河南省信阳市平桥区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 仁爱版

发布时间:2019-12-13 20:07:00





1What time is it now?

AEight o'clock.

BAbout six o'clock.

CAbout seven o'clock.

2Whose birthday is it tomorrow?

AKangkang's. BAnn's. CBruce's.

3What is Li Ming good at?

AThe high jump. BThe long jump. CThe relay race.

4How many scores did the Red Team get?

AOne score. BTwo scores. CThree scores.

5How many hours did Jack sleep last night?

ASix hours. BEight hours. CTen hours.




6What happened to the old woman?

AShe lost her money.

BShe had a fever.

CShe fell down.

7Where is the old woman?

AIn a park. BNear a hospital. CIn the street.


8Who answered the telephone?

AMr. Smith. BHenry Brown. CWe don't know.

9When will Mr. Smith be back?

AAfter nine o'clock.

BAfter ten o'clock.

CAt ten o'clock.

10What does Henry Brown ask Mr. Smith to do?

ATo ring him up at ten.

BTo give him the message.

CTo call him tomorrow.


11Who wants Alice to be a doctor?

AHer father. BHer mother. CHer teacher.

12What does Tim want to be?

A. An actor. BA teacher. CA singer.


13The two people are talking about ________.

Athe school meet

Bthe school party

Cthe school trip

14They will wear ________.

Apants and T-shirts

Bsports clothes

Cbeautiful clothes

15They will meet at ________.

ABob's house

Bthe school gate

Cthe bus stop



































21—I can't move the heavy box to ________ other side of the street. Could you please give me ________ hand?


Athe; /

Ban; a

Can; /

Dthe; a

22I am ________ for New York next week.

Aleaving Bleave Cto leave Dleaves

23It is important ________ us ________ learn English well.

Afor; to Bto; to Cto; in Dfor; in

24His parents often tell him not to ________ much time ________ computer games.

Atake; to play

Btake; playing

Cspend; playing

Dspend; to play

25We will stay at home instead of ________.


Bto walk



26—I have a stomachache. —You had better ________ hot food.

Adon't eat Bnot to eat Cnot eat Dto eat

27Her mother tells her not to eat ________ candy.

Atoo many Btoo much Cmuch too Dmany too

28You ________ read in bed. It's bad for your eyes.

Ashould Bcan Cshouldn't Dcan't

29Taking ________ exercise and eating ________ food can make you keep thin.

Amore; less Bmore; more Cless; more Dless; less

30—What's wrong with you? —It's ________.

Anothing serious

Bserious nothing

Cserious something

Dserious everything

31________ in the sun is not good ________ your eyes.

AReading; to

BReading; for

CRead; to

DRead; for

32It's raining outside, but Li Ming went out ________ an umbrella just now.

Aof Bwith Cwithout Din

33You kept me ________ so long.

Awaiting Bto wait Cam waiting Dwait

34—Must I finish my homework before I go home?

—No, you ________. But you ________ finish it before tomorrow.

Amustn't; must

Bneedn't; must

Cmust; mustn't

Dneedn't; mustn't

35I think I can do it by ________.

Ahimself Bmyself Cthemselves Dyourself



If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food ____36____ good for our health. Tofu (豆腐), milk, vegetables are healthy for us.

Torn is a kind of traditional (传统的) ____37____ food. We often ____38____ it in China. Now more and more people ____39____ other countries think tofu is good for health, ____40____. They also like eating it.

Milk is ____41____ kind of health food. Every day you should ____42____ one or two glasses of milk. It can ____43____ us strong.

Vegetables are very important. You should eat ____44____ them. There are vitamin (维他命) A, B, C, D, E and so on in them.

As we know, it's important to keep a balanced diet (均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables ____45____ less meat.

36Aare Bis Cwill be Dwas

37AJapanese BAmerican CEnglish DChinese

38Aeat Bdrink Ctake Dplay

39Afor Bwith Cin Dat

40Atoo Balso Cwell Deither

41Athe other Bother Canother Dothers

42Adrinking Bdrink Ctake Dto take

43Akeep Bmakes Ckeeps Dkeeping

44Aa lot Bplenty Cmuch Da lot of

45Aand Bbut Cso Dthan




David is a young boy. He is only ten years old. He is 1.40 meters tall, but he is over 150kg. His parents worry about him. They hope that David can lose weight (减肥). They help David make a plan for losing weight.

1Run for half an hour in the morning every day.

2Go climbing twice a week.

3Join the school football team and play football twice a week.

4Take a walk after supper every day.

5Have more vegetables and less (更少的) meat.

6Don't eat junk food (垃圾食品).


46David is ________.

Aan old man Bheavy Cthin D11 years old

47Why does David need a plan?

ATo study well.

BTo go out for a trip.

CTo lose weight.

DTo see a movie.

48David will play football ________.


Btwice a week

Cevery week

Dthree times a week

49Which of the following is TRUE?

ADavid is very tall.

BDavid is not heavy.

CDavid doesn't like junk food.

DDavid's parents worry about him.

50How many hours will David run in a week?

A1 hour. B2 hours. C2.5 hours. D3.5 hours.


I think all of us should know it's necessary to have breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. If you want to keep fit, you should have a good breakfast. Eating the right food is also important. For it, you may have bread, eggs and milk, etc.

But in fact, many students go to school without breakfast. This harms their health. They usually say they have no time because it's too late or their parents don't have time to prepare breakfast for them.

What will happen to the students if they don't eat breakfast? Because they have no energy, they can't keep active. They may not grow fast. When they feel hungry (饥饿的), they are not able to study well and they have no energy to play well. What's worse (更糟), they will spend more time getting better once they fall ill.


51What is the most important meal of the day?

ABreakfast. BLunch. CSupper. DDinner.

52According to the passage, the right food for breakfast is ________.

Abread Beggs Cice cream DA and B

53Why do many students go to school without breakfast?

AThey think it's not important.

BThey would like to study well.

CThey get up early.

DTheir parents don't make breakfast for them.

54If students want to keep fit, they should ________.

Ahave a good lunch

Bstudy well

Cplay well

Dhave a good breakfast

55Which is TRUE according to the passage?

AMany students go to school after breakfast.

BBreakfast is not one of the most important meals.

CIt will take the students without breakfast less time to get better when they are ill.

DEating no breakfast is bad for the students.


It is important for students to do enough sports. Enough sports can help them to relax and have a good rest. But in some schools students don't have enough time to do outdoor activities, because some people think good grades are more important. At home, parents give their children good food and clothes, but they don't care about their sports. In fact, it's not good for students' growth.

Students spend most of their time and energy on their studies every day. If they don't do enough exercises, they will feel tired and bored. They may sleep on class and can't concentrate on (集中注意力) their studies. They won't study well. So it's necessary to give students enough time to do sports. After a good rest, they will learn much better.


56Why do students need to do sports?

ATo do sports can help them keep fit.

BTo do sports can help them relax and have a good rest.

CTo do sports can help them make friends.

DTo do sports can help them learn teamwork.

57Some schools think it is more important to ________ for students.

Akeep healthy

Bget good grades

Chave a good rest


58The underlined word growth means ________.





59If students can do enough sports, they will feel ________.

Abored Btired Cexcited Dsleepy

60Which of the following is TRUE?

AParents care about both their children's grades and their sports.

BAll the schools think grades are more important.

CIt's not necessary to give students enough time to do outdoor activities.

DIf students don't do sports, they can't study well.


How to Exercise Well

Warm up!

It's important to warm up before you exercise. ____61____ before you do any difficult activities.

Find good places to exercise.

You do not need to spend a lot of money. ____62____ You don't need to buy equipment for your home. Just get your body moving.


Choose a sport that you enjoy and then your exercise will be fun. Also, you only need to exercise a few times each week. If you exercise for 30 minutes each time, you will stay healthy.

Drink enough water!

It's important to drink water when you exercise. ____64____

Be careful!

If you hurt yourself while you are exercising, ____65____ Exercising when you are hurt is bad for your health.


ADon't work too hard.

BYou can run or play sports in a park or in your school gym.

Crest until you feel better.

DYour body needs it for energy and for keeping cool.

EYou need to stretch (伸展) your arms, hack and neck

61________ 62________ 63________ 64________ 65________



Everyone wants to be healthy. When we talk about health, we often think of good living ____66____, healthy food and exercise. But do yon know healthy teeth are ____67____ for us. They can make us fit and happy. Why is that?

It's ____68____ our teeth are important in many ways. Take care of them, and they'll help to take care of us. Strong, healthy teeth help us grow. They also help us speak clearly (清晰地). We can take care of our teeth ____69____ these:

Brush the teeth twice a day, ____70____ getting up and before bedtime. Brush all of the teeth, not just the front ones. We must ____71____ some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take the time while brushing. Spend at ____72____ three minutes each time. Be sure the toothbrush is soft (软的). Get a ____73____ toothbrush every, three months. Brushing keeps our teeth healthy. We also ____74____ to care about (注意) what we eat and drink. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink water ____75____ of drinks.

Do you want to have white and healthy teeth? Please brush your teeth!

66________ 67________ 68________ 69________ 70________ 71________ 72________ 73________ 74________ 75________



Sam is at the doctor's room.

A: Good morning, doctor.

B: Good morning, Sam. 76_______________________________?

A: I am feeling terrible, and I have a headache.

B: 77________________________________________________?

A: Two days.

B: Did you take your temperature?

A: 78________________________________________________, but I didn't have a fever. And my throat didn't have any pain, either.

B: I think you worked too long.

A: 79________________________________________________?

B: No, you needn't take any medicine. It's nothing serious.

A: 80________________________________________________?

B: You just need to have a good rest.

A: Thank you very much, doctor.


请根据以下提示,以“How to keep healthy”为题写一篇短文,为那些生活习惯欠佳,缺乏锻炼的朋友提出良好的建议。




How to keep healthy

It's important to keep healthy ___________________________





八年级英语(B (仁爱版) 参考答案

1—5 CBACA 6—10 CCCAA 11—15 BCCAB 16—20 AEBDC 21—25 DAACA 26—30 CBCAA 31—35 BCABB 36—40 BDACA 41—45 CBADB 46—50 BCBDD 51—55 ADDDD 56—60 BBCCD 61—65 EBADC











76What's wrong with you/ What's the matter with you

77How long have you been like this

78Yes, I did

79Must I take some medicine

80What should I do

七、It's important to keep healthy. Here are three main ways to keep healthy.

Firstly, it is necessary, to keep a balanced diet. We aren't supposed to eat too much junk food. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables every day. What's more, we are supposed to have meals regularly. Secondly, we shouldn't stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is also necessary. Finally, it is important to take regular exercise, such as swimming, jogging and so on.

In a word, we should develop a good habit of keeping healthy. In this way, we can enjoy a happy life.

河南省信阳市平桥区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 仁爱版
