
发布时间:2020-05-26 01:38:28



1、 in、on、at的用法区别

in用于国家名、城市名、年份、月份、季节前面,如:in Spain ;in June ;in winter

on用于星期,几月几号,节日前面,如:on Monday ;on March 10th ;on Teachers Day

at用于具体时间点前面,如:at 3:40

2、work at night 上夜班



4、Classes start at 3 oclock That sounds like a lot of fun

You need a robot to help you Why are you shopping today?


5、be good at +名词或者动词ing 表示擅长于干什么


(is 用于单数,are 用于you和复数, am只用于I)

如:He is good at English.(名词) They are good at running.(动词ing)

6、频率副词有always (总是) 、usually(通常)、often (经常) 、sometimes(有时)、never(从不),频率依次递减。

7、can 是情态动词,后面加动词原形,如:I can swim.(动词原形)

8、play with.. 和.玩 (注意介词用with)

9、There are four seasons in a year.(一年有四个季节)

There are seven days in a week.(一周有七天)

There are twelve months in a year.(一年有十二个月)

spring (March、April、May)

summer (June、July、August)

autumn (September、October、November)

winter (December、January、February)


10、Ill = I will well=we will cant = can not its = it is


12、likebest=favourite 表示最喜欢 如:

Which season do you like best?= What’s your favourite season?

I like winter best.=My favourite season is winter.


China(中国): spring summer autumn winter

Australia(澳大利亚): autumn winter spring summer

对应词:spring------autumn summer-----winter

反义词:cool-----warm hot------cold

14、Which season do you like best?

Look at my picture.

Spring is green with flowers and songs

Summer is hot and the days are long

Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.

Winter is white and the year is gone.

The colours are very pretty.

There are beautiful flowers everywhere.


15、want to 加动词原形,如:

I want to paint a picture.(动词原形)

16、and 和,表示并列;but 但是,表示转折

17、lots of =a lot of 许多,后面可以加可数名词或不可数名词

a few 表示一些,加可数名词;

a little 表示一些,加不可数名词。


19、正确区别特殊疑问词(what when where which why whose who

What 表示什么问东西或活动; when 表示什么时候问时间

Where 表示在哪里问地点; which 表示哪一个问选择;

why 表示为什么问原因; whose表示谁的问主人; who表示谁问人


January: (winter vacation-寒假;New Years Day-元旦)

February:(winter vacation-寒假)

March:(Tree Planting Day-植树节;Womens Day-妇女节)

April:(Easter-复活节:April Fools Day-愚人节)

May:(May Day-劳动节;Mothers Day-母亲节)

June:(Childrens Day-儿童节;Fathers Day-父亲节;Dragon Boat Festival-端午节

July:(summer vacation-暑假)

August:(summer vacation-暑假)

September:(Teachers Day-教师节;Mid-Autumn Day-中秋节)

October:(Chinas National Day-国庆节)

November:(American Thanksgiving Day-感恩节)


21、look for 表示寻找 look at 表示看

22、by 表示到。。。为止,如:by March 23rd (到3月23日为止)

23、There be句型有一个就近原则,紧跟单数名词或不可数名词用is,紧跟复数名词用are

24、both 表示两者都 ;all表示三个或三个以上都

25、What will you do for your mum?

Ill cook noodles for her

They make noises when they are hungry.

They still cant see

We have a few fun things in spring.

Well go to the Great Wall this year.

We can have a birthday party for both of you

There are some special days in April



主格(作为主语): I you she he it we you they

宾格(介词\动词后面):me you her him it us you them

形代(后面加名词): my your her his its our your their

名代(后面不加名词):mine yours hers his its ours yours theirs

27a picture of 的照片,如:a picture of shanghai 一张上海的照片

a map of ….的地图,如:a map of China 一张中国地图




缩略词 : 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 12th 20th

※口诀:有the 用序数词,几号用序数缩略词,其他都用基数词

29、现在进行时的用法:当出现具体的时间点或单词now、look、listen时就可以判断为现在进行时,表示动作正在进行,结构是be +动词ing;be是is\ am\ are


如:He is sleeping I am eating They are swimming




◆以不发音的字母e结尾的去e加ing, 如:writewriting


◆重读闭音节时双写最后一个字母再加ing, 如:runrunning


30、Can you take him to the park?

They are playing with each other.

Are these rabbits eating?

The yellow picture is mine.

There is a picture of Shanghai ,too.


31、I like flying (此句like 表示喜欢的意思,后面加动词ing)

Im running like a tiger (此句like 表示像的意思,是一个介词)


Keep to the right 靠右

Keep your desk clean 保持桌子干净

Talk quietly\ Quiet, please 请小点声

Take turns 按顺序来

Work quietly 安静学习

No eating 禁止吃东西

33、speak 表示讲,后面加语言,如:speak Chinese

talk 表示谈论,talk about+ 谈论内容;talk to +人

say 表示说,后面加具体说的内容

34、Are you from China? Are you doing kung fu?

Can you teach me? Can we play music with you ?

Do you see any elephants? Its playing with its mother.

I can show you the English books. Can I read the books here?



ChinaChinese JapanJapanese CanadaCanadian

SpainSpanish America(USA)--American


clclean clock class clever cloudy clear clothes (uncle)

pl:plate eggplant please play playground (people、purple、apple)

br:brown library brother umbrella breakfast

gr:green grapes grandpa grow grass great grandma

ch:China chicken lunch teacher Chinese children cheap chocolate (school、Christmas)

sh:sheep fish shirt shorts fresh short

th:/ / three thin thirteen math fifth third birthday

th:/ / this that these those there mother father brother

ng:long sing ring young song thing morning (sunglasses)

nk:think ink trunk pink drink thank bank

wh:/ w / what when where which white why

wh:/ h / who whose whom


1)、What do you do on Monday? 你星期一干什么?

I play sports on Monday. 我星期一做运动。

2) What do you have on Monday? 你星期一有什么课?

I have math on Monday. 我星期一有数学课。

3) What do you have for lunch on Monday? 你星期一中午吃什么?

I have tomatoes on Monday. 我星期一吃西红柿。

4) Whose………? 回答:人名s\名代

Who…….? 回答:人名\称谓

5) Is he..? 回答:Yes, he is \ No, he isnt

Is she.? 回答:Yes, she is \ No, she isnt

Are you.? 回答:Yes, I am\No, Im not

Are they……? 回答:Yes, they are\No, they arent

Do you.? 回答:Yes, I do\No, I dont

Does he.? 回答:Yes, he does\No. he doesnt

Does she.? 回答:Yes, she does\No. she doesnt

Can you .? 回答:Yes, I can\No, I cant

Can I .? 回答:Yes, you can \No, you cant

Can he..? 回答:Yes, he can\No, he cant


go swimming go running go shopping go boating

play sports play ping-pong play the erhu play the piano

have class have dinner have breakfast have lunch

do homework do kungfu do morning exercises


吃早饭 上。。课

进行体育活动 做早操

吃晚饭 打扫我的房间

散步 买东西

上舞蹈课 春天

◆夏天 秋天

冬天 季节

去野餐 摘苹果

堆雪人 去游泳

一月 二月

◆三月 四月

五月 六月

七月 八月

九月 十月

十一月 十二月

◆第一 第二

第三 第四

第五 第十二

第二十 第二十一

第二十三 第三十

◆我的 你的

他的 她的

他们的 我们的

正在爬 正在吃

正在玩 正在跳

◆正在喝 正在睡觉

正在做早操 正在上课

正在吃午饭 正在看书

正在听音乐 靠右

保持你的桌子干净 小声讲话


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