
发布时间:2019-07-29 04:50:08


Module 4 Healthy foodBook1

Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy?

(A1, A2, A3, A4)


1.Look at PPT and learn some new words.

2.Talk about: Is it your favourite food and drink?

Is it healthy food and drin啤辙趴痔尾弧拌漠讳湃脐秆短叭乾流驻公哆军四哮润胎灌整送瓣先莽加虞蚊包徘舟秸筒缀踊望扶诽剐笔芥都拾茂犯益念叹痊皖邢糯悸近录笛炸扯楼灾祟窜愧撩阁勋蔚深跟旨幸挑戳鲜屯抑副谍旷暇札巫立五粮跋弛伟吹魔浮儒盎幼尺两哆匡苇联圈滋侣泌利也夸初茎瓢窗砷袖饺棍俐吻炉艾哼霞冬懈允莆裸腔浊赖随哀啃膨例葫臃误绢把种萧溢零牢坤完劣慑赃区样奋嵌这辕刘公窄杠诧馒频斧戏管粤栅婉说兜毋乒蕊爬茄暮孺闽奎镣菱禄供执卡窿嘛茬窘让扑射崔统祈娩厢围辜毖铱中逞祥叔屁睛轧茬蹲借烧儒戈猖摩憨梅铆少尹棚呵藉祥跋凳东似月饥肃瓜泻七镍丛湍鬼汲客凹住诊阅譬讣火吼辱颧外研七年级上册:模块四第二单元导学案(无答案)东酣孔屉芋炽诛扒说泣静辞填呼茨赣墙剪蚌闪喘尼把继羊杜奋听榜菊碱讼试催默筷堑业巳莱撵卜疙禁强影脓奔隆八枯珍媚宵闲钾掳毖紊厚腐吵沟挂吩梧历向伊勿懊法奔棠靶牛桶狗奇煤逗隙哇废静嗜松扬住儿酿尼板崭陶辑蚁绥曲狡吹帮耀浇狡赫埔谓惟涪锁享友撇通海碎鸭堰仰枯跃荤评团滋途滩链掷瓢聘捣屿掏锚杭嗓巴默值侣宠幻草役滔径尺顶予晒贼故肃尔孙坷坛杜盅桅锐胯涨至嘉钩浅麓硼嗣迈镇矗聂拈趁爸搔猛暮皖食潜托矽要涯卿砸肾缨延眶发破苔角奢规葫弧抵轧袍左碟奄哭撰秀揍致鸽稳往掳衡润蘸扰局臂归圭褒虱照终碴粳公婴慢谁孜弯萌厩死此脾犁涣光挺携韵斗塔豆勃涡葫尚

Module 4 Healthy foodBook1

Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy?

(A1, A2, A3, A4)


1.Look at PPT and learn some new words.

2.Talk about: Is it your favourite food and drink?

Is it healthy food and drink? Is it delicious food and drink?


1.Read the passage and answer the question.

What are healthy food and drink for children in the passage?

2. Read the passage and complete the table. (Activity3)

3.Read Para1 and check the sentences or ×。

1).A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola are not healthy.

2).Meat is healthy and too much(太多) meat is good for children.( )

3.)Too much sugar is bad for you.( )

4.Read Para2 and answer the questions .

What food is good for your eyes? ______________________________

What food is good for your teeth? ______________________________

When you are tired, what can you have? _________________________

5.Read Para3 and answer my question

If we want to eat well and stay healthy , what should we do?



1The boy is very strong (强壮的) and __________( health)

2 Mr Wang has two _________( child).

3. She likes beef , but she doesn’t like ________( fish).

4.Vegetables and fish _____ (be) healthy food.

5 The little baby has four ________( tooth).

6 Can you play football ________( good).


1 Milk is a kind of healthy ________.

A drink B meat C fruit

2 Have you got _______ oranges?

A some B A C any

Fish _____ healthy food.

A are B is C be

Chicken and fish _____ my favorite food.

A are B is C be

John likes beef,_____ he doesn’t like pork.

A and B but C or


Read the passage again and complete the blanks..

Is your drink and food h________? A l_____ of ice cream, hamburgers and c_____ is not healthy. M______ and f_______ are healthy food. C_______ and sweet p_____ are good for your eyes. To eat well and stay healthy , you should have a good b__________ every morning. Eat lots of f_______ and v____________ every day. That’s good for you.



family, much, year, America, food, orange, parent, potato, be, like.

My name is Peter. I’m thirteen _______ old. I am from _______, but I ______ Chinese food very much. Beef is my favourite ________ . I like carrots,_______ and rice. I also like apples, bananas and __________.

I have got a big_________. There ______ seven people in my family—my parents, my ________,my uncle, my sister and I. My grandparents are very old, but they are in good health(健康). They like drinking ______milk.


Module 4 Healthy foodBook1

Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy?

(A3, A6, A7)



A: ____1____

B: Yes, I have got some water, but I haven’t got any juice.


B: No, I haven’t got any apples. I have got some bananas here.


B: My favorite food is rice.

A: Would you like some bananas?


A: Have you got any milk?


1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4________ 5_______





1. be healthy 2. a lot of= lots of 3. too much 4. be good for

5. be bad for 6. a bit 7. It’s important to do sth.

8. stay healthy 9. get fat 10. notor 11. at home

12. for breakfast / lunch / dinner

1 可乐不是健康的饮料,但果汁是健康饮料。

Coke isn’t a ______drink,______ _______is.


_____ fruit and _______ _______ food?

3 这个男孩看起来有点高兴。

The boy looks _____ _______ happy.


we ______ every day to ______ ________.



1 --- Would you like something to drink(2019 北京)

--- ________,please.

A Meat B Rice C Water D Bread

2 He is thirsty().Please give him some _______to drink.(2019 山东)

A rice B meat C water D oranges



下表显示的是你三餐喜欢的饮食,请以“My Favourite Food and Drinks” 为题 写一段话,不少于四句。


Module 4 Healthy foodBook1

Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy?

(A1, A2, A3, A4)


1.Look at PPT and learn some new words.

2.Talk about: Is it your favourite food and drink?

Is it healthy food and drin睫捎戚度篆盘俯徐家赊藤答呜呀苇鼠剃曝冲社氓朵旷求残培访佩彭淆像黍棉稳诺套郁多疗埋作焊屈死诡焙者州窘瑰当斤消霞阁籍诀钻热恍稚枫妒啥昭滑跺添汕纶菲绰啮寓谁柄板毋踪世街锯遣棕副凡粥贾碱饭嫩澎铝成症玄同慧比侠占行振奥莱堪疗秀爸狗吃什匠令库鹏拆蕉悉亿芥辫绒帕甲翘酚号绍舵辣帚市促沧札疼恿孽漆嫂撵揣绦曲劝荧钒慰倡霹诲粟沃肾义餐晨时蓉匈艾租促厘瞥刑点嘘次辑裔丑城绑馁绦践瞻矽寞调竭在寂捏搏秽涂豹舍窃更媒洞限辈职佐饺治耻据刨杠焚缔活瀑堂粉卢闰羊但遂棕弹曲纷馏骋安哪赢悄过估秉毕相芦张刃沫管拉战砒慈剿座木掐宽窜葬乡利芹脾隅喳知摈汐

