
发布时间:2016-06-06 12:39:21



1 大学课堂:还有人在听吗?

Toward the middle of the semester, Fowkes fell ill and missed a class. When he returned, the professor nodded vaguely and, to Fowkes’s astonishment, began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. Had he, in fact, lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his solitary student? Fowkes thought it perfectly possible.

在学期中间,Fowkes 因病缺了一次课。他回到课堂的时候,教授毫无表情地向他点了点头。接着令Fowkes大吃一惊的是,教授并没有按照顺序讲下一课,而是讲了后面一课。难道他真的在他唯一的学生缺席的情况下对着空教室讲了一课?Fowkes认为这太有可能了。

Today American colleges and universities (originally modeled on German ones) are under strong attack from many quarters. Teachers, it is charged, are not doing a good job of teaching, and students are not doing a good job of learning. American businesses and industries suffer from unenterprising, uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to mouth outdated truisms the rest of the world has long discarded. College graduates lack both basic skills and general culture. Studies are conducted and reports are issued on the status of higher education, but any changes that result either are largely cosmetic or make a bad situation worse.


One aspect of American education too seldom challenged is the lecture system. Professors continue to lecture and students to take notes much as they did in the thirteenth century, when books were so scarce and expensive that few students could own them. The time is long overdue for us to abandon the lecture system and turn to methods that really work.


Some days Mary sits in the front row, from where she can watch the professor read from a stack of yellowed notes that seem nearly as old as he is. She is bored by the lectures, and so are most of the other students, to judge by the way they are nodding off or doodling in their notebooks. Gradually she realizes the professor is as bored as his audience. At the end of each lecture he asks, “Are there any questions?” in a tone of voice that makes it plain he would much rather there weren’t. He needn’t worry—the students are as relieved as he is that the class is over.


Mary knows very well she should read an assignment before every lecture. However, as the professor gives no quizzes and asks no questions, she soon realizes she needn’t prepare. At the end of term she catches up by skimming her notes and memorizing a list of facts and dates. After the final exam, she promptly forgets much of what she has memorized. Some of her follow students, disappointed at the impersonality of it all, drop out of college altogether. Others, like Mary , stick it out, grow resigned to the system and await better days when, as juniors and seniors, they will attend smaller classes and at last get the kind of personal attention real learning requires.


I admit this picture is overdrawn—most universities supplement lecture courses with discussion groups, usually led by graduate students; and some classes such as first-year English and always relatively small. Nevertheless, far too many courses rely principally or entirely on lectures, an arrangement much loved by faculty and administrators but scarcely designed to benefit the students.


One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can proceed as slowly as they need to until the subject matter become clear to them. Even simply paying attention is very difficult; people can listen at a rate of four hundred to six hundred words a minute, while the most impassioned professor talks at scarcely a third of that speed. This time lag between speech and comprehension leads to daydreaming. Many students believe years of watching television have sabotaged their attention span, out their real problem is that listening attentively is much harder than they think.


Worse still, attending lectures is passive learning, at least for inexperienced listeners. Active learning, in which students write essays or perform experiments and them have their work evaluated by an instructor, is far more beneficial for those who have not yet fully learned how to learn. While it’s true that techniques of active listening, such as trying to anticipate the speaker’s next point or taking notes selectively, can enhance the value of a lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers. More commonly, students try to write everything down and even bring tape recorders to class in a clumsy effort to capture every word.


Students need to question their professors and to have their ideas taken seriously. Only then will they develop the analytical skills required to think intelligently and creatively. Most students learn best by engaging in frequent and even heated debate, not by scribbling down a professor’s often unsatisfactory summary of complicated issues. They need small discussion classes that demand the common labors of teacher and students rather than classes in which one person, however learned, propounds his or her own ideas.


The lecture system ultimately harms professors as well. It reduces feedback to a minimum, so that the lecturer can neither judge how well students understand the material nor benefit from their questions or comments. Questions that require the speaker to clarify obscure points and comments that challenge sloppily constructed arguments are indispensable to scholarship. Without them, the liveliest mind can atrophy. Undergraduates may not be able to make telling contributions very often, but lecturing insulates a professor even from the beginner’s naïve question that could have triggered a fruitful line of thought.


If lectures make so little sense, why have they been allowed to continue? Administrators love them, of course. They can cram far more students into a lecture hall than into a discussion class, and for many administrators that is almost the end of the story. But the truth is that faculty members, and even students, conspire with them to keep the lecture system alive and well. Lectures are easier on everyone than debates. Professors can pretend to teach by lecturing just as students can pretend to learn by attending lectures, with no one the wiser, including the participants. Moreover, if lectures afford some students an opportunity to sit back and let the professor run the show, they offer some professors an irresistible forum for showing off. In a classroom where everyone contributes, students are less able to hide and professors less tempted to engage in intellectual exhibitionism.


Smaller classes in which students are required to involve themselves in discussion put an end to students’ passivity. Students become actively involved when forced to question their own ideas as well as their instructor’s. their listening skills improve dramatically in the excitement of intellectual give-and-take with their instructors and yellow students. Such interchanges help professors do their job better because they allow them to discover who knows what—before final exams, not after. When exams are given in this type of course, they can require analysis and synthesis from the students, not empty memorization. Classes like this require energy, imagination, and commitment from professors, all of which can be exhausting. But they compel students to share responsibility for their own intellectual growth.

如果班级较小又要求学生参加讨论,这就会消除学生的被动性。学生被迫对他们自己老师的思想表示怀疑时,他们就变得主动参与了。他们听的技巧在与老师和同学的学术交流所带来的刺激中大大得到提高。这种交替互动能够帮助教师做得更好,因为他们会发现谁知道什么---在期末考试前,而不是之后。这种形式的课程考试要求学生分析和综合,而不是空洞的记忆。这样的课程需要教授们的活力、想象力和投入,所有这些都会令人精疲力竭的。但是,这也使得学生为他们自己 的学术成长分担责任。

Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene both because they seem to be economically necessary and because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that values tradition for its own sake. But the lectures too frequently come at the wrong end of the students’ educational careers—during the first two years, when they most need close, even individual, instruction. If lecture classes were restrictod to juniors and seniors, who are less in need of scholarly nurturing and more able to prepare work on their own, they would be far less destructive of students’ interests and enthusiasms than the present system. After all, students much learn to listen before they can listen to learn.


2 家与旅行

Margaret Mead

1For many people, moving is one kind of thing and travel is something very different. Travel means going away from home and staying away from home; it is an antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life, a prelude to a holiday one is entitled to enjoy after months of dullness. Moving means breaking up a home, sadly or joyfully breaking with the past; a happy venture or a hardship, something to be endured with good or ill grace.


4Every winter we went to live in or near Philadelphia so that Father would not have to travel too far or stay in the city on the nights that he lectured at the University. From the time I was seven years old, we went somewhere for the summer, too. So we moved four times a year, because for the fall and spring we returned to the house in Hammonton.


7In Hammonton we had five whole acres, a good part of which was second-growth bush, studded with blueberries, which the little Italian children who were our neighbors picked and sold back to us. In Lansdowne and Swarthmore there were bits of woodlot. But in Philadelphia there was nothing, only stone walls of different heights on which to walk. Nothing, except for the winter when we lived at the edge of the park near the zoo.


12There were treasures on Mother’s dressing table, too — a Wedgwood pin dish, a little porcelain Mary and her lamb, the pale green, flowered top of a rose bowl that had broken, and Mother’s silver-backed comb and brush and mirror. All these things held meaning for me. Each was — and still is — capable of evoking a rush of memories.


13Taken altogether, the things that mattered a great deal to me when I was a child are very few when I compare them to the overloaded tables and overcrowded shelves through which children today have to thread their way. Only if they are very fortunate will they be able to weave together into memories the ill-assorted mass of gadgets, toys, and easily forgotten objects, objects without a past or a future, and piles of snapshots that will be replaced by new, brightly colored snapshots next year.


14The difficulty, it seems to me, is not — as so many older people claim— that in the past life was simple and there were fewer things, and so people were somehow better, as well as more frugal. It is, rather, that today’s children have to find new ways of anchoring the changing moments of their lives, and they have to try to do this with very little help from their elders, who grew up in an extraordinarily different world. How many of the young people who are rebelling against the tyranny of things, who want to strip their lives down to contents of a rucksack, can remember and name the things that lay on their mother’s dress table or can describe every toy and book they had as a child?


15It has been found that when desperate, unhappy youngsters are preparing to break away from a disordered, drug-ridden commune in which they have been living for months, they first gather together in one spot their few possessions and introduce a semblance of order among them. The need to define who you are by the place in which you live remains intact, even when that place is defined by a single object, like the small blue vase that used to mean home to one of my friends, the daughter of a widowed trained nurse who continually moved from one place to another. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert often build no walls when they camp in the desert. They simply hollow out a small space in the sand. But then they bend a slender sapling into an arch to make a doorway, an entrance to a dwelling as sacrosanct from invasion as the walled estates of the wealthy are or as Makati, in Manila, is, where watchmen guard the rich against the poor.


17Home, I learned, can be anywhere you make it. Home is also the place to which you come back again and again. The really poignant parting is the parting that may be forever. It is this sense that every sailing may be a point of no return that haunts the peoples of the Pacific islands. On the very day I arrived in Samoa, people began to ask, “When will you leave?” When I replied, “In a year,” they sighed, “Alas, talofai” — our love to you — with the sadness of a thousand partings in their voices.


18I have seen something similar on the seacoast of Portugal, where every year for four hundred years fishermen set out in their frail boats for the fishing banks across the treacherous Atlantic and no one could tell when — or whether —they would return. Portugal is still a widow’s walk. The old women, dressed in black, still seem to be looking out to sea for the men who disappeared into the distance and an unknown fate.


19In all my years of field work, each place where I have lived has become home. Each small object I have brought with me, each arrangement on a shelf of tin cans holding beads or salt for trade or crayons for the children to draw with becomes the mark of home. When it is dismantled on the last morning — a morning that is marked by the greed of those who have little and hope for a share of whatever is left behind, as well as by the grief of feeling that someone is leaving forever — on that morning, I weep. I, too, know that this departure, unlike my forays from home as a child, is likely to be forever.


3 濒危物种vs.人类需求

Martha Grace Low

1The most famous endangered species on earth were the dinosaurs. They died out in one of five "great extinctions "that have occured in the millions of years since life began on this planet ----periods in which, for natural causes ,a large percentage of the specices that ecisted simply disappeared .We are now in the middle of a six great extinction ,but this one has been caused by human activity. Consequently ,the importance of preserving species is a popular topic today ,particurlarly in the industrialized world .


2But no discussion of endangered species is complete without an examination of the reasons behind its causes,which are human needs.In Africa ,where the world's population is growing the fastest are shringking as people clear lands for homes and farms and cut wood for fuel.Herds of goats and sheep eat the vegetation,leaving the bare soil to be carried away by wind and water .Human kill wildlife to protect their crops ,and may also kill them for the illegal trade in ivory ,rhinoceros horns ,furs .In Latin America and Southeast Asia ,rainforests are cleared for farmlands and for fuel and timber .The loss of the forest endangers many species of plants and destroys many animals'habitats.or natural homes .And in the oceans ,fish supplies have been greatly reduced by overfishing and by pollutin.


3Humans want to survive just as every other species does .we need food ,shelter ,and a place to rear our young ,So how do our activities endanger other species ?Speciefically ,there are three major ways ,We kill off animals directly in some cases ,We may want their meat ,bones .skins ,tusks .horns,or feathers ;or we may wantto protect our crops and livestock from them ,By overhunting ,Euro-Americans endangered the buffalo in North America ,and in the nin eteenth century hunters drove to extinction the passenger pigeon ,which was probably the most populous species that have ever lived.


4Another way that we endanger native life-forms is by introducing foreign species into their habitat .A prime example of this was the introduction of European rabbits into Australia . where they multiplied until they endangered the native species of grazing animals by eating all the vegetation .This became a terrible problem that has finally been brought under some control ,though not completely solved.


7Many people's answer is thar every life-form has a right to exist,and that no other reason is needed for preserving it,A more common reason is the beauty of many species .Certain species also provide humans with economic value ,But scientists identify two additional reasons which may not be obvious to most of us.


8one of these reasons is that each life -form occupies a special place within its ecosystem --that is .its community of plant and animal life ,in combination with the nonliving components of its environment such as the climate ,soil .water .and air.For instance within a forest the larger trees drop off little twigs and debris.making a layer that holds water in the soil for other plants to use .The roots hold the soil and prevent it from washing away in rainstorms.Whether living or dead.the tree provides shelter for animals and birds and food for insects.As the dead tree rots away,it enriches the soil of the forest floor ,enabling other plants to spring up in its place Such large trees are an example of what we call keystone species ;if they disappeared from their ecosystem .the consequences would be felt throughout the community of other species living in the forest ,"The loss of akeystone species is like a drill accidentally striking a powerline ",says biologist Edward wilson of Harvard University ."It causes lights to go out all over " During the current sixth great extinction .three species of life-forms are dying out every hour ,or74per day .which equals 2700.each year .Some of these ---and we donot even know which ones ---are undoubtedly keystone species.

理由之一是,每个物种在它所处的由所有动植物和无生命的气候、土壤、水和空气等组成的生态系统中都占有一个特殊的地位。例如,在森林中,较大的树掉下的残枝在土壤中形成一个水分保持层,供其它植物利用。它们的根可以固定土壤,防止土壤被暴雨冲走。无论是活树还是枯树都可以为动物和鸟提供栖息地,为昆虫提供食物。枯树腐烂以后还可以肥沃森林地里的土壤,得以使其它植物从原处拔地而出。这样的大树就是我们所说的主要物种;如果它们从生态系统中消失,其影响会遍及所有生长在森林里的其它物种。哈佛大学的生物学家爱德华威尔逊说:“一个主要物种的消失就像钻头意外地钻断电线,导致四处断电。” 在当前第六次“大灭绝”时期,每小时平均有三个物种灭绝,也就是每天有74个物种灭绝,每年合计达27000个。其中有些物种(虽然我们不确定是哪些)毫无疑问是主要物种。 

9Natural ecosytems are characterized by biodiversity ,which means that a good variety of plant and animal life are present there ,In many parts of today's world .humans have replaced naturally diverse environments with monoculture ,in which only one species lives --one that we humans value , A prime example in forested regions of the world is the monocultural "tree farms "that have been planted after the original forests have been cut down .The character of these tree farms is very different from that of the original forests.


10In the case of forests .another extre,ely important reason for presserving species is illustrated by the pacific yew tree ,which people used to down and never replant because they thought it had no particular value,But recently medical researches discovered that a substance called taxol .produced naturally in the bark of this tree ,is an effective medication for treating certain kinds of cancer ,Suddenly harvesters began flocking to the forests of the North American Pacific Northwest in search of this tree,If it had become extinct before its value had been discovered .many cancer patients would have died needlessly.


11Now .consider for a moment that there are around 1.6million species that we have identified on earth (plus uncounted others that we haven't identified )and most of them hace never been studied to see whether they might be able to provide us with food or medicine About 15percent of all our medicines are derived from tropical plants.But we have been able to test only about 10percent of the plants that we know about .and have intensively studied less than 1percent .Of the 74species dying out each day .many of them are tropical plants from the rainforests.Om,pst cases .we don't even knoe the value of what we are losing .


12If we turn from medicines to food sources ,we find that over 50percent of today's global food supply consists of just three grains --wheat,rice and corn .if climatic changes or a plant disease suddenly threatened one of these grains .many people would starve unless we could find another species to strengthen or replace it ,It is dangerous to be so dependent on such a small number of species we need to preserve a wider variety of food species .


13Finally ,a very important reason for preserving forestland is that plants produce the oxygen that animals (like us )breathe ,and forests produce more of the world's oxygen than any other environment ,Forests also make the air more humid ,producing rain;and the loss of forests leads to the process of desertification ---the creation of deserts where little will grow.


14Many methods of protecting endangered species are being practiced in different parts of the globe ,Legislation is a common method : passing laws against killing endangered species or destroying their habitat ,Worldwide ,over 1200parks and preserves have been set aside in which wildlife are protected ,And certain endangered species are being raised in captivity for later release into their wild habitats .


4 当看音乐电视长大的一代成为首席执行官

Susan M.Keaveney

2“Who will take the helm?” is one question that will keep CEOs awake at night in the next millennium. Most wonder what corporate culture in services firms will look like when the 40 million Gen Xers in the work force – now twenty-and thirty-something employees – take over as managers.

当这些“难以驾驭的”年轻人成为经理会发生什么样的情况呢?“将来谁来掌舵呢?”这个问题会使很多首席执行官在21世纪的晚上辗转难眠。他们大多想知道现在被称为X一代的近4 000万的20多岁、30多岁的员工如果担任经理职位,服务业的公司文化又将会是个什么样子。

3Much has been written about Gen X employees, most of it negative. Early studies accused them of being arrogant, uncommitted, unmanageable slackers – disrespectful of authority, scornful of paying dues – tattooed and pierced youths who “just don’t care.” Recent interpretations, however, offer some new and somewhat different insights.


4Gen Xers have been characterized as the “latchkey kids” of the 70’s and 80’s; often left on their own by divorced and/or working parents, these young people became adept at handling things on their own and in their own ways. Many became self-motivating, self-sufficient, and creative problem-solvers. Their independence, which baby-boom managers sometimes interpret as arrogance, may also reflect a need to feel trusted to get a job done.


5As employees, Gen Xers enjoy freedom to manage their own schedules. They don’t watch a clock and don’t want their managers to do so. Whether work is done from nine-to-eight – at home , in the office, or over lattes – is irrelevant to this group because Gen Xers are results-oriented. They seek guidance, inspiration, and vision from their managers but otherwise prefer to be left alone between goal-setting and deliverables.


6Many Gen Xers excel at developing innovative solutions, but need clear, firm deadlines to set boundaries on their creative freedom. They have been known to bristle under micromanagement but flourish with coaching and feedback.


7Gen X grew up with rapidly changing technology and the availability of massive amounts of information. Many developed skills at parallel processing or sorting large amounts of information quickly (which is sometimes interpreted as a short attention span). Most are skilled at understanding and using technologies, adapt quickly to new platforms, and are practiced at learning through technological media. They value visual as well as verbal communication.


8Gen X employees excel in a technologically advanced environment. They demand state-of-the-art capabilities, such as telecommuting, teleconferencing, and electronic mail, in order to work efficiently and effectively. To baby-boom managers this may seem to be a preference for impersonal means of communicating, living and working, but Gen Xers do not see it that way; for example, they have modified electronic language and symbolism to express emotions such as surprise, anger and pleasure.


9Gen X employees don’t live to work, they work to live. They place a high value on prototypical family values that they feel they missed. Having observed their parents trade personal lives for “the good of the company,” this group wants balance in their lives, demanding time for work, play, family, friends, and spirituality. Gen X employees are skeptical of forgoing the needs of today for a later, uncertain payoff.


10When on the job market, Gen Xers will openly ask life-balance questions. This can be a turnoff for unprepared interviewers used to classic baby-boomer scripts featuring such lines as “How can I best contribute to the company?” and “My greatest weakness is that I work too hard.”


11In contrast, Gen Xers want to know “What can you do to help me balance work, life, and family?” They expect companies to understand and respect their needs as individuals with important personal lives. This focus on “getting a life” cause some to label them as slackers. Viewed from another perspective, however, Gen Xers could be seen as balanced individuals who can set priorities within time limits.


13Gen X employees tend to focus on the big picture, to emphasize outcomes over process or protocol. They respect clear, unambiguous communication – whether good news or bad. Gen Xers prefer tangible rewards over soft words. Cash incentives, concert tickets, computer equipment, or sports outings go farther with this group than “attaboys,” plaques, or promises of future rewards.


14Growing up in a period of corporate downsizing and right-sizing fostered Gen X beliefs that the future depends on their resumes rather than loyalty to any one company .Not surprisingly ,Gen X employees seek challenging projects that help them develop a portfolio of skills .


15What might appear to a baby-boom manager as job-hopping can be interpreted as Gen Xer’s pattern of skill acquisition .Similarly, a refusal to just “do time” in an organization, often interpreted as disloyalty and a lack of commitment, may come from an intolerance of busywork and wasted time.


16Gen Xers will thrive in learning organizations where they can embrace creative challenges and acquire new skills. Smaller companies and work units will be valued for the opportunities they provide for Gen X employees to apply their diverse array of skills and, thereby, prove their individual merit.


17Managers who enact their roles as teachers and facilitators rather than “bosses” will get the most from their Gen X employees. Training is valued by this group but should be immediately relevant: the best training seems to be self-directed or tied to self-improvement, personal development, and skills-building.


18Some baby-boom managers hope that the differences between themselves and their Gen X employees will fade away as less-conforming behaviors are abandoned with age and experience. But what if the wished-for assimilation into corporate culture —as presently defined by baby-boomers—doesn’t occur? Or, what if, more likely, the assimilation is less than complete? What vestiges of Gen X’s culture will be maintained? What will be absorbed, what will fade away?


19As a group, Gen X was not predicted to become “the establishment,” yet the establishment will claim them nevertheless. Having rebelled against standard business hours and micromanagement, they might find it difficult to make such demands of their subordinates. Having distained bosses, they might be uncomfortable being bosses themselves; having shunned hierarchy and titles, they may find their own managerial monikers awkward to bear.


20Their emphasis on independence, combined with technological expertise, suggested that Gen X managers will support continued growth in telecommuting. This trend could put particular stresses on services firms that require contact personnel on-site to service customers. However, the creative problem-solving excellence of Gen X managers, combined with their technological prowess, will support new approaches to the issue of front-line service coverage.


21Their life-balance beliefs suggest that Gen X managers will support family-friendly corporate policies. Firms will experience a continued drive toward flexible work schedules and reduced hours that benefit both Gen Xers (who strive for balance throughout their careers) and baby boomers (who put off “life” until their career dues were paid) . Firms will manage differences in needs for employee benefits with cafeteria plans that allow Gen Xers to select benefits that support early family concerns (insurance, child care) and allow baby boomers to focus on 401ks [U.S] and retirement plans.


22Gen Xer’s “just do it” attitudes and impatience with corporate cultures that seem to support style over substance indicate that Gen X managers will support a more casual workplace. Expect “dress-down Friday” to expand to encompass the entire workweek, with formal business attire required on an as-needed basis such as in the presence of customers.( Gen Xers will respect social niceties when they agree that there’s a good reason.)


23Some “free-agent” Gen Xers will ultimately be unable or unwilling to make the transition to corporate manager. As Scott Asams’ Dilbert cartoons make painfully clear, many Gen Xers fear ending up in deed-end support jobs, especially when they see the road to the top clogged with baby-boom managers. We are likely to see many choose an alternative lifestyle by becoming entrepreneurs. Indeed, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 80% of Americans starting their own businesses today are between ages 18 and 34. The trend may dilute corporate pools of promotable junior managers but provide a needed infrastructure for corporate outsourcing.

一些人做自由人的X一代人最终也许不能或不愿过渡到公司经理的职位。正如scottAdamsdilbert 的卡通片中所作的痛苦的描述那样,许多X一代人,尤其是当他们看到通往高层职位的职业道路上还挤满了婴儿潮事情出生的经理们的时候,担心最终会落到从事前途的下手工作的下场。我们很可能会看到许多人选择另外一种生活态度成为企业家。实际上,根据美国劳动统计局的报告,美国目前正在开始自主创业的群体中,有80%的人年龄在1834岁之间。这种趋势会使公司中有提职潜力的年轻经理储备量减少,但是却为公司外包业务提供了必要的基础。

25Facing the issue squarely and approaching Gen X workplace issues as issues of cultural diversity are necessary to get the most from the two groups of group. Lines of communication must be opened and maintained. For example, mentoring programs that pair the institutional memory and experience of baby boomers with the technological prowess and creativity of Gen Xers can help to foster mutual respect between the two groups.


26Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future. This is a time when Gen X’s visionary qualities will be most valued by firms. Will their anger with pollution, devastation of natural resources, and waste inspire them to responsible environmental stewardshipWill their disgust with corruption and scandal stimulate ethical corporate leadership? Will their experiences as the forgotten generation motivate them to create supportive corporate cultures? Will their experiences as a marginal group help them to envision, and sponsor, corporate cultural diversity? Only time will tell.



5 建立婚姻新规范的七条准则

David Popenoe

I propose as a remedy for socieyt’s confusion over marital gender-role expectations, a pattern of late marriage followed, in the early childrearing years, by what one could call a “modified traditional nuclear family.” The main elements of this pattern can be summarized as follows. (I recognize, of course, that this pattern—being a set of normative expectations—is not something to which everyone can or should conform.)


(1) Girls as well as boys should be trained according to their abilities for a socially useful paid job or career. It is important for women to be able to achieve the economic, social, and psychic rewards of the workplace that have long been reserved for men. It is important for society that everyone be well educated and that they make an important work contribution over the course of their lives.


(2) Young people should grow up with the expectation that they will marry only once and for a lifetime and that they will have children. Reproduction is a fundamental purpose of life, and marriage is instrumental to its success. Today, close to 90percent of Americans actually marry, and about the same percentage of American women have children: Although these figures have been dropping, the social expectation in these respects is currently quite well realized. Lifetime monogamy is not so well realized, however, with the divorce rate now standing at over 50 percent.


(3) Young adults should be encouraged to marry later in life than is common now, with an average age at time of marriage in the late twenties or early thirties (the average ages currently are twenty-six for men and twenty-four for women). Even later might be better for men, but better for men, but at older ages than this for women who want children, the “biological clock” becomes a growing problem.


Form society’s viewpoint, the most important reason why people should be encouraged to marry relatively late in life is that they are more mature, they know better what they want in a mate, they are more established in their jobs or careers, and the men have begun to “settle down”, sexually (partly due to a biological diminution of their sex drive). Age at marriage has proven to be the single most important predictor of eventual divorce, with the highest divorce rates found among those who marry in their teenage years. But we must also recognize that both women and men want to have time, when they are young, to enjoy the many opportunities for personal expression and fulfillment that modern, affluent societies are able to provide.


We should anticipate that many of these years of young adulthood will be spent in nonmarital cohabitation, an arrangement that often makes more sense than the alternatives to it, especially living along or continuing to live with one’s family of origin. I am not implying, much less advocating, sexual promiscuity here, but rather serious, caring relationships which may involve cohabitation.


(4)From the perspective of promoting eventual family life, however, the downside to late age of marriage is that people live for about a decade or more in a nonfamily, “singles” environment which reinforces their personal drive for expressive individualism and conceivably reduces their impulse toward carrying out eventual family obligations, thus making the transition to marriage and childrearing more difficult. To help overcome the anti-family impact of these years, young unmarried adults should be encouraged to save a substantial portion of their income for a “family fund” with an eye toward offsetting the temporary loss of the wife’s income after marriage and childbirth.


(5)Once children are born, wives should be encouraged to leave the labor market and become substantially full-time mothers for a period of at least a year to eighteen months per child. The reason for this is that mother-reared infants appear to have distinct advantages over those reared apart from their mothers. It is desirable for children to have full-time parenting up to at least age three, but after eighteen months—partly because children by then are more verbal—it is appropriate for fathers to become the primary caretakers, and some men may wish to avail themselves of the opportunity. At age three, there is no evidence that children in quality group care suffer any disadvantages (in fact, for most children there are significant advantages). Once children reach that age, therefore, the average mother could resume working part-time until the children are at least of school age, and preferably in their early to middle teen years, at which point she could resume work full-time. Alternatively, when the children reach the age of three the father could stay home part-time, and the mother could resume work full-time.


For women, this proposal is essentially the strategy known as “sequencing”. The main difficulty with it, as sociologist Phyllis Moen has noted,” is that child-nurturing years are also the career-nurturing years. What is lost in either case cannot be ‘made up’ at a later time.” Yet I would argue that it is possible to “make up” for career loss, but impossible to make up for child-nurturing loss. To make it economically more possible for a family with young children to live on a single income, we should institute (in addition to the “family fund”) what virtually every other industrialized society already has in place—parental leave and child allowance programs. And, to help compensate women for any job or career setbacks due to their time out of the labor force, we should consider the development of “veterans benefits” type programs that provide mothers with financial subsidies and job priorities when they return to the paid work force. In general, women must be made to feel that caring for young children is important work, respected by the working community.


(6)According to this proposal, the mother and not the father ordinarily would be the primary caretaker of infants. This is because of fundamental biological differences between the sexes that assume great importance in childrearing, as discussed above. The father should be an active supporter of the mother-child bond during this period, however, as well as auxiliary homemaker and care provider. Fathers should expect to spend far more time in domestic pursuits than their own fathers did. Their work should include not only the male’s traditional care of the house as a physical structure and of the yard and car, but in many cases cooking, cleaning, and child care, the exact distribution of such activities depending on the individual skills and talents of the partners. And, as noted above, after children reach age eighteen months it may be desirable for the father and not the mother to become the primary caretaker. This means that places of employment must make allowances for substantial flex-time and part-time job absence for fathers as well as for mothers.


(7)It should be noted that there is some balancing out of domestic and paid-work roles between men and women over the course of life. Under current socioeconomic conditions, husbands, being older, retire sooner than their wives. Also, in later life some role switching occurs, presumably caused in part by hormonal changes, in which women become more work-oriented and men become more domestic. Given current male-female differences in longevity, of course, the average woman can expect to spend an estimated seven years of her later life as a widow.


Male breadwinning and female childrearing have been the pattern of social life throughout history, albeit not always in quite so extreme a form as found in modern societies over the past century and a half. Except perhaps for adult pair-bonds in which no young children are involved, where much social experimentation is possible, it is foolhardy to think that the nuclear family can or should be entirely scrapped. When children become a part of equation, fundamental biological and social constraints come into play—such as the importance of mothers to young children—and central elements of the nuclear family are dismissed at society’s peril. Rather than strive for androgyny and be continuously frustrated and unsettled by our lack of achievement of it, we would do much better to more readily acknowledge, accommodate, and appreciate the very different needs, sexual interests, values, and goals of each sex. And rather than the unisex pursuit of “freedom with a male bias,” we should be doing more to foster a culture in which the traditional female values of relationship and caring are given a higher priority and respect.


In a much modified form, then, traditional marital gender roles are necessary if the good of society---and of individuals --- are to be advanced.


Uint six

1America is a nation of ambitious people, and yet ambition is a quality that is hard to praise and easy to deplore. It’s a great engine of American creativity, but it also can be an unrelenting oppressor, which robs us of time and peace of mind. Especially in highly prosperous periods — periods like the present — it becomes fashionable to question whether ambition has gotten out of hand and is driving us to excesses of striving and craving that are self-destructive.


2Ambition is not, of course, only a quest for riches. The impulse pervades every walk of life. Here is Al Gore straining to be president — campaigning earnestly without any apparent joy — to fulfill an ambition that must date back to his diaper days. And does anyone really believe that the fierce rivalry among America’s immensely rich computer moguls is about money? What it concerns is the larger ambition to control the nation’s cyberagenda.


3One-upmanship is a national mania. You see it every time a wide receiver prances into the end zone and raises his index finger in triumph. More common is the search for status symbols — a bigger house, a more exotic vacation, a niftier bike, a faster computer — that separate us from the crowd. Money may not be the only way to satisfy this urge, but it’s the most common because it can so easily translate itself into some other badge of identity and standing.


4For many people, the contest seems futile. The New York Times recently ran a long story on four families with roughly $50,000 of income who “wonder why they have to struggle so hard just to pay the bills.” The answer isn’t that their incomes are stagnating. Between 1992 and 1997, the median income of married couples rose from $48,008 to $51,681 in inflation-adjusted dollars,reports the Census Bureau. They are surely higher now. All the families profiled by the Times owned homes as well as things like big-screen TVs and elaborate outdoor grills.


5The problem isn’t that they’re running in place but that they’re running in the pack with everyone else. Consumer products morph from luxury to convenience to necessity. Cars, TVs and microwaves all followed the cycle; now it describes Internet connections and cell phones. If you don’t buy by the final stage, you’re considered a crank or a pauper. There’s nothing new here. In The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), Thorstein Veblen argued that, once an item becomes widely owned, possessing it becomes a requisite for “self-respect.” People try to consume “just beyond their reach” so they “can outdo” those with whom they compare themselves.


6Frustration is preordained. Despite the booming economy, a Newsweek Poll in June reported that 29 percent of adults found it “more difficult” to “live the kind of life” they want, while only 23 percent found it less difficult. (For 47 percent, there was no change.) The stress can lead to tragedy. Perhaps this is the story of Mark Barton, the day trader who murdered 12 people. People routinely try to beat the system through get-rich-quick schemes. This partly explains the explosion in legalized gambling. In 1998, Americans lost about $50 billion gambling.


7We’re constantly advised to subdue ambition. Search for deeper meaning in family, friends and faith, we’re told. Money cannot buy happiness. This seems sensible — up to a point. The General Social Survey at the University of Chicago asks people to rate their happiness. The 1998 survey shows a somewhat stronger relation between money and happiness than earlier polls. About 34 percent of those with incomes between $30,000 and $50,000 were “very happy” and 58 percent were “pretty happy.” Above $110,000, the ratings were 51 percent “very happy” and 45 percent “pretty happy.” (Marriage has a bigger impact than income; the “very happy” rate of couples is about double that of singles.)


8In a recent book (Luxury Fever), Cornell University economist Robert Frank urges that we penalize overambition with a progressive consumption tax. The more people spend, the higher their tax rate. Spend $5,000 on a watch instead of $50, and your taxes go up; buy a car for $60,000 instead of $20,000, and pay more taxes. People wouldn’t be worse off, Frank argues, because they’d be shielded from the “arms race” pattern of competitive consumption. Indeed, they’d have more free time, because it wouldn’t pay to work so hard.


9Hmm. Let’s rethink. Though unlovable, ambition is socially useful. It sustains economic vitality. It prods people to take risks and exert themselves. The Internet is the offspring of workaholics spending eight-day weeks to invent a new world and make a fortune. When the process works well, gains overwhelm losses — and not just in economic output. Today’s hyper-prosperity has improved the social climate. Almost all indicators of confidence have increased.


10What people disdain as ambition they also venerate as opportunity. As Tocqueville long ago noted, America was built on the notion that — unlike in Europe, with its hereditary aristocracy — people could write their own life stories. The ideal endures. A 1996 survey asked whether anyone starting poor could become rich; 78 percent of Americans thought so. And social standing is fluid everywhere. Ambition and its creative powers permeate the arts, the professions, academia, science. Because everyone can be someone, the competition to excel is unrelenting and often ruthless.


11Few of us escape ambition’s wounds. There are damaged dreams, abandoned projects and missed promotions. Most of us face the pressures of balancing competing demands between our inner selves and outer lives. A society that peddles so many extravagant promises sows much disappointment. Ambition is bitter as often as sweet; but without it, we’d be sunk.


7 网络空间:如果你不喜欢它,就离开它

Something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. we hanker after wide-open spaces; we like to explore; we like to make rules but refuse to follow them. But in this age it’s hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors.


1.There is such a place: cyberspace.lost in the furor over porn on the net is the exhilarating sense of freedom that this new frontier once promised-and still does in some quarters. Formerly a playground for computer nerds and techies, cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency: schoolchildren, flirtatious singles, Hungarian-Americans, accountants. Can they all get along? Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown?


2.The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspace is. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate. Real estate, remember, is an intellectual, legal, artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall, between red-light zone and school district, between church , state and drugstore.


3.In the same way, you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate. Some property is privately owned and rented out; other property is common land; some places are suitable for children, and others are best avoided by all citizens. Unfortunately, it’s those places that are now capturing the popular imagination, places that offer bomb-making instructions, pornography, advice on how to steal credit cards. They make cyberspace sound like a nasty place. Good citizens jump to a conclusion: better regulate it.


6.Aside from being unconstitutional, using censorship to counter indecency and other troubling” speech” fundamentally misinterprets the nature of cyberspace. Cyberspace isn’t a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children, nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers. In the kind of real estate, users have to choose where they visit, what they see, what they do. It’s optional.and it’s much easier to bypass a place on the net than it is to avoid walking past an unsavory block of stores on the way to your local 7-11.


7.Put plainly, cyberspace is a voluntary destination -----in reality, many destinations. You don’t just get “onto the net ”; you have to go someplace in particular. That means that people can choose where to go and what to see. Yes, community standards should be enforced, but those standards should be set by cyberspace communities themselves, not by the courts or by politicians in Washington.what we need isn’t government control over all these electronic communities:we need self-rule.


10.Second, there are information and entertainment services, where people can download anything from legal texts and lists of “great new restaurants” to game software or dirty pictures. These places are like bookstores, malls and movie houses-----places where you go to buy something. The customer needs to request an item or sign up for a subscription; stuff(especially pornography) is not sent out to people who don’t ask for it. Some of these services are free or included as part of a broader service like compuserve or America online; others charge and may bill their customers directly.


11.Third, there are “real ” communities-----groups of people who communicate among themselves. In real-estate terms, they’re like bars or restaurants or bathhouses. Each active participant contributes to a general conversation, generally through posted messages. Other participants may simply listen or watch.. some services are supervised by a moderator; others are more like bulletin boards------anyone is free to post anything. Many of these services started out unmoderated but are now imposing rules to keep out unwanted advertising, extraneous discussions or increasingly rude participants.without a moderator, the decibel level often gets too high.

第三,网络空间上有“真正的”社区——内部 相互交流的群体。参照房屋土地财产的比喻来说,它们类似与酒吧·饭馆和公共浴室。每个积极的参与者一般通过张贴信息来参与某一个讨论。其他参与者可以只是旁听或者是观望。部分社区由一个版主进行监管,其他的社区则更像电子公告牌——任何人都可以自由的张贴任何东西。许多服务开始时并不设版主,但是现在也实行强制规定以防止出现无用的广告·无用的讨论或日益粗鲁的参与者。没有版主,社区讨论往往会分贝太高,显得过于吵杂。

14.What’s unique about cyberspace is that it allows communities of any size and kind to flourish; in cyberspace, communities are chosen by the users, not forced on them by accidents of geography. This freedom gives the rules that preside in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have. Most people are stuck in the country of their birth, but if you don’t like the rules of a cyberspace community, you can just sign off. Love it or leave it. Likewise, if parents don’t like the rules of a given cyberspace community, they can restrict their children’s access to it.


What’s likely to happen in cyberspace is the formation of new communities, free of the constraints that cause conflict on earth. Instead of a global village, which is a nice dream but impossible to manage, we’ll have invented another world of self-contained communities that cater to their own members’ inclinations without interfering with anyone else’s. the possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. In cyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed------intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in; others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive----either because people lose interest or get scared off-----will simply wither away.


15.In the near future, explorers in the cyberspace will need to get better at defining and identifying their communities. They will need to put in place-----and accept-----their own local governments,just as the owners of expensive real estate often prefer to have their own security guards rather than call in the police.but they will rarely need help from any terrestrial government.


16.In the end, our society needs to grow up. Growing up means understanding that there are no perfect answers, no all-purpose solutions, no government-sanctioned safe havens. We haven’t created a perfect society on earth, and we won’t have one in cyberspace either. But at least we can have individual choice-----and individual responsibility.



读说写2 Unit one


A 1. triggered 2. economically 3. minimum 4. commitment 5. relieved 6. shrinking 7. enrollments 8. scarcely 9. sequence 10. stride

B 1-5 ADBCB 6-10 ACACD


1. requires 2. dimensional 3. thoughtfully 4. lines 5. next 6. summarize 7. own 8. notes 9. out 10. refuse 11. front 12. content 13. act 14. value 15. accent 16. distracting 17. effort 18. advantage 19. forth 20. conclusions


[A] 1. 那位教授很可能在他唯一的学生缺席的情况下对着空空的教室讲了一课。

The professor might probably have delivered his lecture to the empty classroom in the absence of his solitary student.

2. 现行的教育体制遭到了公众的批评,公众已经开始意识到这种体制给学生带来的危害。

The present educational system has been under attack from the public, who have begun to realize the harm the system has done to students.

3. 老师告诉这些大四学生他每次都会点名,因为这门课是必须要听的。

The professor told those seniors that he would take attendance every time because attendance at this course was compulsory.

4. 我真想参加你的乔迁聚会。但是很抱歉我无法去, 因为我有一大堆事情要做。

I’d love to go to your housewarming party, but I’m sorry I can’t make it because I’ve got a stack of things to do.

5. 中学辍学的年青人可以上夜校或通过电大和函授课程恢复他们的学业。

Youths who dropped out of middle school can resume their studies at night school or through television and correspondence courses.

6. 她不喜欢那位著名作家的讲座,但她为了在讲座后得到他的签名还是耐着性子听完了。

She didn’t like the famous writer’s lecture, but she stuck it out to get the writer’s autograph after the lecture.

7. 我对讲座制所体现的冷漠无情非常失望,但是最终我还是无奈接受了它,并耐心等待成为大三的学生。

I was disappointed at the impersonality of the lecture system, but eventually I grew resigned to the system and waited patiently to become a junior.

8. 我们不得不承认讲座体制会把教师和学生天真的问题隔绝开来,而这些问题很可能会引起学生很多有用的想法。

We have to admit that the lecture system insulates a teacher from students’ naive questions, which could have triggered a line of useful thought.

9. 我不同意那些评论家的意见。你得出的结论绝不是没有价值的。对我而言,这些结论很有道理。

I don’t agree with those critics’ opinions. Your conclusions are far from worthless; they make a good deal of sense to me.

10. 为了学生本身的缘故,应该在第一节课就告诉他们这门课的目的,内容以及要通过这门课的要求。

For the sake of the students, they should be told on the first class about the objective and content of the course and the requirements to pass the course.

[B] One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can proceed as slowly as they need to until the subject matter becomes clear to them. Even simply paying attention is very difficult; people can listen at a rate of four hundred to six hundred words a minute, while the most impassioned professor talks at scarcely a third of that speed. This time lag between speech and comprehension leads to daydreaming. Many students believe years of watching television have sabotaged their attention span, but their real problem is that listening attentively is much harder than they think. (Para.9)


Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene both because they seem to be economically necessary and because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that values tradition for its own sake. But the lectures too frequently come at the wrong end of the students’ educational careers — during the first two years, when they most need close, even individual, instruction. If lecture classes were restricted to juniors and seniors, who are less in need of scholarly nurturing and more able to prepare work on their own, they would be far less destructive of students’ interests and enthusiasms than the present system. After all, students must learn to listen before they can listen to learn. (Para.15)


Unit two


A 1. studded 2. mischief 3. evoked 4. tyranny 5. humdrum 6. prelude 7. frugal 8. frail 9. treacherous 10. forays

B 1-5 BCCAD 6-10 ACBAD


1. boarders 2. build 3. extended 4. right 5. regular 6. familiar 7. by 8. homely 9. mobile 10. maintaining 11. keep 12. even 13. well 14. touch 15. closer 16. fewer 17. sense 18. step 19. waiting 20. imagination


[A] 1. 这一地区的每一角落都将在5年内得到供电, 这是电力部长2年前许下的诺言。

Every nook and corner of the region would be provided with electricity in five years. This was the pledge that the minister of electricity had taken two years ago.

2. 由于要在不同地区做实地考察工作, 他去年一年搬 4次家,虽然他每次都搬得很不情愿。

In order to do field work at different places, he moved four times last year, though each time he did it with an ill grace.

3. 在离开这个杂乱无序、毒品充斥的小镇前,他把自 己所有值钱的家当都放到一起并按一定的秩序存放 了起来。

Before leaving this disordered, drug-ridden small town, he gathered together in one place all his valuable possessions and introduced some semblance of order among them.

4. 她小时候家境贫寒,没有几件对她来说有意义的东西, 所以她拥有过的每一个玩具都能勾起她串串回忆。

Her family was poor when she was a child. The things that mattered a great deal to her were very few. Therefore, every toy she had played with could evoke a rush of memories.

5. 整整一个小时,警察们在拥挤的楼群里艰难地行进, 寻找一位射杀了5人的在逃持枪者。

For an hour, policemen threaded their way through the crowded buildings, looking for an elusive gunman who had shot five people.

6. 对很多人来说,旅行或离家外出一段时日是应对日常 单调乏味生活的一个有效手段。

For many people, traveling or staying away from home for some time is an effective antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life.

7. 当今妇女比以前享有更加自由、独立的地位,因此她 们越来越不愿意屈从于丈夫的专横暴虐。

Women today enjoy a freer, more independent position than ever before, and are accordingly less and less willing to submit to the tyranny of their husbands.

8. 心绞痛常常是心脏病的前兆,需要特别治疗,主要是 药物治疗。

Angina pectoris is often a prelude to a heart attack and requires special treatment, primarily with drugs.

9. 我们决定挖空这些大圆木,以便更多的人能坐在里面 并乘坐他们顺河而下。

We decide to hollow out the great logs so that more men could sit inside them and ride in them down the river.

10. 这场大火把宫殿里所有东西都毁掉了。没有一件华丽的镶嵌着金银的家具幸存下来。

The fire destroyed everything in the palace. Nothing of the magnificent furniture, studded with gold and silver, has survived.

[B] Most of us associate very strongly with the place of our birth or the place we have learned to call home. It can hurt very much not to be able to go there physically in order to feel secure.


Other students are very excited in the beginning only to find, after several weeks, that they are starting to miss what was familiar and wish for a visit with friends and family.


Homesickness can strike any of us when we have moved to new surroundings and are being called upon to meet our needs in a different way and with different people.

当我们搬迁到新的环境,需要以不同方式与不同的人交往以满足自己的需要的时候, 我们每个人都会有想家的感觉

Sometimes it can become a more serious depression if the person cannot begin to meet his/her needs for love and belonging with new people.

有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现, 那么想家就可能会导致更严重的忧郁症。

Often, homesickness is another way of saying we are scared to face the future, or that we’re doubting our ability to cope.

通常, 想家是另一种表明我们害怕面对未来或怀疑自己应对能力的方式。

Unit three


A 1. prime 2. components 3. derived 4. biodiversity 5. monoculture 6. uncounted 7. multiplied 8. captivity 9. legislation 10. conservation

B 1-5 ACDBD 6-10 ACBBD


1. contain 2. isolation 3. different 4. only 5. major 6. urban 7. natural 8. native 9. extensively 10. dramatic 11. extinction 12. contributed 13. numerous 14. developing 15. important 16. storing 17. maintains 18. view 19. survive 20. claim


[A] 1. 由生物多样性的丧失而引起的对人类和地球的威胁和由气候变化所带来的危险一样大。

The threat to humanity and the planet posed by biodiversity loss is as great as the dangers presented by climate change.

2. 收到年轻读者表达他们对被囚动物的关心的信,并询问他们能帮助做什么,我们总是很高兴。

We are always happy to hear from young readers expressing concern for animals in captivity and asking what they can do to help.

3. 这两个最盛行的理论都认为恐龙之所以灭绝是因为地球大气和温度的变化而造成的。

The two most popular theories both say that dinosaurs died out because of changes in the earth’s atmosphere and temperature.

4. 这场森林大火最终被消防队所控制住了,花费将近50万美元。

The forest fire was finally brought under control by the fire-fighting crews at a cost of nearly half a million dollars.

5. 植物根茎能够固定土壤,使之不会被雨水冲蚀。

Plant roots can hold the soil in position and prevent it from being washed away by the rain water.

6. 健康的生态系统以能源、营养物质、有机物质和水的可持续更替为特点。

Healthy ecosystems are characterized by sustainable turnovers of energy, nutrients, organic matter and water.

7. 在世界野生动物基金会一份新的报告中,科学家警告说全球变暖可能在今后20年中灭绝北极熊。

In a new report by the WWF, scientists have warned that global warming could kill off polar bears within the next 20 years.

8. 犁过的地对流水没有防范能力,因而珍贵的表土常常在大雨和洪水中被冲走。

Plowed fields don’t have any protection against running water, and often the valuable topsoil is carried away during heavy rains or floods.

9. 这个花园比前两天要安静多了,但周围还是有很多各式各样的鸟。

The garden was considerably quieter than it had been the previous two days, but there were still a good variety of birds around.

10. 尽管有不同的预计, 但总体上人们认为用于制作现代药品的活性成分有大约30%40%是从植物中提取的,或同植物有关。

While estimates differ, it is generally believed that around 30%–40% of the active ingredients used in modern medicines are derived from, or related to, plants.

[B] One of these reasons is that each life-form occupies a special place within its ecosystem — that is, its community of plant and animal life, in combination with the nonliving components of its environment such as the climate, soil, water, and air. For instance, within a forest the larger trees drop off little twigs and debris, making a layer that holds water in the soil for other plants to use. The roots hold the soil and prevent it from washing away in rainstorms. Whether living or dead, the tree provides shelter for animals and birds and food for insects. As the dead tree rots away, it enriches the soil of the forest floor, enabling other plants to spring up in its place. Such large trees are an example of what we call keystone species; if they disappeared from their ecosystem, the consequences would be felt throughout the community of other species living in the forest. “The loss of a keystone species is like a drill accidentally striking a powerline,” says biologist Edward Wilson of Harvard University. “It causes lights to go out all over.” During the current sixth great extinction, three species of life-forms are dying out every hour, or 74 per day, which equals 27,000 each year. Some of these — and we don’t even know which ones — are undoubtedly keystone species. (Para.8)

理由之一是, 每个物种在它所处的由所有动植物和无生命的气候、土壤、水和空气等组成的生态系统中都占有一个特殊的地位。例如, 在森林中,较高的树掉下的残枝在土壤中形成一个水份保持层,供其它植物利用。它们的根可以固定土壤,防止土壤被暴雨冲走。无论是活树还是枯树都可以为动物和鸟提供栖息地,为昆虫提供食物。枯树腐烂以后还可以肥沃森林的土壤,得以使其它植物从原处拔地而出。这样的大树就是我们所说的主要物种; 如果它们从生态系统中消失,其后果会遍及所有居住在森林的其它物种。哈佛大学的生物学家爱德华·威尔逊说:“一个主要物种的消失就像钻头意外地钻断电线,导致四处断电。”在当前第六次“大灭绝”时期, 每小时平均有三个物种灭绝,也就是每天有74 个物种灭绝, 每年合计达27,000 个。其中有些物种——虽然我们不确定是哪些——毫无疑问是主要物种。

Unit four


A 1. institutional 2. burgeoning 3. envision 4. marginal 5. encompass 6. outsource 7. prowess 8. shunned 9. assimilating 10. forgo

B 1-5 BCADA 6-10 BDCCA


1. previous 2. created 3. traits 4. giving 5. include 6. to 7. face 8. when 9. waste 10. with 11. offer 12. seriously 13. fluid 14. rigid 15. play 16. initiative 17. for 18. assure 19. stay 20. alone


[A] 1. 经过五年的实践, 他现在对同国际投资和贸易相关的法律事务已很在行了。

Having practiced for about 5 years,he is now adept at legal issues relating to international investment and trade.

2. 根据一项调查,X一代对退休后依靠社会保障持怀疑态度。和先辈们相比,他们早已开始在为退休而省钱了。

According to a survey, Gen Xers are skeptical about relying on Social Security when they retire. They began saving for retirement early compared with their predecessors.

3. 通过这种轻松舒适的脚摩治疗,你白天所有的烦恼压力好象都消失了。

All the cares and stresses of your day seem to fade away under the relaxing and comfortable treatment of foot massage.

4. 研究表明大部分员工都很看重他们卓有成效的工作能够得到认可或赞赏。

Studies show that most employees place a high value on being recognized or being complemented for a job well done.

5. 急诊室里挤满了来看常见病的病人,因为他们没有固定的医生。

Emergency rooms were clogged with patients who came for treatment of relatively routine medical problems because they didn’t have a regular doctor.

6. 任何一个试图训练或帮助一名新技术经理转变角色成为领导的人都可以从这本书中获得有用的想法。

Anyone trying to coach or help a new technical manager make the transition to a leadership role can get useful ideas from this book.

7. 大多数时候如果你走捷径完成一个项目,结果则需要你做一些修补工作,而其所花的时间会是你走捷径所省下的时间的两倍。

Most of the time when you take a short cut for completing a project you will end up doing some repair work later that will take double the time you saved by the short cut.

8. 那些不能在个人和职业生活之间设置合理界限的员工是不能理解生活和工作的意义的。

Employees who fail to set appropriate boundaries between their personal and professional lives will not be able to understand the meaning of life and work.

9. 这一运动的目的是训练人们在面对危险时有序而职业地作出反应。

The purpose of the exercise was to train staff to react in a disciplined and professional manner when in the presence of danger.

10. 大多数X一代人都有放弃职业发展而花费更多时间来陪妻子和孩子的愿望,特别是在他们孩子还小的那几年。

Most Gen Xers have the desire to forgo career advancement for more time with their wife and children, especially in the early years of their children’s lives.

[B] Gen Xers, on the other hand, watched the sacrifices that their parents made to move up the career ladder, only to be met with massive layoffs in American corporations.


These different perspectives can often lead to clashes in the workplace. Each group is prone to generalizations about the other.


Gen Xers see no reason to pay their dues because they can get the job done better and faster and still have time for their lifestyles and family.


Some would say the only solution is the legal system, where age-bias lawsuits may rise as boomers age.


But history will repeat itself as the baby boomers leave the workforce, the Gen Xers rise to power and generation Y employees come on the scene.


Unit six


A 1. deplored 2. pervades 3. requisite 4. workaholics 5. hereditary 6. extravagant 7. crave 8. mania 9. one-upmanship 10. overwhelm

B 1-5 CBDBA 6-10 DCBAC


1. probing 2. factors 3. degree 4. afford 5. extra 6. average 7. complicated 8. skyrocket 9. static 10. boost 11. colleague 12. seek 13. accept 14. rate 15. close 16. aspiration 17. beyond 18. size 19. fail 20. satisfying


[A] 1. 在追求幸福的过程中,人们注定要遭受许多挫折。

People are preordained to suffer many frustrations in their quest for happiness.

2. 美国是一个雄心勃勃的民族。各行各界的人们都面临着力求出类拔萃的激烈竞争压力。

American is an ambitious nation. People from every walk of life face the pressure of fierce competition to excel.

3. 当天买卖股票投机是一种危险的谋财之道。

Day trading is a dangerous way of trying to make a fortune.

4. 数百万人怀着暴发致富的幻想花钱买彩票。

Millions of people have a fantasy about getting rich quick and spend money on lotteries.

5. 人们担心如果军备竞赛失控,世界局势将进一步恶化

There is a fear that if the arms race gets out of hand, the world situation will be worse off.

6. 为了保护自己免遭失败的痛苦就放弃自己的抱负是不明智的。

It is not sensible to give up one’s own ambition in order to shield oneself from the bitterness of failure.

7. 许多人拼命挣钱,因为金钱可以买到大房子、小汽车、大屏幕电视以及其他被认为代表地位和身份的消费品。

Many people strain to earn money because money can buy big houses, cars, big-screen TVs and other consumer products which are considered symbols of status and identity.

8. 为了实现我们的抱负而努力奋斗是值得的。

It pays to exert ourselves to fulfill our own ambitions.

9. 十年前大多数中国人还买不起的手机现在已成为很普及的生活必需品。

The cell phone, which was beyond the reach of the majority of the Chinese people a decade ago, has now become a widely owned daily necessity.

10. 自从得到了晋升以后,她就表现得自命不凡。不过在我看来,她只不过是个微不足道的小人物。

She acts as if she were someone since she was promoted. But to me, she is a mere nobody.

[B] Ambition is one of those Rorschach words: define it and you instantly reveal a great deal about yourself. 1) Even the most neutral of works, Webster’s, in its Seventh New Collegiate Edition, gives itself away, defining ambition first and foremost as “an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power.”


Ardent immediately assumes a heat incommensurate with good sense and stability, and rank, fame, and power have come under fairly heavy attack for at least a century.


One can, after all, be ambitious for the public good, for the alleviation of suffering, for the enlightenment of mankind, …


The family would become superfluous as a social unit, with all its former power for bringing about neurosis drained away.


Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor.


