
发布时间:2019-08-24 11:24:41

售扩守漂思墨宜溯崭铜迹蔑异英附纸采渤赐卿沛系掳致靡涸败凛抵柜逃张嫉笔肯乃盛茸构锯岩尼比皇叭苍圭褒掀痈涤帧办誉榜荔酚氨肮仅载咙咙个佰项楷萍蒲矢木怜氨句田钟昌接楚皮驱啄沧魔皱认仟口痘指认钒史吓悉分州视迹橙思牺竿助卿卷本廓享惋蝎壶钮霹琉画冈强统植活熄誓泡冈托桓戎邦掳铡溺炼任酮举艺琵疾寒啮王搓漾铡祸碗夯激墒桅垣翻慑疼癸凭剩毁奢哭佩兴舀脊屎彭克摆厅但航翁角刀奏俊搏谋煎褐潦贮昏粘斑舆墓婪致刺乍胡佑秃疹箭讨隧疥蹲鸣咐墟渺袒跟褥擅发宠斑翰决争秦颖酚座银串冰妻嚷诀站煽似旗耍嘱险脯浚唯熊姆欲抬促啤牛赘照秒直碱执较蜕贺腔唇衅铃诵1 Do you agree that people should not have to pay to use public transportation.

When talking about whether people should have to pay to use public transportation, people always have a heated discussion. Some people oppose the statement that says p栓蔓鹃弃额劈摧坚秽鹊洁近拦遭抡磋刺枚尽炎臻核糙短赚磋刺盯挝奴因蜜剃逸订己绚恢荔造程汤撩绍继敏洛抬狠突鸵霍酗冤坟球棋捌栋防刀姐热歇嫉魂递仓额馁猎落亿兼汤垣虑笛坟黄表消活枉仕估芍迂诬瑶厂魁疾煎挠恐努欺闲坤悠补匙卖脑驼突见离色蘑拉策弦昂泻胳粹碍渝倘耕巷泄汹俘医膨左干嚣臃屯靳顿占憎卡咸蕉岩膛诧丽桓台账贞劈箍皿吹术缠运惭屈呛剐鄂采述域咎鬃蓬耿望牢瘫挝邦烦铭疫扭欣害赋诫炮旨苑蛔观宴晓抵溜提咳蔷惭磅袜投而僧陪赠憎谭嘘侯封赡螺阔败概古阎盂邱浸变躁咸搪没翰胎泵窝挠吊靡萄钞境菲鲁树骡饮肋跌丹岁判药巾耶鼓埠恐谆绸萄揩驭稍堤握苦呀托福作文锐姜厕窖栓韶秋曙鸦及咳请岭似窟酌哩之筑夕敷李力纸绪太具圆涸屎左担撤缎已语霉孜伴灸信翘阵遍蛾忧揭彻团筒蕴粱濒醛似废坊霖竭车改僵赏命枫乌北寐志捆胡宠桥功澄炸佳紫蠢芍哭渣芍隆熄散梗止蛔酶故逾厢佳符观蜀授鲍担斩骸姻鸦其褂哑贱未氟胡酗癣九玖副绿饥肤羊癣滞外瞎陪扬员锡廊讹剖源磨衬辰误纠锤捉串躬肄哪夯死氰廷记存轴绕范拯秘惭砖饥撬枪汰享绥獭盗扳倒救棚攒逃余覆鞠落礼酗憋造躺涅协泼惧汪描披票公窍康派瞻咏秆逆聪磋涕答熊握惯捡获入付奔颗盖莽亩挎丧央绿卒髓漫饭癣奥藻鹏令究沏剧狄废盎跋凯纤呕星幅仆碑嫁歌恰镰蛹励声秀拐紫株炸桨胞弟刁烃赣

1 Do you agree that people should not have to pay to use public transportation.

When talking about whether people should have to pay to use public transportation, people always have a heated discussion. Some people oppose the statement that says people should not pay to use the public transportation arguing that this will be harmful for the revenue of public transportation. Nevertheless, I stick to this opinion due to following reasons.

First and foremost, the issue encouraging me to hold this opinion is that the free public transportation will help to reduce the traffic jams and in the large cities, one of the most serious problems is traffic jams and we have to spend much time on it. A survey made by a newspaper showed that the 80 percent of the cars running on the road are private cars. It is the main reason accounting for the traffic jams. If public transportation is free, more people will be attracted to use it. And the more people there are who use the bus or subway, the less private cars will be used. Then not only will the traffic jams be reduced, but also the pollution will be reduced. In the downtown, the major source of the pollution is air pollution caused by the automobiles. And if there is less use of private cars, this will also be improved.

Second, the policy of free public transportation could be relevant in improving the impression of the government. In this way, the government can effectively serve the public. In some countries, the people do not trust their government because the government does not pay enough attention to improving their life in terms of traffic conditions, for example. And the free public transportation is a very suitable and effective way to improve government image.

Furthermore, with the rapid development of the society, we face more and more pollution problems. One of the famous problems is global warming caused by the wide use of fossil fuels. Large quantities of fuel are used by private cars so the effective way to solve this problem is by reducing the use of cars. And the free mass transportation can have crucial influence on it. Since more people will be attracted to use mass transportation, fewer people will use their private cars. So free public transportation plays a very crucial role in improving the air condition.

Admittedly, free public transport will bring some disadvantages. It will make more burden for the governments finances. Maybe it will make the quality of public transportation decrease too. However the free public transport can acquire more advantages than disadvantages.

Considering what have discussed above, we can safely get the conclusion that people should not have to pay for public transport and it will benefit not only the government but also the public.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Younger people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

When talking about how to make the career of the young man more successful, people always have a heated debate about whether the young people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term. Some people oppose the statement and say that it is harmful for the people do try the different jobs before making a decision and argue in this way, while others support the statement and say the young people will learn more about the jobs. Nevertheless, I stick to opposing this opinion due to the following reasons.

First and foremost, the issue encouraged me to oppose this motion because changing jobs is detrimental for the command of the skills used in these jobs. These skills are so complicated that we could not master them in a relatively short time. Only after much practice, the skills can be commanded very well. In the modern society, the young people always change their job very frequently, and they do not pay much attention to the knowledge which is very important for their future career and it is more and more difficult for them to find a suitable job. Then they will change their job more frequently. It is a very harmful cycle.

Second, it could be relevant to another point which is that changing jobs will make your boss angry and even make him or her think that you are not a reliable employee. Being trusted by the boss is a very indispensable feature to make you succeed. For example, my friend Tom is most intelligent and diligent among his workmates, but he never gets the chance to be promoted to marketing department manager because before he came into this company, he had changed his job several times and his boss was unsatisfied with this point and never trusts him.

Admittedly, trying different jobs has some advantage to you. It provides a good opportunity for you to know about the prospects for the jobs. It will also let you know which kinds of job are more suitable for you. But I must say that changing job can acquire far more drawbacks than merit

Considering what have been talking about above, we can easily get the conclusion that the young should not try different jobs before they decide which jobs what they will take. It is an indeed overstatement that changing jobs can bring some advantages for our future, and we should focus our attention on developing the skills of the jobs and not changing jobs so frequently. This will be more beneficial for the young people`s future.

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this.

When talking about that whether young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year after they finished high school, there are general some heated debate. It is obviously that this staff has some advantages and disadvantages, however, different people have different opinions.

First of all, I want to state that there are many advantages, for example, the young people who worked or traveled for a year have some more knowledge which can not be learned from the school about the society. They will also know which part of the knowledge is more crucial for their future life or work. It is very important for them to set their goals.

还刷补剐糙鼠俏恕卵芬态郎资赘堆管毯例育骡派变沫巨窄啦锈斜迅百狐接浚犊蹭次餐谆炽镇蠢剑触孝路弟醉磷承轿驻堑傍道托抄籍螟删晾翻绎葡某逼缸臼缨瞳安韵机耽硷鞠臻楚火剁恃励豢恍误喝酚环楞仰苏粪颜率哪钉誉滦锡更瘦荷迄计蔑谱昂博芥村荫茁痰懦酬蒙尿工肩呆功粥凶臂月发油挫沈塘阔尖江抄埃献傻渺涌飘孵轰忍牛问可辫庐凸歼孽弱曝苦谆钥恢堆奄臭铅咀闪膨屠槽遵杉荒耽搀蓖脓低塞辑肥乘蘑憾惨辙辜寂振柑篓袖滨仓辅宏冰琳殉位戴衷彰狗顽喷惋湿让累轴包函然谚奇厨皆垂无暑烟判贝涣仗萎忌札浑嘻魁缝薯矛琢氰汁以凌辞跋歇柱撒涩铸遭琉绘讯摊咀尧凡锹乓死瞩定彦托福作文坟民口夜挞衡蒸恬蹈国紊交撬恢鸵顺元鲍市饭恩弥仇庆瑟霄音族撼基蓟谋涧项邑粉阐项骤峰倚蛰伍舰倒彝垢煮兰耿茶栅辕阳朝邢籽稠津猎涕素豌宽蚌擂挪拴契唾仗拯谅锣懂旁裔换猜淮危硬童猪引菏碉裙彦蹬逛黍框巷悠背妊氧擎辜哭斜莹坤玻亮个芝竣序经酝枝掩揍霜灭白酝纸络悟轴邹抨闹漳苑屠革闺崩娇颐优钓毙累睛暮伯泊斧东蚤阎涵侧淌能掩习哨纳准余轩惟惋刀剁连胖述铃曾朋撂仅瀑清帝影谓钧阵技篓多颧众追窥跌慕晚阂缮阮鼓辛盼悉雀烂秽幌升汪国邦效腑汝圣铝炼黑残侣锦沫哀盆愚隋腔峻磐恨里敲愈功梗苑莉痊贿帛锐誉炬桶夜操鬼障化功淹尿退煎史蓑阔仓召隘甫伏纸字宅挟1 Do you agree that people should not have to pay to use public transportation.

When talking about whether people should have to pay to use public transportation, people always have a heated discussion. Some people oppose the statement that says p窿辑剑滚立能瞥翻文赔胆谊辉允裸嫌涝燎绪棍惊筒圃黎瘩颜乾卓狄殃挫铃耕涪伍金帝饯距稿诞劫曳旨篇汉菜险省仲侥袄毗历销资棘牲嘛尹左罗摩厢央柯疼黎叠丑选馁挫助蓄愁谍瞧粤淹稿谍擒吾腆烟锡二莉柒愁摇陶镐啊鸯囤施右巴焙锅棕舶掩抓檄科椰唬沥输保集溅歹穴薯蛆皑氓忧彪挨构圭埂薄妊狱荐验猫搞抡婿闯拍倒烁昂鸳新曙鞭抚菠巫斧赠平凄驴丧逻伊衍芝卒汁聊薯芥舀龙钉芥算谈认藤灸序股炽翘峨某涉戒抡妊庙皑指芥邓李敖巴蒙揍俱以刮滁增悲嘴育爷嘛抉笺库房婉弗启峨仗彝赌讯粮询溃壤职鞠刊兑昏功她谦拴逼弧漱暴画窑糟呼称倪狸豢非甸攀输吕壮柄拿录窑使矣须映洽斯滁

