
发布时间:2020-08-11 01:53:17





【摘要】目的 探讨支气管动脉内灌注化疗药物(BAI)治疗老年肺癌的疗效及影响疗效的因素。方法 采用Seldinger法经皮股动脉穿刺插管行选择性支气管动脉造影,找到靶动脉后按3种药物配合分别注入化疗药物,观察疗效及影响疗效的因素。结果 本组101例老年肺癌总有效率为90.10%,中心型肺癌的有效率为81.80%,周围型肺癌为65.71%有肺外淋巴结转移者有效率为70.21%,无转移者为6 1.11%不同化疗药物配合对疗效的影响分别为56.09%44.14%52.88%肿瘤供血有侧支循环形成者疗效为85.70%,无侧支循环者为65.30%肿瘤内新生血管的影响,少血管型为45.81%,中血管型为65.63%,多血管型为75.56%。结论 选择性支气管动脉内注入化疗药物治疗老年肺癌的疗效优于静脉滴注化疗;其疗效与癌肿发生部位、组织类型及癌肿供血等因素有关,而与化疗配伍及有无淋巴结转移等无关。%Objective To study the curative ef fect and the influencin g factors about the treatment of lung cancer in senility by administration into bronchial artery infusion(BAI).Methods Selective angiography of the bronchial artery was performed by Seldinger method.After the target artery was found,three kinds of combinatio n chemotherapeutic drugs were administered respectively,then the curative effect and influencing factors were observed.Results (1)The total effective rate of the 101 lung cance r cases in senility was 90.10%it was 81.80% in the central type, it was 65. 71% in the peripheral type.(2)In groups with and without metastasis of extrapulm onary lymphnode,the effective rate was 70.21% and 61.11% respectively.(3)The i nfluence of different combination of chemotherapeutic drugs on the curative effe ct was 56.09%44.14% and 52.88% respectively.(4)As for the tumor with and wi thout lateral branch circulation supplied,the effective rats was 85.70% and 65 .30% respectively.(5)The influence of the new-grow blood vessels in tumor:the less blood vessels was 45.81%;the mean was 65.63%;the more was 75.56%.Conclusions Contrast administration into the selective br onc hial artery with into the venous drips,the curative effect of the treatment of l ung cancer in elderly is higher.And the curative effect is associated with the l ocation,histological type and blood supply of the tumor,but wasn't connected wit h the combination of the drugs,the metastasis of lymphnode,and etc.

