出国留学利弊 英文

发布时间:2012-12-13 16:15:32

The advantages of going abroad to study:

1. A perfect chance to broad our horizon. We will have the chance to get close to different culture and different people. During our stay in other countries, we can view exotic scenery and different values of other people, which will deeply affect our future value about the world and personal life, as well as job expectation.

2. We way get rid of some bad habits, such as laziness, lacking of the concept of time. Our moral ideas and some bad habits will also be improved, for that we represent our own country when we’re abroad.

3. A good test for our courage, independence and perseverance. Going abroad can be a very good training to enhance good spirit in hardship.

4. The education system of developed country is more advanced than ours. We can get more knowledge in a better-equipped educational environment.

5. Practice an authentic language. The best way to learn a language well is to get involved in its language environment and experience it by ourselves.

6. It’s hard to find an ideal job with a bachelor’s degree. Going abroad for a further education to obtain a gold-plated diploma is a better choice than having postgraduate study domestically.

The disadvantages of going abroad to study:

1. It is a kind of gambling, which stakes our youth, parents’ savings, and future. We will feel a lot of pressure, and have to count on ourselves.

2. The foreign life can be really different than we imagine. We will have to be adapted to completely new life styles, new social environments and new people. Also, be aware of facing culture shock everywhere.

3. The high consumption often makes us having financial problem.

4. We will find it hard to get truly involved into foreign society and local students’ lives.

5. Foreign universities mostly hold "wide into severe piece" policy. We will find that it is so difficult to graduate, even sometimes we may think of giving up.

6. The hardest obstacle to overcome is the deep "homesickness". We will know the feeling when calling mom and saying "mom, everything is perfect. Don't worry,” while crying into tears!

7. When we get back, we will find that our friends already have our dreamed jobs and families. What we have, however, is just a diploma, and we have to start from scratch... Bummer!

出国留学利弊 英文
