
发布时间:2015-05-09 09:54:46


1.commonplace (n) remark,etc that is ordinary or unoriginal.平淡的或无见地的言语,陈词滥调,老生常谈

He uttered a few commonplaces about peace and democracy.他泛泛地谈了几句关于和平和民主的话。

2.bankrupt vto make sb bankrutp 使破产

Companies fear that, after they have invested billions in a plant, the political tidewill turn once more and bankrupt them. 


3.optionnchoice 选择

I haven't much option in the matter.在这件事情上我别无选择

4.bundle into vthrow sth or put sth away quickly and untidily in the specified place把某物随便扔到某处

 Don't bundle all the clothes into that bag so carelessly.


5.conventional adjfollowing what is traditional or customary依照传统的,符合习俗的

The conventional wisdom is that high wage rises increase inflation.人们普遍认同的说法是工资过快增长会加剧通货膨胀。

1.commonplace (n) remark,etc that is ordinary or unoriginal.平淡的或无见地的言语,陈词滥调,老生常谈

Todays children usually regard their parents lesson, like the importance of study, as commonplace.

The opinion that people receive good education in a bid to get a satisfying job has become commonplace.

2.bankrupt vto make sb bankrutp 使破产

The global economic depression caused a dramatic reduction in oversea orders and bankrupted a multitude of small and medium sized companies.

China has allowed the bankruptcy of banks, which means that companies might be bankrupted by banks bankruptcy.

3.optionnchoice 选择

Those who suffer allodoxaphobia(选择恐惧症) is in annoyance when they are given more than one options.

In South Korea, male adults have no option but to conduct military service for about two years in accordance with the regulation.

4.bundle into vthrow sth or put sth away quickly and untidily in the specified place把某物随便扔到某处

Jimmy was reproached by his mother for bundling all stuff into the room which was consequently in a mess.

He bundled some clothes into the suitcase as he was going to miss the flight for getting up late.

5.conventional adjfollowing what is traditional or customary依照传统的,符合习俗的

Feminists strongly oppose the Chinese conventional idea that women are supposed to stay at home instead of having a job outside.

It is conventional in northern China that families reunite to eat dumplings in New Year.


1.sweep to victory: to win a contest easily.轻易赢得(竞赛)

Labour swept to victory in 2001.工党在2001年轻易取胜。

2.counter (sb/sth with sth):to reply to sb by trying to prove that what they said is not ture.反驳、驳斥

Such argument are not easily countered.这种论点不易反驳。

3.bold:(people or behavior) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks.大胆自信的、敢于表白情感的、敢于冒险的

It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France. 在法国开业是他们的一个大胆行动。

4.break through: to make new and important discoveries.作出重大发现;取得突破

Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。

5.crucial: extremely important, because it will affect other things.至关重要的;关键性的 a crucial factor/issue/decision 关键性的因素/问题/决定

Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company.赢得这份合同对这家公司的成败至关重要。

1.sweep to victory: to win a contest easily.轻易赢得(竞赛)

The prestige and esteem he earned by years of contribution to the country helped him sweep to victory in the president election.

Along with a month of effort as well as inherent talent, he swept to victory in the speech contest.

2.counter (sb/sth with sth):to reply to sb by trying to prove that what they said is not ture.反驳、驳斥

In the debate, the proposition countered the oppositions opinion by pointing out its logical fallacy.

In the mid-19th century, Charles Darwin countered Christian theology with his The Origin of Spieces.

3.bold:(people or behavior) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks.大胆自信的、敢于表白情感的、敢于冒险的

He was bold enough to walk a tightrope between the summit of Mount Tai, which broke the Guinness record.

The virtue for young men to be bold is significant while starting their own business.

4.break through: to make new and important discoveries.作出重大发现;取得突破

In the context of the cold war, Chinese scientists broke through in developing nuclear weapons for national security.

It is ridiculous that Stephen Hawking overturned his breaking through in black holes.

5.crucial: extremely important, because it will affect other things.至关重要的;关键性的

Joint efforts of all nations are crucial to contain the rapid outbreak of Ebola in west Africa.

My physician told me that regular exercise and balanced diet are crucial to cure my chronic stomach illness.


1.time-honored: done in the same way for a very long time历史悠久的

It is a time-honored tradition in American politics.

2.tried: used many times before and proved to be successful 可靠的;试验过的

I'll give you my mother's tried and tested recipe for wholemeal bread.

3.veterana person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity老手;富有经验的人

She's also a veteran campaigner for human rights.

4.stumble: to make a mistake when you are trying to achieve something犯错

There are plenty of young rivals to take his place if he stumbles.

5.pay the priceto experience the bad result of something you have done付出代价

If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.

1.time-honored: done in the same way for a very long time历史悠久的

Florence is a time-honored city in Italy, which is famous as the origin of Renaissance.

As one of the world four Ancient Civilization, Egypt is a time-honored nation with unique politics and culture.

2.tried: used many times before and proved to be successful 可靠的;试验过的

It is prescriptive that medicines must be tried and proved to be safe for peoples health before entering the market.

The Ebola vaccine will be given to patients as soon as it is tried by medical experts.

3.veterana person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity老手;富有经验的人

Hannibal is an veteran killer who is keen on eating the fresh of his victims.

My father is a veteran of stock investment, making a fortune from years of stock investment.

4.stumble: to make a mistake when you are trying to achieve something犯错

It is inevitable to stumble when you are on the way to success.

If you neglect economic principles, you may stumble for focusing too much on profit instead of actual market demand.

5.pay the priceto experience the bad result of something you have done付出代价

Every criminal is destine to pay the price physically or mentally for their sins.

The corrupt officials must pay the price for appropriating money belonging to the public.


1.keep an open mind:(~on/about sth;~in doing th)to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions 愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对)不怀成见

egHowever, it's a good idea to keep an open mind on the problem.

不过, 对这个问题最好是不抱偏见.

2. shake up:(shake sth up/shake up sth)to make important changes in an organization ,a profession ,etc. in order to make it more efficient彻底调整,重组

eg:  The new chairman will shake up the company.  


3.welcome[VN]to be pleased to receive or accept sth乐意接纳;欣然接受

eg: I’d welcome any suggestions.


4.less of…than…: sth be less of A than B : sth 比起B没有那么A 了(大概是这个意思,小伙伴们通过例句体会意思吧

eg1:  Poverty is less of a problem now than it used to be.


eg2: It is less of a problem than I’d expected.


5.thinly disguisedadj.(容易识破的)伪装,稍加掩饰的

Thinly:in a way that does not hide the truth very well容易识破的,显而易见的

eg1 : thinly disguised dismissal伪装被解雇

eg2: In her speech she made several thinly disguised attacks on the president. 


1.keep an open mind:(~on/about sth;~in doing th)to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions 愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对)不怀成见

One of the causes of generation gap between parents and children is that parents fail to keep an open mind on their childrens new idea.

A good leader is supposed to keep an open mind in making significant decisions.

2. shake up:(shake sth up/shake up sth)to make important changes in an organization ,a profession ,etc. in order to make it more efficient彻底调整,重组

Our boss decided to shake up the company by keeping competent employees and dismiss those who are redundant.

Having been suggested that our plan was unfeasible, we made a resolution to shake up it.

3.welcome[VN]to be pleased to receive or accept sth乐意接纳;欣然接受

Liu Bei would not have defeated Cao Cao without welcoming Zhuge Liangs schemes.

Not any idea should be welcomed but took into consideration when making a decision.

4.less of…than…: sth be less of A than B : sth 比起B没有那么A 了(大概是这个意思,小伙伴们通过例句体会意思吧

The eyewitness told the public that the earthquake was less of a tremendous disaster than what the press reported.

The actual fund the local government financed in education is less of a huge fiscal expenditure than its publicity.

5.thinly disguisedadj.(容易识破的)伪装,稍加掩饰的

Hes thinly disguised dismissal for relief payment is disclosed by the local press.

Although the celebrity made herself thinly disguised when taking an outing, she was still be recognized by sharp-sighted paparazzi.


1. head v. move towards (a place) 朝某地方/方向走去,前往

E.g. we headed straight back to school. 我们直接返回了学校。

2. grant v. agree to give or allow(what is asked for)同意给予或允许(所求)

E.g. the minister granted journalists an interview. 部长答应接见记者。

3. claim v. demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one’s right or one’s property 要求或索要(某事物)(因为是应得的权利或财物)

E.g. after the Duke’s death, his eldest son claimed the title.公爵死后,其长子要求继承爵位。

4. clear-eyed adj. having a shrewd understanding and no illusions()有洞察力的

E.g. He is clear-eyed young man. 他是一位有洞察力的年轻人。

5. run v. be in charge of sth.; manage 负责(某事物);经营;管理

E.g. he has no idea of how to run a successful business.他不知道把企业办好的方法。

1. head v. move towards (a place) 朝某地方/方向走去,前往

Since Columbus found the American continent, the world has been heading for globalization.

Every year when spring comings, salmon head eagerly for upstream for spawning in rivers.

2. grant v. agree to give or allow(what is asked for)同意给予或允许(所求)

The police were granted with a search warrant to inspect the suspects house.

Refugees from the Middle East are granted by the Australian government to dwell in Australia.

3. claim v. demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one’s right or one’s property 要求或索要(某事物)(因为是应得的权利或财物)

He intended to claim his wallet in the police office as soon as he received a call from the police.

Once you are arrested by the police, you can claim an attorney for defending yourself.

4. clear-eyed adj. having a shrewd understanding and no illusions()有洞察力的

As an HR manager, you are supposed to be clear-eyed when making an interview.

The reason why we honor Zhuge Liang is that he is a wise and clear-eyed genius.

5. run v. be in charge of sth.; manage 负责(某事物);经营;管理

He was appointed to be a regional director, taking charge of running business in Asia.

Every entrepreneur has to master how to run a business before starting their business.


1.unarmed: not involving the use of weapons. 徒手的,手无寸铁的

eg: The soldiers were trained in unarmed combat. 士兵接受徒手格斗训练。

2.fateful: having an important, often very bad, effect on future events. 对未来有重大(负面)影响的

eg: She looked back now to that fateful day in December. 她回顾十二月里那决定性的一天。

3.chaotic: in a state of complete confusion and lack of order 混乱的,杂乱的

eg: The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour. 在上下班高峰时间,城市交通混乱不堪。

4. ran roughshod over 践踏,以强硬的态度对待,

eg: On Indian affairs, he ran roughshod over his critics. 在印第安人的问题上,他以强硬的态度对待批评者。

5.inexcusable: too bad to accept or forgive 不可宽恕的,无法原谅的

eg: In today’s world, this is practically inexcusable. 在如今的世界,这几乎是不可原谅的

1.unarmed: not involving the use of weapons. 徒手的,手无寸铁的

Girls should receive unarmed training for self-defending while encountering bad guys.

He was awarded a banner from the police for his overpowering the robber unarmed.

2.fateful: having an important, often very bad, effect on future events. 对未来有重大(负面)影响的

Bill Gates has made a fateful decision to drop put and start his own business.

History demonstrates that the reform and opening up is a fateful policy for Chinas economic take-off.

3.chaotic: in a state of complete confusion and lack of order 混乱的,杂乱的

During the Warring States Period, China is chaotic and people were suffering hardship brought by years of wars.

The cosmetics market in China is completely chaotic, intermingling with all kinds of authentic and fake products.

4. ran roughshod over 践踏,以强硬的态度对待

Putin insists on running roughshod over interference and distain from other nations.

The government ran roughshod over protestors and dispatched the police to suppress them.

5.inexcusable: too bad to accept or forgive 不可宽恕的,无法原谅的

The killer has committed murders of more than 50 persons, which is inexcusable for the victims families.

Embezzling public funds without authorization for private uses is practically inexcusable.


1. Characteristic:

Very typical of something or of somebody's character adj. 特有的,典型的

She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.

2. Air

To broadcast a program on the radio or on television v. 报道

The show will be aired next Tuesday night.

3. Plainly

Using simple words to say something in a direct and honest way: a. 直白的To put it plainly, he's a crook.

In a way that is easy to see, hear, notice, etc: a. 清楚的

Her voice is trembling I can hear it quite plainly.

4. Have reasonable ground 有合理的依据

That jury may have had reasonable grounds for declining to bring an indictment.

5. A string of 一系列,一连串

But that failure to indict came as a culmination of a string of unpunished killings.

1. Characteristic:

Very typical of something or of somebody's character adj. 特有的,典型的

Humanism is the characteristic value during Renaissance, which has great impact on both artistic and literary works at that time.

When it comes to the most characteristic feature of France, people usually refer to romanticism.

2. Air

To broadcast a program on the radio or on television v. 报道

The Voice of America will be aired at 9 oclock in view of the daylight saving time.

The opening ceremony of 2016 Rio Olympic Games will be aired all around the world synchronously.

3. Plainly

Using simple words to say something in a direct and honest way: a. 直白的To put it plainly, he's a crook.

In a way that is easy to see, hear, notice, etc: a. 清楚的

Li Qingzhao, a renowned Chinese poet, is specialized in expressing sensations implicitly rather than plainly in her poems.

Standing on the summit of the mountain, we can see the panorama of the entire city plainly.

4. Have reasonable ground 有合理的依据

The judge had reasonable ground to believe that the defendant was guilty of murdering his wife.

The police have reasonable ground to prosecute the criminal with the witnesss testimony.

5. A string of 一系列,一连串

Recently a string of corrupt officials being dismissed heralds a storm of anti-corruption.

A string of measures for improving the local environment wins support from local residents.

