
发布时间:2019-10-12 07:37:53



一、什么情况从句必须用 sb. Should do 的形式

1should不可以省略的情况:for fear that ,in case that ,lest引导的目的状语。

Eg:   She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in. 她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。   

He started out earlier lest he should be late. 他很早就出发了以防迟到。

2) should可以省略的情况。有两种

第一种:表情绪.观点的形容词或名词也要用虚拟语气.:necessary. important. impossible. natural. strange. surprising.   funny. right. wrong. better. a pity等。   句型:It is.......that 结构后的主语从句,从句的谓语动词都要用 should+原型 或只用动词原型.


第二种:1、一想要(desire) 二宁愿(prefer) 三命令(order. command) 四建议(advice. suggest. propose)五要求(demand. require. request. desire.insist)中。无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。   

He suggested that we (should) take the teachers advice   He insisted that we (should) take the teachers advice   He demand that we (should) take the teachers advice   He ordered that we (should) take the teachers advice


If I were you, I would pay more attention to English idioms and phrases.

三、虚拟语气用在wish 后的宾语从句,一定都是过去式形态。

(if onlyas if/as though引导的让步状语从句,结构与之相同


 eg. I wish I had your brains.(事实:我根本比不上你)   


eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter.(事实:原来不知道)   

c、表示将来难以实现的愿望谓语动词过去将来时 谓语动词:should/would + 动词原形   

eg. I wish I should have a chance again.(事实:很难再有这样的机会了)


①、would rather 从句谓语动词:过去时(对应现在、将来)、过去完成时(对应过去)

Id rather you had seen the film yesterday. 我倒想你昨天看过了这场电影。

Id rather you were here now. 我倒想你现在在这儿。

Wed rather you went here tomorrow. 我们倒想你明天去那儿   

②、It is time that 从句:过去时。即从句用虚拟过去式。

It is time that I went to pick up my daughter at school. 我该去学校接我的女儿了。   It is high time you should go to work. 你早该上班了。   

补充:而It is hignt time that从句:表示:“早该做某事了”,其虚拟语气的结构为:It is high time that + 主语+ should + 动词原形   It is high time you should go to work. 你早该上班了。   

含蓄条件句,在多数情况下,条件会暗含在短语中,如without., but for.    But for his help, we would be working now. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。   Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。

五、在whateverwhicheverwheneverwhoever, whereverhowever, no matter wh-word 等引导的让步状语从句中,从句虚拟语气结构比较特殊。

may +动词原形(指现在或将来)如:   We will finish it on time no matter what / whatever may happen. 不管发生什么事,我们都要按时完成。   We will find him wherever / no matter where he may be. 无论他在哪里,我们都要找到他。   I will wait for him no matter how late he may come. 不管他来的多么晚,我都会等他。   

may +完成式(指过去) ,主句结构不限。如:   You mustnt be proud whatever / no matter what great progress you may have made. 不管你取得了多么大的进步,你也不能骄傲   We must respect him no matter what / whatever mistakes he may have made. 不管他犯过什么错误,我们必须尊敬他。   


①、含蓄条件句,在多数情况下,条件会暗含在短语中,如without., but for.   would +动词原形(指现在或将来)、现在完成式(指过去)

Eg 1But for his help, we would be working now. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。   2)Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。

②、错综条件句。1从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符。如:   If I had worked hard at school, I would be an engineer, too. 如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了2从句的动作与现在事实相反,而主句的动作与过去事实不符。如:   If he were free today, we would have sent him to Beijing. 如果他今天有空的话,我们会已经派他去北京了。



