
发布时间:2015-08-26 10:25:59

学会"对折 折痕 对齐"等英文,"儿童折纸英文"不再是死角 2015-08-24 你和宝宝说英语 你和宝宝说英语  致力于帮助中国宝宝的家长, 掌握0-3岁涉及词汇,从小和宝宝说英语。   “折纸”虽然是小孩子玩的游戏,但是所涉及的词汇在中国妈妈看来,似乎过于“专业”。小编告诉大家,根本不用怕,因为折纸的动作只有有限的几个,“折纸”恰恰是最有规律,最可以举一反三的话题。咱们以“折个纸飞机”为例,梳理一下折纸英文吧。 How to Make a Paper Airplane 折个纸飞机 1. Let mummy teach you how to make a paper airplane. Since we dont have colored paper at the moment, why dont we just use a sheet of A4 paper? 妈妈教你怎么叠纸飞机吧。现在咱们没有彩色纸,就用一张普通的A4纸吧。 2. Fold the paper in half, lengthwise. Push down firmly with our fingers to make a crease. Then, open up the folded paper and put it down horizontally / in landscape orientation. 沿两个长边对折。用手指使劲儿压一个印儿(折痕)。 然后把纸打开,横向放平。 3. Fold the top right corner into the center so that it touches / meets the crease that runs across the middle of the page. Repeat with the bottom right corner. Make sure the fold is nice and crisp by pressing your nail firmly along the crease. 左上角往纸的中间折,使其与中线对齐。右上角也一样。用指甲压出深深的折痕,使其平整美观。 4. Fold the bottom angled side into the center so that it aligns / lines up with the crease in the middle of the page. 斜边向中间折叠,使其与中间的折痕对齐。 5. Repeat with the top angled side. 另外一斜边重复动作。 6. Flip the paper over. 把纸翻过来。 7. Fold the bottom angled side into the center. You folded it too loosely. Make sure you press down hard and make a deep crease. 将斜边沿中心线折叠。你折的不够贴合。你得使劲按才能按出深深的折痕。 8. Repeat for the other side. 另一边重复动作。 9. Fold the top and bottom together and press down hard. 把上下两部分折到一起,压实。 10. Pinch the base of the paper plane. The top two flaps are the two wings of the paper plane. 捏着飞机的底座。上面两个垂下来的部分就是纸飞机的两翼。 11. Lets try to fly the paper plane. Oh silly, you threw it the wrong way. The nose of the plane faces forward. 咱们试飞一下。不对,你扔反了。飞机头朝前。

