黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2016届高三下学期三模英语试题 Word版含答案

发布时间:2016-05-16 21:56:30









听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What do we know about the woman/

A. She prefers to study at home

B. She spends much time in the library

C. She is always the last one to go home

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A mayor B. A speech C. An article

3. When will the woman’s flying class begin on Tuesday?

A. At 9:00 B. At 8:00 C. At 7:30

4. Where are the cash machines?

A. Opposite a bank B. Next to an Internet café C. Outside a department store

5. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Take some medicine B. Drink plenty of hot water C. Have hot vinegar with honey




6. What is wrong with the shower?

A. It has no hot water B. It can’t be turned on C. It can’t be turned off complete

7. What is the man good at fixing?

A. TVs B. Washers C. Shower heads


8. How did one of the companies in Paris contact the man?

A. By phone B. By e-mail C. By express

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He is capable B. He is selfish C. He is generous


10. What are the speakers doing?

A. Boiling some eggs B. Trying a saucepan C. Boiling water

11. What does the woman ask the man to do first?

A. Clean the saucepan

B. Put eggs in the saucepan

C. Put enough water in the saucepan

12. What does the woman think of the man?

A. Helpful B. Hopeless C. Skilled


13. What is the relationship between the woman and Julie?

A. Relatives B. Colleagues C. Schoolmates

14. Why didn’t the woman want to do magic tricks at the party?

A. She hadn’t practiced it for a long time

B. She didn’t bring what she needed

C. She didn’t like the atmosphere

15. How did the woman feel at the party?

A. Exhausted B. Disappointed C. Embarrassed

16. What do we know about the woman?

A. She was disappointed with the man

B. She planed to practice magic tricks occasionally

C. She performed very well at the party


17. How long does it take the listeners to travel to the destination?

A. 40 seconds B. 50 seconds C. 60 seconds

18. What can the listeners see on the screens in the year 1500?

A. The first round-the-world sailing ships

B. The first electric light bulb

C. The first printing press

19. In which year can the listeners see the first books?

A. In 1880 B. In 1480 C. In 1450

20. What will the listeners do next?

A. Enjoy the first plane flight B. See the first Olympic Games C. Visit the people 4,000y years ago

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




There is something about shared pains that can bring two people closer together. In this case, the two people were my dad and me, and the pains were a canoe race.

My parents split up when I was young. I ended up moving to the city with my mom and my sister, so I didn’t get to see my dad nearly as often as I would have liked. Summer was great because my sister and I spent several weeks visiting him. We would go fishing, horseback riding, hiking, camping and canoeing. The quantity of time we spent together may have been low, but the quality was always high.

I was fifteen and not an athlete, so actually using my muscles to engage in competition was a new experience. My dad and I had spent many an hour in the canoe, but not in fast-flowing water and never in a hurry. I sized up the other canoe racers. There was little doubt that first would be taken by the two men with the high-tech canoe that looked fast just sitting there on the beach. I was also certain that second belonged to my dad’s German friends. The last of out competitors was another father-son team, and we seemed to be evenly matched in physical size and quality of watercraft.

Soon after, the race got underway. I dug in with all my strength in the hope that we wouldn’t be the last ones across the finishing line. My dad and I poured on the gas and we took over third place. I was determined not to lose it; we’d fought hard to make it that far and I had the sense that my arms could last the rest of the race. There was no question in my dad’s would. I was happy.

We got across the finishing line and my dad and I shared a bear hug. Then he said, “That was fun.” And he was right. It was fun . An hour later I was feeling sore and exhausted and working my way through my third hot dog when my dad came up to me.

21. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. They made great effort to speed the canoe.

B. They poured petrol into the canoe.

C. They filled the canoe with air.

D. They waved to the racers in the air.

22. Which of the following statements in NOT true?

A. Four teams participated in the canoe race.

B. The author fulfilled his original goal at last.

C. The author’s German friends probably won second place.

D. The author was worn out and hungry after the race.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that_____.

A. the author’s parents split up when he was young.

B. the author got along well with his father

C. the author was an excellent athlete.

D. the author’s father didn’t want to join in the canoe race

24. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The quality of time people spent together matters.

B. The strong willpower helps you succeed

C. The time spent with one’s father brings happiness.

D. The shared pains bring people closer.


Whether you are at a public restaurant, a coffee shop, waiting in line at the airport or bank, or around the family dinner table, you will see people focused on their phones, messages, chatting, and posting pictures of delicious food on Instagram. “ I can rarely remember the last time I saw my teenager without a phone in her hand,” one mom called Sarah said. “She texts so much; her phone is practically a part of her body.” So many people—parents and kids alike—are feeling mentally and physically exhausted and “phone-overwhelmed”. What’s the solution to this problem?

Make a plan. Choose specific times(say, 8 a. m. , 12 a. m. , and 4 p. m.)when you intend to “check in” to read texts, social media updates, and so on, and then do your best to stick to the plan. Try not to just “wing it”. Create phone-routines that help you to create the kind of day(and life)that you want.

Savor the sound of silence. If your phone is continually bleeping and pinging every time” something happens”, it’s going to be tough for you to stay focused on whatever you’re trying to do—you’ll be tempted to check in and see what’s up! Turn the volume on your phone down to zero or power down your phone completely. If you’re concerned that you might miss something important—like an emergency phone from your parents or your boss—you can create a “call filter(过滤器)” so that certain people’s calls come through even if your phone is on “silent”. That way you can rest easy, knowing that you will never miss something that is truly urgent.

Enjoy phone-free adventures. A few times a week, try leaving your phone safely at home. Go for a phone-free walk with your dog, a phone-free date with your sweetheart, or a phone-free trip to the grocery store. When was the last time you did that?

See how it feels to move freely through the world without the digital “companion” for a while. It must be a valuable experience that can help you enjoy the real world.

25. What happened to Sarah and her daughter according to the text?

A. Sarah felt exhausted because she had sent so many saw her daughter’s phone

B. Sarah could not remember the time when she last saw her daughter’s phone

C. Sarah could not remember where her daughter’s phone was

D. Sarah thought her daughter had been spending too much time on her phone

26. The underlined word “Savor” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by ___________.

A. Stand B. Escape C. Enjoy D. Break

27. From the passage ,we can learn __________.

A. many people feel it different to tear themselves away from their phones

B. no calls can get through if your phone is on silent

C. you can never try going without your phone in your leisure time

D. only by completely turning off your phone can you focus on your work

28. The article is intended to _________.

A. warn people of the possible damage caused by using phones constantly

B. suggest some tips to create a balanced relationship with your phone

C. convince people of the benefits of leaving phones at home

D. argue that using phones constantly will make people extremely tired


Starfish are among the ocean’s most recognizable residents. Their bright colors and familiar shape make them easy to see near the shore. But in June, 2013, divers along the shores of Washington State, on the west coast of America, noticed that the starfish looked strange. The creatures’ arms were twisted or falling off. White patches covered the starfish.

The animals were suffering from a process called “wasting syndrome” (消耗症). The bodies of the starfish lose their firm shape and turn soft. Within days, their organs melt and the starfish becomes nothing but a pile of goo(粘稠物). Scientists don’t yet know what’s causing this phenomenon to occur.

Peter Raimondi, a marine biologist, is studying the outbreak of it. “It’s widespread,” he says. “It’s very harmful, and it’s unlike anything we’ve seen in the past.”

Also known as sea stars, starfish are not actually fish. They have no spine. They are more closely related to urchins. Sea stars can be found in tide pools near the ocean’s edge. Tide pools are rocky areas like shallow ocean canyons near the shore. Starfish, mussels, keeping those populations in check. For some bigger fish, the starfish is a main source of food. Researchers worry that if too many starfish were to die from the disease, other ocean animals could also be harmed.

Marine biologists try to get to the bottom of the mystery. Wildlife groups and universities have joined the effort, investigating everything from ocean temperatures to the types of bacteria in the water. Scientists fear the outbreak is just beginning.

29. According to the passage, starfish with wasting syndrome will eventually ____.

A. become a pile of goo B. be still in shape

C. become armless D. have their organs fall off themselves

30. What do we know about starfish?

A. They belong to one species of sea fish

B. They live in pools with a lot of sand

C. They help keep balance in ocean ecosystem

D. They are often carried to the shore by storms

31. The last paragraph implies that _________.

A. starfish are easily affected by bacteria

B. biologists have found the mystery of starfish disease

C. ocean tide waves cause starfish to die

D. a more serious disaster may be on the way

32. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Starfish Along the West Coast of America Face a Deadly Disease

B. Starfish in the Pacific Ocean Nearly Die Out

C. Starfish Get Sick Because of the Ocean Temperature

D. Starfish Die Suddenly in the Pacific Ocean


Children’s Activities(6-13 years)---Summer 2016

There is no chance of children getting bored with the holidays with these action-packed weeks of fun and games. Days begin with team building activities to help “break the ice” and get the children in the mooed. The wonderfully safe and secure environment of Port Regis enables the children to explore the woods and enjoy their own creative play.

WEEK 1: Festival of Sports (Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July) The summer activities start with a wonderful week of sporting fun including cricket, athletics and other great team games. Swims in the pool and games in the gym.

WEEK 2 : Let’s Go Wild (Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August) A whole week in the great outdoors with treasure hunts, camp bed and den building along with fabulous team games in woods. This week guarantees to be like no others. Navigate yourself through the huge spider’s web and guide balls through the huge ball maze. This is a great week for making new friends.

WEEK 3: Sporting Madness(Monday 5th August to Friday 9th August) A wild and crazy week of tournaments and team games, but Be Warned: you might get wet! Arts and crafts, fun in the gym and swims in the pool make some children losers in this week. Activities will be dependent on the weather.

WEEK 4: Make a Racquet (Monday 12th August to Friday 16th August) What a racquet this week brings are crazy golf, tennis, badminton, cricket and table tennis to name, but a few for the children to enjoy.

Children will need to bring : Swimming kit, plenty of drink and break snacks. Dependent on the weather, children will need either sunscreen and sun hats or wet weather equipment.

33. Which activity will be unique?

A. Make a Racquet B. Sporting Madness

C. Festival of Sports D. Let’s Go Wild

34. According to the passage, WEEK 3 will be a week when _________.

A. you may experience the feeling of failure

B. you may be caught in a heavy rain

C. you may get warned for failing in games

D. you may swim in the river in the wild

35. What information can we learn from the passage?

A. Children will be provided with snacks to eat

B. Children must bring sunscreen or sun hats

C. Children need to prepare for rainy days

D. Children have to drink a lot for swimming



The family is where a child learns words and their meanings. What you say and how you say it has an important effect on how your child will view himself and his world. 36 Their cries let the family know that they are hungry, tired or need to be held. The family is where a child learns to understand and to express his wants, needs, feelings, opinions, and ideas.

Include your child in conversations from the very beginning. Help your child in conversation from the very beginning. Help him join in. at first the sounds are babbling(咿呀声). 37 Families who involve their children in conversation give their children important practice in communication and social skills, as well as a better chance for future success.

38 Talk about what you did, what you are doing, and what you plan to do. Provide your child with words for his feelings. Help him to state them. A child who can say, “I am disappointed”, or “I am really happy” can share more about his world. A child who can use words will feel more safe. Encourage your child to speak up and ask questions. 39

___40 From the time they are very strong, they can tell when adults are absent-minded or not listening. If they think their part of the conversation is being ignored, they become mad.

Take the time to build communication within your family. Think about the words you use and take the time to truly listen to what is being said.

A. Let your child talk on the phone

B. Give your child words for everything

C. Then slowly the child learns to join in

D. Focus on your communication with children

E. Young children especially like to see their words in print

F. This is a way to learn more about the world, and contribute to conversation

G. Babies communicate their needs and wants from the first moments of their life

第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Many of the scientists and inventors who lived long ago are remembered today and their invention are widely used. By today’s 41 , they should have been rich and famous.

__42 , many of them never tasted the fruit of their success in their lifetime. Many had to spend their own money 43 their inventions. As they didn’t always succeed the 44 time, much money was wasted on 45 trial experiments.

__46 people wanted to lend money to such experiments 47 they were not always fruitful. Thus, the inventor had to work with makeshift(凑合的)equipment and tools, sometimes ,they had fulltime jobs which provided them with some funds to finance their experiments 48 support their families. But even so, a large amount of money which went into the experiments was taken out of household expenses.

You can imagine the family 49 which it may have resulted in. poverty, loneliness and failure were more 50 among the early pioneers than riches and 51 .

Today’s inventors have a 52 better deal. Universities and government bodies 53 research and development. Funds are 54 to do experiments and tests. These 55 be in diverse fields like medicine, defense, agriculture, education and housing.

Large companies each 56 have a department to develop new products. Inventors and scientists are paid and provided with up-to-dater equipment to 57 their tests. They are encouraged to discuss their work and 58 with other scientists 59 seminars(研讨会), the Internet and journals. This interaction 60 new heights of achievement.

41. A. standards B. rules C. means D. laws

42. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Otherwise

43. A. quitting B. copying C. testing D. checking

44. A. first B. next C. last D. second

45. A. detailed B. expanded C. abandoned D. repeated

46. A. Many B. Rich C. Few D. Poor

47. A. unless B. because C. though D. until

48. A. as well as B. or else C. as good as D. or rather

49. A. violence B. parties C. communication D. quarrels

50. A. certain B. necessary C. common D. ordinary

51. A. fame B. pride C. respect D. praise

52. A. nearly B. relatively C. basically D. specially

53. A. suggest B. forbid C. encourage D. force

54. A. necessary B. precious C. limited D. available

55. A. can B. must C. shall D. would

56. A. still B. even C. hardly D. almost

57. A. bring out B. make out C. turn out D. carry out

58. A. prize B. findings C. salary D. equipment

59. A. for B. in C. through D. by

60. A. looks up to B. holds on to C. gets down to D. gives rise to






When shoes are made to fit your feet and nobody else’s, they are called bespoke shoes.

There are now only five companies in London which still make 61 (tradition) bespoke men’s shoes, 62 surprisingly bespoke shoes for women are made in Paris.

Bespoke shoes are made in exactly 63 same way as they were one hundred years ago as the technology is completely 64 (change). It will takes three months 65 (make) the first pair of shoes for a customer who must come in for at least three fittings(试穿).

The process is as follows: you put your foot 66 a sheet of paper, called a “book”, and the shoemakers draw a line around 67 . Four measurements are taken: heel to toe, the width at the 68 (wide) point, around the instep, the instep to heel. This is the first fitting. Next, a wooden model of your foot is made, called a “last”. Then, the leather work begins.

The designs, like the process, 69 (remain) the same in the last century. It is not that new fashions could not be introduced, 70 that the customers do not want them. They want their shoes to be made as they were one hundred years ago.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








As is well known that doing exercise can help people to lose weights and have a healthy life. Now a new study had found another good reason for doing exercise---it can help to improve students’ grades. According to the new study, comparing with students in poor physical condition, students whom are in good physical condition are more likely to get high grades in tests. About 2000 students took an part in the study. “If people want their brains be in good condition, we should have healthy bodies.” Said an expert. “Parents should take the results of this study more serious. Further studies are needed to work out why a healthy body plays such an important part on achieving good study grades.”

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








1.词数100 左右;


3.参考词汇:剪纸 paper-cutting;十字绣cross-stitch;灵感inspiration

The Campus Art Festival is on the way. __________________________________________________________


Students’ Union

2016年哈师大附中高三 三模英语答案

听力答案:1—5 BCACC 6—10 CABBA 11—15 CBCAC 16—20 BAACC

阅读理解:21—23 ACBD 25—28 DCAB 29—32 ACDA 33—35 DAC

七选五36—40 GCBFD

完形填空: 41—45 ABCAD 46—50 CBADC 51—55 ABCDA 56—60 BDBCD

语法填空: 61. traditional 62. while 63. the 64. unchanged 65. to make

66. on 67. it 68. widest 69. have remained 70. but


As is well known that doing exercise can help people to lose weights and have a healthy life. Now

It weight

a new study had found another good reason for doing exercise — it can help to improve students’


grades. According to the new study, comparing with students in poor physical condition, students


whom are in good physical condition are more likely to get high grades in tests. About 2000


students took a part in the study. “ If people want their brains ∕be in good condition, we

a去掉 to they

should have healthy bodies,.” said an expert. “ Parents should take the results of this study more

serious. Further studies are needed to work out why a healthy body plays such an important part


on achieving good study grades.”


作文: Notice

The Campus Art Festival is on the way. The Students’ Union is going to hold a paper-cutting and cross-stitch competition to enriches students’ campus life, which, in the meanwhile, will promote the Chinese folk art and traditional culture.

黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2016届高三下学期三模英语试题 Word版含答案
