be said about a glass half full... about knowing when to say when. i think it's a floating line, a barometer of need and desire.
it's entirely up to the individual... and depends on what's being poured. sometimes...

all we want is a taste. other times,
there's no such thing as enough. The glass is bottomless. And all we want is more.
我的一个阿姨,无论她什么时候,给你任何东西都会说:“够了就说一声”当然我们从来都不说,我们不喊停,因为是希望,有可能得到更多。 有些事值得考虑,关于半杯水...关于什么时候喊停,我认为那是一个需要和希望的,完全因人而异。有时候,我们想要的只是尝一尝,别的时候,根本就没有满足,杯子是没有底的,我们想要的是,更多。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第二季第四集
Sometimes, reality has a way of sneaking up and sting us in the ass... and when the dam bursts, all you can do is swim.

The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. We are tired. We are scared.
Denying it doesn't change the truth.
Sooner or later, we have to put aside our denial and face the world head-on, guns blazing. Denial... it's not just a river in Egypt. It's a freaking ocean.

我们仅仅看到我们愿意看到的,相信我们想信的,确实是这样的。我们老是在骗自己,而过了一会儿,这些谎言开始看上去像真理的一样了,我们否认的太多,以至于不能辨认,就在我们面前的真相。 当你很接近的时候,很难接受结束。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第二季第五集
Pain--you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own,
hope the wound that caused it heals. So...here's where we are.
There are no solutions,no easy answers.
You just breathe deepand wait for it to subside.
But sometimes,the pain gets you when you least expect it... Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. So... Pain―
you just have to fight through because the truth is,

you can't outrun it and life always makes more.
疼痛,你必须梃过来,期待它会自己消失不见,期待它导致的伤口自动愈合。根本就没有解决方法,没有简单回答。你只能深呼吸,然后等待它下...大部分时候,疼痛可以控制。但是有时候,疼痛在你最不期待的时候出现...疼痛来的不折手段而且无法停止。疼痛..你只需要奋力与之搏斗,因为事实是,你没办法逃脱,而且生活只会制造更多的疼痛. ◆实习医生格蕾第二季第二十集
可是人生之路充满了不可预料的蜿蜒和转弯,当你站在那条路上的时候,你脚下的地面,会把你掀翻在地,要是你足够幸运,你也许只会仅仅得到个小伤口,一个创口贴就能复原的伤口,可是有些伤口比当初看起来的要深,需要比快速治疗更好的方法,对那些伤口,你只能撕掉创口贴,让它们自由呼吸,然后给它们时间来自我治疗。 ◆实习医生格蕾”第二季二十二集

生活是没有观众的比赛,无论赢,输或是平局,生活仍然会继续,不管我们是否想那样,因此还是大胆往前走,和裁判理论,随意改变规则,可以作点弊。。休息一会儿,舔舔伤口,但是游戏还要继续,玩,玩的尽兴。。玩的痛快。。轻松自在地玩,就想,没有明天一样的玩,好了,那么,这无关输赢,这只关系你如何玩这游戏。 ◆实习医生格蕾第二季第二十三集
有个聪明的男人曾经说过,在你一生可以拥有任何东西,如果你牺牲了其他的一切来得到这些,它的意思就是,天下没有免费的午餐,所以,在你投入战斗之前,你最好知道自己要失去什么,太频繁的追逐感觉不错的东西,意味着你要释放掉一些你所认为好的东西,让某个人进去,意味着放弃,你花了两年所筑的墙,当然,最大的牺牲,是你都不知道自己失去了什么,也许它是最宝贵的,也许... 结局你永远不知道
实习医生格蕾”第三季第四集 The fantasy is simple Pleasure is good
But the reality is different
The reality is that pain is there to tell us something
But there are still so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomachache

And maybe that’s ok
Maybe some fantasy just lie in the dreams
◆实习医生格蕾”第三季第五集 First, do no harm Easier said than done
We can take all the vows in the world But the fact is
Most of us do harm all the time
Sometimes even when we’re trying to help We do more harm than good
And the guilt rears and the ugly had What you do to that guilt is up to you All the left is choice
Either let the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place

Or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on
There are times even when the best of us has trouble with commitments
And we may be surprised by the commitments we are willing to let slip out of our grabs Commitments are complicated
We may surprise ourselves we are willing to make Too commitments take efforts and sacrifice Which is why sometimes
We have to learn the hard way to choose our commitments very carefully
很多时候,我们似乎不敢作出承诺,我们愿意将承诺说出,但说出之后却可能倍加以外,承诺很复杂,也许我们会惊讶于自己心甘情愿所做的 13

Not all the wounds are superfacial Most wounds are deeper than we imagine You can’t see them with the naked eye
And then there are wounds that take us by surprise
The trick with any kind of wound or disease is to dig down and find the real source of injury
And once you find it, try like Hel to heal that suffer
Be somewhere, betray is inevitable, When our body betrays us
Surgery is also the key to recovery When we betray each other

The past recovery is less clear
And there are some wounds, some betray they are so deep, so profound
But there is no way to repair what we were lost
At the end of the day, when it comes down to it All we really want is to be close to somebody So this thing’s we all keep our distance And pretend not to care about each other It’s usually a loud of fool
So we pick and choose who we want to be close to And once we chose those people We tend to be close by
No matter how much we hurt them
The people still with you at the end of the day

Those are the ones worth keeping
And sometimes, close can’t be too close
But sometimes, that invasion of someone’s personal space It could be exactly what you need
We all think we are going to be great
And we feel a little bit robed when our expectations are met But sometimes, our expectations sound short
Sometimes, the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected
You got wonder why we clean to our expectations
Because the expected is just keeps us standing, standing, still The expected is just the beginning
The unexpected is what changes our lives.

We take our miracles where we find them We reach across the gap And sometimes Against all ares Against all logic We touch
◆实习医生格蕾”第三季第十八集 What’s worse
New wounds which are so horribly painful
Or old wounds that should have healed the years ago but never did

Maybe our old wounds teach us something They remind us where we’ve been And what we overcome
They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future That’s we like to think
But that’s not the way it is, is it?
Something we need just have to learn over and over and over again 什么更糟糕,是新的伤口,那些更加疼痛的新伤口...还是那些愈合多年的旧伤口?也许旧伤会教会我们一些东西,它们会提醒我们,我们去过哪,我们克服过什么,教给我们未来要避免什么,这是我们想要考虑的,但它有时也不这样,不是么?有些事情...我们不得不学习,一遍,一遍,又一遍。
Some people believe that, without history, our lives amount to nothing
At some point, we all have to choose Do we fall back what we know?
Or, do we step forward to something new? It’s hard not to be hunted by our past

Our history is what shapes us, what guides us Our history resurfaces time after time after time So we have to remember
Sometimes the most important history, is the history we are making today
Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can’t have
Desire leaves us heart-broken It wears us out
Desire can rack your life
But is tough as wanting something can be The people who suffered most
Are those who don’t know what they want

At some point, maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare We tell ourselves the reality is better
We convince ourselves it’s better than we never dream at all But the strongest of us, the most determined of us We hold on to the dream
Or we find ourselves face to the fresh dream we never considered We awake to find ourselves against all along, feeling hopeful And if we are lucky, we realize
And the face of everything, and the face of life The true dream, is being able to dream at all
我们告诉自己现实更好,我们说服自己宁愿从来没有过梦,但我们最坚强的,最有魄力的...则是抱有梦想,或者我们发现自己面对一个从未想过的新梦想,我们意识到自己...一反常态地...充满梦想。如果幸运的话,我们会意识到...面对人生 面对一切,那个真实的梦...正在从容上演。

In the practice of medicine, change is inevitable .New surgical techniques are created .Procedures are updated ,Levels of expertise increase ,Innovation is everything ,Nothing remains the same for long ,We either adapt to change ,Or we get left behind .
Change, we don’t like it, we fear it ,But we can’t stop it from coming ,We either adapt to change ,Or we left behind ,It hurts to grow ,Anybody tells you it doesn’t, he’s lying ,And here’s the truth ,Sometimes, the more things change, the more dissuade thing ,And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good ,Sometimes, change is everything .
都是骗人。而事实 21

In the hospital, we see addiction everyday ,It’s shocking how many kinds of addiction exist
It would be too easy if there is just drugs and glus and cigarettes ,I think the hardest part of kicking the habit is belonging to kick it ,I mean we get addicted for reason, right?
Often, too often, things that start out are just as a normal part of your life ,At some point, cross the line, too obsessive, compulsive, out of control .It’s the high we are chasing, the high that make everything else fade away .
The thing about addiction is that never ends well ,Because eventually, whenever it is that was getting us high, Stops feeling good and starts to hurt ,Still, they say you don’t kick the happen until you hit the block bottom ,But how do you know when you were there? Because no matter how badly a thing was hurting us, Sometimes letting it go hurts even worse .
在医院里,我们每天都能看到上瘾,上瘾的种类之多很令人震惊,如果只是吸毒,酗酒,抽烟之类的上瘾戒起来倒也容易,戒掉一个习惯时最困难的 22

地方就是下决心,我是说,之所以上瘾都是有原因的,对吧?很多时候,起初并未沉迷,也未曾影响正常生活 ,然而,在某一刻就越了界,变得迷恋,情不自禁,最后失去控制 ,上瘾就是因为这种沉醉感,让整个世界都黯然失色的沉醉感.
上瘾这种事,永远不会有好结果 ,因为到最后,那令我们沉迷的东西,会失去作用,转而开始伤害我们,但你还是无法戒掉坏习惯直到你的身心彻底跌到谷底,但你怎么知道什么时候才是谷底呢? 因为不管事情有多,有时候,顺其自然更令人受伤. ◆实习医生格蕾第四季第三集
Doctors give patients a number of things ,We give them medicine; we give them advice ,And most of the time, We give them our undivided attention, But by far, the hardest thing you can give the patients is the truth ,The truth is hard, the truth is awkward, and very often the truth hurts ,I mean people say they want the truth, but do they really?

The truth is painful; nobody wants to hear it ,Especially when it’s hit close to home ,Sometimes, we tell the truth, because the truth is all we have to give ,Sometimes, we tell the truth, because we need to say it aloud to really hear from ourselves ,And sometimes, we tell the truth, because we can’t help ourselves ,We tell them, because we owe them at least that much
事实是令人痛苦的,内心深处,没有人想听,特别是与家事有关的,有时候,我们讲真话,因为我们能给与的只有事实而已,有时我们讲真话是因为,我们需要大声说出来让自己听见,有时我们讲真话,仅仅是因为情不自禁,有时,我们讲真话,因为这是,我们最起码的责任。 ◆实习医生格蕾第四季第四集
In life, only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes ,No matter how hard you try ,No matter how good your intention is ,You are going to make mistakes ,You are going to hurt people ,You are going to get hurt ,And if you ever want to recover ,There is really only one thing you can say ,Well, I forgive you
人生中,只有一件事情是确定的,除了死亡和税款,无论你多么努力的尝试,无论你的目的多么纯良,你总是会犯错误,你会伤害他人,你也会被伤害,如果你还想好起来的话,事实上你所能说的只有一句话,我原谅你 Forgive and forget ,That’s what they say ,It’s a good advice but not very practical ,When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them 24

back ,When someone arounds us , we want to be right Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled ,Old wounds never heal ,And the most we can hope for, Is that one day ,We will be lucky enough to forget
原谅与遗忘,就像他们所说的,这是一个很好的建议,但是并不总可行,当有人伤害到我们的时候,我们想要反击回去,当有人误会我们时,我们想要做对的事情,没有原谅,旧账难清,旧伤难愈,而我们期待最多的是,某天我们很幸运的能做到遗忘。 404
In life, only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes
No matter how hard you try
No matter how good your intention is You are going to make mistakes You are going to hurt people You are going to get hurt
And if you ever want to recover
There is really only one thing you can say Well, I forgive you Forgive and forger That’s what they say
It’s a good advice but not very practical

When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back When someone arounds us , we want to be right Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled Old wounds never heal
And the most we can hope for, Is that one day
We will be lucky enough to forget 405
There is reasons surgeons learn to use scalpels We like to pretend we are hard cold scientists We like to pretend we are fearless
But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere deep down
We think we can cut away that which chars us Weakness, frailty, death Isn’t just surgeons,
The truth is I don’t know anyone who is unconcerned something, or someone
And whether we try to slice the pain away with scalpel
Or shut it in the back of the closet Our efforts usually fail

So the only way we clear up the pain is to turn a new page
Or put the old story to rest Finally, finally to rest 406
There is this thing about being a surgeon
Maybe it’s pride, or maybe it’s just about being tough
But real surgeon never admits they need help unless absolutely necessary
Surgeons don’t need to ask for help, because they are tougher than that
Surgeons are cowboys, rough around the edges, hardcore At least, that’s what they want you to think
Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcore
But being hardcore isn’t just about being tough It’s about acceptance
You don’t have to be tough every minute of every day It’s ok to let down your guard
In fact, there are moments when it’s the best thing you can possibly do

As long as you choose your moments wisely 407
Before we were doctors, we are med students
Which meant we spent lot of time studying chemistry Organ chemistry, biochemistry, we learned it all But when you talk about human chemistry Only one thing matters Either if you got it Or you don’t Chemistry
Either if you got it Or you don’t 408
There comes the point to your life, When you officially as an adult
Suddenly, you are old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities
Suddenly, people expect you to be responsible Serious a grown-up
We get taller, we get older, but do we ever really grow up?

In some ways, we grow up
We have families, we get married, divorced
But for the most part, we still have the same problem that we did when we were fifteen
No matter how much we grow taller, grow older We are still forever stumbling Forever wondering Forever young 409
We go into medicine because we want to save lives We go into medicine because we want to be good We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride
But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses
What we lay awake at night we playing is
The pain we cost, or the fail to cure, or the life we move indoor and fail to save

So the experience and practice in medicine rarest our most goal

Experience too often is ass backwards, and upside down Chief: That’s the job, look at me, this day, this da 29

y you feel helpless, this day makes all those other days when you fight to save lives and you lose, this day makes you grateful you have a chance to do anything at all, you take it in. 410
At the end of the day, the experience of practicing medicine bears the littlest resembles to the dream We go into medicine because we want to save lives We go into medicine because we want to do good We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride
But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses
What we lay awake at night repraying is

The pain we cost, or the ill we couldn’t cure, the lives we ruin or fail to save
The end of the day, the reality is noting like we hope
The reality is, at the end of the day, law often than not turned inside out, and upside down Some days, the whole world seems upside down
And then, somehow, improbably, and when you at least e 30

The world drives itself againI've not been so excited for so long!
It's tooooooo nice to watch GA again! Now, let's enjoy Dr. Bailey's philosophy! 411
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth At least, that’s what they say
He created the birds of the air and the beast of the fields
And he looked at his creation, and he thought that it was good
And then, God created the man
And it has been down hell ever since
The story goes on to say the God created the man as his own image
But there’s not much prove of that
After all, the God made the sun the moon and the stars
And all man makes is trouble
As doctors, we know more about the human body now than at any other point in our history

But the miracle of life itselfwhy people live and die, why they hurt or get hurtis still a mystery We want to know the reason, the secret, the answer at the back of the book
Because the thought of “I will be all alone down here” is just too much for us to bear But at the end of the day,
the fact that we show up for each other in spite of our differences, no matter what we believe, is reason enough to keep believingSorry, I was overwhelmed by the happiness of GA's coming back
I missed 2 sentences upstairs,and here's the integrated edition
You can see that the speaking style of Bailey is quite different from Meredith's ^^ 411
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth At least, that’s what they say
He created the birds of the air and the beast of the fields
And he looked at his creation, and he thought that it was good

And then, God created the man
And it has been down hell ever since
The story goes on to say the God created the man as his own image
But there’s not much prove of that
After all, the God made the sun the moon and the stars
And all man makes is trouble
And when man finds himself in trouble, which is most of the time, he turns to something bigger than himself To love or fate or religion To make sense of it at all
But for a surgeon, the only thing that makes any kind of sense is medicine
As doctors, we know more about the human body now than at any other point in our history
But the miracle of life itselfwhy people live and die, why they hurt or get hurtis still a mystery We want to know the reason, the secret, the answer at the back of the book
Because the thought of “I will be all alone down here” is just too much for us to bear

But at the end of the day
The fact that we show up for each other, in spite of our differences, no matter what we believe, is reason enough to keep believing 412
I like to think that we are rational beings Humaning, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful But when things fall apart, even just a little It becomes clear, we are no better than animals We think, we walk direct, we speak, we dream
But deep down, we are all still ruing around in the primordial woops
Chief: Stevens, my year, I lost by 2 points, you didn’t invent the contest. The contest is a lion fight, so chin up, put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. Don’t make your wounds, celebrate them, the scar you bear are the sign of competitor, you’re in a lion fight, Stevens, just because you didn’t win doesn’t mean you don’t know how to rule. There is a little animal in all of us And maybe that’s something to celebrate
Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, war 34

m, and a part run with
We may feel caged, we may feel trapped
But still, as humans, we can find ways to feel free We are each other’s keepers
We are the guardians of our own humanity
And even though there’s a beast inside all of us What sets us apart from animals is that we can think, feel, dream and love
And against our lost, against our instincts We evolve. 413
Great surgeons aren’t made, they are born
It takes gestation, incubation, sacrifice, a lot of sacrifice
But after all the blood and guts, some goop stuff are washed away
That’s the surgeon you become Totally worth it
Giving birth maybe all in tense and magical in stuff But act itself, it’s not exactly pleasant

But it’s also a beginning of something incredible Something new

Something unpredictable Something true
Something worth loving Something worth missing
Something that will change your life, forever 414
There’s this person, in my head She’s brilliant, capable
She can do chest tubes and craniotomies She can run a cope without freaking out
She’s a really good surgeon, maybe even a great surgeon
She’s me, only so much better
It was a good day, maybe even a great day I was a good doctor, even when it was hard I was the me in my head
There was a moment when I thought I can’t do this I can’t do this alone
But I close my eyes, and imagined myself doing it And I did, I block out the fear, and I did it 415
The problem with being a resident is you feel crazy a 36

ll the time
You haven’t slept in years
You spend everyday around the people in the nest of crisis
Use your ability to judge what’s normal In yourself or anyone else
And yet people are constantly asking you to tell them how they are doing

How the hell you suppose to know?
You don’t even know how you are doing Don’t wonder why people go crazy Wonder why they don’t

And face of all we can lose in a day In an instant
Wonder what the hell it is That make us hold together Cristina, I could promise, to hold you and to cherish you.

I could promise, to be there in sickness and in health.

I could say till death do us apart. But I won't.


Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope.
And I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope.

I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful, I am sure, I am steady.

And I know, I'm a heart man, take them apart, put them back together, I hold them in my hands. I am a heart man.

So this, I am sure, you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend.

My heart, my heart beats for you.

And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. I promise you, ME. 416-417
My mother used to say, that for a surgeon, a day without death is a real gift Everyday, we face death Everyday, we lose life
Everyday, we’re hoping for a stay of execution


We are attached to death Chained like prisoners, captors S05 E01-02
We all remember the bedtime stories of our childhoods, that shoe fits Cinderella, the frog turns into a prince, sleeping beauty is awaken with a kiss. Once upon a time, and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales, the staff of dreams, the problem is fairy tales don’t come true. Its the other stories, the ones that begin with dark and storm in nights and end in an unspeakable. It's the nightmares that always seem to become reality. The person that invents the phrase “happily ever after” should have his ass kicked so hard.

Once upon a time, happily ever after, the stories would tell other staff of dreams. Fairy tales don't come true. Reality is much stormier, much murkier, much scarier. Reality is so much more interesting than living happily ever after. S05 E03
As surgeons, we’re trained to fix what’s broken. The breaking point is our starting line at work.

But in our lives, the breaking point is a sign of weakness. And we’ll do everything we can to avoid it. Bones break, organs burst, flash tears. We can sew the flash, repair the damage, ease the pain. But when life breaks down, when we break down, there’s no science, no hard and fast rules. We just have to feel our way through. And to a surgeon, there’s nothing worse and there’s nothing better. S05 E04
In 6500 BC, some guy looked at his sick friend and said:”I have an idea, why don’t I drill a hole in your skull, it’ll make you feel better.” And thus, surgery was born. It takes certain brain of crazy to come up with an idea like drilling into somebody’s skull, but surgeons have always been a confident bunch. We usually know what we’re doing, and when we don’t we still act like we do. We walk boldly into undiscovered country, plant the flag and start ordering people around. It’s invigorating and terrifying.
We like to think we’re fearless, eager to explore unknown lands, soak up new experiences, but the fact is, we’re always terrified. Maybe the terror is part of 40

the attraction. Some people go to horror movies. We cut things open, dive into dark water. And at the end of the day, isn’t that would you rather hear about, if you’ve got 1 drink and 1 friend in 45 minutes? Smooth rides make for boring stories. A little calamity, that’s worth talking about. S05 E05
I am a rock. I am an island. That’s the mantra of pretty much every surgeon I’ve ever met. We like to think we’re independent, loners, mavericks. That all we need to do our job is an OR, a scalpel, and a willing body. But the truth is, not even the best of us can do it alone. Surgery like life is a team sport. And eventually, you’ve got to get off the bench and decide. What team are you betting for?
The thing about choosing team in real life is nothing like it used to be in gym class. Being first pick can be terrified, and being chosen last isn’t the worst thing in the world. So we watch from the side lines, clinging to our isolation. Because we know the soon we get go of the bench, someone comes along and changes the game completely.

S05 E06
For a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. They’re our terrain, where we advance, retreat; try to remove all the landmines. And just when you think you’ve won the battle, made the world safe again, along comes another landmine.
Some wars result in complete and total victory. And some wars end in hope. But all these wars are nothing compared to the most frightening war of all, the one you have yet fight. S05 E07
If you are a normal person, one of the few things you can count on in life is death. But if you are a surgeon, even that comfort is taking away from you. Surgeons cheat death. We prolong it, we deny it. We stand and defiantly give death the finger.
We are born, we live, we die, sometimes not necessarily in that order. We put things to rest, only to have them rise up again. So if death is not the end, what can we count on any more? Because you’re sure can’t count on anything in life. Life is the most fragile, unstable, unpredictable thing there is. In fact, th 42

ere is only one thing about life we can be sure of. S05 E08
It’s intense what happens in the OR. When lives on the line, and you’re poking your brain like they’re silly putty. You’re formed a bind with the surgeons right next to you, an unbreakable, indescribable bind. It’s intimate being tied together like that. Whether you like it or not, whether you like them or not, you become a family.
The ties that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connected us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some binds define distances, and time, and logic, because some ties are simply meant to be. S05 E09
When you’re little, night time is scary, because there are monsters hiding right under the bed. When you get older, the monsters are different, self doubt, loneliness, regret. And though you maybe older and wiser, you still find yourself scare of the dark.
Sleep is the easiest thing to do. You just close your eyes. But for so many of us, sleep seems out of ou 43

r grasp. We want it, but we don’t know how to get it. But once we face our demons, face our fears, and turn to each other for help. Night time isn’t so scary because we realize we are not all alone in the dark. S05 E10
Mother calls it the greatest and most terrifying moment in her life, standing at the head of the surgical table, knowing that the patient’s life depends on you and you alone. It’s what we all dream about because the first person that gets to fly solo in the OR, kind of bad ass.
We enter the world alone and we leave it alone. And everything that happens in between we always to ourselves to find a little company. We need help, we need support otherwise we’re in it by ourselves, strangers, cut off from each other. And we forget just how connected we all are. So instead, we chose love, we chose life, and, for a moment, we feel just a little bit less alone. S05 E11
We all get at least one good wish a year, over the 44

candles on our birthday, some of us through in more, on eyelashes, fountains, lucky stars. And every now and then, one of those wishes comes true. So what then, is this as good as we’d hoped? Do we basking the warm glow of happiness? Or do we just notice we’ve got a long list of other wishes waiting to be wished. We don’t wish for the easy stuff, we wish for big things, things are ambitious, out of reach. We wish because we need help and we’re scared and we know we may be asking too much. We still wish though because sometimes they come true. S05 E12
My mother used to say this about residency: it takes a year to learn how to cut; it takes a life time to learn not to. Of all of the tools on the surgical trade, sound judgment is the trickiest one to master, and without it, we all just toddlers running around with 10 blades.
We’re human, we make mistakes, we miss us demeaned, we call it wrong. But when a surgeon makes a bad judgment call is not a simple. People get hurt, they bleed. So we struggle over every stitch, we agonize over 45

every suture. Because the snap judgments, the ones that come to us quickly and easily without hesitation, they are the ones that haunt us forever. S05 E13
I believe in heaven, I also believe in hell. I’ve never seen either but I believe they exist. They have to exist, because without a heaven, without a hell, we all just heading for limbo.
Heaven, hell, limbo, no one really knows where we’re going, what was waiting for us when we get there. But there’s one thing we can say for sure with absolute certainty is there are moments they takes us to another place, moments of heaven on earth. And maybe for now, that’s all we need to know. S05 E14
Any first year med student knows that increase heart rate is a sign of trouble. A racing heart could indicate anything from a panic disorder to something much much more serious. A heart that fluttes or one that skips a beat could be a sign of a secret affliction or it could indicate romance which is the biggest trouble of all.

It seems we have no control whatsoever over our own hearts. Conditions can change without warning; romance can make the heart pound just like panic can. And panic can make it stop cold in your chest. It’s no wonder doctors spend so much time trying to keep the heart stable, to keep it slow, steady, regular, to stop the heart from pounding out of our chest, from the dread of something terrible or the anticipation of something else entirely. Se6
1: Meredith: I pick you, I chose you. You don't get to die on me! 2:Derek: I know your loss. I lost my father when I was a kid. Two guys killed my father for his watch right in front of me. Right in front of me. I didn't become a doctor because I wanted to be god. I became a doctor because I wanted to save lives. Look at me. Please look at me in the eye. I'm a human being. I make mistakes, I'm flawed, we all are. Today I think for you is just a mistake. You want justice you want somebody to pay. You're a good man I can see that in your eyes. Can you see in mine? Can you?
3:Meredith: [独白] For most people, the hospital is a scary place. A hostile place. A place where bad things happen. Most people would prefer church, or school, or home, but I grew up here. While my mom 47

was on rounds, I learned to read in the OR gallery, I played in the morgue, I coloured with crayons on old ER charts. Hospital was my church, my school, my home; hospital was my safe place, my sanctuary. I love it here. Correction: loved it here.
4:Richard: I've lived. I've really really lived. I've failed. I've been devastated. I've been broken. I've gone to hell and back. And I've also known joy. And passion. And I've had a great love. See death for me is not justice. It's a ... end of a beautiful journey. And I'm not afraid to die. The question is, are you? A life in prison or an afterlife ... with your wife. Me or you? Your choice. 5:Derek: [独白] Yes or no. In or out. Up or down. Live or die. Hero or coward. Fight or give in. I'll say it again to make sure you hear me. The human life is made up of choices. Live or die. That's the important choice. And it's not always in our hands.
6:Derek: [独白] The human life is made up of choices. Yes or no. In or out. Up or down. And then there are the choices that matter. Love or hate. To be a hero or to be a coward. To fight or to give in. To live. Or die. Live or die. That's the important choice. And it's not always in our hands.






