
发布时间:2019-06-20 05:12:54

Unit 10 综合能力检测题


(选择题 85)

第一部分 听力(详见听力手册)

第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节;满分30)

第一节 单项选择(本题共15小题每小题115)


( B )21.—Mickhow do you usually go to work?

—By ________ bike.But yesterday I took ________ taxi because of the rain.

Aathe B/a Cthea D//

( D )22.Although the boy is only 5 years oldhe can look after ________ well.

Ahim Bhis Che Dhimself

( A )23.You shouldn't be angry ________ him.He only wanted to know the fact.

Awith Bfor Cto Don

( A )24.—Nancy always makes fewer ________ than the others in tests.

—How great she is!

Amistakes Bholes Cwords Dpoints

( D )25.—What made James so ________

—He couldn't find his ticket anywhere.

Adangerous Bsuccessful Ccareful Dupset

( B )26.—Tonycan you come to my party on Friday?

________See you then!

ALuckily BCertainly CProbably DHardly

( B )27.—What are you going to do on the weekendJane?

—We plan to ________ a picnic by the river.

Aaccept Borganize Cserve Dbring

( A )28.—As studentswe ________ follow school rules.

—I agree with you.

Ashould Bshouldn't Cmight Dmight not

( A )29.—Why did you keep ________ just now?

—Because his joke was very funny.

Alaughing Bto laugh Cshouting Dto shout

( B )30.—Can I go to the reading room?

—You can't ________ you have a school ID card.

Aafter Bunless Cwhen Dif

( A )31.What ________ if I ________ his gift?

Awill happenrefuse Bwill happenwill refuse

Chappenrefuse Dhappenwill refuse

( B )32.A true friend will never ________ us when we are in danger.

Alook forward to Brun away from Cturn on Dcare about

( C )33.—I think ________ with your parents can help you a lot.

—But I'm not sure how ________ to them.

Atalkto talk Btalkingtalk Ctalkingto talk Dtalktalking

( C )34.—Remember ________ the lights when you ________ the classroomMaria.

—OKI will.

Aturning offwill leave Bturning offleave

Cto turn offleave Dto turn offwill leave

( B )35.—I'm going to my cousin's birthday party.


ASureI'd love to. BHave a good time!

CYou're welcome. DSorryI'm not available.

第二节 完形填空(本题共15小题每小题115)



Today Dave was not happy.Noto be exact(确切地说)Dave was upset today.He kept thinking about the mistakes he made in the soccer game.__36__ he was carelesshis team lost the game in the end.

Dave's mother was an understanding woman.When Dave __37__ homeshe saw that he was sad.After she knew the whole storyshe told her son winning or losing was not important.She advised Dave __38__ his teammates(队友)She added that the most important thing was to support(支持) each other in the team.What his mother said made Dave think a lot.He knew he shouldn't be angry with himself.He should try his best to solve his problems.At last he took his mother's __39__He apologized(道歉) to his teammates for his mistakes.To his surprisehis teammates still __40__ him.They all hugged(拥抱) him.Dave was moved.

( D )36.A.So BUntil CBut DBecause

( B )37.A.got to Breached Carrived at Darrived to

( C )38.A.talk to Bto talk Cto talk to Dtalking to

( B )39.A.service Badvice Cinformation Dtalent

( A )40.A.trusted Bagreed Ccared Daccepted


Wu Fangfanga fifteen­year­old girllikes eating fast food and snacks very much.She likes ice­creambiscuitshamburgers __41__ than rice and vegetables.Sometimes she __42__ two bags of biscuits a day.As a resultshe becomes fat.

Today in Chinathere are many children __43__ Fangfang.They likes fast food and snacks.They don't eat __44__ healthy food like fruit and vegetables.It's very bad for their healthand having __45__ eating habits is a serious problem.

Health experts(专家) say that children should have healthy __46__ habits.Firstthey should eat regular(有规律的) meals and begin with a good __47__ every day.Secondthey should have different kinds of healthy foodsuch as fruitvegetableseggsmilk and meat.__48__they shouldn't eat too many hamburgers.They are deliciousbut eating a lot of __49__ is unhealthy.

If children __50__ as the experts saythey will be healthier and will have enough energy(精力) to study well.

( B )41.A.worse Bbetter Cworst Dbest

( A )42.A.eats Bdrinks Cdoes Dmakes

( D )43.A.with Bfor Cas Dlike

( A )44.A.enough Bserious Ccheap Dhot

( B )45.A.good Bbad Clittle Dmuch

( C )46.A.reading Bsleeping Ceating Dstudying

( D )47.A.dinner Blunch Cfood Dbreakfast

( C )48.A.First BSecond CThird DFourth

( A )49.A.them Bthese Cit Dus

( B )50.A.listen Bdo Chear Dsee

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分30)

第一节 (本题共11小题每小题222)



Dear Lisa

It happened again this morning.My neighbor threw rubbish(扔垃圾) into my garden.It was the fourth time.I was so angry.Yesterday I threw it back into their gardenbut it didn't make any difference.I don't know why they did that.They are new here.I don't really want to argue with them.In factI would like to be friends with them.What should I do?



Dear Amy

I understand how upset you feel.I think you should go and say hello to them.Why don't you invite them to your house to take a cup of coffeeIf you do thisthey will be glad.Then you can talk about the rubbish with them.They will not do the same thing.Do you think so?

I'm looking forward to your good_news



( A )51.Amy felt ________ because of what her neighbor did.

Aangry Bthankful Csad Dglad

( D )52.Amy wanted to ________ her neighbor.

Asay hello to Bhang out with Cargue with Dmake friends with

( D )53.What does the underlined phrases “good news” refer to (指的是)?

AAmy makes her garden clean again. BAmy makes her neighbor move away.

CAmy invites her neighbor to her party. DAmy gets on well with her neighbor.

( C )54.What can we learn from the material (材料)?

ALisa is Amy's best friend. BAmy has a beautiful neighbor.

CLisa advises Amy to be friendly. DAmy is new to her place.


Dear Mom

I don't think you understand me.You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow upbut I would like to have a wonderful timetoo.You never let me do something fun like listening to music or playing sports.

Two days agowhen I was watching a football game on TVyou asked me to stop to do my homework.After finishing my homeworkI still wasn't allowed to read my football magazine.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enoughbut yesterday was the worst day.I bought some CDs of computer gamesand put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I know it was wrong to lie(撒谎) to youbut you told me that Dad would talk to me later.MomI don't like what you did to meI really love youMombut I wish you could try not to be so strict with me.


Zhang Shuai

( B )55.What does the underlined word “allowed” mean in Chinese?

A同意 B允许 C听从 D命令

( D )56.Zhang Shuai knew it was ________ to lie to his mother.

Aright Bexcited Chappy Dwrong

( A )57.Why did he put the CDs in his bag?

ABecause he didn't want his mother to see them.

BBecause he wanted to do homework first.

CBecause he wanted to lie to his mother.

DBecause he would talk to his father.

( D )58.What does the passage mainly tell us?

AChildren should try not to have a wonderful time.

BChildren should study all the time.

CParents should talk to their children often.

DParents shouldn't be so strict with their children.


Simon hardly listened to his teachers or worked hard in class.For himtalking was so much better.He never stopped talking.He wanted to be heard.If you listen carefullyyou'll learn something. Mrs. Jacobs told him many timesbut it didn't work.

Last SundaySimon had a sore throat(喉咙痛) and he lost his voice the next morning.Can I stay at home he tried to askbut words didn't come out.His mother thought he could go to school.He felt upset.

When he got to schoolhe didn't say anything to his friends or teachers.Everyone started talking at once.They were excitedworried and surprised.Mrs. Jacobs seemed happy.Simon was bored because he couldn't talk.

But it wasn't so bad.He could do his homework.The next dayeven though his voice was coming backhe stayed quiet again.He listened and put up his hand to speak.What a great difference!

( B )59.What did Mrs. Jacobs once ask Simon to do many times?

ALeave school. BListen to her. CGet to school early. DTalk loudly.

( D )60.What happened to Simon on Monday?

AHe lost his dog. BHe had the flu.

CHe had a fight with his friend. DHe lost his voice.

( A )61.What did Simon finally learn to do according to the passage?

AListen to his teachers. BListen to his mother.

CDo his housework alone. DTalk with his classmates.

第二节 (本题共4小题每小题28)


Dear Mr. Hunt

I'm a fifteen­year­old girl.And I am a middle school student.I have a problem now.I hope you can give me some advice.

Three months agoI knew a boy when I was chatting on the Internet.I found that he had the same hobbies as meso we chatted for a long time.62.__C__

A few days agowe began to talk on the phone.We didn't meet until yesterday morning.63.__A__ We really had a good time yesterday.

Howeversome of my friends say that I shouldn't make friends on the Internet.64.__D__ I don't know what to do.Should I talk about this problem with my parents65.__B__ So I'm writing to you for some advice.Please help me.

Yours sincerely


AWe went to the park together and talked a lot.

BI'm afraid that they will be angry with me.

CWe both felt happy when we talked to each other.

DThey also say that the boy may not be a good boy.

第四部分 口语应用(5小题每小题1满分5)


AHellothis is Amy speaking.

BHiAmy.This is Bill.66.__C__

AI'm doing my homework.

BI want to watch a soccer game this evening.67.__E__

AI'd like tobut I can't.


A68.__D__ If I watch the soccer gameI wouldn't be able to finish my homework.

BSounds terrible.69.__F__

AI knowbut I have to finish my homework first.70.__A__

BOKI will.

AMaybe you could ask someone else.

BHow are you doing?

CWhat are you doing now?

DBecause I have too much homework.

EWould you like to watch it with me?

FBut if you don't watch the gameyou will miss much fun.

GI hope to watch it with you next time.

(非选择题 35)

第五部分 任务型阅读(5小题每小题1满分5)


If you go into the forest with your friendsstay with them.If you don'tyou may be lost.What should you do if you really __A__ lostYou should sit down and stay where you are.You mustn't try to find your friends.Let them find you.intoneedplaceyouonestayif you want your friends to find you quickly.You can also shout three times.Then stop.Then shout three times again.Keep up shouting.Always three times together.When people hear youthey will know that you need help and where you are.

If you don't think that you can get help before night comesyou should make a little house __B__ some small trees and branches(树枝) or something else.And make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

When you need some water and you have to leave your little house to look for itdon't just walk away.Leave_small_branches_or_something_else_on_the_way_and_then_you_can_find_your_way_back_easily.


71(A)get (B)with





任务四:请回答问题:What will people know when they hear the shouts?




第六部分 词汇运用(10小题每小题1满分10)



My parents always decide things for me.This winter holidaythey took me to a camp.The camp was boring and I didn't want to 76.travel outside.I didn't want to accept this plan.But I couldn't refuse it77.eitherbecause I knew they loved meand I didn't want them to be 78.angry with me.

Sometimes I want to go skating with my friends.But my mom doesn't 79.trust my friends.She also says that skating is a dangerous 80.activityWhen my friend invites me to a partyshe will ask me about my friend.She only wants me to make friends 81.with those who are hard­working.

As a 82.teenagerI think I need more space to do what I want to.I want to make my own decisions.If I have any problems that I can't 83.solveI will ask my parents for help.I can grow up more quickly only in this way.I should have a talk with my parentsbut I'm not sure whether they will 84.agree with me.I just wish them to be more 85.understanding and know that I love themtoo.

第七部分 完成句子(共两节;满分10)

第一节 句型转换(本题共5小题每小题15)


86You should ask people to bring food.(改为一般疑问句)

Should we ask people to bring food?

87I will visit_my_uncle if it is fine tomorrow.(对画线部分提问)

What will you do if it is fine tomorrow?

88What else do you need for the trip(改为同义句)

What other things do you need for the trip?

89Get up earlyor you will be late for the meeting.(改为同义句)

If you don't get up earlyyou will be late for the meeting.

90If you don't study hardyou won't get good grades.(改为同义句)

You won't get good grades unless you study hard.

第二节 汉译英(本题共5小题每小题15)



There is only one apple.Let's cut it in half


Anna is too tired to think about anything now.


Lucy lost her schoolbagbut she was afraid to tell her parents about it.


If we have problemswe shouldn't keep them to ourselves


He is only halfway to finishing his homework.

第八部分 书面表达(满分10)

96格林先生由于工作压力大睡眠出现了问题。下面是他给心理专家Dr. Smith写的一封信请根据以下提示给他写封回信提出一些合理的建议使他重新恢复健康。词数70左右。




Dear Dr. Smith

I was healthy beforebut these days I can't sleep very well.I always can't stop thinking about the work in the daytime.I don't know what I should do.

Could you help meplease?

Thanks a lot!


Mr. Green

Dear Mr. Green

I'm sorry to hear that you can't sleep well.There are a lot of things to do.They can help you solve the problem if you do them.Firstyou should try not to think about the work in the day after you go to bed.NextI think you can do some sports before you go to bed.Thenit is good for you to listen to some music when you go to bed.If you do theseI think you'll feel better.



