
发布时间:2020-03-07 15:58:59




    A peer is a person who is about the same age as you. Peers affect your life, whether you know it or not, just by spending time with you.

    ________ Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book and now everyone's reading it. However, sometimes peers affect one another in another way________ Maybe a kid in the neighborhood wanted you to steal with him.

    Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group.________ The idea that “everyone's doing it” may influence some kids to leave their better judgments or their common senses behind.

    Peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to get rid of. Experiments have shown how peer pressure can influence someone to change her/his mind from what she/he knows for sure is a correct answer to the incorrect answer-just because everyone else gives the incorrect answer!________

    ________ Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away and resist doing something when you know better.

A. Peers can have a good effect on one another.

B. Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers.

C. Good peers may give you a hand when you are in trouble.

D. That holds true for people of any age in peer pressure situations.

E. Maybe one kid in school tried to get another to cut class with him.

F. It can be hard to walk away from peer pressure, but it can be done.

G. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing.


【解析】【分析】本文是议论文。主要讲述 同龄人之间的影响既好的效果也会有不好的影响。有些孩子屈服于同龄人的压力,也有些孩子可能非常强烈,很难摆脱,但只要坚定信念,也能抵制住这种压力。


2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段指同伴之间的相互影响,根据“. However, sometimes peers affect one another in another way”及下句“Maybe a kid in the neighborhood wanted you to steal with him.”可知,是不好的影响。再根据下句的句式,只是一种推测,分析选项可知E项(也许学校里有个孩子想找个同学和他一起逃课。)符合题意,故答案选E项。

3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。空后的下一句“The idea that “everyone's doing it” may influence some kids to leave their better judgments or their common senses behind.”可知,每个人都这样做的想法可能会一些孩子没有了更好的判断力或常识。由此可判断G项(其他人可能会一起做,因为他们很好奇尝试其他人正在做的新事物。)符合题意,故答案选这G项。

4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据第四段中的第一句“Peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to get rid of.”可知同龄人的压力可能非常强烈,很难摆脱。由此可判断,这这种情况,任何年龄段的人都适用,分析选项可知D项(在同龄人压力情况下,任何年龄段的人都适用。)符合题意,故答案选D项。





2任务型阅读Pleasure and Enjoyment

    When considering the kind of experience that makes life better, most people first think that happiness consists in experiencing pleasure: good food, all the comforts that money can buy. We imagine the satisfaction of traveling to exciting places or being surrounded by expensive devices. If we cannot afford those goals, then we are happy to settle for a quiet evening in front of the television set with a drink close by.

    Pleasure is a feeling of contentment that one achieves whenever expectations set by biological programs or by social conditioning have been met. The taste of food when we are hungry is pleasant because it reduces a physiological (生理的) imbalance. Resting in the evening while passively absorbing information from TV, with alcohol or drugs to dull the mind overexcited by the demands of work, is pleasantly relaxing. Traveling to Acapulco is pleasant because the exciting novelty (新奇) restores our sensations (感觉) exhausted by the repetitive routines of everyday life.

    When people think further about what makes their lives rewarding, they tend to move beyond pleasant memories and begin to remember other events, other experiences that overlap(重叠) with pleasurable ones but fall into a category that deserves a separate name: enjoyment. Enjoyable events occur when a person has not only met some expectation or satisfied a need or a desire but also gone beyond what he or she has been programmed to do and achieved something unexpected, perhaps something even unimagined before.

    Enjoyment is characterized by this forward movement: by a sense of novelty, of accomplishment. Playing a close game of tennis that stretches one's ability is enjoyable, as is reading a book that reveals things in a new light, as is having a conversation that leads us to express ideas we didn't know we had. Closing a contested business deal, or any piece of work well done, is enjoyable. None of these experiences may be particularly pleasurable at the time they are taking place, but afterward we think back on them and say, “That really was fun” and wish they would happen again. After an enjoyable event we know that we have changed, that our self has grown: in some respect, we have become more complex as a result of it.

    Experiences that give pleasure can also give enjoyment, but the two sensations are quite different. For instance, everybody takes pleasure in eating. To enjoy food, however, is more difficult. A gourmet (美食家) enjoys eating, as does anyone who pays enough attention to a meal so as to discriminate the various sensations provided by it. As this example suggests, we can experience pleasure without any investment of psychic energy, whereas enjoyment happens only as a result of unusual investments of attention. A person can feel pleasure without any effort, but it is impossible to enjoy a tennis game, a book, or a conversation unless attention is fully concentrated on the activity.

Pleasure and Enjoyment

Main contents

Detailed information


Pleasure is a feeling that one achieves what one has________ on a biological or social level.

Things like good food, exciting travelling and a quiet rest can ring one pleasure because they can help restore one's physiological balance, reduce one's heavy________pressure and save one from boredom.


Enjoyment ________from the achievement of something unexpected or even unimagined before.

Enjoyment ________a sense of novelty and accomplishment such as a close tennis game, a valuable book and a conversation productive of ideas.


Pleasure is often related to the comforts that money can buy, while enjoyment, more linked to one's inner world, makes one feel rewarded and changed for the________.

While some experiences give both pleasure and enjoyment, some enjoyable ones are not pleasurable when taking place but bring wonderful feelings________.

Pleasure requires no________while enjoyment can never be achieve without the investment of the full ________of attention.


Enjoyment is a ________level of pleasure and the two differ from each other in several aspects.



(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段“Pleasure is a feeling of contentment that one achieves whenever expectations set by biological programs or by social conditioning have been met. “娱乐是一种满足的感觉,当你的期望被生物程序或社会条件所满足时,你就能达到。故填expected

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Resting in the evening while passively absorbing information from TV, with alcohol or drugs to dull the mind overexcited by the demands of work, is pleasantly relaxing“在晚上休息的时候,被动地从电视中吸收信息,用酒精或毒品来让大脑从因工作的需要而感到的过度兴奋中平复下来,这是一种令人愉快的放松。可知是工作压力,故填work

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Enjoyable events occur when a person has not only met some expectation or satisfied a need or a desire but also gone beyond what he or she has been programmed to do and achieved something unexpected, perhaps something even unimagined before. “当一个人不仅满足了一些期望或满足了一种需求或欲望,而且超越了他或她所计划的去做的事情,并取得了一些意想不到的东西,也许是以前从未想过的事情,快乐的事情就会发生。出现,结果:result/ arise,故填results/arises

(4考查推理判断。 根据第四段中的“Enjoyment is characterized by this forward movement: by a sense of novelty, of accomplishment. “愉快是以这种前进的运动为特征的:一种新奇感,一种成就感。特征feature,故填features

(5)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Experiences that give pleasure can also give enjoyment, but the two sensations are quite different. “娱乐的体验也能带来愉快,但这两种感觉是完全不同的。可知这是在对两者进行对比,故填Comparison/Contrast

(6)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“After an enjoyable event we know that we have changed, that our self has grown: in some respect, we have become more complex as a result of it. “在一次愉快的活动之后,我们知道我们已经改变了,我们的自我已经成长了:在某些方面,我们已经变得更加复杂了。可知我们变得更好了,故填better

(7考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“None of these experiences may be particularly pleasurable at the time they are taking place, but afterward we think back on them and say, ‘That really was funand wish they would happen again.“ 这些经历在它们发生的时候都不会特别令人愉快,但之后我们会回过头来对它们说:那真的很有趣,并希望它们能再次发生。可知是过后感觉有趣,故填afterward(s)/later

(8)e考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“A person can feel pleasure without any effort, but it is impossible to enjoy a tennis game, a book, or a conversation unless attention is fully concentrated on the activity. “一个人可以在没有任何努力的情况下感到娱乐,但是如果不把注意力完全集中在活动上,就不可能享受网球比赛、一本书或一场谈话。可知娱乐不需要任何努力。故填effort(s)/attention

(9)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“A person can feel pleasure without any effort, but it is impossible to enjoy a tennis game, a book, or a conversation unless attention is fully concentrated on the activity. “一个人可以在没有任何努力的情况下感到娱乐,但是如果不把注意力完全集中在活动上,就不可能享受网球比赛、一本书或一场谈话。可知娱乐需要注意力集中。故填concentration/focus

(10)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“A person can feel pleasure without any effort, but it is impossible to enjoy a tennis game, a book, or a conversation unless attention is fully concentrated on the activity.“一个人可以在没有任何努力的情况下感到娱乐,但是如果不把注意力完全集中在活动上,就不可能享受网球比赛、一本书或一场谈话。可知愉快比娱乐级别更高。故填higher



    We all have to make decisions all the time, and we have an abundance of choices, ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. Unfortunately, people often find it hard to make decisions________ If you would like to improve your skill of decision making, here are four suggestions for you. Don't expect to have it all.

    ________ You can't order every delicious dish on the menu. And there will be paths not taken, careers not chosen, to name a few. You can imagine some “what if' situations if you must, but do not let them take up too much space in your brain.


    It's often good to think through your decisions. But don't overdo it. Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce, which makes it confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition (直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data.

    Don't delay making decisions.

    Yes, there is a time to put off making a decision. Perhaps you need more information________ Or it's likely that you wait for a less stressful time. Just don't wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness.

    Don't be hard on yourself.

    You decide to go on a voyage. You choose an expensive liner. Everything should work out just right. Only you didn't expect a bug that ran around on the ship, making you and your family sick for five days________But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes.

A. Don't spend too much time thinking.

B. It is an important source of information.

C. Don't count on emotion to make decisions.

D. Maybe you wish to consult with your advisor.

E. You may regret making such a stupid decision.

F. That means the skill of good decision-making counts a lot.

G. Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities.




(2)根据本段小标题:Don't expect to have it all.不要期盼着拥有一切。再根据空格下句:你不可能点到菜单上每一道美味的菜。可知,决定迫使我们放弃其他可能性。故答案选G




【点评】1.快速阅读全文要点词句,包括首尾段、首尾句以及独立成段的句子和文章中带转折词的句子。目的是掌握文章的主要内容。2.了解了文章主题, 解答题目。此时需要回到文中,重点阅读空格附近的句子,圈定线索词,再和选项进行比对,锁定和线索相关的选项,从而确定答案。3.排除多余项,确定答案,并将答案代入原文,看文章从内容上、逻辑上是否通顺连贯,直白地说,就是检查文章是否读得通、读得懂,符合逻辑。

4Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

The North Star

    Among the pile of stars in the universe, there are a couple that are of great importance to people on Earth. The sun, of course, is one of them. The other is known as Polaris, the North Star. ________ Therefore, it is a great compass(指南针).When people in the northern part of Earth look toward Polaris, they can be certain that they are facing north. The permanence of Polaris in the north sky has helped countless people find their destinations.

    Before the invention of modern navigation tools, sailors relied on Polaris. From the top of their ships, sailors would look for Polaris to figure out their place at sea. They figured out the angle between the star and the horizon to determine their latitude(纬度). As long as the equations were not wrong, the results were very reliable. Polaris also let sailors determine North, South, East, and West. ________

    To those who sail at night, changeable storms and dark clouds were more than annoying things.________ It's possible for a captain to make an accidental wrong turn. The ship could become stranded at sea, and the frustrated captain would have no way to get the ship back on the right course. The sailor's fears wouldn't be relieved until the clouds cleared and Polaris came back into view. Even today, sailors sometimes choose to steer by using Polaris on clear nights.

    ________ The Big Dipper, a constellation that is well known in astrology, appears to revolve around Polaris. The handle of the Big Dipper always points to the North Star. When people get lost, it's comforting to know that their problems can be relieved by looking at the sky.

A. It's not difficult to tell the Polaris apart from the pile of other stars in the universe.

B. People who are lost can be relieved by gazing up at Polaris.

C. By knowing directions and their location, sailors could easily steer their ships.

D. They could destroy entire journeys by blocking the view of Polaris.

E. It's certain that the Polaris is part of a constellation(星座), which is not far from it.

F. It is special because it is the only star that always appears to be in the same place in the sky.

【答案】 FCDA


1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Therefore, it is a great compass(指南针).”可知,因此是一个很好的指南针,讲述北极星的作用,F. It is special because it is the only star that always appears to be in the same place in the sky.“北极星特殊之处在于它似乎总在天空的同一个位置,故可以用作指南针,切题,故选F

2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Polaris also let sailors determine North, South, East, and West”可知,北极星可以帮助水手确定东南西北方向,C. By knowing directions and their location, sailors could easily steer their ships.“确定方向和位置之后,就可以调整航线,切题,故选C

3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“To those who sail at night, changeable storms and dark clouds were more than annoying things.”可知,对于夜间航行的人来说,变幻莫测的风暴和黑云是最让人头疼的,D. They could destroy entire journeys by blocking the view of Polaris.“这些东西可以通过遮蔽北极星让整个航线变得困难重重,紧接前一句,切题,故选D

4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“The Big Dipper, a constellation that is well known in astrology, appears to revolve around Polaris.”可知,北斗七星似乎总是围绕着北极星运转,A. It's not difficult to tell the Polaris apart from the pile of other stars in the universe.“不难区分北极星和其他星星,后文讲述北极星的特别之处,切题,故选A


5Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Meal kits(餐具)cut food waste but packaging is a problem

    Home delivery meal kits can slash(大幅消减)food waste by more than two-thirds, but suppliers need to switch to reusable packaging to make them environmentally friendly.

    ________ That means leftovers are minimized. But while the delivery services score well on reducing food waste, buying the same ingredients from the supermarket almost always saves energy overall simply because meal kits use so much single-use packaging. The good news is that if you have meals that are tailored for consumption, people won't over-buy and you have less food waste. You fine-tune the portions to what people will actually eat.

    Beyond the cost of the waste itself, thrown-away food generates methane(甲烷)that contributes to climate change. ________ A 2018 report from the Boston Consulting Group found that the waste was set to soar by a third by 2030 when global food waste was estimated to reach 2.1 bn tonnes.

    Meal kits can reduce transport emissions if they mean people take fewer trips to the supermarket. If people only went to buy goods that are unlikely to decay such as soap and toilet paper, they might only have to visit the supermarket once every couple of months. That delivery truck can carry meals for you and dozens of neighbors. ________

    The study found that even if delivered meal kits reduced food waste to zero, they would still use up more energy overall than buying the same food from the supermarket unless the energy used for the meal kit packaging was cut by a fifth. ________ All the environmental benefits are lost. But if the packaging can be reused, you can get some benefits.

A. However, meal kits are likely heading for the mainstream.

B. If it's single-use and thrown away, the packaging is a killer.

C. In that case, you might replace dozens of car trips with one truck trip.

D. Meal knits arrive on your doorstep by truck filled with every ingredient you need.

E. Tailor-made meal kits save waste by providing precise quantities of fresh ingredients.

F. If food waste was a country, it would rank third in emissions behind the US and China.

【答案】 EFCB


1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后That means leftovers are minimized. 这意味着剩菜要尽量减少。承接下文,E.Tailor-made meal kits save waste by providing precise quantities of fresh ingredients.“特制的餐盒提供精确数量的新鲜食材,节省浪费。切题。下文中的that指该项的内容。故选E

2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后A 2018 report from the Boston Consulting Group found that the waste was set to soar by a third by 2030 when global food waste was estimated to reach 2.1 bn tonnes. ”"波士顿咨询集团2018年的一份报告发现,到2030年,全球食品浪费预计将达到21亿吨,预计垃圾将飙升三分之一。承接下文,F.If food waste was a country, it would rank third in emissions behind the US and China.“如果食品浪费是一个国家,它的排放量将排在美国和中国之后,位列第三。切题。故选F

3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前That delivery truck can carry meals for you and dozens of neighbors. 那辆送货卡车可以为你和几十个邻居送饭。承接上文,C.In that case, you might replace dozens of car trips with one truck trip.“在这种情况下,你可以用一次卡车旅行来代替几十次汽车旅行。切题。故选C

4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后All the environmental benefits are lost. But if the packaging can be reused, you can get some benefits.所有的环境效益都丧失了。但是如果包装可以重复使用,您可以获得一些好处。承接下文,B.If it's single-use and thrown away, the packaging is a killer.“如果一次性使用并被丢弃,包装就是一个杀手。切题。故选B


6Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much?

    Many children spend a lot of time watching or playing with electronic media—from televisions to video games, computers and other devices. ________ Perhaps parents now should ease up on their concerns about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.

    Until last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggested that children and teenagers have no more than two hours of screen time a day. It also suggests that parents balance a child's screen time with other activities.

    ________ Christopher Ferguson, who teaches psychology at Stetson University in Florida, notes a lack of evidence supporting reports that too many hours spent playing video games or watching TV is truly harmful.

    Ferguson seems interested in one idea: the link between video games and violent or risky behavior. When he saw results from a recent British survey on screen time, he wanted to know more. The British study found a small negative effect—about a one percent increase—in aggression and depression among children who had six or more hours of screen time a day. ________ So, Ferguson and his team examined answers from a survey on risky behaviors. The study involved about 6,000 boys and girls in Florida, whose average age was 16.

    Data from this survey found that American children are also fairly resistant to the negative effects of electronic media. Among those who used screens up to six hours a day, the survey found: a 0.5 percent increase in criminal behavior; a 1.7 percent increase in signs of depression; and a 1.2 percent negative effect on school grades. ________ To further argue his point that screen time is not harmful, Ferguson adds that children should become familiar with screen technology. Electronic devices, he says, are a part of our everyday lives.

A. Some negative experiences on social media can and do affect some children.

B. However, some experts question claims that too much screen time is harmful.

C. He wanted to see if there was a similar effect among young people in the United States.

D. So, it is natural that parents should wonder about all the time children spend looking at a screen.

E. The researchers found no increase in risky sex or driving behaviors, use of illegal substances or eating disorders.

F. The researchers suggested that for those children, technology use might get in the way of taking part in other important activities.

【答案】 DBCE

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,许多孩子花很多时间看或玩电子媒体——从电视到电子游戏、电脑和其他设备。美国儿科学会建议儿童和青少年每天看屏幕的时间不超过两个小时。一些专家质疑过多的屏幕时间是有害的,Stetson 大学心理学教授Christopher Ferguson指出,没有证据支持长时间玩电子游戏或看电视确实有害的说法。

1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Many children spend a lot of time watching or playing with electronic media—from televisions to video games, computers and other devices.”可知许多孩子花很多时间看或玩电子媒体——从电视到电子游戏、电脑和其他设备。再根据空后“parents now should ease up on their concerns about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.”提到了父母对孩子长时间看电子产品的看法,可知本空是提出父母对孩子花在看屏幕上的时间感到好奇是很自然的。故选D

2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Christopher Ferguson, who teaches psychology at Stetson University in Florida, notes a lack of evidence supporting reports that too many hours spent playing video games or watching TV is truly harmful.”Stetson 大学心理学教授Christopher Ferguson指出,没有证据支持长时间玩电子游戏或看电视确实有害  说法。因此可推测上文是提出"一些专家质疑过多的屏幕时间是有害的",故选B

3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“The British study found a small negative effect—about a one percent increase—in aggression and depression among children who had six or more hours of screen time a day.”提到一项英国研究发现,在每天看电视时间超过6小时的儿童中,攻击性和抑郁会有一个小的负面影响——大约增加1%。因此他想看看在美国的年轻人中是否也有类似的影响。故选C

4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Among those who used screens up to six hours a day, the survey found: a 0.5 percent increase in criminal behavior; a 1.7 percent increase in signs of depression; and a 1.2 percent negative effect on school grades. ”调查发现,在每天使用屏幕长达6小时的人群中,犯罪行为增加了0.5%;抑郁症的症状增加了1.7%;以及1.2%对学习成绩的负面影响。即下文继续列举长时间看屏幕对其他犯罪行为的影响,故E选项:研究人员发现,危险的性行为、驾驶行为、使用非法药物或饮食失调的情况没有增加。符合题意,故选E




    Ants: master cooperators

    Millions of ants live together in a colony, but they don't compete, get confused, or become disorganized. They behave in an amazing orderly manner at all times. Some scientists refer to ants as 'super-organisms' because they live in such highly organized societies that work together to survive. The way ants live and work together has made them one of the most important creatures on the planet.

    Ants, like bees, belong to a class of eusocial insects. Eusocial insects are broken into groups within their community, and each group has a special job to do depending on the needs of the community. There are three basic groups in an ant colony: queens, soldiers, and workers. Queens are the largest ants, and their only job is to reproduce—they lay all of the eggs that will eventually become soldiers and workers. Soldiers are responsible for protecting the colony and finding new places for nests. Worker ants have many jobs within the community, including caring for the eggs and young ants, hunting for food and maintaining the nest.

    Some scientists are studying how ants can lead to a better understanding of labor issues, social class, and the use of nature resources in human communities. Ants have had millions of years of practice in working together to survive and grow. For a colony to function successfully, ants have to cooperate, from which people can learn a lot. Researchers hope that gathering information about how ants live together in communities can help people learn to cooperate and compromise with each other.

    However, others argue that there are fundamental differences between ants and humans that mean human societies are unlikely ever to attain ant-like levels of collaboration. For example, ants in a colony don't compete with each other. When they are short of food in the colony, some worker ants automatically become 'feeder' ants and feed others with the food in their stomach, regardless of their usual job. When the food supply is replenished, they become worker ants again.

    In addition, ants are able to work together without a leader giving them directions. Despite their names, queen ants are not leaders. Instead, ants find out what they need to do from their sense of smell. Research on harvester ants pass each other, they pick up a chemical smell which tells them what the other ant is doing. The number of ants they pass doing a particular job determines what they need to do. It is a form of communication, but unlike human communication it has no content; it is just based on numbers.

    While ants undoubtedly have a great deal to teach us about organization and the structure of networks, those searching for a greater understanding of human behaviour and morals may need to look somewhere.

Ants: master cooperators

    Main ________

    They live together in colony without competitions, ________ or being disorganized

    The way they work together for ________ living in highly organized societies makes them unique on the planet.

    Three groups, including queens, soldiers and workers in an ant colony have a special job, ________ the needs of the community ________ of studying ants.

    It helps people understand labor issues, social class, and the use of natural resources better

    Ants are ________ in working together to survive and grow, helping people run the communities smoothly

    It helps people learn to cooperate and ________ with each other

    Differences between ants and humans

    For ________ of food some worker ants automatically become "feeder ants ________ ants, humans have leaders giving people directions


    Researchers should have different ________ in understanding human behaviour and morals.

【答案】 features/characteristicsconfusionsurvivaldeterminingSignificance/Importance/Meaning/Benefitsexperiencedcompromiseshortage/lackUnlikeangles



2)考查信息提升能力。根据第一段中的“Millions of ants live together in a colony, but they don't compete, get confused, or become disorganized.”可知此空答案为confusion

3)考查信息提升能力。根据根据第一段中的“Some scientists refer to ants as 'super-organisms' because they live in such highly organized societies that work together to survive.”可知,故填survival

4)考查信息提升能力。根据第二段中“each group has a special job to do depending on the needs of the community.”可知,答案为determining

5)考查信息提升能力。根据第三段中的“Some scientists are studying how ants can lead to a better understanding of labor issues, social class, and the use of nature resources in human communities.”可知文章在讲研究蚂蚁的好处,故答案为Significance/Importance/Meaning/Benefits

6)考查信息提升能力。根据第三段中地“Ants have had millions of years of practice in working together to survive and grow.”可知答案为experienced

7)考查信息提升能力。根据第三段中的“how ants live together in communities can help people learn to cooperate and compromise with each other.”可知答案为compromise

8)考查信息提升能力。根据第四段中地“When they are short of food in the colony, some worker ants automatically become 'feeder' ants and feed others with the food in their stomach,”可知答案为shortage/lack

9)考查信息提升能力。根据第五段中的“In addition, ants are able to work together without a leader giving them directions.”可知答案为Unlike

10)考查信息提升能力。根据最后一段中的“While ants undoubtedly have a great deal to teach us about organization and the structure of networks, those searching for a greater understanding of human behaviour and morals may need to look somewhere.”可知答案为angles




Time for Americans to act on climate change

    The climate crisis is worsening at a rate that is becoming harder and harder to ignore. For more than two decades, scientific reports have made it clear that global warming is real, that humans cause it and that the consequences will be disastrous.

    The scientific community has become increasingly panicked over the past year. The latest assessment from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a far more terrible picture than its previous analyses, and the long-awaited National Climate Assessment made clear that climate change represents a severe threat to human health as well as our economic security. Out of this panic came the treaty(条约)reached this past weekend by world leaders to keep the Paris climate agreement alive.

    Yet many Americans still don't regard the threat as a key priority for our government, and support President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty. Campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies have convinced elected officials to look the other way. A certain amount of despair has resulted in widespread apathy(漠然).

    But there is another reason that has been discussed far less openly. While a growing number of people understand that climate change will have significant worldwide consequences, many Americans have an intuitive(直觉的)belief that their nation is more capable than others of adapting to a changed environment. Why? Because they have before.

    This historical success, however, resulted from the federal government taking science seriously, and making investments to urge revolution and innovation.

    But these innovations did not happen by themselves, or simply because of the United States' rich resources. They depended on consistent support from the leaders about the need to take action when faced with crises. This has been especially true in the environmental crisis.

    President Bill Clinton had a shockingly modest record of advancing climate security, particularly given that his vice president, Al Gore, had been one of the most outspoken environmentalists in Congress. By far Clinton's biggest accomplishment was assigning Gore to participate іn thе Куоtо Рrоtoсоl negotiations. Сlіntоn сhоѕе, hоwеvеr, tо аvоіd whаt ѕurеlу wоuld have been a terrible fight in the Senate to gain approval of the treaty. While this effort probably would have failed, it would have signaled to the American people how seriously the Democratic Party took climate change.

    Thus, the time has clearly arrived for progressive candidates to start campaigning on a platform built around the need for a sustainability revolution. Such a plan should include a carbon tax, well-funded clean energy research, evolved agricultural policies and smarter public transport. Given that Generation X and millennials(千禧一代)never bought into the fiction that the United States is immune to the dangers of global warming, the time is ripe to make climate security a crucial government responsibility. Only by doing so can we begin the long-overdue(拖延好久的)campaign to save the planet.

Time for Americans to act on climate change


More and more people have become ________ of the severity of climate crisis.

It is human beings that are to ________ for the real global warming and should ________ for what they have done.

Worldwide efforts

Given that human health as well as our economic security is ________ a severe threat caused by climate change, Paris Climate Treaty has been reached by world leaders.

Current American's responses

A negative attitude

Unable to grasp the seriousness of the threat, many Americans are in ________ of President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty.

________ for responses

Elected officials turn a deaf ear to the threat on account of their ________ relationship with fossil fuel companies.

A certain amount of despair has resulted in widespread apathy.

Many Americans are wildly ________ about their ability to a changed environment.

Earlier American's responses

A(n) ________ attitude

Wisely assigning his vice president to participate in the Kyoto Protocol negotiations, President Bill Clinton took climate change seriously.

Inspiration form responses

The Democratic Party used to take adequate notice of the potential crisis of the climate change.


It is high time for Americans to begin the long-overdue campaign to save the planet.

【答案】 aware/consciousblameanswerunderfavo(u)r/supportReasonsinterestsure/certain/optimisticpositiveConclusion


1)根据第一段第一句The climate crisis is worsening at a rate that is becoming harder and harder to ignore.可知,越来越多的人意识到气候危机的严重性。故答案为aware/conscious

2)根据第一段中For more than two decades, scientific reports have made it clear that global warming is real, that humans cause it and that the consequences will be disastrous.可知,真正的全球变暖是人类的责任,应该为他们所做的一切负责。be to blame“应该承担责任,故答案为blame

3)根据第一段中For more than two decades, scientific reports have made it clear that global warming is real, that humans cause it and that the consequences will be disastrous.可知,真正的全球变暖是人类的责任,应该为他们所做的一切负责。answer for“------负责,故答案为answer

4)根据第二段中the long-awaited National Climate Assessment made clear that climate change represents a severe threat to human health as well as our economic security.可知,鉴于气候变化对人类健康和经济安全构成严重威胁,世界各国领导人已达成《巴黎气候条约》。故答案为under

5)根据第三段中Yet many Americans still don't regard the threat as a key priority for our government, and suopont President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty.可知,由于无法理解威胁的严重性,许多美国人支持特朗普总统退出《巴黎条约》的决定。In favo(u)r/support  of“支持,赞成,故答案为favo(u)r/support


7)根据第三段中Campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies have convinced elected officials to look the other way. A certain amount of despair has resulted in widespread apathy(漠然).“化石燃料公司的竞选捐款已经说服当选官员们睁一只眼闭一只眼。一定程度的绝望导致了广泛的冷漠。可知,由于与化石燃料公司的利益关系,当选官员对这种威胁充耳不闻。故答案为interest

8)根据第四段中While a growing number of people understand that climate change will have significant worldwide consequences, many Americans have an intuitive(直觉的)belief that their nation is more capable than others of adapting to a changed environment.可知,许多美国人对自己适应环境变化的能力极为乐观。故答案为sure/certain/optimistic

9)根据第七段中President Bill Clinton had a shockingly modest record of advancing climate security, particularly given that his vice president, Al Gore, had been one of the most outspoken environmentalists in Congress.“比尔·克林顿总统在推进气候安全方面有着令人震惊的温和记录,尤其是考虑到他的副总统阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)是国会中最直言不讳的环保主义者之一。可知这是一个积极乐观的态度。故答案为positive

10)根据最后一段最后一句Only by doing so can we begin the long-overdue(拖延好久的)campaign to save the planet.“只有这样,我们才能开始拖延已久的拯救地球的运动。可知这是得出的最后结论。故答案为Conclusion



    Haze Mabry, who has worked as a school keeper for thirteen years, walks into the school building every day and empties garbage cans, wipes down bathrooms and mops wet messes in the hallways.

    Last Friday, after he arrived at the school, instead of finding garbage to clean up, he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards, blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him. It was his 80th. As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of lime to hug him. They handed him so many cards that they filled several large boxes. Touched by their enthusiastic expression of affection. Mabry thanked them all. "They're like my children," Mabry said.

    On a regular day, students at the school sometimes come up to him to say they're not feeling well or other times to tell him about something that happened at break. He knows most of the kids at the school, but can't name each one. Some of them make him know them. Like Faith, who often forgets her backpack in the cafeteria, and Lucy, who just wants a hug.

    "He won't brag(夸耀)on himself, but it doesn't matter what he's doing or where he is, he will always stop what he's doing to take care of a child if that child is having a bad day. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that child his undivided attention. He's the most loved one in this building," said Lori Gilreath, a reading teacher.

    Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messes others don't want to touch. He doesn't expect a lot. Mabry said he hadn't planned to do much for his milestone birthday, so he was happy the students had prepared the surprise celebration.

    Over the weekend, he worked through the piles of handmade cards at his house. One card from a student stood out to him. It read: "Mr. Haze, you are my sunshine.”

1What is Mabry's daily work as a school keeper?(no more than 5 words

2How did the students celebrate Mabry's birthday?(no more than 15 words

3What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean?(1 word

4Why is Mabry's presence at the school important?(no more than 10 words

5Who is the "sunshine" in your lifePlease explain. no more than 20 words

【答案】 1Cleaning theschoolbuilding.

Or: Doingthecleaning.

Or: He cleans theschoolbuilding.

Or: He doesthecleaning.

2By lining the hallwaysblowing noisemakerssinging a songhanding him cardsand hugging him.

Or: By lining the hallways withhandmadecardsblowing noisemakerssinging a songand hugging him.

Or: They lined the hallwaysblew noisemakerssang a songhanded him cardsand hugged him.

Or: They lined the hallways withhandmadecardsblew noisemakerssang a songand hugged him.


Or: Liking.

Or: Fondness.

4)(Becausehe loves/cares aboutthestudents and works hard.

Or: Becausehe lovesthestudents and is devoted to his work.

Or: Becausehe is kind/caring/helpful to the studentsand hard-working.

Or: Becausehe is regarded as a kind/warm-hearted/helpful/caring and hard-working man.

5My father/mother. Becausehe/she loves me and encourages me when I'm faced/confronted with difficulties.

Or: My teacher. Becausehe/she cares about me and prepares me for my future career.

Or: My friend. Becausehe/she brings me joy/happiness and gives me a lot of comfort/help/encouragement.

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,清洁工Mabry的日常工作就是清扫学校大楼。Mabry 爱学生,关心学生。学生们也尊敬他,喜欢他。在他80生日那天,学生们用自己的方式祝贺他的生日,表达了对Mabry的热爱。

1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Haze Mabry, who has works as a school keeper for thirteen years, walks into the school building every day and empty garbage cans, wipes down bathrooms, and mops wet messes in the hallways.”可知Haze Mabry是一位清洁工,他的日常工作就是清扫学校大楼。因此本句的答案可为:Cleaning the (school) building. /Doingthe cleaning. /He cleans the (school)building. /He does (the) cleaning.

2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Last Friday,...he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards, blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him.some popped out of line to hug him.”可知,上个周五,他发现几乎有800名学生在走廊里排队,拿着手制卡片,吹口哨,为他唱了一首响亮的生日快乐歌,拥抱他。因此答案为:By lining the hallways, blowing noisemakers, singing a song, handing him cards, and hugging him. /By lining the hallways with (handmade) cards, blowing noisemakers, singing a song, and hugging him. / They lined the hallways, blew noisemakers, sang a song, handed him cards, and hugged him. / They lined the hallways with (handmade) card, blew noisemakers, sang a song, handed him cards, and hugged him.

3)考查词义猜测。根据第二段学生们为Mabry庆祝生日的方式和划线词后的内容“Mabry thanked them all,”以及“They're like my children.”可知 Mabry 爱学生,把学生当作自己的孩子。那么学生们也表达了他们对Mabry的热爱。因此Mabry被学生的爱所感动,故所以的“affection”相当于“Love”,故填love /Liking /Fondness.

4)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“...he will always stop what he's doing to take care of a child if that child is having a bad day. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that boy his undivided attention. He's the most loved one in this building.”以及最后一段中的“Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messes others don't want to touch. He doesn't expect a lot.”可知,Mabry 关心爱护孩子,帮助孩子,是一个善良、热心的人。一个不怕脏不怕累、勤奋工作的人。因此答案为:(Because) he loves/cares aboutthestudents and works hard. / (Because) he loves the students and devoted to his work. /(Because) he is kind/caring /helping to the students , and hard-working. / (Because) he is regarded as a kind /warm-hearted /helpful/caring and hard-working man.

5)考查学生的观察综合表达能力。本题的题目:who is the "sunshine" in your life?”谁是你生活中的阳光?只要在生活或学习中帮助过你,关心你、爱护你的,鼓励你,安慰你的都可称为your sunshine。因此答案可为:My father/mother.(Because) he/she loves me and encouraged me when I'm faced/confronted with difficulties.  Or: My teacher.(Because) he/she cares about me and prepares me for my future career.   Or: My friend.(Because) he/she brings me joy/happiness and gives me a lot of comfort/ help/ encouragement.



Is Cash Becoming Outdated?

    When he rolls into a gas station to fill his tank, Barkhad Dahir doesn't get out of his car. He pushes a few buttons on his cellphone and within seconds he has paid for the fuel. With the same quick pushes on his phone, he pays for virtually everything he needs: groceries at the supermarket, a few oranges from a market stall, or a cup of sweet milky tea from a café. Mr. Dahir boasts, "Even lying in bed, you can be paying your bills."

    Electronic payments offer consumers convenience, provide revenue for banks, credit card companies and payment processors, and offer merchants improved cash flow and convenience. "I don't even carry money any more," says Adan Abokor, a democracy activist. "I haven't seen cash for a long time. Almost every merchant, even hawker (小贩) on the street, accepts payment by cellphone. There's no waiting for it and no counting of cash."

    The system is impressively simple and secure. Purchases are made by dialing a three-digit number, entering a four-digit PIN, and then entering the retailer's payment number and the amount of money. Both customers and merchants receive text messages to confirm the payment.

    Clearing up cash payments has several advantages as well. The printing and handling of money is expensive. Cash payments can be anonymous and hard to track criminal activities to be conducted in secret. Many governments favor reducing cash dealings in order to better monitor and understand the activities of their citizens. The Swedish government has been discussing the removing of cash since 2010.

    However, some people doubt what members of a cashless society do when the power goes off. Do they choose to barter (物物交换) and rob? Do they sit at home and wait? What happens to people who rely on their cellphones to process money dealings when cell service and the Internet are interrupted? A world affected by terrorism and increasingly violent weather may not yet be ready to abandon currency. "Ironically, the day after the largest bank in Norway, DNB, proposed ending all cash dealings, I went to my local grocery store and when I tried to pay by phone, I was told that I needed to go to the ATM to get cash because the system was broken." said an interviewee.

    Other people fear that electronic payments may create security and fraud risks and enable dealings to be tracked and reported. Privacy, security and convenience are all important factors in the adoption of electronic payment technology. New technologies which balance and address these factors may enable people to remove cash.

Is Cash Becoming Outdated?

An example of electronic payments

Barkhad Dahir claims that he can get easy ________ to his own bank when paying for his fuel and necessities.

________ of electronic payments

    They can ________ customers from waiting in line or counting the cash.

    They are very ________, for both customers and merchants will receive text messages to confirm the payment.

    They reduce the ________ of printing and handling money.

    They make it ________ for the governments to keep track of the citizens' cash activities.

Concerns of electronic payments

    Some people worry about the effective payment in case of a power ________.

    Other people show their concerns about their own ________, for their money dealings can be monitored and made known.

    Security and fraud risks may occur when electronic payments are in ________.


    Cash is not likely to ________ unless privacy, security and convenience are balanced and settled.

【答案】 accessAdvantages/Benefitssave/free/sparesafe/securecost/expenseconvenient/easyfailure/cutprivacyuse/effect/adoptiondisappear/vanish


1)考查信息提升。根据第一段中的”With the same quick pushes on his phone, he pays for virtually everything he needs: groceries at the supermarket, a few oranges from a market stall, or a cup of sweet milky tea from a café. Mr. Dahir boasts, ’Even lying in bed, you can be paying your bills.‘”同样快速地按一下手机,他几乎支付了所有他需要的东西:超市里的杂货,市场摊位上的几个橘子,或者咖啡馆里的一杯甜奶茶。Dahir先生自豪地说,即使躺在床上,你也能付账单。可知Barkhad Dahir声称,当他支付燃料和必需品时,他可以很容易地进入自己的银行。get access to固定短语进入;使用。故填access


3)考查信息提升。根据第二段中的“says Adan Abokor, a democracy activist. ’I haven't seen cash for a long time. Almost every merchant, even hawker on the street, accepts payment by cellphone. There's no waiting for it and no counting of cash.‘”民主活动人士Adan Abokor说。我很长时间没看到现金了。几乎每一个商人,甚至街头小贩,都接受手机支付。不用等,也不用数钱。可知点至支付可以省去顾客排队或数现金的麻烦。故填save/free/spare

4)考查信息归纳。根据第三段中的”The system is impressively simple and secure. Purchases are made by dialing a three-digit number, entering a four-digit PIN, and then entering the retailer's payment number and the amount of money. Both customers and merchants receive text messages to confirm the payment.“该系统极其简单和安全。购物是通过拨打一个三位数的号码,输入一个四位数的个人识别码,然后输入零售商的付款号码和金额。客户和商家都会收到确认付款的短信。可知电子支付非常安全,因为客户和商家都会收到确认付款的短信。故填safe/secure

5)考查信息归纳。根据第四段中的”The printing and handling of money is expensive.“印刷和处理货币是昂贵的。可知电子支付减少印刷和处理金钱的费用。故填cost/expense

6)考查信息归纳。根据第四段中的”Many governments favor reducing cash dealings in order to better monitor and understand the activities of their citizens.“许多政府赞成减少现金交易,以便更好地监测和了解其公民的活动。可知电子支付使政府很容易跟踪公民的现金活动。故填easy/convenient

7)考查信息理解,根据第五段中的”However, some people doubt what members of a cashless society do when the power goes off.“然而,一些人怀疑无现金社会的成员在断电时会做些什么。可知有些人担心停电时的有效支付。故填failure/cut

8)考查信息归纳。根据最后一段中的”Other people fear that electronic payments may create security and fraud risks and enable dealings to be tracked and reported. Privacy, security and convenience are all important factors in the adoption of electronic payment technology.“其他人则担心电子支付可能会带来安全和欺诈风险,使交易能够被跟踪和报告。隐私、安全和便利性都是采用电子支付技术的重要因素。可知另一些人则表现出对自己隐私的担忧,因为他们的金钱交易可以被监控并公之于众。故填privacy

9)考查信息提升。根据最后一段中的”Other people fear that electronic payments may create security and fraud risks and enable dealings to be tracked and reported. Privacy, security and convenience are all important factors in the adoption of electronic payment technology.“其他人则担心电子支付可能会带来安全和欺诈风险,使交易能够被跟踪和报告。隐私、安全和便利性都是采用电子支付技术的重要因素。)可知当使用电子支付时,可能会出现安全和欺诈风险。故填use/effect/adoption

10)考查信息理解。根据最后一段中的”New technologies which balance and address these factors may enable people to remove cash.“平衡和解决这些因素的新技术可能使人们能够取消现金。可知除非隐私、安全和便利得到平衡和解决,否则现金不太可能消失。故填disappear/vanish


