
发布时间:2018-11-26 12:00:42

1 假如你是在中国生活的韩国留学生,你的朋友要去韩国留学,请你根据以下内容提示, 向他介绍一下韩国的风俗习惯。 内容提示:


2.吃饭时,不要随便发出声响,也不准端着碗吃,应把饭碗放在左边,汤碗 放在右边;

3.如果有朋友邀请你去他家做客, 不能穿鞋进屋, 因此不穿袜子拜访亲朋会 被认为不懂礼貌;


要求:1. 要点齐全,语句通顺、连贯,不要逐字翻译内容提示。

2. 词数不少于 90 个。

One possible version:

Life in Korea is not too difficult, but you should know some customs before you leave in order to make your life easier. In Korea, you are supposed to bow when you meet someone. The table manners there are a bit different from that in China. You are not supposed to make noise while eating or to pick up your bowl. You should put your rice bowl on your left and put your soup bowl on you right. If you are invited to a Korean house, you’d better take off your shoes, so it is rude if you don’t wear your socks. By the way, if you are invited to a dinner party, remember to bring a small gift.

2 请你根据下面的内容提示,按要求写一篇介绍英国风俗习惯的英语短文。 内容要点:1. 英国人彼此第一次相识时,一般都要握手;

2. 英国人在日常生活中经常谈论的话题是天气,往往也是第一个话题。英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄;

3. 在英国购物,人们一般不讨价还价(bargain

4. 拜访朋友前要提前通知对方; 避免在晚上 10 点后打电话到别人家。

要求:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,语句通顺,意思连贯。

2. 词数不少于 90 词。

One possible version:

In England, when you meet someone else, you are supposed to shake hands. People usually talk about the weather when they meet, and they prefer to begin their talk with talking about weather. It’s rude to ask a man’s salary or a woman’s age. Shopping in England is very convenient. Usually people don’t bargain. If you don’t think the price is acceptable, you can just go away. If you are going to visit a friend, you should make a telephone call before you go and tell your friend when you will come. You are not supposed to call the others after ten at night.

3. 目前,我市正在争创省级文明城市,但社会上仍然存在着一些不文明的现象,这与文明城市的要求想去甚远。对此,校学生会拟举行以“How to be a student with good manners”为主题的作文比赛。请你结合日常生活,写一篇80词左右的短文参赛。



As a student, we should do our best to do things with good manners. When some people are waiting for a bus, instead of waiting in line, they jump the queue and crowd into the bus. Some people spit in public, which makes the city dirty.

I think everyone should know what to do and what not to do in public. For example, we are supposed to be friendly to others and offer help to a person in trouble. When we are on a bus, we should give our seat to the old. It’s our duty to follow the traffic rules and not to litter around. Besides, don’t forget to keep low voice in public places.

In a word, if we follow all the rules, our city will be more beautiful.

