华慧2014年3月中科院考博英语真题阅读理解Section A 第五篇阅读文章

发布时间:2015-08-06 11:40:15

2014年3月中科院考博英语真题阅读理解第五篇阅读文章华慧考博英语教研中心解读:中科院考博英语阅读理解的短文内容涉及社会科学(主要包括社会学、教育、人类学、心理学、经济、管理、金融等领域)、自然科学(主要包括化学、生物、交通、物理、工程、计算机、医学、农业等领域)和人文科学(主要包括哲学、历史、文学、语言、新闻、艺术等领域)。考博英语的阅读理解题型中的文章通常选取外文杂志、外文网站中的文章,然后由各院校的命题组命题,或者选取四六级、考研、研究生学位英语考试等已考过的文章。2014年3月份中科院考博英语真题阅读理解第五篇阅读文章Passage FiveAmerica was optimistic almost as a matter of official doctrine rightfrom the outset. Anyone setting up a republic in the 1770s had to beaware that nearly every republic in history had failed, usually under theiron heel of a tyrant or conqueror. No sooner had the Americanexperiment got started than Napoleon repeated the pattern by ruiningEurope's frail republics. Yet this one, safeguarded by an ocean,prospered. British visitors in the 19th century, like Frances Trollope andCharles Dickens, found the Americans' self-confidence, national prideand boastfulness almost insufferable, but they had to admit that theAmericans got things done. Enterprising chaps like Andrew Carnegieemigrated from gaunt British poverty to accumulate Wagnerian fortuneson the other side of the Atlantic.In the 20th century, too, a succession of visitors as different as Rudyard Kipling, Winston Churchill and Alistair Cooke loved recharging theirspiritual batteries with long trips to America. Cooke even made a careerout of praising America's can-do attitude, though with an undercurrent ofirony at its excesses. What would he make of its current moods?Today, recession-related jitters are widespread. Nearly everyone knows someone who has just lost their job and can't help speculating whetherthey're going to be next. American gloom comes in both highbrow andlowbrow forms. It has become characteristic of the wealthiest and mosthighly educated Americans to be pessimistic about their country. Theyfear the erosion of civil liberties, a loss of competitiveness and aninability to produce new generations of elite scientists.华慧考博—考博第一品牌华慧网www.b2cedu.com考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第1页共 5 页

华慧2014年3月中科院考博英语真题阅读理解Section A 第五篇阅读文章
