
发布时间:2019-01-19 11:12:02












除了正課以外,學校還有安排每個週末的戶外教學。第一次我們去Chester瘋狂的購物,那裡對名牌愛用者根本就是天堂,再加上它是直銷商,所以價格並不會太高。第二個地方是威爾斯城堡,那天跟往常一樣下著小雨,整個出遊的心情就被破壞了,不過幸好後來雨停了,才可以盡興的逛街。令我印象最深刻的,是中午點菜的時候,我不知道他們還有分外帶點餐區跟內用區,然後我就到外帶點餐區點餐,後來我想到隔壁坐著吃漢堡的時候,裡面的服務小姐說因為我點的是外帶餐,所以不可以進去用餐。我聽了當場愣住了,但也只好離開了。第三次是到曼聯足球場,也是我第一次踏進真正的足球場,當我一踏出要進入觀眾席的門,就覺得一切都很壯觀,不管是球場還是觀眾席,整個排山倒海的迎向我。解說員還有讓我們假裝是球員,比照正式球員出場的方式,有趣的是,因為當時觀眾席是空的,沒有人會歡呼,解說員覺得太冷清而播放預錄的鼓掌和歡呼聲。這真的是一個非常難得有趣的體驗。第四次,也是大家最期待的一次,我們到Alton Tower主題遊樂園玩。那一天一樣飄著雨,但是並沒有因此而人數減少,我發現英國人努力遊玩的精神真是令人敬佩。那裡有非常瘋狂的遊樂設施區,也有很美麗的森林徒步區,膽小的我不敢玩太刺激的遊戲,所以只玩了一下就跟朋友到漂亮的花園照相。那裡太大了,一天根本不夠,以後有機會我一定還要到那裡走走。


先說說‘吃’的方面吧!第一天到曼城,打算先休息,不煮飯而吃外食。當我們到一間餐館點菜的時候,發現其實菜單雖然都是英語,但都是一些比較簡單的單字。問題來了,當他們合在一起的時候卻不知道那道菜是什麼,而且價格都不便宜,所以我們點最便宜的Fish and Chips,一大堆的薯條加一條魚,在台灣的時候聽說這道菜是來到曼城必吃的,但是吃完以後卻讓我一個月不敢吃薯條。後來,在這裡讀書的一個新加坡朋友,Ivan,帶我們到ASDA購物,但是一點概念也沒有的我,回宿舍以後,才發現買的東西根本不夠吃,很明顯的,在家都沒有幫媽媽買菜,所以我那時真的非常的後悔。第一天晚上,吃著自己煮的爛爛的義大利麵,眼淚便開始在眼框打轉,但是自尊心很強的我卻怎麼也不讓她掉下來,但心中卻已悄悄的打定主意,回家非學好煮飯的功夫不可。漸漸的,大家都煮出心得了,三餐打理的越來越順手,我甚至還胖了一公斤呢! 到餐館點餐令我印象最深刻的一件事,就是到威爾斯城堡參觀的那一次。那一天我們參觀完解散以後,大家都餓了,於是到一間速食店點餐,點完以後本想到隔壁(同一間店)用餐,但是店員卻說我們點的是外帶餐,不可以在裡面用餐。我們一行人聽了全都很驚訝,但也只能離開。這個經驗非常的寶貴,讓我們學到與台灣不同的、有趣的習俗。


再來就是‘行’。在英國大部分都是用走路的,第一是因為不認識路,第二是因為搭車很貴。回想第一天,我們就見識到以雙腳當交通工具的辛苦。後來老師帶我們做過一次公車以後,我們才免於小腿變成蘿蔔腿之災。最重要的是,一號、二號跟三號公車是免費的,而且他們會經過市中心,這對於想好好購物的我們真是一大福音啊!後來跟同學坐雙層巴士到另一間購物場,在曼聯附近,花了三磅,一天可以來回坐很多次。這是我第一次坐雙層巴士,但是由於它有車頂,所以坐起來其實跟台灣一般客運沒什麼不同。有機會的話,還真應該常常沒有車頂的巴士呢!飛機、公車、計程車都坐過了,再來是火車。我們之所以會坐火車是因為帶團老師帶我們到約克遊玩,所以才有機會搭火車。英國的火車真地很棒、很寬敞,他們有分一般像在台灣坐的一樣,椅子都是面向同一個方向,也有分中間有桌子、可以喝茶聊天的地方。令我好奇的是,要上火車之前竟然沒有人查票,直接進火車,而且他們也沒有對號入座這回事,上車以後要做那兒便做那兒! 至於驗票這件事,過了一會兒,車掌先生或小姐才會進行,這令我不禁懷疑,要是有人上車不買票,他們會發現嗎?但是有關火車站的一個好處是,它是室內的,所以在月台上撘車不怕遇到下雨天,而且設計的很漂亮。



Study in MMU This Summer

On hearing that I could attend the group of studying in MMU for one month this summer, I was so shocked that I almost could not believe my ears, because I think that there are still many great students who were worthier to attend this group than I, but I was so lucky to be chosen as one of the members in this group. I appreciated that very much. I was very nervous in the beginning, because this was my first time to go overseas, and I was going to a country which I was not familiar with; I did not know what I should prepare for this trip. As a result, I found a lot of information about Britain. At the first day we arrived in Manchester, I felt so excited that even when I lay in the bed in school’s dormitory, I kept thinking how lucky I was to come here. And I believed that I must have a great time here. In the following two days, Fiona Long, who is one of our teachers introduced the courses we were going to take and some regulations in school. And there were so many people who had taken the IELTS but did not pass the standard score school made. They were from many different countries and took these one-month courses before they entered MMU for studying. This trip indeed affected me a lot, no matter in the aspect of the courses or the lifestyle here.

Speaking of the courses, we had academic English courses and general English courses which were taught by two teachers, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Listening, in my opinion, was the most important thing, because if you did not understand what other people say, you could not respond and communicate with them effectively. For me, this was also difficult because what I have learned was American English; that is to say, British English was full of accent. In addition, there many classmates came from different countries, so the accents were different from one to another. In the beginning, I was so frustrated because of those accents, and I had to work harder to understand what people said. Thanks to my teacher, Alex, he trained our listening by using videos and taps, and then he would ask some questions and asked us to discuss them in groups. This was a good way to adapted myself to the different accents and became more familiar with English. Not only my teachers but also my classmates were good mates.

In the aspect of speaking, I think it is a skill that one has to open his or her mouth and speak bravely, and it complements listening when people communicate. Because of the fact that there would be a presentation as one of the final tests, my teacher asked us to prepare a presentation with the topic we liked and presented in class as practice. And my teacher said that my tone was too flat. Because of being nervous, I did not make my tone up and down; instead, I started to stutter. I had to relax myself and had more confidence. That’s the reason why I think speaking in English needs boldness. Except for teacher’s teaching, my classmates were also good partners to practice speaking; in addition, we could learn a lot of different cultures from different classmates by speaking as well.

Next, talking about reading, my teacher offered us many articles; after reading them, we had to discuss in group for a while and shared with other classmates. When we encountered the new words, my teacher would explain them for us. He said that we could learn more words from reading, and he also taught us grammar when we were reading. He had said,”If you know how to apply what you’ve learned, then you truly have them in your mind forever.” I agreed with him very much. Now, I make a rule to read English magazine every day, more or less, I can learn something new and review them.

Finally, we could not talk about writing without mentioning the essay we were going to submit before the course finished. That was really a big challenge for us, because that was our first time to write essay with 1500 words. But we were not defeated, although we always complained about that, we still tried our best to finish that job. Our teacher also taught us how to use quotation correctly and how to arrange our reference, because they cared about the problem of plagiarism very much. I thought this skill is very useful for me because in the future, I also have a job like that and I just preview them in this summer.

The students there were very different from the students in Taiwan. They always asked teacher as soon as they have questions. And there were only eleven students in my class. In my opinion, small class size was really great because teacher could pay attention to almost every student, and there was enough time for each one to speak out their opinion about class. Although my level was not as high as other foreign classmates’, they helped me a lot, and I appreciated that very much. I think though we all live in the global village, we still could not ignore the great distance.

In addition to the courses in school, we also had weekend trips. We went to Chester, Manchester United Stadium, Wales, and Alton Tower. Chester, where was an outlet in which were a lot of stores with almost all famous brands in the world. To the people who like to go shopping, there was a paradise for shopping. Next is Manchester United Stadium, which is one of the most football clubs in the world. That was also my first time to go to a football field. When I stepped out the door to auditorium, the scenery there was so breathtaking. Three was so wide. And the narrator took us to the field as the formal player. At that time, there was no audience, and the narrator thought it was a little lonely, so he broadcasted the craw which they had recorded before. That was really a valuable experience. Then, we went to Llandudno and Conwy Castle in Wales. Although the castle is quite old, we still can imagine the prosperity in ancient time. In addition to the castle, we also went around the beautiful town. Everything there was so classic just like in fairy tales. The last day, also the most exciting trip, we went to Alton Tower, which was the most popular Theme Park in Britain. It is a really big park that my feet were killed. There were many amusement facilities and fantastic garden. But I was so timid that I only rode few amusement facilities, so I took a walk in the beautiful scenery, and I took a lot of pictures. There was too big to go through all things in one day, so if I had a chance to go there one day, I must be there again.

This trip was so fantastic and I really appreciated that school gave me the chance to take part in the group to England. And fortunately, I met a lot of good friends and teachers who were willing to help me on my study there. Although in the beginning, we truly encountered some problems, our tutor and each member in the group figured out them together. Also, this trip made me see a lot of things which were different from Taiwan, such the habits of diet, the traffic, and the courses and so on. For example, in Taiwan, after using the toilet, we usually threw the tissue into the trash can, but in England, people threw tissue into the toilet. Because their tissue could be decomposed, they did not afraid of block up the toilet. And there were two doors before going into the toilet; I thought that was the reason why the stink would not come out. I think it was a good way to improve our public toilet. We could learn the method of isolating the stink from them. And this was also the advantage of going aboard. By taking a trip to other countries, we could learn a lot of things. Just like one of my teacher said, “We use the knowledge we learn to solve problems and make right decisions.”

Once again, I really appreciate all of the teachers who had helped us about this trip. And I think this kind of program really helped a lot of people who may never have the chance to go aboard like me, and this experience indeed brought lots of great things to us and broaden our horizons. I hope that school can continue this project and may change many peoples’ life.

