
发布时间:2019-08-28 20:08:12


1. Glass ceiling exists over women and minorities that allows them to think they can advance into management levels where in reality they are discriminated against. Thus only a disproportionate, small percentage of woman and minorities make it into management roles.

2. Affirmative action was created to give certain grouping of people preference over others to compensate for past discrimination opponents of affirmative action.

3. Principal agent theory: When individual are not always informed adequately, they have not the technical skills to make decisions that will serve their best interests. Others have the competence and information to make decision on behalf of the principal in the principle's interests.

4. Strategic management: is an approach to managing an organization that emphasizes long-term thinking and, as the term states, managing strategically instead of reactively or intuitively.

5. Public personnel management is "the management of a system whereby public agencies recruit, compensate, and discipline their employees. The system is normally characterized by a watchdog differentiation between the structures that perform personnel tasks and structures that protect employee's rights and insulate the process from politics."

6. The compliance audit is the simplest and most common form of scrutiny of p public agencies. An auditor checks whether financial transactions undertaken by a public agency comply with relevant financial laws and regulations.

7. A balance budget would be one in which revenues and expenditures for the coming year are equal, without the need to borrow to make up for a deficit or funds shortfall.

8. EEO: Equal employment opportunity was intend to create a level playing field by giving everyone and equal chance at education and employment.

9. Strategic planning is the all important first step in strategic management. It identify the effects of current decision on future operation.

10. Leadership: The action of who, whether elected, appointed, or emerging by group consensus, directs, coordinates, and supervises the work of others for the purpose of accomplishing a given task.

简答题 5*6

1. The four central issues in organization behavior:

(1) Social pressure cause individual group member to conform.

(2) Educative work teams do not just happen, they must be built and nurtured.

(3) Making major changes in a government agency requires broad scope strategies that are similar to military tactics and strategies than to organization theory.

(4) If an organization is to be become and remain effective, its members must engage in generative learning, learning that enhance our capacity to create.

2. The tenets of classical organization theory:

1 Organization exist to accomplish production-related and economic goals

2 there is one best way to organize for production, and that way can be found through systematic, scientific inquiry.

3 Production is maximized through specialization and division for labor.

4 People and organization act in accordance with rational economic principles.

3. Four conditions for successful team building:

1 Interdependence

2 Leadership

3 Joint decision

4 Equal influence

4. The key purpose of the budgetary process:

1 Control over public money and accountability to public authority.

2 Predictability and planning

3 Relating expenditure to revenue

4 Varying spending to suit the economy

5 using the budget as a lever for efficiency.

5. Four over-arching principles define the IGR:

1 Constitutional government

2 Formal federalism

3 the diversity of government

4 Pervasive democracy

6. Measurement for evaluating the productivity agency:

1 a comprehensive set of scrutiny mechanisms designed to examine performance and productivity

2 Detect and expose fraud or lack of compliance with financial mandates.

3 Assesses and evaluate broader issues to do with program effectiveness.

7. Main purposes of codes of ethics:

(1) Codes of ethics aid in the formation of a professional consensus.

(2) Codes of ethics provide a point of reference when a public administrator is faced with a dilemma.

(3) Codes of ethics provide a basis for educating members.

8. Four models of government that underlie current public sector reform proposal:

1 Market government

2 Participative government

3 Flexible government

4 Deregulated government

9. The new public management:

1 Privatization of many government activities

2 Downsizing of public bureaucracies

3 and emphasis on government making policy rather than delivering services

4 Greater use of nonprofits in service delivery

5 Deregulation

6 Reduced bureaucratic complexity

7 the decline of the politically neutral career public service

8 and emphasis on measuring reporting and rewarding performance

10. Hierarchy of ethics:

(1) Personal morality

(2) Professional ethics

(3) Organizational ethics

(4) Social ethics



Public administration refers to two distinguishable but closely related activities:

(1)a professional practice (vocation, occupation, field of activity) and (2) an academic field which seeks to understand, develop, criticize, and improve that professional practice as well as to train individuals for that practice. The simple meaning of the term is quite direct: it refers on the one hand to the administration or management of matters which have principally to do with the society, polity and its subparts which are not essentially private, familial, commercial, or individualistic, and on the other hand to the disciplined study of such matters. In this simplest meaning public administration has to do with managing the realm of governmented and other public activities. This simple definition conveys the essence of public administration and probably covers the vast majority of activities and concerns of contemporary public administration.


(1) 职业领域(职业、工作、活动领域)

(2) 致力于了解,发展、批评和提高这种职业培训的学术领域。这个术语的简单含义是非常直接的:一方面,它指主要与社会、政治组织、以及其分支有关的事务,而这些分支基本上不是私人家庭、商业和个人的。另一方面,它指对这些事物的严谨研究。就其最简单的意义来说,公共管理涉及政府和其他公共活动的管理。这个简单的定义表达了公共管理的本质,也可能包含了当代公共管理的大部分问题和活动。


The term "administration state” is intend to convey several realities of contemporary government: that a great deal of the society's resources are spent on the salaries and functions of public administration; that public administration are crucial to the operation of contemporary government; that, as a whole, they are politically powerful and that the nation has decided on a course of attempting to solve its problem and achieve its aims through the use of administrative action.



The system of federalism was established by the constitution. James Bryce explains:" it has long been agreed that the only possible form of government for American is a federal one." The chief deter native to a federal system of government is a unitary system, as in France or Japan, where there are no state government and all significant power lies with the national government. Such system may be good for getting things done and for focusing accountability. They avoid overlap and duplication levels of government or complex system of federal state financial relations. But non-unitary federal system offer great strengths in terms of enhancing diversity of recognizing the variances among aspiration, values and resources that people hold in different communities and corners across this nation. Our system of federalism places significant democratic governments in every city and crossroads and, by so doing, the potential government is reduced.



Performance Management consists of six phases.

1. The organization specifies clear and measurable objectives.

2. Management selects and uses performance indicators to measure the organization’s progress in attaining its objectives.

3. The performance of each employees (or team) is evaluated regularly.

4. Performance incentives are used to help motivate employees to meet the organization’s objectives.

5. Financial and human resources are coordinated and budgeted in a manner that focuses resources on organizational objectives.

6. The organization’s progress is assessed at the end of each budget cycle, and goals are re-set to continuously improve performance over successive budget cycles.


(1) 该组织确定明确和可衡量的目标

(2) 管理者选择和使用绩效指标来衡量该组织在实现其目标的进展情况

(3) 每个员工或团队的表现定期评估

(4) 绩效奖励是用来帮助激励员工,以满足该组织的目标

(5) 财政和人力资源的相互协调以及做好预算,主要是为了保证组织资源被投入到实现组织目标的过程中

(6) 在每个预算周期结束时,对组织目标的进展情况进行评估,组织目标可以被重新设置来不断提高连续预算周期中的绩效水平


The functions of public personnel management

1 Recruiting and selecting government employees;

2 Developing and maintaining a system for classifying government positions (jobs) and establishing equitable pay and benefit ranges for each position classification;

3 Developing and supporting the employee performance appraisal system;

4 managing employee-labor relations, including collective bargaining with public unions and contract maintenance;

5 Disciplining and terminating employees who violate rules or who do not perform at expected levels, including maintaining the grievance system;

6 Coordinating training programs for employees and managers.


(1) 招聘选拔政府官员;发展和维持政府职位的分类

(2) 对于每个分类的职位建立公平的薪酬和福利制度;

(3) 开发和支持员工的绩效考核体系

(4) 管理员工劳动关系,包括与工会组织)的集体谈判以及合同的维系

(5) 管教或者解雇那些违反规定或表现达不到预期目标的员工,(同时要有)保证他们申诉权的制度

(6) 协调员工和管理人员的培训计划

