北师大版高中英语选修8 Unit22 Lesson1 Global Warming参考教案

发布时间:2019-04-05 08:47:09

Unit22 Lesson 1 Global Warming参考教案

Teaching aims:

By the end of this lesson, students will

1. have a better understanding of what global warming is

2. know the serious consequences that global warming may cause

3. realize the importance that we need to take action

Teaching methods:

Prediction, pair work, fast reading, careful reading, group discussion

Teaching aids:

Some slides, a projector, a computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 pre-reading

1. Lead- in

Use some cartoons to lead to the topic--- Global Warming.

Ask students how much information they know about global warming and which countries contribute more to global warming: developed countries or developing countries.

2. Prediction

Enable students to consider what they will talk about if they are to write a passage entitled “global warming”.

3. Sub-title explanation

Work out the meaning of the word “take”.

Step 2 While-reading

1. First reading (pair work)

Go through the text quickly and grasp the general idea of each paragraph.

2. Second reading

Read the text carefully and answer the following six questions.

1 What is global warming?

2 What’s the use of carbon dioxide according to the text?

3 By how much has the global average temperature increased in the last 100 years?

4 What human activities are causing global warming?

5 What consequences will global warming cause?

6 How can each of us help solve the problem of global warming?

Step 3 Post-reading

1. Listening (Listen to strengthen understanding)

2. Blanks filling

. Students are asked to fill in the blanks with some key words to retell the text.

Step 4 Group discussion

What’s your attitude towards plastic bags banning?

What can we use without these free plastic bags?

Step5 Summary

What do we learn from today’s lesson?

What will we do to protect our environment in our daily life?

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish Exercise 5 on page 7

2. Preview Grammar--- Reporting

北师大版高中英语选修8 Unit22 Lesson1 Global Warming参考教案
