
发布时间:2013-09-22 13:17:20


(2009-06-08 21:16:07)

.          元音字母在单词中的读音你掌握了吗?请根据例词的提示,从所给的选项中选出和例词中元音字母发音相同的一项。(每小题1分,共10分)

1.name    A. address  B. play   C. black  D. call

2.can     A. game    B.March  C.late   D.jacket

3.evening  A.egg     B.then    C.he    D. well

4.pen      A. yellow  B.teacher  C.size  D. large

5.fine     A. juice    B.singer   C.thin  D. white

6.quilt    A. milk     B.hair    C.like   D. terrible

7.home   A. you      B.country C.go    D. world

8.orange  A. post     B.down   C.dog    D. house

9. unit    A. quiet    B.fun     C.hungry  D. usually

10.ruler   A. during   B.blue    C.nurse   D. study


A. 一种读音  B.两种读音  C.三种读音  D.四种读音

11. A. bag     B.grade  C.class    D. woman

12. A. she     B.very   C.behind  D. men

13. A. middle  B.listen   C.nine     D. tired

14. A. on      B.today   C.do      D. clock

15. A. put     B.menu   C.but      D. number

16. A. my     B.yes     C.you     D. very

17. A. thing    B.age    C.good    D. tiger

18. A. know   B.think     C.car    D. school

19. A. there    B.hair     C.chair   D. where

20. A. book    B.cook    C.soon    D. too


21. A. grandmother  B.mother  C.sister  D. cousin

22. A. beef        B.mutton  C.chicken  D. broccoli

23. A. interesting  B.funny    C.friend  D. difficult

24. A. cook       B.reporter  C.actor  D. clever

25. A. dumplings  B.food     C.noodles  D. rice

26. A. January   B.April  C.Wednesday  D. December

27. A. you     B.we         C.they    D. I

28. A. pants    B.scarf      C.sunglasses  D. hat

29. A. lunch    B.dessert    C.breakfast  D. dinner

30. A. Canada   B.USA     C.France   D. Tokyo

四,请选出可以替换句中划线部分的选项。(每小题1 分,共10分)

31. Jenny wants to order some French fries.

A. would like   B.goes  C.loves  D. enjoys

32. We have great drinks and fruit salad at a good price .

A. as well as   B.as well as   C.also   D. or

33. Excuse me . Is there a library near here ?

   A. next to              B.at here 

C.at the neighborhood  D. in the neighborhood

34.My uncle Mark is kind of heavy .

   A. a little bit   B.very   C.more   D. a bit of

35.Let’s go to the zoo to see the dolphin show.

A. look  B.listen  C.watch  D. sound

36.When do you get to Beijing ?

   A. arrive   B.arrive in   C.go on   D. get up

37. In China , most students needn’t go to school on weekend.

   A. Friday afternoon      B.weekday

   C.Saturday and Sunday   D. school day

38.Hi ,Dick ! Let’s have a look at this computer game.

   A.bring a look at      B.take a look at

   C.give a look at       D. get a look at

39.My mother often takes the bus to work.

   A. goes to work by bus   B.drives a bus to work

   C.works on the bus     D. works for the bus

40. Jenny is big for her age in her class .

   A. too old to be a student   B.very old

   C.the tallest girl    D. older than other students


41.These oranges are orange,I like them very much.

   A.橙子   B.橙汁   C.橙色的   D.橙皮

42. Look at these childrens, they are lovely .

A.小鸡   B.鸡肉   C.公鸡   D.炸鸡

43.We always have a conversation with our teacher.

   A.休息   B.谈话   C.实验   D.测验

44.You can post your letters from Monday to Friday.

   A.传送   B.发送   C.收取   D.邮寄

45.She is surprised that I can play the violin well .

   A.高兴的   B.妒忌的   C.惊奇的   D.伤心的

46.Frank is really a yes-man and nobody likes him.

   A.唯唯诺诺的人   B.说一不二的人

   C.实事求是的人   D.脚踏实地的人

47.Peter often does bad things, people all think he is a black sheep.

A.黑马王子  B.人中之龙  C.黑色绵羊 D.害群之马

48.-Mum, do you love ?

-Of course, my son . You are the apple of my eye.

A.眼中苹果  B.掌上明珠  C.亲生骨肉  D.眼中钉

49.-I want a large hamburger and a large coke .

-OK. Is that for here or to go?

A.餐厅就餐  B.中式快餐  C.餐厅外卖  D.烛光晚餐

50.-Kate, do you have a ball at your birthday party?

-Yes, of course .

A.参加舞会  B.过的愉快  C.邀请朋友  D.得到礼物


51.Andy Liu is a _________ (China)pop singer

52.Liu Xiang is a famous  _________ (run) star

53.Some _________ (child) like ice cream but parents don’t like it .

54.Today is Tony’s  _________ (nine) birthday

55.Maria likes to take a walk at the beach because she thinks it is  _________ (relax).

56.We all like Jackie Chan’s _________ (act) movies .

57.People in the shop are _________ (friend)to us .

58.Mike says he _________ (real) wants to be a teacher.

59.It’s _________ (cloud ) today.

60.My uncle works at a restaurant as a ________ (wait).


61.Mum, my T-shirt are too short. I need a _____one.

62.Don’t put your backpack here, put it over _____.

63.I think this storybook is interesting, but Jim thinks it is _________.

64.Sell these newspapers first, then you can ______a backpack.

65.Some girls think math is_________ but I think it is easy.

66.Teachers teach lessons in the school and students _________ something at school .

67.July is always happy and he is_______ sad.

68.I can’t answer the question. Go and ________the teacher.

69.They are in the same school, but they are in the ________ classmates.

70.Linda often goes to music club before 7:00 because the class begins _________ 7:00。(每小题1分,共10分)



A: No, he isn’t . Mike is from Australia .

72. Q:What is she doing ?


73. Q:How’s the weather today ?


74. Q:Is the bank in front of the school ?


75. Q:What does your mother do ?




Jane 的几个好朋友在暑假里都找到了兼职工作,他们边学习边工作,度过了一个愉快的假期。

Tom: I can dance and sing very well. I have an exciting job during the summer vacation. I work for a children’s music club. We go to many cities and play music for people .

Mike: I get a job from a restaurant . When people go out for dinner I am busy. I take their orders and sometimes clean dishes. I work long hours every day. I have to work from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Amy: I like writing very much. I write some funny stories for a children’s magazine during the vacation. Now I am writing something about my summer job for the school’s newspaper .

John: It is really hot in summer. But I have to send letters to my neighbors house to house every afternoon. I am very tired every day but I am happy.

Mary: During the summer vacation I teach some little kids English. They don’t give me money for that but I want to do that .


   Tom works as an/a76____and he thinks it is a very 77_______ job. Mike works as a78______ and he works in a79__________.Amy works as a80________for a magazine. Now she is81________something about her summer job. John works hard during the vacation. He82_____ letters to his neighbors. He works as a83_______. Mary works as a84________, she85_______some little kids English.


   Hello, my name is Lily. This is a map of the Super District .It is very beautiful and I live here. Can you see my house? It’s next to a new building on Green Street  My best friend Betty lives in that building. There also is a clean and big garden across from that building . We often play there. I often go to the music school on Saturday. It is across from a bank on White Avenue . My mother and I always go to the Star Supermarket. It is between the garden and the music school on Green Street and Betty’s mother sells clothes there. There is a quiet

library next to my house on White Avenue. It is across from an old post office. My mother works at the post office.


86.Lily’s house is between the________ and the______.

87.The Star Supermarket is_______ ______Lily’s house.

88.The garden is______ _____the supermarket.

89.Betty’s mother works as a______ __________in the supermarket.

90.How can Lily’s mother get to the post office from her house?

  Go _________and turn_______.


1-5    BDCAD      6-10   ACCDB

11-15  DCBCC      16-20  CCBAB

21-25  DDCDB      26-30  CDADB

31-35  ABDAC      36-40  BCBAD

41-45  CABDC      46-50  ADBCD




















71.Is Mike from the USA?

72.She is eating ice cream .

73.It’s sunny.

74.No, it isn’t. It’s next to the school .

75.She is a nurse .











86.building   library

87.across from

88.next  to

89.shop  assistant

90.straight  right


