
发布时间:2017-05-06 22:34:03


采暖(Heating)--又称供暖,按需要给建筑物供给负荷,保证室内温度按人们要求持续高于外界环境。通常用散热器等。通风:(Ventilating),向房间送入,或由房间排出空气的过程。利用室外空气(称新鲜空气或新风)来置换建筑物内的空气(称室内空气),通常分自然通风和机械通风。空气调节:(Air Conditioning)--简称空调用来对房间或空间内的温度、湿度、洁净度和空气流动速度进行调节,并提供足够量的新鲜空气的建筑环境控制系统。


HVAC in the subject classification of the full name of the heating for the gas ventilation and air conditioning projects, including: heating, ventilation, air conditioning in these three aspects, from the function that is an integral part of the building.

        Heating, also known as heating, according to the need to supply load to the building to ensure that the indoor temperature according to people's requirements continue to be higher than the external environment. Usually with a radiator, Ventilation, the room into the room or by the room discharges the air process. The use of outdoor air (called fresh air or fresh air) to replace the air inside the building (called indoor air), usually divided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Air conditioning, referred to as air conditioning room or space used to adjust the temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air flow rate, and provide a sufficient amount of fresh air of the building environment control system.

        Air conditioning adjusts sub-central air conditioning and household unit air conditioning. The central air conditioning is characterized by the ability to create a comfortable, clean interior environment. And home in general split air conditioning; it can only solve the cold and warm problems, and cannot solve the air humidity and air cleanliness. The central air conditioning air treatment process has the following processes: First, the introduction of fresh air, air can be cooled, and then filtered, filtered after the dust, bacteria, viruses, soot, or smell so that you can filter out; It is necessary to add a humidifier, the humidifier can create our room humidification to about 40% of the relative humidity, so people will feel very comfortable. HVAC's main functions include: heating, ventilation and air conditioning in these three areas, take these three functions of the integrated short, that is, HVAC. HVAC is the central air conditioning; central air conditioning is the biggest feature is able to create a comfortable indoor environment. The home of the general split air conditioning, it can only solve the cold and warm problems, and cannot solve the air handling process

